23 days until Breath of the Wild

23 days until Breath of the Wild.

it just doesn't look very good. Zelda games really never grew from oot.

i will never care

I want to feel some thick eyebrows.


post the doge porn, no one here cares about the switch.

stay assblasted you passive aggressive shill.



Great quality thread, OP.



surprisingly high public reception, but I don't think this is going to be a good console.

hype/anticipation/general predisposition to enjoy something that you've no hands on experience with/the marketing teams who perpetuate this garbage are cancer.

but that's wrong you faggot

No, it isn't. Maybe you've played a demo or watched some footage. None of that is representative of the final product.
No, it isn't.

Post switchdog or go home shills


took you long enough you cumbucket

Not saying the shill OP is right, but the anons that screech saying this will fail are the same ones who hype up Jap games for months in advance, regardless.
I mean, they hyped the new Tales game, despite the one before it being utter dogshit. They kept hyping it for months, and only got slightly upset when it had Denuvo, but kept saying it'd be good.

they really don't know nintendo do they?

I think Nintendo's home consoles have a 50/50 shot at being massive sellers.
N64 was a great seller, but eh Gamecube wasn't as good. Then the Wii sold amazingly, but the Wii U flopped.

I think the Switch is going to sell really well, but the key will be on there being a highly wanted/loved game every 6 months, with lots of AA inbetween.
If they took their fingers out of their collective arses and reused a bunch of old IPs, they'd make fucking bank. Just shove a Metroid, Mario/Yoshi, Smash, Pokemon and Monster Hunter onto the console. One every 6 months after launch, and they'd make so much fucking money they could fuck up for the next decade with shitty ideas.

It's gonna bomb. Think about it, the Switch has an identity crisis; is it a portable console that can be overclocked or is it a home console that can go portable at the cost of performance? Think about this from the perspective of game developers and of consumers. Devs are gonna have to figure out if they want to make a portable game or a home game for the Switch, which also means it's gonna be harder to port games from other platforms to Switch or vice versa. Consumers are gonna be wondering why they need a new home console when they have a Wii U or why they need a new handheld when they're perfectly happy with their phone games and 2/3DS.

It's a hard sell.


great, now normalfags and Holla Forums can fuck right off. furry pedophiles are better at videogames than "holier than thou" conspiracytards and chads.

You say that, but the only negative I see brought up is the price tag.
People want the new Zelda, Splatoon and Mario, and the motion controls and focus on split screen is appealing to families with multiple children.

As I said, it's going to sell well on launch and for this year, but the constant sales are going to be up to Nintendo making games for it.

If by "better at videogames" you mean "better at shitty donut steel VNs with tacked on porn", then yes, they're amazing at games.

Yeah, and that's an equally shitty way of thinking. I just think everything on the market deserves a healthy dose of skepticism from every potential consumer. Hype should die, no matter the product.

Go kill yourself with your dragon dildo you filthy piece of shit

Well, until the market crashes, hopefully in the next few years, like it did in the 90s, we're going to keep having hype generated by shills and social memedia.
If I had my way, I'd delete all those 300+ threads that are just autists circlejerking over the same trailer they got 300+ on the week before.

I want to fuck the dog


hi Holla Forums, afraid to tell you, but you got the wrong door. your board is next door.

i know you're retarded, but please try to remember.

Need more doggy pics

Are you pretending to be retarded?

you don't belong here.

Mate there's a time and a place for the vitriolic furry hate and that time isn't random spergouts



I'm wondering if Nintendo will even commit to it long-term because of the low price and not announcing the price at all until fairly recently.

Might be fun, seeing that Zelda is the only console games I have kept up with besides Dragon Quest. I don't have much hope though seeing that most 3d Zelda games are just not that good. Friend said I could borrow his WiiU and the game seeing that his roommates already have one. So no money spent is nice. It must be suffering being a console gamer now adays.


No, that is why you spend all your time shitting up imageboards and playing shitty VN's.


Here we go.

Even if they do back down, it would be just like the Xbone's "no used games" shittery. Or Valve's "paid mods" fuckery.
Don't forget they did it and don't support them.

I bet half of you don't even play video games.
If these faggot get out of control in Switch threads when the console actually releases, the mods are gonna have to deal with them. They either need to go to /vp/ or /fur/.

Can't wait to put it on an SD card for Loadiine

Nice singles faggot

back at ya

The difference here being reneging on a low(er than competitors') once-yearly online payment isn't anywhere near the same level of catastrophe as no-used-games or paid mods, and people are stupid enough to forget they hadn't always had online and crow about Nintendo "going free".


haha upvote :)


I'm still 50% sure they only announced paid online and the free trial period so they can say "Oh look at all this feedback, let's make it free always" in an attempt to make the company look like they listen to the users.

Then again, Japs would happily pay $20USD a ear on top of the console to play MonHun on their trains.

Some of you need to go back to halfchan ASAP. You can talk all you want about shilling and cucking there.

True enough.


I've had the same suspicion, honestly. That reveal was kinda like them blurting out they had paid online to get it out into the open and they were too ashamed to actually reveal the price.

As would the rest of the world going by PS4 and Xbone. $20 a year vs. Xbox Live and PS Pro's $60 a year makes Nintendo look damn good in comparison, even with them approaching paid-online whatsoever.

is that the best you can do? assumptions? shameful
i leave that job to Holla Forumstards

I'm not a furry
I'm not a furry
I'm not a furry
I'm not a furry
I'm not a furry
Why is this hot?

I was especially surprised they decided to announce it at the start of the presentation. That seemed so strange, as you'd think they'd want to ignore that and spring it on people at the last second.

Back to Holla Forums you go. Been there for a while, or did you come from the Reddit recruitment?

Reminds me of when there was a whole thread ripping on Arms because they assumed the 5 characters in the demo were all there would be. It's almost like Holla Forums desperately wants to hate the Switch and everything about it.


Most of the intense hate is from Sonyggers. A lot of the PC users on here are indifferent or slightly optimistic.

But don't worry, Horizon Zero Dawn is the Zelda Killer. Surely :^)

I chalk it up to the usual aggressive shitting on any new consoles, bet you anything the very same people will be singing its virtues after release or when Mario Odyssey comes out.

Those thighs would look hot on anything. allot of furry porn is just normal porn with fur animal ears and tails.

It's almost like shills desperately want to garner blind praise for a system and game that have yet to hit store shelves.

A lot of spergs on Holla Forums hate everything new. Give it a year tops and if the console is actually good those same spergs will either like it or will try to double down and get laughed at.
Considering almost every person who's had hands-on with the Switch really liked it, I imagine there'll be a lot of crow eating.

The one who needs to go back is you, user

i thought Holla Forums were the honest good guys, but you're just a bunch of shitfaced, hypocrite story-editors, just like the people you claim to hate. Holla Forums was an alternative to 4chan with less shit mods. its not Holla Forumss secret clubhouse like you want to believe.

truth is, Holla Forums is jelly of the jews for being the ones who control the banks, the history, and the world. too bad you're not intelligent enough to replace them buddy. and you'll never be.

how can it be furry when she's a machine? that poses quite a conundrum. if you fuck a robot dog, is it furry, or is it clank?

That's already been argued and the answer is that because you need it to look like an animal and it being a robot isn't enough for you it's furfaggotry.

I'm getting a Switch because I would l*terally sell my ass for a Xenoblade sequel.
BoTW looks decent, I will likely wait until switch is hax'd and play it off an SD card though :^)

Nice try, but calling me names won't work.
This was a place to get away from the shit mods on Holla Forums, then Holla Forums and Holla Forums came along for the same reason.
If you can't handle that fact, maybe this isn't the place for you and your degenerate fetish.

Couldn't you argue the other way? That is just being a dog isn't enough so it has to be a robot too and is therefore clang?

The mental gymnastics is real. I like it

Most of the time it's the snout that throws me off.

Is it suppose to kill Zelda in general or just BotW?

The switch won't be an amazing console, but it will be a decent one that fills a specific autistic niche like the 3DS or Vita, only being slightly more successful in western markets than either the 3DS or vita was.

If you mean Holla Forums then get the fuck on, I'm Holla Forums and we told you lads to fuck off or go after the jews you didn't listen and now GG Is a husk full of PRfaggotry Holla Forums(the board here) shouldn't have political discussion at all, unless it involves kikes trying to censor muh vidyas(like Xenoblade 2 will get ;-;)

I don't know if this Zelda is a fair contender.

She's the qtest Zelda next to post-transformation Tetra imo.

Depends on how organic the design is. Something like Switchdog is definitely furry because it doesn't looks like clang at all.

you do know the 3ds was a massive success in the states right? If it was slightly more successful than the 3ds then it'd be more successful than the xbone and psquad combined.


You know I would have never thought people would make a console controller an object of sexual desire. People are just weird.

I keep seeing Sony fanboys saying that it's better than any 3D Zeldo ever made.
99% sure it's just them trying to justify the $400 Bloodborne machine.

I didn't even really notice the Holla Forums and Holla Forums shit. I was 90% of the time on Holla Forums, and the mods were getting worse and worse, but there was no place better to go. Then someone mentioned this place and I came in the 2nd or 3rd wave.

3DS sold amazingly for a handheld. Sun and Moon were fucking stupid in terms of numbers. They made millions in such a short time.

You porn derailers should start getting new pictures. At least give me a reason to not hate the porn dumps.

And considering it's gonna have Pokemon and it's gonna be able to plug into the TV(Basically what every Nintendo bashing sped has said Nintendo should do to get their sale, a home console Pokemon) the Switch will almost undoubtedly sell better than 3DS in the states.


Well draw some then.

do i have to pay a subscription?

For certain demographics(mostly ninty's target demographic of kids) it was, but compared to previous iterations like the DS Lite or GBASP it wasn't a massive success. Compare numbers to the $400 Bloodborne and now Yakuza machine and it's nowhere near as successful. Handhelds are dying because games are becoming a service and it's sad to see.

Operative word, for a handheld. What I'm trying to say I guess is that Switch will probably sell better than most recently released handhelds, but not as well as a full-fledged console and will have probably four or five amazing games amidst wave upon wave of "totally innovative guise" shovelware.
I feel for you Holla Forumstards, you guys got screwed in a really sneaky way on 4cucks. I think a lot of it had to do with western animation going full lefty-pandering somewhere around 2013 after they tried reviving more "adult" shit on CN(like that Titan show) and it completely tanked with the fluoridated kiddos.

if the switch did as well as the 3ds that'd be something, pretty much means developers would have to pay attention to it.

the power of the console is still hard to say, the skyrim footage was clearly the special edition which would mean it's not awful under the hood. It could also be a ruse but considering Bethesda never fudged their graphics before I doubt it. The fact that it's running botw at 60 fps is somewhat impressive, if only because it seems like no console developers target 60 fps anymore.

3ds sold 65 million, ps4 sold 54 million

BoTW isn't 60fps. Although those are just demos that are running at 30fps I doubt it's gonna be 60 in the final release. 3D Zeldas have always been 30fps(With the exception of Link Between Worlds but that's more 2.5D).
The games people should be looking at when thinking about it's hardware power are games like Dragon Quest XI. Look at that game's PS4 footage, if it looks anything like that on Switch that's saying a lot about what the Switch can do.

yeah, I decided to read up on it and it looks like that's the case. That's pretty disappointing.

I don't know what you expected, 60 fps on consoles is so rare you'd be better off just expecting everything to be 30 right off the bat.

teaches me for listening to my korean woodcarving collectives.

There's all sorts of conflicting info on the matter of BoTW though. Some Nintendo reps said it's going for 1080/60 on release. Aonuma said it's 900/30 but some say that might have been a mistranslation and he meant in relation to the demo and not the final product. Then there's the fact that Nintendo has said BoTW doesn't use the full Switch power(probably because the engine is so heavily designed for WiiU it's impossible to get the Switch's full capacity going for it) so there's a chance better performance could be patched in later down the line?
While the performance numbers are straight forward for the rest of the Switch's library(All other first party Switch titles are 1080/60) BoTW is a strange outlier.

Any speculation on the lore front? Pretty heavy emphasis on the Shiek aspect or whatever. I just hope there is a good snow level.

Did people here actually think it was gonna be 60?

I think the biggest thing tech wise to be excited for is the fact that it uses Vulkan as its primary API.

Vulkan's a big deal. Those NuDoom performance numbers are nothing to scoff at. Vulkan is probably the whole reason why the Switch can even work.

Strongest arguments is it's on Windwaker timeline or it's own timeline entirely. Rito and Zoras co-exist instead of only one existing. Still don't know how Master Sword got fucked up, how Link died, etc

Who gives a shit? I will be playing Nioh while you wait for this gamer gurrl casual garbage to come out.

I don't understand. Devs could invest in this and get better support and better outcomes than DX12. Is MS really paying them this much to move to the new DX?

Excellent post, upboated.

I certainly didn't

You're right, probably because the 3ds actually has more than one game

I dunno why people expect 60 FPS where all signs point to it being 30.

You'll finally have something that's not Bloodborne to play!

ps4 owner here.

bloodborne is shit, by far the worst "souls" game of the series. the control response is delayed and it works at lower framerate than fucking demon souls. also you have to pay PS+ to play online because fucking jew garbage.

0/10, waiting on a refund for it right now.

So just like every other playstation game


its still a huge downside.

and soon nintoddlers will suffer that too. that is if they get any game worth playing online.

Finally someone else shares this sentiment. I love the atmosphere of the game, but it's fucking unplayable.
Even DS2 is better, fucking 30fps makes it barely playable and the input delay finishes the job.
And this is from someone who's favorite game is DS1, DS3 was pretty good too, was a bit like every area in DS1 only self-contained if that makes sense.
Like a mix of DaS and BB.

BB has to be working at 24 or below. i play let it die and BB on a basic PS4, and you can see LID is FAR more fluid and has no delay in the control response, while BB is clunky as shit and takes like a fraction of a second to respond to your controls. i noticed this in the fight against father giascone or whatever. when he does the stab attack and you try to dodge to the side? you get hit anyway because you need to press the sidestep button WAY before the spear starts moving forward. if its already moving ahead you already got hit from how long the dodge action takes to happen after you press the button.

play both for 30 minutes and you'll notice the difference in fluidity and control delay. also im using LID as an example because its a free game, pretty sure if you buy any other hack'n'slash thing like Nioh or Das3 on ps4 who the fuck would buy das3 on ps4 when its literally free on PC? you'll notice the difference. its impossible for BB to be working at 30 fps. it feels more like dragons dogma on ps3 (which everyone knows worked between 15 and 24). hell demon souls had more frames than BB. and that was one whole gen ago.

…but Berseria is good.

I don't use wireless so I can't download LID, it looks really fun though. I can observe the same effect with DS3 on my PC versus BB on the ps3+1

Someone post the Nintendo switch tan design that is not the ara and loli but the cutie that can switch body types. I will never accept dogfucker apologists

You mean that gay robot that looks like a boy?

That cutie with the black hair that can jump in a suit for larger boobs and hips beats the dog in terms of console-tan design and it's also OC compared to some random drawfag who decided to draw lewds based on existing switch dog fanart.

Why thank you Nintendo Viral Department. Now fuck off and kill yourself.

You sicken me.
Feel free to join him in hell anytime.

Do you mean this one?

Every time I ask this I get branded a troll and bullied, but why is everything in Bloodborne so fucking ugly?

Jesus Christ. All other Souls games make sure to pander to Fashion Souls fags with pretty much every armor and weapon having some visual appeal. Dark Souls is all dark and edgy, yet you still have varied locales like Anor Londo, Oolacile, Darkroot areas, Duke's Archives, etc.

Bloodborne's art design seems "Yo, make everything an ugly grey mess, with fucked up character anatomy and the clunkiest, most absurd looking weapons you can come up with, we will slap some "muh Lovecraft" on it and goys will love it.

And it fucking worked. Well I'm getting a PS4 if only for DQBuilders and Nioh but fuck me if I'm buying this turd.

nah not the ara and loli design, it was some other post which had a tan design drawn by the same guy who drew wiiu tan I believe. All I remember is she had a slim body and black hair

Back to the Tales shill thread with you

yeah but the thing is to test it on PS4 hardware. of course DS3 is going to work in PC, its fucking PC. 60fps1080p and it doesn't even break a sweat.

also if no wireless, how do you plug that shit into the internet, if at all?

sorry m8, the doge won. its too cute not to fill it with semen.

You just hate gothic design, I loved everything you hate about the game.
Is this good or is liking this game some kind of in-joke I don't get?

>how do you plug that shit into the internet, if at all?
I just don't, occasionally I will go to a friend's place with it and update everything / download DLC.
I miss the days where everything wasn't hooked up to the damn internet and games were delayed until they were complete and actually good.

Bitch about the gameplay being shitty all you want but that game had 11/10 aesthetics.

Assuming you aren't baiting, maybe actually read/watch some lovecraft and develop some taste.

i bought it thinking "oh its gonna be another fun souls game! and its on bundle for 35$! what could possibly go wrong?"

it just wasn't playable for me. i think people are mistaking "fast paced" for "you have to push the buttons half-a-second before you would push them in any other normal souls game", response really is that slow.

no amount of atmosphere can save the gameplay from being poor. like seriously 20 fps? and i've been told the Pro™ does nothing to fix this. so even if you buy another 500$ box its still an unplayable piece of shit. in all of these years of souls games never i experienced such a massive, visible delay in response from the button pushing to the action on screen.

maybe in the year 2040 i'll be able to emulate it in a Quantum 256-cores nuclear-powered PC and make it work at proper 30 fps.

New info from Game Informer's March edition(Which is focused on BoTW). Here's all the info I think Holla Forums will care about:
Bears are an animal you can encounter
No companion character confirmed
Rupees confirmed(Thought it was worth noting since they were absent from the demos we've seen thus far)
Type of shield effects shield surfing control, speed, etc
100 stamps/markers on the map is the limit
Game Informer were told by there are no invincible weapons in the game(Most likely an exception for the Master Sword though)
Zelda can get pissy with you(Doesn't detail how or why)
Players can see the ending without seeing everything from the story(Speedruns confirmed)
A "certain element" was added to the game to make the story more cohesive
Real dungeons confirmed
Boss for the dungeon Game Informer explored is Wind Blight Ganon, who has cannon arms and shoots tornadoes and spikes

hahaha, I'm out of here, see you around march 5~10

D-did I just defeat the shill by posting spoilers?

Pretty sure even this Holla Forums guy almost unanimously liked Builders.

Last time I checked all Souls games are about death and decay, yet you still habe gorgeous locales, even a plain Longsword looks miles better than any BB weapon and even the most fucked up places like Blightown or Tomb of Giants have a better color palette than anything in BB

I knew one fag like you'd pop up almost instantly, it is like pottery. First, Lovecraft was a writer, not a painter, most depictions of his creatures are interpretations made by other people, and nowhere in his books I saw him write "Suddenly Sir Morris saw the shitty furry monster #484737 and proceeded to kill it with his rusty-ass sawniggerblade", second a turd is a turd, with or without Lovecraft written on it.


Yeah, Bloodborne was shit, you are not surprised? Demon Souls was a one hit wonder.

Firstly Lovecraft wrote descriptions of the monsters you dumb shit.
That's Cthulhu. Secondly you can shit on the gameplay all you want but it designed well visually, if you can't accept that then I hope you live long and prosper with your debilitating shit taste.

Input delay has been a thing in the Souls games since Demon Souls, it's just more noticeable in Bloodborne because the combat is faster.

are you a level 100 mental gymnast? because holy shit dude…

You're the metal gymnast because that's not even what I said. Input delay is more noticeable because the combat is faster how in the fuck did you not read that correctly.

>it's just MORE NOTICABLE in Bloodborne BECAUSE the combat is faster
>Misreading it THAT FUCKING HARD

Is English not your first language buddy?

Don't you know? Halfchan haaaaaates furries.

Being a Bloodborne fan is pure suffering.

Nigher I don't even own a PS4, I borrowed my friend's and played until vicar Amelia and then he wanted it back so I never finished it, but what I saw I liked. I'm sorry the game isn't diverse enough for you.

Its alright user. I just hate people liking what I don't like. I will always have the Souls games and Nioh is also looking pretty good from what I saw.

299.99 for just the controller?

dog included

That'd be the only way to get me to buy the switch.

Zelda looks like pregnant of 3~4 months in this picture, a little chubby, but not much, with a slight belly curvature and a suggestive dressing.

Are you a switch? I'm switch

looks like the fat acceptance movement faggots got to nintendo


A-user… Where to start?

Jesus fucking christ, my wallet. My free-time!

why don't you just get it on wii U


I'll have to check builders out then, I'm always massively hesitant to buy shit for PS4 because I have to buy physical.
I thought they were about tight gameplay mechanics tied to animations, and death being more of a game mechanic to motivate the player to advance past points previously thought to be insurmountable(such as the drakebridges)

lrn2ID, I already said the game was largely unplayable due to framerate and input lag for me. The overall game isn't great it just hits on a very specific aesthetic that I enjoy quite a lot.

And it's not even Lovecraft that does it for me, it's the castlevania-tier shit at the beginning that I really like. I only got about 2/3rds of the way through the game and the amygdalas were one of my least favorite designs. I like the idea of being a beast-killer in a world that's entirely comprised of beasts and those about to become beasts and I think the aesthetic fits said idea well.
I wish that instead of going full cosmic-horror they'd stuck with the vampires, werewolves, and half-mad cultists and made it more about the well-poisoning than what caused the well-poisoning.
Imagine if it played just like a faster demon's with the same imagery that's present at the beginning throughout, would be a great game, would be even better if they'd dropped some of the more lovecraftian bosses and replaced them with even fights with other hunters that are more beastial like gas coin.
When I was looking at "project beast" that's what I thought it was going to be, a game where you're a hunter and must kill beasts without becoming one yourself, the insight could play into that mechanic and you could either embrace the beast, have an easy game, and get the "bad end" or you could fight it and have a typical souls game and get the "good end"
seems like they copped out and just made you a super-fast human that kills beasts from the safety of a dream, was really looking forward to fighting the old one agian.
I mean fuck, imagine if the end-boss was just a massive hole you had to climb down incredibly slowly and at the end you'd be greeted with a massive berserk reference and find the ruined nexus, maiden in black being exactly the same, saying she remembers your "essence" and then having to kill the old one all over again.

FUCK bloodborne could have been great but they wanted to go for 2deep instead of 2spooky and fucked the gameplay up trying to do it.

Reminder that thick anthro dog slut represents the controller, not the system. Doggo is an input device. Ara is the dock. Loli is the system itself.

Wii U is being discontinued. If user wants to play the next Zelda he'll have to get a Switch then, and if he wants to sell his Wii it will have depreciated in value

I'm a sucker for handhelds, and I'm an idort. I own an Xbone as well, though I don't use it too much except for 360 back-compat at GWG.

is it confirmed pregnant? if not, im gonna assume they're going full fat acceptance


Nah, it's probably just a loose dress

You did marvelously. Going to screen cap your post for future shilling attacks.

And its shit

CEMU can barely handle anything that isn't Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario 3D World without a NASA supercomputer, you're delusional if you think it'll be BOTW-ready by its release

This has been my precise thought for emulation. I bet upgrading my PC to be able to emulate it would cost more than a Switch and the game

Either get a switch, wait, or upgrade your GPU.
I can play XBX on CEMU and I don't think my specs are that great, not really sure though since I'm not Holla Forums literate, it's not like I have some coolermaster fagmachine 5000 though.

user that has a Switch pre-ordered, I've been playing through Xenoblade X on my $600 laptop. It runs fullspeed, though there is some stuttering unless you download someone elses Shader Cache file.

But then you'd have a nice upgraded PC that you'll be able to play loads of other games on.
If I wasn't already on-board with 'dem imports that's what I would do.

Were you born retarded or did you get beat up a lot as a kid?

My comp is already capable of laying loads of other games.

plus with emulation you never have to worry about NoA acting like a bunch of kikes and censoring muh problematic heteronormatice mysogrintst niggerloveing content

don't you want more games, user?

Why do you tempt me so

Only reason I've been playing the NA version of Xenoblade X is because it's hard to find a JP rip.

she looks German, not fat. what are you, gay?

Aren't there patches for undub and uncensor floating around?


I guess the shill thought if he changed IDs we wouldn't know it's him
pretty much confirms this. Reads like a shitty youtube comment or a reddit post.

Holla Forums's little foray into activism has given us yet another round of reddit and cuckchan thanks to the shiacam threads getting deleted on 4cucks.

Fuck I'm retarded

I'm not a fucking shill, you faggot. Nice of you to ignore the post where I defended CEMU.

Even if you're not a shill you're still retarded. Why would he have to get Zeldo on the Switch if the Wii U is being discontinued? It's not like every unsold console is being torched the second the Switch comes out you mongoloid.

That wasn't me that mentioned the Wii U being discontinued, just because you THINK I'm using 2 IDs doesn't make it true.

Nah that's how it works. Ninty is l*terally H*tler and will holocaust all their old consoles and games and even ban emulators at the hardware level because they're in cahoots with the NSA and can shoah binaries from your RAM at will.

You realize Holla Forums has been literally recruit people from reddit, right?

There's still a few more features, and rupees had been shown months ago, someone found one in the demo while playing.

horses can die
npc's react dynamically to the world around them including changing weather and the actions of other characters

It's both, lad.
Holla Forums recruits there just like freddit breddit would have wanted, and Holla Forums is massively popular right now because muh elections and just kind of takes them in thanks to idiots that think Holla Forums is alt-right and not a community just like any other imageboard.
At least /leftycuck/ is small enough that the pleddit assimilates to their poor excuse for boardculture(which is pretty reddit anyway, you can spot them wherever they go), Holla Forums has been completely usurped and the original board culture is being shit on by all the completely fagged out reddit and cuckchan scum that think imageboards are just about shitposting, memes, and activism.

Actually, this time it happened like this:
What usually happens:

It's not complicated, Holla Forums never recruits - people find it on their own or rapefugee waves invade it.
That's what happens, every time, stop trying to create a bogus over some recurrent stuff.

Exactly, the latter has been happening as of late. the He Will not Divide Us threads getting b& from 4cucks caused them all to come here and to .pl for the real idiots.

3rd on the rank, they have more posts and UIPs than Holla Forums

as far as Holla Forums ruining things? they're ruining the entire board, not just theirs. at least all the top ones. disagree with anything in any top board and the thread descends into 500 posts of pic related.

more like
they're creating their own cancer.

You have 1,000 sites to choose from. 8ch was always Holla Forums's, from the very fucking beginning. Where do you think all the initial users came from?

Hi, goon.

They're training a fucking bot, hugely inflated numbers just like when /furry/ and /erp/ got BUI'd
I don't even really care about that, I more care that that's what Holla Forums's boardculture has "evolved" into ever since these silent exoduses this year beginning with the CtR dox and it's ruining Holla Forums


im not even opposed to trump, he's good. but this "if you don't unconditionally love him and wish to suck his cock 24/7 you're Holla Forums!" mentality sure is annoying, and its shitting up every top board.

they have a bot to spam themselves? thats so retarded.

Stop it you retards, all he wants is the (you)s.

metal items attract lightning
beedle returns as a travelling merchant wearing a beetle backpack
each stable is owned and run by a unique character
dungeon shown was inside of the giant bird
3d dungeon map

I think their goal is to make something like the "tay" AI with commie-cat. Holla Forums was doing the same thing for a while with a Jeb bot. Look at the posts there, there's like 50 regular users who are all fairly easily identifiable and a huge amount of garbage one-liner posts that vaguely promote leftism - for instance
and hundreds of posts just like them. Their mods are some of the worst on the site as well, claiming to be "open to debate" and then when you try and ask why they believe what they believe it's just mass-reports sagebombs and b&s just like what kamphy and moonman do on Holla Forums
Zs only decent Holla Forums mod

oh look, another retard who believes hotwheels made Holla Forums specifically for gamergate & Holla Forums.

Holla Forums was a 4chan alternative, so the original idea was for 4chan people to migrate here. It existed over 1 year before you retards migrated here and stopped shitting up everything.

so like the "good!" posts on /n/? is that a bot too? i notice an awful lot of those posts

I guess I misinterpreted the dungeon part.

the dungeon is itself a giant moving puzzle and the player has to move it's pieces around to access all of the dungeon, because you get items outside of the dungeon the dungeon itself is more like the ones in a link between worlds, I still think it's the giant bird



i don't trust cuckmonkeys """news""" boards. he already put those (((reporters))) on news+ and probably deletes anything he doesn't like in the new /new/.

he can't be trusted.

Yeah, but when was the last time a quality thread was had on /n/? Like you said, those "good!" posts have been happening for over a year now, and every thread devolved into shitflinging between Holla Forums and Holla Forums. I haven't been there since April so I don't know if it's gotten better but that rarely happens.

I haven't used /n/ in a while, might be though. I'd wager it's more likely that it's just some autist having fun with a deadboard

Go back to >>>Holla Forums . They miss you. Why haven't you called them? They want to know if it's something they said.


I just came to see yet another link thread get derailed

I want to make the doggo go "wan wan" all night long.

Man, that controller looks like the worst, the WORST, thing that Nintendo has ever made for playing games.

It's not a matter of what they were thinking, it's plain and obvious that they simply 'didn't'.

Please let him commit suicide

To me it looks like they made a handheld(the layout is very similar to the vita) and then jammed gimmicks into it, what probably happened is the portable mode is similar what the next handheld would've looked like.

Reminder that the "pro" controller is 70 ISRAELI SHEQS


Can't wait to emulate it 4free

This uses a different architecture. You're going to have to wait longer than the 3DS, and even THAT hasn't gotten perfected.
Also, Jesus Christ. CEMU doesn't look as sharp as I expected it to.

yeah that always gets me too

Probably way longer due to being a decently powerful system and nothing from GC/Wii/Wii U applying whatsoever. Chances are it'll be like the 3DS and it'll be far easier, faster, and more convenient to just jailbreak an existing system than to emulate it.

Kneesocks is best girl
Kneesocks Switch doggo when?


Why would Cemu be any good if we're paying the dev team? Hasn't Holla Forums learned by now if you pay for a product because it's completed you get burned? Also on top of the fact it looks bad you neglected to say the sound doesn't work too, because the sound don't fucking work.


is the Wii U getting it the same day?
if not I probably wont buy it till I get a switch when the switch gets games worth buying a switch for

BotW is coming to WiiU though?

Yes, of course. That still doesn't change the Switch side of things.
I'm hoping for mods

Maybe when the Switch emulator comes around. But good luck there with fucking Cemu

How would having a Switch emulator suddenly lower the system requirements for playing BotW on PC? If anything it'll be more demanding

– Nintendo previously made Zelda games by making small areas and connecting them together
– For Breath of the Wild, the team first had to figure out what needed to be placed on the map
– Groups were created out of the over 300 devs to work on specific sections of the world
– Game Informer’s demo starts at Serenne Stable
– Yammo runs this place
– Link can rest in bed and restore health here
– Stable also lets you store horses, meet with merchants, NPCs
– Stables are located throughout the world
– Each one is run by a distinct character
– You can spend rupees on a more expensive bed, giving you an extra heart the next morning
– These hearts are yellow and can’t be recovered if you’re hit in combat
– Spending time by fires in the world passes time
– Dynamic weather system in the game, with the world reacting as a result
– Ex: when it starts raining, NPCs outside the stable quickly go inside
– Beedle is back to sell you goods
– Have to be careful during a thunderstorm, since your metal items can attract thunder
– Metal weapons and shields can be discarded or thrown at enemies
– Link can get killed by lightning
– Difficulty dips/spikes depending on where you are, since you can go around it and avoid it until you’re stronger
– Over 100 Shrines
– You can find an item that identifies Shrines
– Discover a Shrine for it to be a fast-travel point
– Shrines also give a Spirit Orb
– Trade in orbs for unknown items
– Dedicated team handled animal A.I.
– Bears, wolves, deer move through the snow
– You can get overwhelmed by enemies quickly
– Link can keep multiple horses at a time
– Affection/loyalty important with horses
– Feed and take care of horses to raise their stats
– Can call horses over to you, but horses need to be within a certain proximity to be called
– Horses can be killed by enemies
– Aonuma “wanted players to choose their own path”, so no companion character in this game
– Stamina meter encopasses sprinting, paragliding, climbing
– Meter can be upgraded, but Nintendo won’t say how
– Different shields have different speeds and level of control for snowboarding
– Can mine rocks which can be solid for rupees or used for crafting
– Can place stamps to mark areas of interest
– 100 of these symbols can be used on the map, including sword, shield, bow and arrow, pot, star, chest, skull, leaf, diamond
– Every style of weapon has a unique set of animations and feel different
– No invincible weapons in the game, Nintendo says
– Zelda can get mad at you and scold you
– Players can see the ending without seeing everything from the story
– A certain element was added in the game to make for a more cohesive storyline
– Most difficult Zelda game to make
– Aonuma is still finding new things in the world

Because it's emulating hardware that can run it better. The reason why Smash Bros is so easy to mod is because it's performance is great so there's a lot of wiggle room for mods to not impact performance. The WiiU is barely running BoTW. Meaning that if you're emulating the hardware you're emulating hardware that can barely play the game so it's gonna be a steep uphill battle to mod it.

New dungeon info

– Nintendo took Game Informer directly to a dungeon
– This dungeon is constantly moving
– Game Informer says “Link must manipulate the entire enormous mechanism through his own ingenuity”
– Players can skip dungeons if they want and go straight to Calamity Ganon
– The substance known as malice covers the dungeon
– Link gets hurt if he touches it
– Can be destroyed by finding and attacking each pocket of malice’s eyeball
– Sheikah Slate serves as Link’s map, binoculars, more
– Use the slate in the dungeon to see a 3D model, tilt the entire dungeon from here
– Doing so slides blocks into place and opens up angles you can use to paraglide to new locations
– Voice tells you that you need to access terminals with the slate across the dungeon, marked on your map
– All bombs in the game are remote and don’t blow up on a timer
– Simpler approach with dungeons in Breath of the WIld
– Game Informer didn’t see the familiar chest opening animation and signature music
– Never found a signature Zelda item or compass
– Wind Blight Ganon is the dungeon boss here
– Voice tells you, “It’s one of Ganon’s own. It plays dirty.”
– Wind Blight Ganon is a huge monster, has no face, gun-like arm
– Wind Blight Ganon can create tornadoes and will fire large spikes

There's all the new info fags. Was it really that hard to just copy and paste that?

That doesn't matter since its not running on the original hardware now is it user? Why do you think Dolphin can run Gamecube and Wii games at 1080p?

I will say, even if the main "story" aspect (the primary dungeons and progression) doesn't shape up all that well, child me would have loved the game. I used to love just fucking around in OoT and WW, so having a big open world where I could do things like surf down mountains and mess with bokoblins or whatever they are would have blown my mind.

Yes it does. Try emulating the SNES version of Gradius III and the arcade version sometime, and compare the overall performance.

must be nice living in a world where emulators run at full speed and accuracy 100% of the time and special case hardware isn't a bitch and a half to figure out

I'm gonna say it.

There is too much to do for a fucking Zelda game.
I didn't invest into this series for it to just become another open world RPG.
I hope you guys have fun with it.

Zelda's Adventure for CDi has 300 dungeons described in its design doc. Then the higher-ups decided to switch to CGI and the ambition was thwarted

Oh god. The dungeons already in it are painful enough. I'm not sure anyone could stomach going through 300 of them.

This is a little more than "just another open world RPG", user

Resolution won't change gameplay elements that bog the game down. Play a game on an emulator. Do something that'd tank the framerate on the original hardware and be shocked when the emulator's framerate also tanks. Zelda's framerate is bogged down by it's phsyics engine, not graphics.

I meant to quote
I swear I copied it, so I don't know how I pasted the other thing again.

I hope BOTW turns out like gothic and risen, where enemies are deadly as fuck until you can reasonably beat them either with skill or better equiptment. Im not a fan of the weapon degregation. I hope crafted weapons last much longer than normal weapons, because i plan on playing 2 handed/spear weapons.

I read that it was originally allot more difficult but its been made easier now which sucks

God damnit. Hopefully there is a hard mode. Gothic 2 and risen are my most favorite rpgs, and having zelda emulate that would be godlike. Having to be super resourceful and plan out routes, having enemies be deadly, having to actually improve before fighting difficult enemiesn and having big tough enemies actually be big and tough instead of just being a normal enemy with an inflated heath bar.
God damn i wish risen would stop crashing so much

So where's a good place to find digital magazine rips? Kinda want to see if there's any new art or screen shots in the game informer article. And apparently subscribers can already download the magazine digitally. I'm not really finding anything but a bunch of garbage when using google.

After buying the Wii U at launch I'm never making that mistake again

I get gameinformer monthly for somereason. When it comes i can upload pics. seriously i am like a magnet for shitty gaming shit




ahh… and where the hell are these coming from if I may so ask sir?

the official site


Cool thanks. Can you get that new very quick shot of them running all muddy. Doesn't look like there's much there but it's something new none the less.

Does anyone else get the feeling that the music from the trailers was only composed for the trailers and won't be used in game, they did this for Twilight Princess too.

they do that for allot of games, all the character reveals for sfv had random songs for the trailer.


Yeah thanks was actually just about to post that I downloaded the video myself (kept on thinking I had to do something in element inspector and not just go into page info) and yeah there's nothing really there. Zelda dose look way dirtier then I think we've seen before though. Almost like she's maybe injured or something.

It just seems strange to put effort into composing music only for promotional use, and the actual compositions are really good, I especially liked the one from the second trailer, and I don't much care for some of the in game music.

That some kind of vegetable

I'm hoping they've just turned the music off in all of these new clips. The sound effects are still there, but there's no music. Which is making all of them feel really empty. From what we've heard from the creators. I'm expecting a very subdue soundtrack when you're just out exploring. But if the entire game is like that. I can't say I'm gonna be very happy. I don't think it's gonna be like that though. Why would they include a soundtrack CD in the special edition if the game doesn't even have that much music to begin with.

How long until I can play this on an emulator?

And yet some neoneo/pol/tards still think that the jews fear the samurai.


OK I now have the game informer pages but 8chans being a little bitch and not letting me post them. Trying to get property of non-object /srv/http/post.php:1033 wtf? They're simple pngs. The hells going on?

Made them jpegs. If this doesn't work then f it I'm going to sleep.



Oh god

do you have the cover in full quality?

Reported for viral marketing.
Enjoy your ban.


Just for you. These are still just android screenshots though. So keep in mind they're still not the highest resolution.

thanks, give me the good shit if the thread is still around later

true. Thankfully real games did evolve.

oh no xbox was trying to be like steam allowing you to re-sell used digital games and get refunds on them.

oh no, but we must save gamestop's used game sales !!

22 days until Breath of the Wild.

Years. Lots of CEMU stuff runs like hot garbage with no sound yet and Switch emulation is a very long way off because the progress made on Gamecube/Wii/Wii U can't be used as a template.

Nintendo Rehash #76476467467

Why anyone even looks forward for this crap?

I can't wait to pick up my pre-order from the Internet :^)

Look, another retard who think this artwork has anything to do with fat acceptance.



My main concern is they've changed too much shit and you're bitching about "rehashes"?

Can't fight the memery I guess :^)

something cuck something shill something ;^)

I mean flat-out new shit. I remember stupid cocksuckers on this board saying Splatoon would bomb before release.

So is anyone picking up the Wii U version? I know it's runs worse than the Switch port but I'm thinking it might end up being like Twilight Princess on the GC where it'll be out of print fairly quickly and thus have some value to it.

I'm downloading it but I've pre-ordered a copy from Amazon Japan too.

Well I aint getting a switch so wii u it is.

Well that GI did give me hope in some areas, like the fact that difficulty hasn't been nerfed and Aonuma's attitude towards difficulty has changed. However, the simplification of dungeons concerns me, and it seems like we won't be getting the classic items like the hookshot (though hopefully this isn't the case, imagine that shit in combination with surfing, gliding and climbing). On a positive note it also looks like they're sidestepping many of the problems present in most other shitty "open world games with survival elements" games.

According to Aonuma the games have an identical framerate, the only difference is resolution and audio.

it got leaked or are you referring to a digital download at launch?

I'm not sure yet. The switch looks kinda cool and apparently it's getting games eventually but i'm not quite sold on it yet.

Except for the fact that the Switch version will likely have far less framedrops than the Wii U version. Granted most of the Wii U footage we've seen to date is from the old E3 build but I feel that if they had actually reduced framedrop since then they would have made sure to update the build.



He probably means identical ideal framerate, as in both run at a max of 60 or whatever, instead of one running at 30 and the other at 60.

It's 30 FPS max, not 60.

Same difference for the argument's sake. Point is that he isn't saying the Wii-U version won't chug more at more intensive situations.

I still doubt that there will be much of a difference, because the way he talks about it gives the impression that the game was more or less complete when the decision was made to port it over. Considering the performance of previous Zelda games it seems unlikely he'd be comfortable releasing a game with constant, major frame drops, even if it is the "inferior" version since there will be millions of people playing that version. Of course this could just be me hoping it isn't a mess since it's the version I'll play.

Yeah, I meant I'm planning to download it on the eShop when it goes up. I've got the balance for both versions of the game ready.

i want ruto to breathe on my penis

The egos on these old fuckers.


21 days until Breath of the Wild

Otherwise known as 3 weeks.

Are you in New Zealand?

I hope my console gets shipped out the day before and arrives at 8am, I hope I'm not working that day.

I'm planning to play it on a Japanese Wii U, so…

21 days, 4.5 hours to go

Listen to the man. Pirate what you can until the Big 3 shape up.

They're the sorts who call shoving stronk womyn or Niggers is brilliant design.

So I just figured something out.

The dungeon that was played by EGM was definitely the Helmaroc Goliath, the moss seen in the Wind Blight boss fight matches the moss on the Helmaroc seen in other trailers. Based on that we can infer that each side hero is related to a Goliath. Rito to Helmaroc, Gerudo to Camel, Goron to Dodongo, Zora to Elephant, you probably need each ones help to reach those dungeons. Hyrule castle itself is is surrounded by four giant pillars so it's safe to say as far as main dungeons go there's 4, I'm doubtful that the game has any other side dungeons not including the mini dungeons.

Nintendo are really missing out by not including thematic/side quest/ lore dungeons that are not part of the main quest but play similar to standard dungeons but with unique themes, a pyramid, another desert colossus, an old abandoned mansion, a Hylian fort, Hyrule castle downs old dungeons.

I'm fine with mini dungeons, them being optional the potential for hard as nails puzzles and puzzles that integrate items better is immense, but as part of exploration I'd like dungeons to be more than just 1 theme 120 times and then another theme 4 times.

depends on how quick the CEMU team works, so far they are making good time but it will all depend on how taxing the game is. Nintendo probalb yhad to work some codeing magic to get the most out of the system and those types of games always tend to be hard to emulate; just as an example Jak 3 is still really slow and glitchy on PCSX2 even with 2016 hardware since Naughty Dog somehow manage to make a game on PS2 with PS3 level graphics.


But Splatoon DID bomb, what are you talking about?

Ha look what I found. Probably made by a supreme autis. Or someone with way too much time to waste. By just using landmarks on the horizon in screenshots and video, along with a shitty image of the paper map in the special edition release. This guy has already mapped out a large amount of the locations in game. It's actually kind of impressive.


loli mountain

If this is true, I'll be disappointed. There should be at least one dungeon per area, with a different look for each. I'd much rather have 14 full dungeons and 30 shrines than 4 dungeons and 100 shrines.
Then again I could be wrong and their could be proper dungeons in death mountain, in the deku tree, atop cloudy mountain, etc.


1. Doesn't have Niggers.

There's Beedle.

There's a tiny sliver of hope that there are more dungeons based off of the strange pyramid like thing on the north part of the map, also the placement of the Gerudo city is off, it's on flat desert terrain and is quite a far way from the mountain range, the thing they place as Gerudo City is something completely different.

I think it's pretty much guaranteed that besides the main dungeons. There's also going to be very long extremely detailed Majora's Mask like side quest. Some of which might involve going through dungeon like areas. There's no way over half the provinces would just have nothing in them. Just look how large some of them are. The Snowpeak province alone looks like fifteen percent of the map. Then you got almost the entirety of the coast, inlets and bays. There's no way all that shits just pass through eye candy.

depends on the quality of the quests, I believe the head dev said that Skyrim was a big inspiration for this game.

20 days 7 hours

I'm ready, something about the Switch makes me happy. Xbone and PS4 were total shit.

Switch is a region-free home console - handheld console hybrid that's possibly getting all of Nintendo's software output for several years. It's the dream.

This is a BotW thread though.

Nah. Look at his skin.

He's brown and speaks stereotypically broken fresh off the boat immigrant Japanese in the original.

If it's easy to exploit, it'll be god tier. My dick is diamonds just thinking about using it for emulators and homebrew.