Is this game ever coming out? Or is it in a terrible cycle of development hell?
I want to actually play this thing before Nintendo sends their cease & desist.
Is this game ever coming out? Or is it in a terrible cycle of development hell?
I want to actually play this thing before Nintendo sends their cease & desist.
It doesn't look particularly good.
They gave up on their regular blog updates and now they've given up on the blog altogether, not a word from them in over four months now. Probably got spooked by the AM2R incident and are using it as an excuse to shelve the project
Nintendo has a bad habit that If they're about to release a game, they C&D any fangame that might be competition.
Hence why they C&D'd AM2R and then shat out Federation Force immediately after.
seems like common sense to me. not that i support it but if you can legally kill competition for your product then it would be dumb not to.
It was supposed to be ready for last years summer, was it not?
I hope everything goes their way with this one and that Nintendo kindly fucks off.
Only if your company is run by sociopaths who don't care about PR.
sounds like nintendo tbh
They're just waiting for a good time to "leak" it.
Amazing that Nintendo hasn't shut it down yet.
It's a corporation so sociopaths are a guarantee. The only PR that the nips care about are the parents groups that they still think matter because they never left the 80s and Reggio only cares about whether or not they pissed off tumblr and sjweebs.
My guess is because of all of Nintendo C&D the crap out of every fan game they had no choice but to hide the game and saying they stopped making it, it's probably finished but they don't want anyone to know that because nintendrones are ready to pounce at them at any time.
If Nintendo tries to C&D this, all the dude making it would have to do is change the name. As far as I know there is no other things shared since the game is using all original characters and shit. You can't sue someone for copying an artstyle.
They posted something on their twitter on the 5th it looks like
More like retweeted. They haven't posted an update in a long while. It was just them retweeting some fanart.
I'm just curious if they're waiting until the game is completely done and polished so they can release it initially under the Mother 4 name, then by the time the cease and desist letter comes from Nintendo enough people will have downloaded it to share it amongst ourselves after it's taken down.
Remember when people shitposted about how the fangame is a disgrace to the Mother series for having "Mother 4" as the title?
Telepathy is back, it looks like
How so? Nintendo does a oy vey shut it down when fangames get released.
then an earthbound game shouldnt have much to worry about. id still keep it hush hush though
The first Mother on the NES is the only one that matters.
The more days we may wake up without this coming out the happier we can all be as a society.
But why?
reported this to nintendo. ;)
epic contrarian
what is this 2016?
Then maybe it's a good idea to . . . I don't know . . . RENAME the game to something that might not breach a copyright like "Father" and then have an optional subtitle of "a game inspired by the Mother/EarthBound series".
Yes, I do know that Mother is supposedly a John Lennon song reference but I don't know any of his music.
IIRC, Itoi himself gave it an informal "OK" on the game, but i'm bretty sure that the banker and lawyers won't have it
also this. immediately after AM2R and that Pokemon ROMhack had each made their final release trailers last year, Nintendo near-instantly C&D'd them
Itoi said, when asked about Mother 4, that, if you wanted it you'd have to do it yourself, but he was like saying with your life experience or some metaphysical shit.
Pretty sure the dev team kicked that guy out and removed the character from the game.
You're pretty late for this thread.
I sure do.
never ever
Truly, Sega is the last company that actually has love for games.
I am disappoint.
Mother 3 is coming to Switch user.
Yeah, it's fucking idiotic and ninty downloads them off emuparadise then sells them back to you like the slant-eyed kikes they are.
However, it does give them a reason to C&D Mother 4, so that would explain the recent silence.
I always question who the fuck even wants M3 on a Western game console because anybody who actually cared played it 8 years ago via fan-translation and there's the worry Nintendo would meme it up. which I think is unfounded because they didn't touch Earthbound Beginnings' ROM from the original Earth Bound unreleased version for the Wii U VC release and Mother is way too niche for them to push their luck with as dedicated a gaggle of autists as Mother fans
That sounds like your average company to me.
I guess at least the fan art looks pretty nice, even if the game itself never ends up being playable.
Oh goody, this autistic is still around.
Has there ever been fan project where they just ignore the DMCA and get fucked? Honestly I only ever hear about the devs just not releasing it or something but I never see repercussions.