They have had a press release copy for over a week, and not a single one of their staff is competent enough to advance through the game enough to see enough content to write about it, let alone complete it.


How much more pathetic can "games journalists" get?

Other urls found in this thread:



Leftists are subhuman animals. Why do you think they're so fixated on lowering the bar on everything? With vidya you can see it in the how everything they make is shit, pixel art is primitive, music is uninspired, gameplay is usually subpar platforming that can't even live up to the titles it's trying to evoke nostalgia for, graphics look like shit, programming is godawful.

Is it any surprise even something as basic as gaming is above the vermin? But I bet you we'll see a slew of articles defending Polygon and their idiocy like the did with the Doom debacle.

Stop giving these people money with your views. Journalists are bad at video games what else is new. Get back to shitposting threads of games you don't like

even if it was easy they'd probably refuse to review it because it's Japanese or whatever excuse they like to use now.

How the fuck can anyone take Polgyon seriously after their Doom footage?
How the fuck did anyone take Polygon seriously ever?

Journalists declared a social justice jihad on lady Gaga for not attacking trump during the super bowl.

Because Polygon speaks to the reddit audience. When all you play is TF2, Portal and Skyrim them being clueless imbeciles hits right on the spot.

I thought I couldn't take them any less seriously until I saw that video of them being unable to get through a loop in Green Hill Zone in Sonic Mania.

Remember When they gave Dead rising 3 a bad review because the villains were too mean along with fat shaming and transphobia? Not even kidding.


That didn't take long.

Anyone want to take bets on how long it'll be before the usual suspects just full-on make reviewing other people's Let's Plays the media standard?

You can just hear the stench of beta emanating from that article text. Polite sage because these guys need to continue to wallow in their irrelevancy.


couldn't be any worse than current year retsuprea.

Of all the things to complain about in that game, why is that it?

To this day I wonder why game sites like Kotaku and Polygon are still around. Its not even because of shit nobody remembers anymore like gamergate, its because they suck so bad at video games and yet are given loads of review copies.


is this satire? Are they parodying themselves at this point? holy fuck.

I can see the article title already
wasn't there a scan of an old english videogame magazine, where the article is talking about the dreaded 85% score and how devs have to make easier press releases?

How bad are they now anyway?

I was going to make a joke about how in a bunch of years they'll probably make shit up instead of spending any time with the game in any form at all but I realized it's too close to reality to be considered a joke.

Because Donald trump is the reason the patriots won the super bowl because they had a white QB and that's racist.

Why can't we put these people in the ovens again?

Aren't whites a minority in handegg? Did Trump's team culturally enrich them?


something something morality


Most of the patriots were black. They just had more whites than most NFL teams. Now BLM rioted and label the black patriots uncle toms

Got a source on that? That's almost too insane to believe

What's happening in that weebm? Arresting (((antifa))) "peaceful protestors"?

To be fair, they were obviously playing on a keyboard and mouse setup…. without a mouse.

There’s nothing immoral about killing communists, queers, or jews.

I don't remember any articles defending Polygon's terrible playing of Doom.

Bad enough their current fans are near-exclusively wannabe-tranny Something Awful goons who crow endlessly about how "mature" the new direction of the series has been

Yeah. There own video review


and Lenin
and Stalin
and Mao
and some africans in bumfuck nigeria or somethin

I'm actually kinda curious, what's the subcount now compared to 2-3 years ago?

Nope. The button prompt says "press R3." They're using a controller.

Not sure about 2-3 years ago, current subcount is 124,222 YT users.

I thought this didnt matter to jarnalests? didnt they admit to not completing games before reviewing?

webm pls

They apologized for one of their old longplay commentaries but I don't know which one.

So what does it even take to be a "game journalist" at this point?
It's clearly not "be good at video games", and their articles are shit, so what does that leave them with?

This is just a clickbait cash grab by a no talent writer. Since these faggots are all about quantity they need any reason to write something with as little time investment possible. The funniest part of this is the writer had to watch this on Youtube. Couldn't even bother finding friends to watch, at least then you can interact with the person playing. I bet the next article will be "Experiencing [MOVIE TITLE HERE] Only Watching Someone's Facial Expressions: The Kuntaku Review"


So imagine how little headway they've made at all that they had to disclaim they had too little progress between them to do any kind of write-up.

Wow, problematic. It's 2017, American football needs a quota or else there won't be equality.

That feels lower, they were pretty popular for a while. I know slowbeef is an irredeemable cuck who has no idea why he isn't popular anymore but I wonder if diabetus is actually in on the whole sjw bullshit train or not.

Ideological cronyism.


attention, you know what i mean. Who cares about journalists being bad at a game?

Being part of the clique.

Dude makes good points but his videos are made for fucking faggots.

Do they know what "practice" means?
Do they know what "general curiosity" means?
How can they lack the ability to move two sticks at the same time or move a mouse and press 2 of 4 keys at the same time?

To get them to actually lose views by spreading these shits and lose their jobs and get their thrash off the interwebs.

Anyone who isn't a day-one newfag knows Polygon is worthless shit. What purpose is there in repeating the fact endlessly, to people who already know and agree? Quit circlejerking about how right you are, you retarded faggots.

These people are a joke.

woman review

>t. Polygon employee

doesnt nioh release today?

I'm not tired of winning yet.

Polygon dindu nuffin, there's no problem with game reviewers being literally incapable of playing games. That's also why I only read books recommended by illiterates.

This is what I'd expect my mother to be like if she played video games.


Lets be honest, how many of you browse polygon and kotaku daily? Just admit it.

Are there any decent vidya reviewers?

I never browsed them daily, though before GG I'd read their articles when other people linked them. Haven't been there since GG.

Diabetus I recall actively making fun of Slowbeef in the Gamergate days for giving undivided attention to something he referred to as unimportant in the same breath instead of doing anything useful like caring for his wife and child.

There used to be, in the past. CVG had top notch reviewers up till the early 2000s, then most of the staff left and/or was replaced by some tween-lookalikes.

Maybe they should just hire people who actually plays game not just whine about leftist agendas left-and-right…

I agree that you don't need to be good to enjoy them. There's loads of games I'm shit at but have fun playing. But by God you need to be good at the game to give any sort of "professional" opinion on it. That's like me going to try and play rugby with people twice my size and deciding that rugby is a shit sport. It makes you look like an idiot.

TB was alright, back when he actually reviewed games. Now, when he bothers to review something, it's some bullshit 2D indie piece of shit that nobody cares about.

Really explains why they talk about the weekly made up isms more then vidya.

Since this has become Poe's Law thread here is another gem. archive.is/3vNA5


Holla Forums.
After you read through dozens of posts shitting on a game then a bunch praising it along with some videos and pictures thrown in, you'll get a decent idea of what to expect.

That's not even the best of Campbell.

Remember when he used to do good things like recommend Starsector? Now all he does is bitch about Trump.

I mean, the thought that a bunch of nobodies calling themselves "game reviewers" can't give a review on a game because it's too hard for them gets a mental chuckle, but why do people like OP still even think of going to that place and places like it?
These threads aren't that interesting and we've shat on reviewers countless times by now.

I'm just waiting for the cancer to spread to his testicles and for the wife to leave him.

The law of diminishing returns hasn't kicked in yet.

Didn't he saw he was going to be cured this time a couple of weeks ago?

I have faith in cancer.

I feel bad for this sad faggot. Writes as if he is the reincarnation Kant, attempting to decipher the meaning of a futile existence. Thinking he is some undiscovered gem whose talents are underutilized. Doesn't realize that being a pompous cunt isn't a talent.

So about what I expected then.

The game might actually be good.

How? Because one was a dyed haired punk who somehow blowjobbed her way into the military? Because the mom was a cheating whore who was herself cucked by a younger woman? Because Lesbians are the bravest people on earth who face real persecution?
Seriously, what the fuck is he even talking about?

There were more than a few.


You know the game is good when SJW's hate it. It's a general rule of thumb.

that's not a good rule of thumb at all. they shit on WoW and nuDoom for example.

Angry Joe is pretty fair, or used to be at least.
Just look at gameplay and decide for yourself, sheep.

No. Game reviewers have always been a reflection of the mass market game industry. In the past, that meant people like you and I. For the last 20 years the market has been steadily expanding beyond that scope, which means reviewers now reflect a market that primarily plays mobile games and prefers to watch videos or streams of people playing actual games so they can comment or chat with the embedded widgets. The only interest they have in such games is social. Social media is the new entertainment.

Why were people defending RockPaperShitgun again?

They hated Hatred, and that wasn't good.

He's transparently a newfag, and tries to pass himself off as knowledgeable when he really isn't. Also, he does clickbait reaction shit. I'll give him some credit for speaking his mind, but I wouldn't rely on him to make purchase decisions.

They used to be good once upon a time.

The non-mobile vidya market isn't expanding anymore, though. That's part of why publishers are so desperate these days. For a good 10 years or so, they could rely on games selling in larger and larger amounts. But the core market is done expanding, now that anyone who wants one already has a console or gaming PC. And a lot of the newcomers in this no-longer-growing market are becoming more like us. They're developing taste (albeit very slowly) and learning about the shit business practices that the industry foists on them. Not all of them, but enough that I'm actually somewhat optimistic about the future.

I remember when in old games like Diablo 2 or Worms you were pretty much forced to socialize to enjoy the game. Nowadays it's either a complete distraction from the game or so sterilized you ask yourself what's the point in sending one of 6 predefined phrases instead of completely demoralizing your opponent with fury of banter and insults.

Of course, that was when everyone was dukenukem69 or weeabooknight92 instead of putting on their real names and personal data.

The big names are him and totalbiscuit.
just like voting in a democracy :^)


Video game media and the western video games industry is thoroughly politicized. Video games can't just be video games anymore, they need to promote an agenda. To get this agenda across, the games are often simplified. The non-western games industry is less politicized, and generally games tend to be made for the purpose of gameplay rather than political opinion. The political agenda isn't focused on Liberalism either, plenty of games are made that focus around Right Reactionary agenda as well.

Some examples of politically charged games from the west:

So? The question wasn't for "big name" reviewers, it was for "decent" ones.
Democracy is a broad method, it doesn't mean only the current shitty form of "lol here's two choices. what do you mean, freedom means the capacity to act spontaneously instead of choosing the lesser of two evils, you're dumb lol"

That's like running a marathon wearing flip-flops.

I'd be ashamed to post bait this shit.

Mack from Worth a Buy is just about the only reviewer I feel like I can trust to give his honest opinion and even then his opinion is pretty shit sometimes so you have to take everything he says with a grain of salt.

Say what you will about Pissy Pedro but he doesn't seem like as much of a shill as other big youtubers. He's a faggot but he's an honest faggot, at least from what I've seen.


no it's just cancer. cancer and metafaggotry, but not political.

it's about as political as postal

kys you leftist faggot

He's also a complete moron and part of the CA circlejerk.
Remember the time he confronted the Doritos Pope about RTS and got rekt?

Yahtzee's remained good over the years. He leans left but he's not fucking crazy or anything.

I had held out some hope that maybe they were playing on a laptop with a trackpad or something. It would also have accounted for the weird, short bursts of movement–like they were pushing the WASD keys once and expecting the motion to be continuous.
The fact that they were that bad on a fucking controller is even worse, though.

thanks for reminding me to download and play it now that I have a x64 OS.

This isn't Holla Forums- Political Larping.

Controllers ARE total crap for this kind of game, though.


Yahtzee's entertaining, but his video content is just that: entertainment. It's not a review; it's really hard to take ZP and convert it into a decision on whether or not to buy a game. His written stuff is better, but he doesn't generally review games in those.

Sure, my point was just that I could imagine a newfag who was inexperienced with keyboards being that bad. But to be that bad at basic movement with a controller, he must be disabled or something.

I don't get triggered by people playing games I don't like, so have fun I guess, smug-kun.


sorry wrong image

Why? He's not even funny or informative. He's literally just sperging infront of a camera.

For an edge simulator I thought it was pretty good.
Keep in mind that allot of that play time was mostly just running the clock to get the 50 hours played achievement.

I guess it's just not for me. Part of it might be that I can't stand isometric games anymore. If you guys can get some joy out of it though, then more power to you.

Huh. I actually remember that one. Must've forgotten about it since then. Thanks.

Im honestly so excited to play Nioh. i played the 3 demos that came out and each one offered challenge, fun, and was insanely addictive.
its like an "arcade" version of dark souls.
its hard… but nothing some grinding or begging for help cant solve.

i never thought my free bluray player that came with my TV would have a backlog. right now im too obsessed with playing yakuza 0… and i have gravity rush 2 next on my list… and nioh.

eventually persona and bersia when they drop in price.

Oh I looooooove me some top-down shooters, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it one way or another.

I wanted to like it but I just can't stand the black and white color scheme are there any mods that add color?

Trying too hard

I'm pretty pumped for Nioh, too. I still have to finish up my backlog (I'm down to only a handful now), but once I'm done with that, I plan to pick up Nioh and have some fun.

I don't really. All I've ever seen from him were a handful of reviews and his spergouts.

But it is.

The only imbeciles that pretend Undertale isn't made by a leftist cuckold are fence shitting moderates that like to pretend to be smarter than everyone else.

The thing I'm most sad about is that we'll never see his beaner ass get deported.

Haha oh wow, "look mom im so cool natsoc xdddd"

He's from Puerto Rico, so he's actually an American.

fuck right off kike

He's too brown to be American.

Actually, I just looked at my backlog and it's bigger than I thought, so Nioh's going to have to wait for a while.

I hate to break it to you, but we have lots of brown citizens.

how much did they lowered the score over their own shittery?

Classic Gameroom / Lord Karnage, if they are still around. I heard he was having money troubles a while ago.
I will relentlessly shill his channel because he reminds me a lot of an old programming teacher I had and his videos are max comfy with 100% ZERO cancer.

Rock Paper Shotgun isn't too bad


Ain't no state I ever heard of called Puerto Rico.

This is the videogames board and i will talk about whatever game i feel like talking about, friend.

This person is missing the point. No one is ridiculing you because you're shit at the game, they're pointing out the discrepancy between someone who claims to be an expert on something, or someone who is appointed an expert position, and their evident lack of ability. Why would you go to some average fuck on the street for sound medical advice, or an amateur karaoke singer for advice on how to sing more competently? You wouldn't, even though they may provide an interesting perspective. Likewise, why should anyone care about your "experience" when people really want you to provide an in-depth analysis of any given game's systems, and all the other aspects that comprise the final product? That you're shit at the games you review only provides viewers and readers evidence that suggests your opinion should be discarded, because said opinion is based on incompetence.

Your entire operation is irrelevant in this internet age because people who are more enthusiastic about their hobby can provide all of the information that any potential player could ever want or need about any game, and without bias or corporate meddling. Furthermore, while it is true that some people will posture themselves as "better than you" because they can generally perform better in any given game, it's also true that a number of these people are deliberately trying to garner an emotional reaction out of you, in an attempt to make you cry like a little bitch and reap the subsequent schandefraude. Why do you listen to them? Why do you care?

Is this person really suggesting that more people should be accepting of their own ineptitude? Is this person saying we should abandon the desire to improve at games we play?

propaganda is not vidya, user.

Are you surprised?

Those idiots couldn't play Sonic Mania well even though they got it early..

You'll never get back your $10 or the money you spent on those Toriel/Isabelle scat commissions.

Playing on laptop instead of a proper desktop. I wager $10 on it.

There's a level of clickbait and shilling that shouldn't be surpassed but you sure showed me online

Yeah there is a color mod and a Technicolor mod on the Steam workshop.


checking pajeet dubs

Nope, it was a controller, see my post
I'll take that $10 now. :^)

but user, dont forget that the apple trackpad is the best videogame controller ever made


Wasn't Ni-Oh made easier to appeal to some japanese playtesters?

There's scrubs and then there's people that never play games, as in, Polygon.

probably, if EDF and Dark Souls has taught me anything it's that nips suck at vidya and basically engage a huge amount of trial and error instead of mastering the skillset.
probably why they are so good at shit like 2hu which is all memorization and T&E

not really. people complained because it used to have dark souls inventory (4 items) but used an unused shoulder button to swap between 2 sets of 4 items.

people called this "making it easier" but i mainly use it to switch between items and "magic" abilities.

So do Nips not play cuhrayzee?

All games are about trial and error dumbo.

What do you think?

Nips are massive casuals dude. It's ridiculous.

depends on the game.

the nips i roll with in EDF are incredibly good. but i find nips to be better at arcade type games than games like dark souls or bloodborne. though some are extremely talented… but yea, trial and error and persistence plays a huge part.

i can compete with nips in FPS and soulslike games… but when it comes to rhythm, rts, etc… i cant even pose a threat to them.

No, the devs decided to listen to the western players who wanted it to be harder.
The last chance trial was noticeable more difficult than the beta.

Also, think about how many speed runner autist the west has compared to japan. Autism knows no racial or national boundaries.

You stupid kids will never learn

For what? The two instances of faggotry? Nigger, that's called pandering, not propaganda.

i felt like it was just a harder level though. i feel like the alpha and beta water level was just as hard, and non existent in last chance.

i dont really get how people say it got easier. they just changed gui stuff. maybe they got used to it. i mean, the 2nd time i played a souls game was nothing like the 1st.

japs are more into this kind of activity in arcades. arcades are dead to westerners. i also see jap trophy hunters. im friends with japs on PS4 and these guys will have like 200+ platinum trophies.
but all the games are like rhythm games and shit i cant even enjoy playing.

Except Holla Forums is full of Polygon-tier casuals


Why do Americans care this much about some faggots wrestling and throwing balls at each other? Not even the football (or "soccer") world cup gets this much attention in European countries.


Yes it does. Unfortunately.


Somehow that photo makes it even worse.

does anyone think "pwning noobs" is some kind of bragging right? its like a professional boxer bragging about knocking amateurs out and pretending it was difficult.

because many people here dedicate their lives and bodies to football. heres a song about how autistic they get about HIGHSCHOOL football. many of the fans once played it.


I've been to Costa Rica and the people there do nothing but talk about soccer. And all the women there are catholic and dress like sluts.

Well there aren't any.
Ross' game dungeon is good, except he doesn't review any fucking games at all.
He's reviewed 3 or 4 games that sold more than 10 copies, the rest are video games from the 1980s that nobody's ever heard or cared about.
But he's pretty good at what he does.
There just aren't that many game reviewers outside of (((corporations))), unfortunately.

Well, duh.

I haven't played it, but I saw an user point out that it looked like it the camera was meant to be a helicopter watching your murder spree. I think knowing that could make it a little bit more interesting to play with the default camera.

Maybe it is because I avoid interaction with normalfags but I didn't hear as much about the world cup when it was still going than I hear about this whole rugby thing right now, it's getting kind of annoying.
I've never really understood the concept of watching other people play sports anyway, it's just as retarded as watching someone play videogames but at least let's players might talk about interesting subjects, with sport events it's literally just a bunch of dots throwing a ball to each other and running from A to B.

It's the only hobby normalfags have apart from watching TV and talking to other normalfags.

I have little experience with catholics. Are they all like that?
Also the people there in Costa drive like fucking maniacs.

I'm not into sports, either. I actually forgot the Super Bowl was going on, which is usually impossible to do because everyone talks about it.
I think the appeal of watching a sport is something that's only really felt in people who play that sport. They feel like they're living vicariously through the players–or at the very least, they have a deeper appreciation of what's going on in a tactile, experiential way, since they've been in similar circumstances.

No. That's a Hispanic thing, not a Catholic thing. White Catholics are usually pretty modest.
t. raised in white Catholic family

Although I can't blame them for not dressing modestly when they live near the Equator and it's constantly hot and humid.

The same white catholic girls who think anal sex = chaste because it technically isn't "real" sex?
These same catholic girls who go to lesbian nightclubs and still end up picking up men?


Not the same, because the ones you describe are just memes that jews and protestants made up in their heads.

Yes, the sperging is the only funny thing (on youtube).
MJ's rage quits from rooster teeth and angry joe's rants and neo-pewdiepie's rants/comentaries are the only things worthy of watching on youtube, except a few documentaries here and there (but that isn't entertainment).



I know that's the stereotype, but in my experience that only applies to a small minority of white Catholic girls.
The difference is that Hispanic girls (calling them Catholic is redundant, nearly every beaner is Catholic) fuck all the time and have a million kids, so they have no hangups about sex one way or the other.
White Catholic girls are usually taught that sex is shameful, so they end up being modest. Some of them then rebel against that by being sluts, but not as many as the media would have you believe.

im from nyc. the catholic hispanic girls are still the biggest whores.

the white girls here typcially arent religious because public school is a death sentence for a white person here, so parents send their kids to catholic schools because its cheaper than private, but better.

i have developed an extreme fetish for pleated skirts

No they aren't. I've personally met these fucking lunatics.
One is a feminist who pretends she was raped and constantly brings it up. She loves to claim that she's the sluttiest virgin in the world and shows off new bite marks on her neck everyday.
Another is a dyed haired tumblrite who goes to lesbian bars to pick up men. How she finds them there is still a mystery to me.
There was also the emo chick who tried really hard to rebel. She was tumblr incarnate, fat and hated all men.

Maybe I just got really unlucky, but my experience is still that most catholics are hypocrites.
They are drug dealers, sluts, conmen and thugs who constantly chimp out.

I'm a little surprised they said anything and didn't just bullshit out a review without completing it, I thought that was the more usual course of action. Wasn't there that one strategy game where most reviewers only played an hour?


Oh but it does, the only difference is presentation. And "ball" shape.

man this is why videogames need more game over fanfare.
people need to be told how much they suck in musical form.

I grew up in and around Southern Catholic schools and families. Maybe they're different where you are. There might also be a generational difference, since I'm almost 30, kill me.

Why are libtards SO OBSESSED with muh climate change?
Literally who gives a shit about that?

Bitch go fuck yourself pixel art is fucking great. Thing is drawing shit in Ms Paint with the pencil is NOT FUCKING PIXEL ART.

And the amount of gymnastics players go through to claim "foul". This shit is embarrassing.

I smell another WoV thread coming.

Its another way to virtue signal

But muh teachers said that if I don't live like a hippy, the world would literally end. Thats why killing Nazi's like Drumphf is important and morally justified.

they literally think the world is ending because of fuel emissions.
bernie sandberg actually said that global warming is the biggest threat to national security, and people agree with him.

Depending on where you live, it can actually be a relevant issue. I live in an area where ecotourism is a big part of the economy. If the temperature rises by too much, we're fucked.

Because they can literally always use it as an excuse to try and assume control over industries because fucking china is always shitting up the atmosphere. Because the statement "You might be wrong on climate change" can be misconstrued to mean "I deny the reality of Gases ability to block radiant heat from escaping the earth" rather than what is usually the case "It's not economically feasible or realistic to sanction american industry because of percieved effects on the climate."

Libs tend to live on the coasts close to sea level. If the sea rises to any significant extent, they'll all drown.

Well you're going to be fucked because it will, the climate is always changing and always will be. Humans cant do jack shit about it

I understand if it's something like Venice or Netherlands but instead of bitching and moaning those people there are actually doing something about it rather than screech autistically.

wtf is eco tourism? if it gets hot youre fucked? do people not like hot weather now?

california is sinking into the ocean and it has nothing to do with the sea level.

I know, I hate it.
I hate soccer in general. Hate sports in general.
Probably the reason my dad's always got the look of disappointment on his face. And why I'm here…

Lies, every college professor knows the Earth climate used to be constant UP TO NOW

Shit, foiled again by those damn college professors

climate department was an offshoot of the geography department that attempted to map climate.
look up the history of "climate science" to understand their cult of self preservation and funding.

Yeah, but it changes on a very, very slow timescale. If humanity is causing global average temperatures to rise faster than normal which I think is true, it's worth being concerned over. That said, I'm not one of those environuts who think that our priority should be "preserving nature," or whatever. I'm strictly concerned with humanity, and humanity's wellbeing.

You can't make plants and animals have higher heat tolerances than they already do, user. Building seawalls is all well and good, but there's a limit to what it can do.

Tourists who come largely to see a place's unique plant and animal life, or interesting geological features. Think people going to Hawaii for the black volcanic beaches, for example.

Yes you can, shitlord, it's called evolution.

Evolution is a much a myth as climate change, leftycuck

I can get that. The idea that everyone who plays a game needs to "get gud" is dumb, my grandma loves the fuck out of Zelda since Ocarina, but all she ever learned is how to cut the grass and ride the horse. She loves watching us play, but she has no desire and probably no ability to get as good as us. I'm going to enjoy showing her Breath of the Wild, perfect environment for her to fuck around.

The only difference between my grandma and these cunts is that she doesn't try and tell me how Link is a partiarchal symbol of oppression. She can actually enjoy "The Zelda" without trying to pretend she's something other than a casual participant.

There has been no proof of a link


You didn't play it.

First level is all about killing civs, then after that it becomes challanging as you get attacked by polic, swat, and in later levels the marines. The game was really fun for me and I like playing as a psychopath villain from scary movies.

Do need give out easy (you)s, you're better than that.

Are you on drugs?

I recall a time when vidya reviews weren't just "Why is this game so heteronormative?"

I'm really not.

I can't tell who's memeing who anymore.

I'll read up on it some more, then. I always like having more information to use in order to draw my conclusions. I think I've been complicit in taking us too off-topic though, so I'm going to drop this subject for now.

What about the offscreen firing? Thats what bothered me the most

But they manage to unfuck the ozone layer with some restrictions, hell I think in a few years the third world countries will eliminate those ozone harmfull gasses

Laptops are fine for video games if they have the power for it. Your ability to play the game won't diminish, just your ability to run it.

what offscreen firing? all you have to do is pan the camera to shoot people that shoot at you.

I know that it's mostly about fighting cops, not massacring civilians with no challenge.
But you're right, I didn't play it.

oh ok, so just tourism…

I only played the first level back when it came out, I might be remembering it wrong then.


fuck you nigger, leftists are the reason why we left cuckchan. dont you try to rewrite what happened.

Here's your (You).

Explain to me how is evoluition a meme, mongrel.
Go ahead, enterntain me.


The Netherlands will just build more dykes.


they have no idea how thick the ozone is. and they have no data for what normal is.

"greenhouse gases" and all this shit is a large distraction from actual pollution. just look at the logic behind hybrid cars "burning natural refined gas is bad because of greenhouse gases that return to the earth with rain, so buy this car that doesnt do that as much, but in exchange, you have to take a giant toxic battery and replace it every year"
these retards honestly think my car running without a properly working catalytic converter is worse for the environment than manufacturing an entire new car.

why does your vacation type need a special snowflake term?

Playing vidya badly is the new clickbait for game journos.

You know, I wanted to say "Oh jeez, someone bit the bait, there goes the thread", but we've already gone from Polygon sucking shit to "circlejerking" to homosexuality of videogame characters to game reviewers to soccer vs football to climate change.
So yeah, whatever, let's see how far we can go.

There was never anything wrong with it. Let me guess; you grew up in the ‘90s and were force-fed propaganda as a kid.

Except that people have a somewhat decent discussion instead of faggots flinging shit

evolution as a theory of the origin of life makes 0 fucking sense.
evolution as a theory of why niggers look like niggers and chinks looks like chinks and white men look like gods makes perfect sense.

It is in no way relevant to anyone anywhere.


funny how things work, right?

Oh yeah, how could I forget this masterpiece of nu-vidya-journalism.

Good thing the theory of evolution doesn't concern itself with how life came to be you ignorant nigger.

What does that even mean. Evolution doesn't exist for anything else but humans?


And Holla Forums thinks we'll have trouble dealing with them come Day of the Rope.

but youre wrong. it attempts to explain where the first single celled organism originated. if you have critical thinking skills this should be obvious user.

no, animals too. but the origin of life, no.


I'll bite too
who has ever claimed that the theory of evolution explains the origin of life?

Ok what uwe boll film is this

At what point in the history of animals do you think evolution happened? As in do you think the first life came from single celled organisms and or do you think complex life existed somehow and then things evolved form there?

it's called Hobo with a Shotgun and it has nothing to do with uwe boll, you un-kino plebian

I'd say it's one of the Rampage films, certainly not the first one.
They're all edgy films about a psycho killing white people because they bothered him somehow.

Why do people do this?

yea, that sure sounds like some bait… right user? jesus get a fucking education. did you learn about evolution on reddit? why do you think they argue with creationists if theyre arguing completely different points?

i have no idea tbh, but the evolution theory everybody seems to have settled on is testably false, but instead of continuing a search for truth, they doubled down on shit they proved impossible.

Because creationists say evolution isn't real and Satan littered the Earth with dinosaur bones to fool the goyim?

How so? Or part of it is testably false?

Do you have an academic research and an alternative theory on the matter?
I'd love to read it.

I love driving around the city looking for the last survivors and seeing the warzone you've turned it into. Littered with corpses, burnt out cars and half destroyed buildings.

Multiplayer fucking when? Postal Redux was fantastic just because of the multiplayer.

I saw hobo with a shotgun and I dont remember that shit

Thats the vibe I got from it too but ive seen rampage one and two and that scene isnt from those movies, other filter too.

It's the first attack of The Plague when they enter a hospital.

its actual footage from the holocaust.

but thats wrong. they dont deny evolution from animal to animal. they deny it as an explination of life and how humans came here. ever hear them drone on about "micro vs macro" evolution?

it would require abiogenesis, life from non life. many experiments showed it to be impossible but they keep moving the goalposts to make it sound more likely.
the theory stuck because an experiment fucked up and "created" life by allowing life in accidentally and was initially reported as life from non life.
they dont even revise the experiment much, they just try to agitate water with certain minerals present with lighting to see if they can create life, and then they say "building blocks" get created… which is like saying "i threw water and dirt and made a house, because some of the clay in the dirt hardened into a brick like material"

Guess its been too long, thanks

Fucking priceless


If you do not believe this counts as an experimental test of the existence of evolution, what would?

nope. im not that arrogant. but when something gets proved false, i move on instead of doubling down. guess that makes me a rebel.

Don't look at us, we fully support arming the people. If you want to thin the liberal heard, you're welcome to it.

are you joking? or just intentionally trying to obfuscate the point.

No it doesn't. The theory of evolution just claims that life changes over time to better suit its environment.

The theory of evolution does not make any claims about the origin of life.

That's why there is an easy mode and cheat codes.

Seriously, there is no shame in going easy mode at first before increasing dificulty.

Fair enough man I personally think evolution happened but going from simple proteins to single cell organisms is a jump that I don't think evolution even covers, considering evolution only happens in living beings. The theory of how you go from amino acids to life I would regard as a completely separate thing from evolution

[source needed]

oh god is there more to that video ?
that kind of humour I like

Then wtf im looking at then?

Nice try Holla Forums but you are not fooling me!

I only have this

so youre ignorant to the full application and logical conclusion of this theory?

i woudlnt argue against that, i just wish scientists would search for truth instead of doubling down on convenient non-truths and teaching it as unquestioned fact.

that source is on you, buddy. or stop defending what you dont understand. like an "anarchist" with a "che" shirt.

i'd need a source for that image to give you any info user.


So you never saw the DooD video?

It's Cinéma

see, it's possible that the theory is wrong, but so far it's been the simplest and somewhat scientifically sound one (as far as I know and I don't know shit about biology). Simplest solution is usually the correct one in my experience and this is not just one of those programming sentences from "Brave new world"

Even if we can't replicate it in lab, it's the only sound theory, because we can't prove some higher being made life, and there's nothin else in the universe for it to come from than non-living material if we go back far enough.

Why does it look like the ozone is coming back from 1990 to now?


theyve run an excessive amount of experiments with the same result. i'll believe in alien creators before i believe in the "stardust" bullshit.

i was a biology major, and my studies had a huge focus in genetics because my main teacher of 4 years worked on the genome project. she also thinks evolutionary scientists also ignore their own experiments… and shes not religious, shes a dyke.

just because the alternative is "unthinkable" doesnt give your theory is the correct one. this is supposed to be scientific research not a question of philosophy. science should be like math. not afraid to say "i dont know"

ok, so theory A is logical but testably false so far. while theory B is insanity. so we shouldnt look for a C? we should just continue to run with A and demonize anyone who looks for C as we currently do?

Because you read the chart wrong. Red is thicker blue is thinner.

What else could C be user? Like I said if you go far back in time enough there will only be non living materials, and then here we are today with living materials, so along the way some of the nonliving stuff must have become living.


I can't understand how you can have such little regard for how you spend your limited time on this earth.

meme magic

good article, but theres no information about that image in it besides they sourced it from a press company (reuters). theres also no sources for that entire article. (not debating it, but this isnt something i could put in a scientific paper) the closest it even gets to a name is "european space agency" but no actual quotes or anything…

my position is that this chart could just be a representation

Are you still trying to defend trump's mistake?

This gives me hope for Nioh, not so much for the rest of the gaming review industry.

I'm surprised Polygon hasn't started hiring people to play games for them so they can just watch the gameplay later and talk about their bullshit that has nothing to do with the game.
Do you think it would be possible to send in a C.V. saying that you'd play games for them and provide them high quality gameplay footage?

Ah fuck they're not even hiring people the scumbags. They're watching fucking lets plays.

Gee, this user sure looks like he will try to have a good discussion

They have YouTube for that.

It's really not bad. I didn't want to enjoy it at all either, but the combat is creatively done and instead of forcing grind or anything the relatively short story is done elegantly and quickly. There are a few fights where the game has some gimmicks I hadn't seen anywhere else that took me by surprise and I appreciate being surprised these days. It's not worth twenty dollars, but I'd pay five for it. The only stuff that I could construe as gay was two fully armored knights that may or may not have both been men and then a fish bulldyke who wanted to fuck a possibly female lizard/dinosaur.

All else aside the game's music is TOP FUCKING NOTCH.

Overall I'd give it a 6.5/10, worth a pirate. Short, which can be a downside to some, benefit to others. Story sticks to it's bones but many of the locales are uninspired and could have had a lot more done with them. Plus points for being fresh enough with mechanics to keep me interested through the two faggy moments I found.

Go back to gamefaqs

It's like a match made in heaven: these guys suck so much playing vydia, they hire someone that has extensive experience in sucking at vydia.

Fuck yourself, amigo. The game is worth a pirate at the least. If you enjoy the combat evasion mechanics it points you toward a genre that focuses on explicitly that. It's well done. I desperately WANTED to dislike the game, but I'm not shortchanging it for my own tastes, it's objectively good and well done.

I honestly think DSP would be an improvement

Despite despising southerners they sure do like to use that work allot


I mean word

Sure. Like I said, he has an 8 years legacy of sucking at vydia, so he'll be at least less incompetent than the Polygon millenial "vydia journos". Well, and he is also stubborn enough as to not quit a game on the first 15 minutes because it's "too haaaaard!". It takes hours for him to finally ragequit, so that would be enough for a review.

I don't know, user… Have you seen his Black Mesa run?

I have seen it actually

You polniggers should stay on your containment boards instead of assuming this whole site is yours

They still exist because journalists today realized they don't need ACTUAL CUSTOMERS to function in their current capacity. Outlets like Polygon and Kotaku are cogs in an industrial machine that fuels itself a perpetual motion device that churns out useless shit, if you will; they are legitimized by the publishers that prop them up, corporations they make deals with, and developers they are in bed with (figuratively and literally). They realized long ago that actual readers are second to churning out lots of clickbait garbage to generate ad revenue, and they can keep their position as an 'authority' by sucking up to the corporate big-wigs as long as they don't make waves or leak secrets.

They don't need us to keep functioning in their current capacity, user. You can't stop companies, media groups, politicians, celebrities, and generally people with influence by just ignoring them for years… Ignoring them only sends the message that they don't need your attention to be able to keep being influential, and they instead just suck up to the machine that props them up and pays their bills for being shills for the greater agenda.

And then Trump gets elected and everyone loses their minds, unable to figure out how this came to be.

They mean yall as in the black slang usage, not as in a southern drawl.
You can tell if you listen to one of them say y'all and someone actually from the south say y'all back to back.

No by all means let the retards that actually believe polshit run around and play identity politics, it's fun to watch

Other user here. NO! The clima shit could be propaganda but the ozon layer isn't. It was because of chemical substances which were forbidden around 1995 which is why it's coming back since 2015/2016! And the ozon layer on the ground is completely different from the one in the Atmosphere. They are unconnected. The ozon on the ground is harmfull to us while the other layer protects us from uv radiation. You learn the details when you go to a german school.

How new are you? Or did I miss the part where SJWs arent all leftists?

Nearly forgot: ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ozone_en

I mostly agree tho, but there's a paradox: how can they get reliable ad revenue and yet have so absurdly little influence with the readers?

[triggering intensifies]

Yeah, and everyone who disagrees with the left is a Nazi, wel done El Gordo.

Probably an Adbot server somewhere. Or granny computers with malware being used as a slave network to inflate traffic.

here's sauce

Its why anons from Holla Forums left too, keep crying about Holla Forums though. You are so new you dont even type the boards correctly


You know, that's actually fairly possible. Shit, if this is true and gets exposed, it would be a hilarious trainwreck. Gaming journalism was literally a scam.

Hello fence shitter, care to tell us about the horseshoe theory?

Reread the conversation

I humbly apologize.

kiss already fags


How is that any better exactly?


remember when you could look up the reviewers as they spent the hours and had the skills to give you the information you needed to make a decision? Bring Back Gone Gold.


No shit?

That can't be the reason, I lost count how many ties they lost a superb owl with brady.

Man, I hated Brady long before them, fucking liberals, man.

NE feeds off your salt

What I would like to say that he is terrible and so are the Patriots ever since spygate but what would I know, they always cockblock the broncos.

You fagots said forcing a gaming crash would be a bad idea in another thread. Do you STILL think that doesn't need to happen? At this point I firmly believe we need to start over from the god damn Atari Era of games. Sad.



can't find that video where Spoony debunks it. anybody got a link?

I can't wait until polygon and kotaku face the hulkmania

i get that people hate youtube but this is bullshit