What do you think of CRT monitors? For anything. I've seen some professional ones around and desktop computer monitors...

What do you think of CRT monitors? For anything. I've seen some professional ones around and desktop computer monitors, but have they been surpassed yet for the common merits they are praised for like black levels, response time, etc? I've been using LCD displays for about 10 years now and I still notice how blacks are only black by contrast of the surrounding area, otherwise they appear plainly as bluish with light bulging through.

Posting in an ebin meme thread.

bumping because of goons

You're quite something, aren't you?

Industry grade CRTs still have the best color by far but for gaymen you are better off getting a 1440p / 144fps LCD.

I don't know about the for gaming aspect, since crts don't have the torn frame issue if your hardware is powerful enough, and even then something like the fw900 does 200+hz.

whats a memeposting?

Hipster shit on the same level as vinyl.

thats nice, so what do you think of the monitors themselves?

He probably doesn't think.

Long dead technology used mostly in shithole 2nd/3rd world countries with very few demonstrated benefits over modern displays, and many documented drawbacks over said modern displays such as smaller resolutions, far higher power consumption, increased eye strain and greater fire hazard.
Interested parties in moving surplus CRTs at a markup such as shippers from said countries, eBay scalpers, power companies and OP's sugar daddy are spreading the meme that they are "better" or "more authentic" than modern displays. This is thinly veiled advertising, so you should just report and ignore.

CRTs get tearing. They are even responsible for TFTs having tearing. If TFTs didn't imitate the CRTs constant refresh rate for compatibility reasons, we would have had tearing free TFTs from the beginning.

this is a bad graph and I've done a bit of studying into how crt's work. They're very safe. As far as smaller resolutions, that's your GPUs problem, CRT is an analog display and the line count is more of a discernible measurement, higher end crts are only being bested recently by 4K displays.

my mistake.

I don't like them very much.

Bullshit you could have resolution superior to recent LCDs back before 2001

yeah I don't know what's with that guy but his post is full of disinfo.

I wouldn't like them very much if they were that mean to me either. As far as exploding, no, that doesn't happen.

It's a table you donut.
And this disproves CRTs consume at least twice the power than a modern displays how? Every search on power consumption agrees with the table I posted.

they do, but the table is shit because there's no written measurement. It's just bigger numbers. No one thinks CRTs are more power efficient, but even then if you want a good picture who runs anything in low power mode?

Actually, my cousin died from a CRT explosion back in the 90s.

Dang, how close was his face to it?

HD CRTs exist, retard

CRTs implode, and the more recent it is the less chance it'll do so in a catastrophic manner, 70/80/ early 90's CRTs are fucking deathtrap though

not to mention 1600x1200 has been a common resolution since the 90s.

only cheapo 80s and 90s crts would be any sort of danger to something as basic which would cause total failure.

I actually lied, but it would be pretty rad if it were true.

Yeah, I just watched a couple of youtube vids. Looks terrifying.

it's why I asked how close he was. The way the tubes have been manufactured since I think the 60s (by law) was they are vacuum sealed and lined with a toxic chemical that makes the radiation banana-tier from less than 4cm away. They're actually really hard to properly cave in and make a hole in them. They'll take a hammer to the face and not shatter, even.

Are you that one faggot who keeps saging every thread at the start for no reason?

they caused house fires: dry dust inside + implosion with electrical sparks = fire

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