whats your experience like with the 5th gen of video game consoles? What are your favorite games from your childhood, have any stories of discovering something great while you rented something for the weekend or a story of suffering by being stuck with shit? Were you a poor ass motherfucker who had to stick with a ps1 or n64 5 years longer than everyone else? Were you that kid with the saturn who really liked bug and virtua cop?
Whats your experience like with the 5th gen of video game consoles? What are your favorite games from your childhood...
thats a shame
N64 was garbage.
PSX was a'ight.
Saturn was GOAT.
How about you take your thread to cuckchan.
No, it's staying here, you can go though.
I agree
I was an N64fag way into the gen after. Played it so much that I wore down multiple controllers, but since the insides of that stick are made of plastic that isn't much of an achievement. I ended up having to grip the stick with a thumb and forefinger just to compensate for it. Great console, but needs more games.
I never had a PS1 at the time but all my friends did, and I was always interested in it. I'm planning on getting into emulating it soon, but I have too much on my plate already.
I never even heard of the saturn until long after the generation was over. I was a SEGA guy but ended up with Nintendo for that generation, and the others since. I kinda want a Saturn now, especially since it's been successfully hacked. Embed related is fucking cool.
Between me and my brother, we were able to have a nice selection from PS1 and N64. N64 proved over time to be a bit of a feast or famine console while PS1 kept a nice drip, especially when it came to RPGs.
As far as great discoveries, that would be more aligned with checking out import titles that are Blockbuster had (Japanese Mystical Ninja) or trying games out on friend's borrowed modded PS1 to experience beatmania on a standard controller
It's Playstation or Playstation 1 faggot
Forgot to mention some actual stories.
>This was in 2004
Had a PS1 and later a N64 as a kid, I still have about 40 PS1 games. I never got too much into Nintendo stuff, I got it for Pokemon Stadium and the extension that let you play Pokemon Red/Blue. I had Banjo & Kazooie but didn't like it, I had the Crash and Spyro trilogies on PS1 and much preferred them. I had OoT and enjoyed it but I've never enjoyed any other Zelda game since despite trying a few, they're all too similar. I did play a lot of Turok 1-3 on N64 which I have fond memories of, and Star Wars Episode 1 Racer which was good. Most of my childhood revolved around the PS1 though.
That reminds me of when I got Turok 2.
PSX was Sony's sad attempt at mixing a DVR and a PS2, not the Playstation.
At times like these I'm glad my parents only restricted games because they were a waste of time, and not because of content.
Pic related was only 5th gen console I've ever played. It had few pinball games and bad platformers. But, by adding ram, keyboard and HDD, you could turn it into Amiga PC.
Also played original Playstation at my friend's.
5th gen was really the last time, when there was a large variety of console hardware. Since 6th it seems that competition is locked between Sony/MS/Nintendo.
It was the only time my mother bitched and I was 13 at the time. What the hell is the problem with seeing covered tits for a 13 year old? My mom was probably jealous hers were smaller.
i got an n64 the xmas after release and asked for mario kart 64. my sister and i got diddy kong racing and some terrible 3d platformer i can't remember the name of, i was a pretty upset child.
i rented the vast majority of my games, the block i lived on got struck by lightning which fried the tv and a bunch of other appliances (and pokemon stadium for some reason, which i returned to the store as defective) but the n64 just got cable connection issues.
i spent a lot of nights after school collecting all the characters (t.t. mostly) in diddy kong racing, even though the hot new ps2 was out.
then i went to college and the console and all the games were sold in my absence. so, i went and unlocked all the characters in an emulator over the course of many days. years later i was living in a new city and bonded with my roommate over the game, though we also played quite a few others.
diddy kong racing was and is easily my favorite n64 game.
It was PSX before they made the PSX and before the PSone came out.
My friend and 1 use to rent the n64 at blockbuster, then we bought it. I got a Playstation for xmas and the games looked so much better but there was no multiplayer. I got the Dreamcast a few years after that.
I wasn't allowed to have consoles or play games on the computer before 5th gen. I think I was like 16 at the time they came out so my dad said it was ok ;( I lived a very sheltered life which led to my alcoholism.
It was PSX only in America, faggots.
Every other country called it Playstation.
Childhood is a long time. You can easily have an N64 growing up, while having started vidya on an older console.
It's a PSX
It's not
Even in America, I only heard PSX when abbreviated by cancerous forum communities online.
Is that like 20XX?
PSX could be PS[1-9]?
Only millennials and bongs call it PS1
Played the fuck out of Guardian heroes back in the day when everyone else was playing FF7. Regret nothing. I am still looking for my guardian heroes disc. Have my saturn hooked up and ready for it.
Do you wanna come to my place and play some dolphin?
that's how stupid you sound
Only goons call the PlayStation 1, "PlayStation 10".
X is a call sign for a railroad station
You got me
Quad dubs of truth
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
Megaman X4
Megaman X5
Megaman X6
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Winning Eleven (Soccer)
Silent Hill
Crash Bash
Crash Team Racing
Crash Bandicot
Syphon Filter
Tomb Raider
Tekken 3
Gran Turismo
Nintendo 64
Mario 64
007 GoldenEye (I hope SJW never destroy 007 because if they destroy 007 character, i will erase this game of my memory and abandom this forever in the same way i abandoned Star Wars)
Forget Mario Kart 64
Metal Gear too and others i forgot
I 100% the first Spyro every now and then, but the minigames in the subsequent ones ensure I've only done it once for 2 and 3.
A lot of the best PS1 games are massive 40+hr long RPGs which I feel limits the appeal of the system. People always say it's an amazing platform and they'll namedrop 60 killer exclusive JRPGs but to me this is like "wow I need to spend half a year to play a dozen of these with the free time I have available." Then I look at the Saturn library and I see 60, 30 minute to an hour and a half games that are all wicked arcade style games or short games that encourage replaying. They aren't like N64 length games which have a lot of padding in the form of collectibles or just overly long levels for the sake of it. I play Turok 2 and I feel like my time is being wasted. I play Keio flying squadron 2 and I feel like I'm being challenged and engaged in new and interesting ideas.
I love a good RPG, but I don't have all the time in the world to play games teenage me would be happy to invest 6 hours after school with. I have 4-6 free hours depending on my day, with my days off I like to spend playing multiplayer style games or quick switching style games with my friends. Those kinds of games exist on every platform but the Saturn is full of them. The majority of the best games are like that and it's really entertaining to be able to switch to a totally different game and still have that same level of investment, I can spend weeks getting amazing or beat it and move on.
You're all plebs, don't even mention of the best games of the generation.
A 2D platformer that actually used the platforms potencial almost to its fullest.
Yes, that's what happens when you compare quality games to kike trash that was originally designed around the principle of A) Having basically no content, and B) Masking said lack of content by extracting shekels from the player in order to bypass failure states.
Which means these RPGs give you infinitely more bang for your buck. There are very few games worth playing today, so you should be grateful there are so many classics packed full of content that you can revisit.
You fit the typical ADHD millennial stereotype. Congratulations.
I'm obsessed with Alucard's animations. Most perfect walk cycle ever implemented into a game. Joseph's cloak best cloak.
not bad for a game that reuses assets and is a bit of a grinding game
PSX blew the other two out of the water.
There are ~4 N64 games worth playing and ~4 Saturn games worth playing.
FUN FACT: Sega of Japan told both Sony and Silicon Graphics (the N64 technology guys) to fuck off on a collaboration deal before building their own janky hardware. In some alternate history the Saturn very well could have been some strange PS1 or N64 variation.
They said it in Canada too.
Time to stop posting
Bought a Saturn first as I was a sega and arcade kid so it was a inevitable. Got a 64 for Christmas about 2 years later after playing banjo kazooie at my sisters friends house, I think I got Banjo Kazooie before I even had a 64 because I loved it so much.
Psx was great but all my friends had one so I just went over their houses to play resident evil, crash bandicoot ect.
Also a reminder that 5th Gen was the behinning of the end.
N64 is fun, though the library shows its age now besides the usual classic 3D platformers and party games, many games have fucking awful framerate due to their overambitious 3D visuals.
PS1 had an amazing library, my personal all-time favorite console.
Saturn is also excellent, even if the West got shafted. Collecting for it sucks but getting an Action-Replay and performing the Pseudosaturn softmod unlocks the amazing potential of the console's library of rare games and Japanese exclusives.
3DO was too ambitious, underpowered compared to what was coming, and plagued with shovelware, but there were some gems for it. Like a stepping stone between the Sega CD and the PS1.
Sega 32X was kind of interesting from a conceptual standpoint, but it honestly should've been scrapped in favor of just letting the Saturn be.
PC-FX was a weird console, not necessarily bad but there was no way in Hell it could compete with PS1 or Saturn, only hardcore weebs need apply for its library.
Apple Pippin was an overpriced, overambitious pile of crap, only decent game for it was Marathon but it was way-better on proper Mac PC's anyway.
Amiga CD-32 was okay, but pretty redundant and not as cost-effective as just getting a proper Amiga PC.
FM Towns Marty is 2obscure4me for being the first 32-bit console on the market. Does anyone even know what kind of games this oddity had?
Casio Loopy and Playdia were another goofy weeb oddities nobody cared about.
Game.Com was an underpowered stinker.
GameBoy Color was great.
Virtual Boy was silly, but not outright bad.
You see, I grew up with a PS1 when I was about 5, but lost while moving a few years later. Despite HUGE nostalgia for the system, the main reason I recently picked up an N64 as opposed to a PS1 is because it seems to have a bigger, better library of exclusives.
All I remember on my PS1 was Bug's Life, Final Fantasy, Parasite Eve, Soul Reaver, and rented copies of Harry Potter and Dexter's Laboratory games. I liked most of them except Final Fantasy, the main menu would just play in a loop and 5 year old me was too retarded to operate it, but I can't seem to find too many good titles that are actually exclusive to the console.
With the N64, I get Starfox, Banjo, Mario, Zelda, Harvest Moon, and a few other 3rd party titles. I might pick up a PS1 later on in my collection, but if I do, my library will likely be just as small, if not smaller, than my N64 library. Spyro looks pretty fun, at least.
the machines destroyed all competition there and they tanked everywhere else. Just goes to show you japanese taste is completely different than the west's. More food for thought that they have shit taste, but the saturn and pce were baller.
Sega Saturn: Never owned one, can't say
N64: Some decent first party support, and of course a handful of decent third party titles, but a lot of shovelware.
PSX: A lot, lot more shovelware than N64, but it did eventually get better versions of Chrono Trigger, FFVI, and a few other SNES games.
Overall, I'd say PSX is only slightly below the N64.
The 5th gen is what made me grow disillusioned with consoles, honestly.
My childhood was largely defined by the 16-bit era. SNES, Genesis, and the Sega Channel.
Parents decided to surprise me with an N64 for my birthday. 13-year-old me thought if the SNES was so amazing, there's no way that the N64 could be bad! I was wrong.
Yes, it had some good games, but it took months for a new release to hit, and I'd hit Blockbuster every weekend to pick up games. After being spoiled by the libraries of the SNES and the Genesis, the N64 library just wasn't that good. About 2 months after my birthday, our family PC got upgraded (a Pentium! Holy shit!) – and after being introduced to things like Quake, and Duke Nukem; there was just no going back.
I did finally play the PSX a little in my freshmen year of high school, but I resented the fact that Squaresoft was making the games I wanted to play, on the console that I didn't have. Which made me resent the console itself. I never played FFVII until it started shipping with Voodoo cards for that super brief period in time.
Sorry for the blog, it's a weird crossroads for me, and I still haven't played a majority of the PSX JRPGs that I had missed out on. Today, I look back on the N64 with nothing but contempt.
Nigger that was later. PS1 was called PSX for years by publications.
Lol western cuck never imported.
And just like I told you in the Castlevania thread: If you have to grind in SotN then you really fucking suck at video games.
PS1 > Saturn > N64.
Honestly, when did we start apologizing for talking about our lives as they relate to video games? I get that usually there's no reason to give a shit, but if you put effort into talking about it you shouldn't feel bad.
Sometimes I feel like Holla Forums is leaving me behind.
I'm conditioned to the usual Holla Forums faggotry posts.
etc. Normally, I keep my posts short and sweet, but this one was worth venting into. I needed the catharsis.
My PSX was basically a JRPG machine.
Well yeah, I am too, but still, there's no need to keep everything so sterile so often.
To be on topic, though, I started with a PS1. I remember having really good times by going over to my friend's houses so we could take turns playing JRPGs and shit. I got introduced to some good shit that way - Legend of Dragoon, Digimon World, even Chrono Trigger. I was a poor kid, though, I think the only game I actually owned that wasn't mainstream was Battle Arena Toshinden.
Grew up with N64 and enjoyed the hell out of it. Now prefer Saturn because it has the most arcade-y style games in its library. PSX is pretty meh, you're not missing out much on it if you aren't a JRPGfag. It also has the most shovelware out of the three. Honestly it's kinda overrated.
There's a yin and a yang between feels and rage, but if i had to take a guess it'd be either 'always, fuck you' or 'whenever we started getting sick of 4am threads'.
I stopped looking at those years ago so I don't know how bad they got
Only niggers and trailer park trash owned PS1s, at least where I lived. Whereas the kids who owned N64 were always those kids whos family was into sports and whos mom signed him up for the school baseball team and cub scouts. The only kids who still gave a shit about SEGA at that point were the flame-shirt spiked hair kids who were also really into Digimon (probably because it wasn't Pokemon/Nintendo or something)
And then there's me who was a lower-middle class kid in those days who had a Gameboy but got an N64 for free from your cousins who happened to be the exact kind of rich sporty kids I mentioned earlier
Silicon Graphics were the guys who initially started the Reality Project to get realtime 3D graphics into homes, if I recall they offered to collaborate with Nintendo and SEGA but SEGA rejected their proposal
The entire story of the N64 itself is kind of a trip. The whole 64-bit real-time 3D thing really was revolutionary for the time. Unfortunately it made the console way too expensive for normal plebs as well as too complex for game developers to handle so it was nowhere near as successful. It reminds me of the PS3 actually, just replace Realtime 3D Graphics with rhetoric about supercomputer processors and shit
Luckily I was an idort back then, here's my experience.
PlayStation: first one I got in 1996, I actually wanted a N64 due to Super Mario 64 hype (I had already seen SM64 running at a TV on a store and my jaw dropped to the floor, that shit in 1996 was mind blowing). Parents got me a PS for my birthday though due to cheaper games (console came already modchipped so I could get pirated games for about 1/10 of the price of a N64 game).
Got PlayStation with some classics: Jumping Flash 2, Tekken II, Ridge Racer Revolution and Alien Trilogy.
I guess I liked it well enough, Jumping Flash 2 was really fun, but I still wanted to play the N64.
Just a week later, my grandma surprises me with a N64, fucking loved it. Only had SM64 but I played that game alone more than any of the others on PS, which were more arcade or shorter.
I kept getting PS games, but it was often hit and miss, and more miss than hit. N64 games came out slower, but I enjoyed most of them a lot. Playing Wave Race 64 in summer of 1997 was the best (and WR64 is STILL the best jetski game ever made, not that there are many others, but WR64 was better than even the stuff Sega put out at arcades, and the sequel of Waverace on Gamecube, it couldn't top the 64 version).
For the most part, I played N64 more but I did play PS as well, just because the games were so cheap. Also, PS had anime games, I got Dragon Ball Z Legends, loved it. Later got Final Bout, hated it (but still played it a lot).
On N64 I got disappointed with MK trilogy, which I also later got on PS, and was just as disappointing), Killer Instinct Gold (actually good), and Mario Kart 64 which became the star multiplayer game with my friends.
However, since I was also an idort during the 4th gen and I loved the Genesis, I also wanted the Saturn, and I ended up getting one in 1997. I actually loved the shit out of the Saturn, and played endless hours of NiGHTS, Virtua fighter 2 and Sega Rally. The Saturn just seemed like a very special and mystical console compared to the other two, especially NiGHTS gave me a very special whimsical feel that I didn't get with the other consoles. Sadly, getting games for Saturn wasn't as easy as it was with the other 2 consoles, so for the most part, I abandoned the Saturn, due to not being able to find games, and kept focusing on N64 and PS. In 1998 arrived many great games like Ocarina of Time, Metal gear solid, etc so I was busy anyway.
I revived my interest on Saturn years later, around 2002, when I started getting games for very cheap. To this day I still use my Saturn and N64.
If I have to be honest, the console I liked the most was the N64, I'm aware it's not the most popular opinion, but over the years I kept discovering great games on it like Goemon or Sin and Punishment, same with Saturn. PS also has a huge load of games that I still haven't played, but somehow the PS was always the one I liked the least, like, it's an okay console, great catalogue and all, but I never was passionate about it, it was nice to own, but it never blew my mind. It was never special to me.
I think the N64's secondary titles like Goemon's Great Adventure and Sin and Punishment and Mischief Makers made the console ultimately something interesting. The big primary hitters by nintendo and rare tended to be good games, but they console would not have any interest outside of nostalgic playing or some more in depth analysis of truly brilliant designs like in mario 64 - were it not for those more niche titles.
That said, the actual quantity of games worth playing on the N64 is really, really, really low. Especially compared to its predecessor the SNES which you probably couldn't find a letter in the alphabet and bump into a dozen kick ass games. under it.
I've been spending a lot of time with the saturn lately and it's been amazing. It may be my favorite system of all time.
Yeah, compared to NES and SNES, N64 had a much smaller catalogue, and it is lacking in several genres, however, as small as its catalogue is, it does have its share of good games, at the end of the day I find myself playing N64 games more, even today.
With Saturn is even, although I admit a lot of what I play on Saturn are ports, many times of older arcade games.
On N64 I mostly play exclusives, and there's definitely more than Goemon, S&P and MM.
Probably N64 can be best compared to the Master System: better hardware than the competitor (due to coming a year and a half later), but mostly 1st party support and scattered 3rd party stuff, but many of it of high quality too.
Spyro 1 is an all-time favorite of mine; definitely in good part due to nostalgia.