Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/

"Early to OP and early to rise makes a dev healthy, wealthy, and wise" edition



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Looks like a good Tuesday for progress!


Rule 34 when?

Rule34 now. You've imagined it, user, so it already exists in your head.

Now stop masturbating, and maek gaem

i think the hair texture needs more hair density
the bit that surrounds the forehead just looks a bit out of place

you still making this m8?

do you have any playable thing we can test out yet?


Are you gonna fix her face too?

I posted this in another non-agdg thread, but I was wanting to work on a Blades of Avernum clone.

What do you think about functionally useless spells that aid in roleplaying? BOA was based around user-made adventure modules. My thought was that you could cast a spell like Trackless Step or Detect Scrying; it wouldn't do anything, except setting a flag on the character/party. However, the adventure creator could check to see if this flag exists when writing events and respond accordingly.

It would be fairly niche, but it could be used to perhaps branch the adventure's plot, or prevent random encounters in a forest, etc.

From previous Thread.
Rather than 2d sketches, look more at some japanese 3d chibi shit and do similar proportions. For a stylized character, yours has still a too "realistic" body, which makes it look like an uncanny puppet.


Just found something in an old folder, because i also made some prototype body drawings for 3d "chibi" proportions long ago, in case it might help you.


Ah fuck.

No shit Japan is good, but I'm trying to understand how they did it. The colors they picked and the amount of detail the art conveys is just insane to me. Everything I make serves the purpose but doesn't look near as good.

God damn it was it fucking hard to do, now I just do the same for my 2 other cannon types and another adjustment when the cannon loading rate is upgraded.

What are you using to model? Blender? 3ds?

Kill me

The only thing it's good for a quick prototype hud

my vulkan code is going to go past 1000 lines of me copying stuff out of this tutorial.

maybe after that i'll get stuff on the screen

right now it doesnt have any errors, im on part 8 of 14, so maybe it gets easier from now on.


Reminder: You can do it if you're willing and persistent
(Not my models)

Yeah, gameplay impression changes a lot from music. Its like the most crucial thing, especially for beat em up vidya.

my greatest dreams will be fulfilled

The point was that dedication and practice increase the quality of your product, but sure, that works too

Dude, like, the only major difference between those photos is texture work and rendering. Nothing good normal maps can't fix. Not only that, but those models on the left aren't finished, but the last one is.


it's actually from 1988, my bad. This song isn't complete in this webm, I can't find a full song captured from real C64 (emulators can't handle this track correctly)

What a shame.

what a coincidence, I wanted to post roboco3, but the filesize was too big by about 300 kb and I didn't feel like encoding again.. oh well, have a youtube link

Is there a good rule of thumb for how many equipment slots to have in an rpg? Im the user doing the eventual Blades of Avernum clone

I expect the average party size to be 4, but I want to allow 1-6 characters on an adventure like BG. I like the number of options Morrowind had and I want to have a good focus on roleplaying over combat (so dressing appropriately) but I dont want to have a huge slog of options like DF

2 shoulderpads, 2 gloves, torso, legs, 2 shoes, helmet, left/right arm

Belt, backpack, gloves, bracers, cape, 2 or more rings, amulet


Doesn't sound like it. Delivery and punctuation was fucking dreadful. He must have been nervous or something.

Does anyone here have a beginner's guide to editing the base mechanics in Doom/Sourceports? For instance, pressing the "use" key to grab items rather than walking over them, or adding a dodge.

It could be that every time he told the story prior was in a 1-on-1 scenario and not on a stage in front of a ton of people.

If you need a beginner's guide, neither of those things would be a good starting point, honestly. Both of those would be fairly complicated to implement.

Not difficult, mind, but definitely not something I would rank as beginner's.

I'm just barging in here but it would seem that learning how to code in the Unreal engine would yield more profitable opportunities in the future than an engine over 22 years old.

Simpler is better: boots, leggings, chestplate, helmet, gloves, amulet

6 slots, not including weapons, easily fits on a grid.

Actually, I realize how unhelpful that sounds, sorry. So here we go.

In order to make a dodging mechanic, you would first need to decide whether to do a double-tap-a-direction method or hold Run plus a direction.
The latter would be easier, and would require a looping ACS script monitoring the player's input keys, checking the buttons they have held. If they have run + direction held, they're thrust in a direction and are given a counter that degrades over time so they aren't capable of spamming it endlessly.

The "use" key picking up items is significantly more annoying, though less so if you're using modern GZDoom features.
With the previous ACS loop constantly monitoring a player's input, have the Use button give them a dummy item to indicate that it's being used.
All inventory items will then constantly be needing to do a radius check for the player's position, and the player's inventory. If they're within X amount of units and have the dummy item in they're inventory, then the item jumps to the pickup state, gives the item to the player, and vanishes.

You should remake her in zbrush with really realistic looking template meshes and textures so as to see the veins in her boobs and the veins in muhdick

Thanks for the tips. I want to take a stab at something in the style of New Vegas - basically a CRPG in first person built in GZDoom. Probably going to have to do ever trying via workarounds, but it seems like a fun challenge. Things like stats and skills will probably have to be done via custom "ammo" types, for example.

The real kicker, though, is figuring out stuff like custom menus. Without a mouse-driven inventory, I don't see how my concept could work. I have seen mods that allow you to select a set of powers via the mouse pointer, so I know it's possible, but I need to learn to walk before I can run.

"Ever trying" should say "everything"

Not sure whether or not to do heavy hard hitting combat or DMC carayzee combat.


The hammer's shaping up nicely

I don't frequent these threads much but your mod looks genuinely fun to play. I hope you finish it and have fun doing so.

Honestly I haven't felt this energized in months. I've been making a lot of progress lately.

Honestly, that gameplay combined with Runescape's MMO elements would be amazing as fuck.

working on a HUD element to show the player is missing their sword after throwing it, gonna add a bar of some kind to give them a rough idea of how much time is left before the sword comes back.

Might redesign the icon though

Same. I lost a lot of weight and also developed an iron and nutrition deficiency because of chronic GI issues. I'm still hilariously underweight but the other issues have been fixed; I actually have energy to work again and don't feel like napping every hour

I could almost see my dream becoming true and now I don't know what going to happen


Shit happens, stick to it or you will regret it in the future.

Did you sign paperwork or give your SIN number to the volunteers? You might have shot yourself in the foot and had the gubmint deem you fit to work

No, I started volunteering after my assessment so it wouldn't been a factor.

I not giving up, just more shit to worry about and uncertainty about my life.

exams are finally over
i can now get back to gamedeving a shitty rts and playing card games

Some user posted a few pixel art .pdfs. They're really good if you want to start learning or improve.

Does anyone happen to know if there's more of these?

I liked the shoulder length hair more because it let you have a full view of her backside. Is it clipping through her hips in the last view?

It probably is. Unless the hair has its own physics or something. Then in which case it better be optimized. I don't want another Tomb Raider fiasco with that shit.

Good. You clearly can work; get a real job you deadbeat!

I'm not noticing much difference in proportions, but I'll go ahead an whip up a few more base sketches in advance anyway.

I likely won't post them because I feel like I hogged up too much of the last thread. When I make more progress on the actual game, I'll post in a later thread.

Thx user.




Yeah, that's why I am doing volunteering
Can't, don't have a good CV, that's why I'm doing voluntary. Do you think I like working for free?

Shit, I don't like Barbies…

Well, it's not horrible.

Easy, here's what you do:
The key is to prioritize working on the project that will provide the most benefit to your situation while still being doable.
But the most important thing is to eat that frog you German loli cunt I swear to god almighty

wow, it's the holy trio of kill yourself

I'm pretty sure that's a drawing to design her hairstyle, not an actual in-engine thing.

Well now there is a winter camo for this tank.

Feel better soon, user.

Which one looks better? They're different heights for isometric tiling.

The left feels better to me, but the right doesn't align to the grid which means there won't be any ambiguity between heights


Not a bad plan user.

right is better, feels like Zeus


I try to work in units of 8. The floor tiles are 64x31 so that they can tessellate properly. Having the height units as 16 looks short, while 24 looks too tall. The one in is 20 units.

However, the problem comes from slopes (hills, stairs). Unless it's kept to a multiple of 8, I can't have a clean diagonal, and since I suck at art, this is important… so I guess I have to have ambiguous looking tiles. I guess I could do some kind of border on them, maybe

Don't neglect planning, it's the 10% of work that allows the rest of the 90% to happen.

More silhouettes. These are not the final hair planes and they are not textured.

There will be physics, just like before. Just simple rigidbody chains.

My movement system is 85% done but I'm going to come back to it later. I've been bogged down on this stuff and getting nowhere.
I've got one bug which I can't fix so I've bandaid fixed it for now.
One system flat out isn't working despite I had it working to an extent at one point.
I also need to work on the "feel" of it.
I also need to do something like I haven't planned well.

Started work on AI, I already know it's going to be a nightmare, especially with what I want to do.

Why did you quote yourself after being wrong? Not only that, my original post said I was doing a course (actually doing two) along with part time vol work. Learn to read.

What do you if you hate doing tutorials or learning.

At the beginning I was really willing to and would spend hours taking notes and practicing.
After 7 months I started getting sick of having to look at tutorials or learn something and the practicing hours got less and less.
On top of that I'm depressed as fuck and I'm starting to get convinced that I don't have what it takes.

I want help but I don't know what to do.


Where is a good place to commission character sprites?

Are you going to make boatloads of money off your super hot protagonist?

deviantart ;)


I'll take that as a yes.

I'm not quite sure how to feel about this.

You could have used the time you spent blogposting to get back to that image.

I hope you get better soon.

Too late already it's almost 4AM and I already tugged my tugboat, I'm falling into bed as soon as I finish eating. Sage for unrepetant blogpost

check out my new game

Is it some kind of joke?


what engine should I use for 3D

Trying yet another HUD element here


Nah, looks more high quality.

it is me, i wrote that in a couple hours to pass the time

Sigma Engine 2

What is the name of your game going to be? If you don't mind me asking?

will her eyes change colors too?

There, a step in the right direction. Now I can use this shit to make tilesets, in theory.

Not sure if I should make it piecewise, eg combining the top right and bottom left; if I do I could mix and match different tiles (like grass and dirt). On the other hand, it might also make sense to just make it as a single tile. I dunno

For penitence you should post the image in here when you are done with it.

Just you wait, its going to be really good, much better than the first one. I'm much better at programming now, and i've made all the code look really presentable

Fuck, I was missing some inner corner pieces

Alright, time for some hot opinions

How high should my walls be? I'm thinking 3 units high for the player to walk around in, and 1 unit high for cutaway

Made a animation today, i think i did pretty well with it.
it was a oversized page with a small animation so i cropped it ignore the water mark

how tall will the player be?

That seems like a pretty good basis.
Depends ultimately on how large the sprites are, but the walls seem to differentiate in height enough that it's easy to tell which is which at a glance.

Do games write data over ping-pong frames, or just asynchronous writing? I remember watching a vid talking about why hit detection in Counter-Strike was so dogshit, and he refereed to shit in half a-presses pings. Right now I think I'm having an issue where I don't actually know when my messages are finished being sent, so I was thinking back to it.

depends, more advanced game engines will have several threads running, so you have a client and threads related to the client and then a server and any threads related to the server, and they will stream the data over between each other , just like over the internet, even if you are playing on a server hosted on your own machine (even when playing by yourself, the game will just start up a server, except only you are connecting to it)

The idea is that essentially two programs are passing messages over to each other over the IP and then deciding what to do with those messages asynchronously. The idea is that the less messages you pass to each other, the less accurate everything is, if you only pass X amount of messages then it can only make X conclusions, and sometimes that can be the difference between a hit and a miss in counter-strike.

A simpler game engine will just have one thread, and everything gets processed one after another, and you don't have this client-server confusion, you know what order it all happens in, and you don't go over the internet at all. You can do things in a lot of diffrent ways and the simplest way is the one i just described.

I think the websocket library I'm using automatically multithreads the shit out of the connections. I'm getting unreliable messages, I think because, since it's multithreaded it'll clear out before it's actually finished being sent. I don't want to write a gigantic protocol for knowing when it's done if this is what ping-ponging is meant to achieve.

Actually nvm. There is a callback, which I've been using, and confused myself thinking it only reported on errors since my message was getting corrupted.

Time to start working on the BIG attack

Rehauled one of the weapons entirely. Ripping weapons won't work really well in gameplay, so I changed the bouncing ripping triple blade launcher to an electric shotgun.

Looks good. You'll be adding sound to it, right?

Damn rights I am. I like this animation so much that it's going to be implemented as Blaz's drawing and sheathing animation

Gifsicle gives you no water marks.

Congrats, I have a boner now.

a simple console… It hooks into printf, so all logs that were previously going into the standard terminal now end up here, there's a command parser, you can scroll the text up and down, the buffer is 500 lines by default, but can be changed with launch parameter. Command history with Up and Down arrow keys. I was tempted to name it SalamiDOS, but this is not a disk operating system so it wouldn't make much sence hehe.

You have my attention. Tell me more.

I'm working on a side scroller shooter and I'm using Turrican 2 graphics as placeholders. Turrican, Ruff 'n Tumble and many other great platformer shooters are my inspiration of course, but I'm not working on a turrican "remake" or anything like that. I've got a youtube channel (it's quite new, so not much is in there still) you might wanna check it out.

I'm a retard and hadn't considered that before posting and running off to bed. Looking at it now, I think it's okay to have walls inside the tile, rather than on grid edges, because of secret doors and the like; one side might use a stone wall and the other side might use a wooden wall, for example. Although, it's a fixed perspective and you only see one side of the wall at a time…

I think I'll shift it to the edges in that case, and characters will probably have a "buffer zone" around them so they don't overlap onto the tiles. Not sure how it'll look with hueg monster sprites like a giant or dragon, but we'll see

I already knew all this information, but this is a high quality, informative post.

For reference

Actually, Avernum somehow uses a 1:1 perspective on it's tiles, kind of weird.

Anyways, characters look like they're 24x40 in size; turns out that 2 units and 1/2 unit look pretty good for walls.

Neat. What do you use to draw this ?

Photoshop and autism

I thought this picture is from actual game

For a first person melee combat game with directional attacks, would you prefer to control the attack direction with the WASD keys (like Chivalry, Dark Messiah, etc.) or the mouse? WASD-style is self-explanatory, mouse would depend on the movement direction of the mouse over the last few frames.

The advantage of the mouse system is that it's extremely quick (moving the mouse around by a few pixels and clicking LMB is sub-100ms stuff) and that you don't need to fuck up your movement (e.g. if you're strafing to the left you don't need to have that short stutter-step to the right to give the desired direction to your attack). Mouse also allows for different movements (e.g. diagonal attacks) since you can move the mouse in any direction. On the other hand it does lead to a bit of a cameraquake, as small as the movements may be with the mouse you will still be doing quite a few of them (and you'll likely not be a perfectly efficient machine so your mouse movements might be a lot larger than needed, especially in stressful fights). There is also that I've never seen a mouse system in any other game (unlike WASD which is used a lot) so it's hardly tried and tested.

Hello i am the "fuck you Spiderweb software for removing the ability to close doors from the game" that follows every Avernum game screenshot.

Fuck you spiderweb software for removing the ability to close doors from the game, how am i supposed to steal everything


obviously the best would be to give players the option like mount and blade does
with that said the mouse aim would be the superior option giving you more control and speed it might be harder to implement well though

FTE Quakeworld or Darkplaces

For starters, first person melee combat generally doesn't work because it brings in a lack of spacial awareness. Videogames just don't give you that same awareness that real life does, and as such, it becomes very difficult to determine where enemies around you are.

Secondly, you should avoid using movement, either of camera (mouse) or of the player character (wasd) as modifier keys. This is because people develop an analog feeling of the movement, which is important for the player to properly feel connected to the gameworld.
The moment you're telling people that they should use their movement to choose with action to perform, they first have to switch out of the mental mindset that their wasd/mouselook is how they move, and into the mindset that its a modifier to perform specific actions.
It's always awkward, and best avoided. Instead, opt for different modifier keys like ctrl, alt, shift, capslock, tab, space, etc..

In the end though, it depends on what you're going for. Making mouselook also the direction you extend your sword in could work, in which case you're basically asking people to ask with a knife taped to their heads.
The real question is; what do you want directional attacks for? Even in games like chivalry, directional attacks are pretty much a joke. The only attacks you have is horizontal swings (in which case you can specify whether it moves left or right), a stab and a downward swing. This could easily mapped to KBM as such:
M1 is right->left swing
shift+M1 is left->right swing
ctrl+M1 is stab
ctrl+shift+M1 is downward swing

Vid attached of a dynamic system that looks neat

all u need is some purple to mix with that, and you've got yourself an MD

Sounds like that would work a lot better with a controller.
As combos to activate moves is sorta shit when you translate it to a kerbaord+mouse.
Also, combos for shit like that is very much a miss/hit type of deal, and a lot of people just "smash key combos" until they win.

boobs are not big enought

take yer pills

ありがと 先生

man that game looks violent.

Wow, he's autistic too.

? mountain blade only allows attacks based on mouse direction

unless you actually check the settings


What's new about your engine ?

Okay I'm fucking going crazy with this.
I have a GameObject that contains a camera. I want to get the rotation values of that GameObject into another fucking script but nothing I try works.

Any help on this?

You actually have two copies of the fYRot variable with different scopes.

You are calling Update(), and setting a variable called fYRot that exists for the duration of the Update() call. This is different from the class-scoped fYRot variable.

Just remove the "float" bit from the second call, and it should assign correctly

Fix your compile errors first. Your DLL won't be reloaded until you do.

"Bit" referring to "thingy", not a bit in the sense of programming

You're confusing GameObjects and Components there, fam.
A GameObject is merely a container for various components. It doesn't have any position, orientation or any functionality.
// Assign in inspector (editor) via dragging and dropping the Camera GameObject[SerializeField]private Transform cameraTransform;void Update() { float fYRot = cameraTransform.eulerAngles.y;}

He still has two variables instead of one

Compile errors are because I'm trying to get the variable in another script, which I can't seem to figure out

This is how my other script looks, I know it has something to do with GetComponent but I can't get it working

Debug Logging from the first script I posted does give me the correct value though

if you want fYRot to be accessible to other scripts without a reference to an object, then make it a static variable

How is that done?

public static float fYRot;

Oh, it's working.
Will the value be updated in my second script in case it changes in the first?

Look at your transformation hierarchy. The GameObject "Camera" is attached to "CameraTarget". If you rotate "CameraTarget", all it's children (including "Camera") are rotated with it. If you were to rotate the camera itself, it would no longer be correct.

That's because you need a reference, which you can obtain with GetComponent.
GetComponent can be called from a GameObject or any Component attached to it.
The way you wrote it, that field would need to be static for it to work.

Keep in mind that this will make the field disappear from the inspector, since it can't be serialized any more.

Yeah, I know, what is this about?
I want to get the rotation for CameraTarget, not the camera

So if it weren't static how would the GetComponent look?
Something like
GameObject.GetComponent …?

You can't just make it public in Unity? It has to be static? This frightens me

you can, but he wrote it in a way which implies that he wants to use it as if it's static

I don't know what I'm doing, so don't suppose that that's what I wanted to do from the start.
I just have no idea how GetComponent works and the documentation is a nightmare to navigate

public GameObject obj;//in the editor, set which gameobject is objWhateverComponent comp;void Start(){comp=obj.GetComponent();comp.DoShit();}

Oh, misunderstood you then.

// Access a Component from a known GameObject (ex. Transform)Transform t = KNOWN_GAMEOBJECT.GetComponent();

How is this done exactly?

in the hierarchy click on the gameobject's name
then in the inspector, it's components should show up
and one of them should be the script you've put onto it
and there should be a field for the objects of said script

I'm really sorry about this I might actually be retarded but I do not get it at all

you haven't defined what CameraTarget is
you need to make a GameObject called that in the same script
public GameObject CameraTarget;
void Update()


That's why I called it "KNOWN_GAMEOBJECT". You need a reference to the GameObject it is attached to.
[SerializeField]private GameObject CameraTarget;void Update() { // ...}
Alternatively you can search for it at runtime using its name or tags. Check the Unity docs for that.

user, you seem pretty new to C# or coding in general. Take these handy links for reference and read up on them as time permits.

>C# Operators
>C# Keywords


You have to assign a GameObject to the variable from within the inspector (side panel in the editor).

I mostly do webdev, it's usually not this hard to get a variable from another script

in which case CameraTarget has to be public, not private
if it's private, he's gonna have to assign it from the code, not from the editor

No. Either public or use the "SerializeField" property, as shown in . The latter is preferable, because it doesn't violate encapsulation.

Ah, got it.

Although I don't think it's getting the value

It's doing just what you told it to: print the transform, not its rotation.

that's because you told it to debug log the object
so it's telling you the name of the object (CameraTarget)

Fair enough. But keep in mind that compiled languages are usually quite formal and rigid in how they operate.

How do I get it to print the Rotation then?


Debug.Log( t.eulerAngles );
Also don't fetch the transform every frame, that's slow. Cache your shit.

Well that's mostly why I'm doing this. It might be a complete waste of time, but it's worth giving it a shot you know

That will make it spit out a quaternion.

that still counts as the rotation

Ah, that makes sense, thank you user.
I'll try to get on with it by myself, sorry for being a retard

im busy with college and all that, so progress has slowed to a crawl. I cant even work on it until the weekend because I have to study. Im still trying to get vulkan to work, but I have had barley any time to work on it this week.

While giving both would be the ideal choice, speaking realistically I would probably be better off just focusing one to make sure it works as well as possible. The combat system changes a bit with the input (I basically have to change a few things if I want it to feel right) so accommodating for two different styles would be a lot of work.

Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah, and Chivalry all worked just fine. First person melee has its drawbacks of course, but not like third person melee combat doesn't have its own drawbacks.

I wish this were possible but if you want any sort of directional attacks and parries you are pretty much forced to. Of course if everyone played with TrackIR (or VR) then the camera could be kept independent of the mouse, but that's just not realistic. Sadly the directional-style of combat forces me to either use WASD or the mouse.

Similar system as the one shown in but quite a lot simpler. Since everything depends on the actual weapon hitboxes (i.e. parrying) it's important that the player can decide his attack direction so he doesn't have to keep whacking that skeleton's shield because he can only attack from the right. Chivalry made directions useless because swings were slow and there was little difference between parrying right and left. Since I'm not making a multiplayer game, my swings can be a lot faster and make direction count (because parrying in the opposite direction of where you are parrying now will have a much much smaller window of opportunity).

Ideally I'd use diagonals rather than horizontals anyway, which kinda makes this question pointless now that I think of it, as diagonals on the WASD would be tricky (you get 4 directions rather than 2, and making people hold WA, AS, SD, and DW is messy).

Yeah Mordhau seems to have an awesome system, quite a few overlaps with my idea for a combat system, though I don't need all that complexity.

I'll make a prototype of it before anything else anyway, see if it feels good and how it can be made better. Might end up dropping the entire directional idea if that seems like the best choice.

90% H'wyte my nigga.

I still have no idea how to properly unwrap hair cards.

liking it a lot more now, you should make some snow maps to show it off better

Thanks fam.

Too bad that GZDoom Builder in Wine doesn't work for me properly, so I cant make new maps or editing old ones. I know there is Slade and Eureka for linux but they don't have support for latest ZDoom map features such as those 3D sectors or however they were named.

t. linux user.


What's the best way to stop my moving cube from going inside obstacles?
I tried rigidbody but that just applies physics to it and makes it move weird.

Hey man,that looks nice! good job!

RTS user here
i'm trying to remake my hot steaming pile of garbage
and i'm already encountering issues with my pathfinding that weren't there
say i've got 9 units standing next to each other
i tell them to go somewhere
the ones in the back are gonna have to recalculate their path since all of the nodes infront of them (including the ones to the side of their forward node) are occupied
however, this results in them not having any suitable neighbors at all
i'm assuming this is because of my shitty implementation of JPS
from what i understood it was basically neighbor pruning
so in the situation where all the forward nodes are unpassable what do i do?
i get the feeling that i'm implementing JPS wrong

what fucking year is this

If I record it with OBS I need to then convert it with ffmpeg, lower the resolution until it fits etc etc

With a camera I just point and shoot
u tell me

use fraps?

Why the fuck would I download an outdated program that I need to crack when I can get the exact same result with my phone

are you being ironic or what? you'd have to be blind to not tell the difference in quality between a phone and fraps/obs

3rd one is best imo but you should show more sizes it does make a big difference

Who cares? I just need to show a 5 second video as an example, I don't have to make a movie
Should I also crack an adobe program so I can add a 20 second intro before the video starts?

the solution is don't put units as obstacles in your pathfinding
It won't work well pathfinding like jps is meant for navigating static obstacles and it only kinda works with moving ones
For not making units collide you should look for a different solution like boidian movement.

well i mean fine, if you want to wipe your shit with your hands instead of taking 2 seconds to pull some toilet paper, be my guest


It's more like walking bow legged with your ass dirty of shit to the kitchen to get paper roll and then cleaning your ass tbh
Is it better than cleaning your ass with the cardboard stuff the TP roll was on? Yeah sure, but I really can't be fucked

it takes a minute of your life to make a video that doesn't look like shit
would it kill you to make it?
i can understand someone being unity illiterate, but refusing to do something this basic is just being rude

also yes

The fact that you aren't willing to put in a little bit of time for a significantly better result with something as banal as screen capture doesn't bode well for your game. OBS is easy and free. XMedia Recode is free and has options to crop, change resolution, and change bitrate.

If it's so banal why does it need to be any better than what it is
It's just a waste of time

I mean I get it, but there's really no need to get this butthurt over someone doing a video the quick way

you're asking for a bullying

I can take it

Python 2.

I have a list containing lists. I need to access a particular index of one of the items in the list of lists. How can I do that? doing 'list[index][index]' wont work because I don't know what index the item I need to access will be at. I tried having 'list[name of item i want to access][index]' but that didn't work it needs to be an integer it says.

Too much work, I made those by hand really quickly… But you're right it does look significantly different when it's a lot bigger and the difference between 2 and 3 becomes really apparent

Has science gone too far?

ayo, where the hair textures at

Thanks m8y I just did now the Desert texture have a screenshot on epic2.wad

If all the names of the items are unique, you can hash that string to get integers to store them as. Not an ideal solution, but it sounds to me like you're looking at and describing your problem the wrong way.

You're triggering my PTSD you shitlord.


Shotguns tend to be the weapons people rely on/enjoy the most in games, so I figured this is going to be the main workhorse weapon, something straightforward and reliable.
So it needs to counteract the rapid-fire accurate nature of the Hull Buster with something slightly slower but less accurate, but not overtly so. The speed of the game means a lot of encounters are going to be fought at mid-to-long-range, after all.


What you're looking for is the python dict object. A dict(ionary) is essentially a hash map/lookup table. That is to say a dictionary consists of keys and values. Keys need to be unique, and have a corresponding value. You can then look up a given key and retrieve the value associated with it.

In your case, you would want a dict where the key is the name of the item (or any unique identifier of an item, it doesn't have to be the name) and the value would be the list associated with that item.

You may find this useful:


Do I detect a city builder, perhaps a caesar clone?

On the one hand, it handles a grid of data the same way a floodfill does, but on the other, its inherently related to vision and lighting. What do

I want to do bad things to that waifu

thanks for these

Please do not abuse your waifu. She, too, has hopes and dreams.

Abusing her with your penis doesn't count.

It's simple: if you can't be assed to make a vid in OBS to present your problem, I wouldn't imagine you being able to make any good code, even with all our (above average) well-meaning and help. Tech literacy etc.

You're welcome, bud. I've been doing pixel art for several years but still learned something from this.

alright, anyone got a clue why i'm having issues with null nodes, or the same node being added to the path multiple times resulting in rotation on a 0 vector? adding a node in the frontier multiple times happens if there was a dead end that forced us to change the course, but in the path itself, there shouldn't be duplicate nodes
public void MultiThreadAStar(NodeElement goal) { //reference to the map SquareGrid graph = PathfindingMap.grid(); //frontier/priority que frontier = new PriorityQueue(); //add the current node as the start of the frontier frontier.Enqueue(curNode, 0); _start = curNode; _goal = goal; camefrom.Clear(); costsofar.Clear(); //first node came from itself, cost 0 camefrom[_start] = _start; costsofar[_start] = 0; closestPossible = _start; //do this until the frontier becomes empty (or we reach the goal) while (frontier.Count > 0) { //current node is the one closest to the goal NodeElement current = frontier.Dequeue(); if (current.Equals(goal)) { break; } //regular A* neighbors, in other words everyone surrounding the current node foreach (var next in SquareGrid.Neighbors(current, this)) { //ignore it if it's occupied by another unit if (next.occupied == null) { //add it to the optimal paths if it isn't in the frontier, or it's cost is lower than the current one double newCost = costsofar[current] + graph.Cost(current, next); if (!costsofar.ContainsKey(next) || newCost < costsofar[next]) { double h = Heuristic(next, goal); double h2 = Heuristic(closestPossible, goal); double priority = newCost + Heuristic(next, goal); frontier.Enqueue(next, priority); camefrom[next] = current; costsofar[next] = newCost; //save the closest node to the goal, in case we can't reach the goal if (h2 > h) { closestPossible = next; } } } } } //reconstruct the path FindShortestPath(); } bool recalculating = false; float recalculateTimer = 0; public void FindShortestPath() { path.Clear(); NodeElement next = _goal; //end of the path is the closest node to the goal if (!camefrom.ContainsKey(next)) { next = closestPossible; } path.Add(next); for (int i = 0; i < camefrom.Count; i++) { next = camefrom[next]; path.Add(next); if (next == _start) { path.Reverse(); break; } } //if the path is too short, the unit was probably surrounded and couldn't move, restart the path in a second or so if (path.Count 2.5f) { recalculating = true; recalculateTimer = 0; } }

ok that is cool

faerie village BoF3/4 style, but on steroids

user throw us a bone, which line is complaining about null? Also if you pastebin/hastebin it, we get line numbers

if (path.Count > 1) { Vector3 pos = path[1].pos(); tr.position = Vector3.Slerp(tr.position, pos, Time.deltaTime * Speed); if (Vector3.Distance(tr.position, pos) < 0.4f) { path[0].occupied = null; path.RemoveAt(0); path[0].occupied = this; curNode = path[0]; } // anim.SetFloat("Speed", 1); }
the null nodes happen in LateUpdate when i'm checking if we've reached a new node
for whatever reason, path[0].occupied=this usually tells me that the index is out of range or in other words, the path is empty (even though that shouldn't be possible, this should only be happening when the path has at least 2 nodes)
i did notice that this was only happening when units are nearly complete with their path. when they reach their path, i have them check if their current node is occupied by someone else, in which case they try to go to the nearest unoccupied node
once i removed that, the argument out of range errors stopped (even though this isn't how i want it to work, but at least i know where the issue is)
aside from that, when i'm trying to rotate the unit towards the next node in his path, i get a lot of messages that the look rotation vector is zero, which means that current node and next node are the same
protected void RecalculatePath() { //recalculate path if someone is infront of us if (path.Count > 1) { if (path[1].occupied != null && recalculateCooldown > 1) { recalculateCooldown = 0; SetDestination(LastDestination, true); } else { recalculateCooldown += Time.deltaTime; } } //this is the bad bit that causes out of range errors /* else { if (curNode.occupied != this) { SetDestination(curNode, true); } }*/ //redo the path if it was initially too short if (recalculating) { recalculateTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (recalculateTimer > 0.5f) { recalculateTimer = 0; recalculating = false; SetDestination(LastDestination, true); } } }

rotation bit in question
protected virtual void Rotate() { if (path.Count > 1) { DesiredRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(path[1].pos() - curNode.pos()); tr.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(tr.rotation, DesiredRotation, Time.deltaTime * 4); } }

alright, i figured out the null/out of range node issue
i'm trying to use multithreading, and i didn't realize that this way LateUpdate is on a different thread from the pathfinding, hence why nodes were being removed from the list while they were no longer there
at least that's why i think it happened. i changed the pathfinding function to be on the same thread and things work fine.
rotation is still bugged though, it keeps telling me that the look rotation vector is 0

Inspired by I made a userscript that gives Holla Forums line numbers. It doesn't work for new posts though because I dunno how to detect them, so you have to refresh to see them on new posts.

var shittyprint = document.getElementsByClassName("prettyprint");for (var i=0; i

Help my computer is on fire

No warranty


>ICollection exists as an interface so that all collections in C# follow a standard set of rules, such as being IEnumerable, and having Add() and Remove() methods
>Arrays such as T[] are also ICollection


>Queue and Stack don't have their own interfaces, like IList and IDictionary do



Looks like Greenlight's getting the axe, if anyone here was planning on a steam release.


You deserve everything you get, faggot.


As far as strongly-typed VM languages go, its probably the most robust. I would never use a dynamic, noncompiled language if I could help it … maybe Lua.

Although I remember hearing that modern C++ compilers go to a virtual machine as well… can you confirm that?


Programming is nothing but problems, you liar.


He didn't say he was programming.


From a cursory glance, it looks like the new system will require a fee for submitting new games.

I'm broke as fuck so this'll be unfortunate. But I guess it's a reason to start a donation drive, once I've got some actual progress in the game instead of a fancy tech demo.


windows API is proof that you can write FORTRAN in any language

That's right, should have used Haskell

Its a good thing though. It used to be $100 an account and it got flooded with shovelware. Hopefully it wont be a dumping ground now


what the hell are you doing
just combine them and have them split up after a certain length

What, just unwrap like strips to the same space and have them reuse the same parts of the hair texture.

Overlap the UV's. It's the way professionals do it.

Flat cards are the only way I can fake hair shading without butchering the g-buffer to squeeze in a tangent.
You just gave me an idea, though.

Thanks user, I never would've guessed that without your help.

What do you think about Steam Direct, fellow /agdg/eeks?

Bretty gud tbh

Summer, Desert and Winter camo ya freaking cunt.
If I feel like it I might do a Urban camo for them and then rinse and repeat this fucking process for the Panzer II model I want to model later.

it actually gives me some hope for releasing my game on steam.

About time tbh.
Although, I have some opinions on the structure of the system, and what happens upon submitting a game.
So, there's a the per title fee (unspecified atm, but at least $100-$500 per title imo) that can be recouped via game sales.

However, this deposit is only recoupable if your game is accepted (i.e. plainly laid out, and very reasonable minimum requirements, detailed further below).
F.e. someone submits a shitty meme game, pays the fee, and in the process wastes valve's time; in event of failing some very basic minimum requirements the submitter forfeits their deposit.

In essence, valve needs to hire a large team to curate each title submitted for quality control purposes (w/minimum requirements), and possibly even go with steam based crowd sourcing to make this happen on a large scale (i.e. multiple groups playing demos, ticking boxes of detailed stuff below, and earning dosh/playing a game before anyone else).
Minimum requirements for a submitter, such as:
>these items must include everything you describe, or show in a trailer/footage (f.e. NMS would be outta luck here, and would need to change their trailers)

Pretty basic, but imo would help to prevent a lot of the shovelware from ever getting on the store, and cull a lot of the shitty early access games (keep "promised mechanics/etc" to your own site).

Valve wants to be hands-off with everything and automate as much as possible. They will never hire a team, especially a large one. It's one of the things they're known for. There's a thread going on right now where a dude found out there are 4 PROGRAMMERS handling the entirety of TF2.

Even so, a "valve tier large team" would work, but tbh I'm too tired after wage slaving to type out, or refine how it could work as it's all hypothetical anyways.

how do you drawfags make shit so fast? it takes forever to finish this crap

This might do the trick.
The hair ribbons are still split, but they're lined up to form a volume.


Volume is always better. Still bake and tweak the physics, but volume means no visible clipping which looks horrible.

get a picture of a regular spotlight in real life and pixelize it, see what the falloff is like.

Falloff isn't the same as the light shape, which should be circular for non-directional lights (which I still have to consider, I completely forgot about them on my first draft last year)

Incidentally, my falloff works quite well; it generates a value between 0..1 which represents illumination level, depending on how much distance is from the origin of the light, up to the radius (infinite lights not supported, though I'm not sure how they'd have falloff, either - this would just use a constant value of "1", I suppose). I use a quadratic-linear-constant attenuation as follows:

If you're going to show cleavage all over the place you might as well go all the way and make it a hentai fighting game.

or at least make the titty physics so hectic everyone's goin OMG

x = abs(x of light - x of point in space)
y = abs(y of light - y of point in space)

distance = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)

1.0 / (1.0 + a*distance + b*distance*distance)

Play around with this to figure out which a and b works best

With careful skinning, layers wouldn't have to clip; it would be no different from skinning a volume with the same thickness. That's because in the end, you're just transforming a bunch of vertices, as long as you apply the same transformation to all of them, they will stay in their relative positions to each other.
However, splitting the ribbons with modifiers where possible, rather than manually, will save me some time skinning that mess in the first place.
That would be a downgrade.

What the guy needs is inverse square multiplied by an approximation of surface shading, assuming he's lighting a 2D floor.
( 1 / distance squared ) * cos(atan2(distance,height))

My attenuation function works just fine. Though I supposed I can change what I have to be a default delegate function and let the user overwrite it for individual lights … that seems more flexible and handy, because then it implicitly supports what you're suggesting without forcing it

What kind of gameplay is your game going to have? Third person shooter?



And now I'm working on more visually fancy shit.

Dead on.

Hmm is the process the same for libre/open source games? Since they are not really swimming in moni.



Meant to be brain is tired body is awake. Fml

Exercise till tired, then sleep.

Would anyone be interested in a comprehensive package for Unity that covers a command console, cvars and cfunctions, configuration files which can be rewritten at runtime, basic window management, by-channel debug logging and an input system based around binding keys to console commands?

It's basically the Source engine command console system except it can be multiplexed and run programs that take over the console window (like vim or something). If that sounds incredibly unsafe you are correct. Debug messages are read by a small console program that reads debug logs instead of just shitting everything out into a single console window. It'd have to be separated from the project it's used in but it might be interesting to people who want to put command consoles in their own games.

need more air combos

Just drop it on the asset store and retire

What sort of autism simulator is this?

Photoshop to make placeholder graphics.



Is it bad theres quite a lot of anons making games in Zdoom?


define bad

Posting reply #300 and crashing this thread with no survivors

off by two

That'll cost you 1 progress


How much is that in american hours?

Just use ffmpeg to make gifs!

Best advice for drawing is film yourself doing it in underwear first. It's gonna reveal hundreds of things you wouldn't think about without reference. Encrypt it if you're paranoid. Doing it with a mirror or even just doing it at all without actually seeing yourself doing it helps tremendously as well. If it feels awkward while doing it probably looks awkward animated as well.
Some things are obvious when you think about it logically. Feet shouldn't move at all unless he does some weird heel/toe pivoting. The motion feels stiff because the range is very limited. He crunches his shoulder blades and arches his spine backwards, but they were never relaxed to begin with, which means there's a lack of contrast, for a lack of a better word. It would be a lot more impressive if you started arms crossed hunching forward, so you get this feeling of balling up and then unleashing.
As you read this, I recommend you stand up right now and try to do this exact motion until it feels natural. Pay close attention to your pelvis, spine, ribcage and knees!

My mindset is one of practicality more than anything else.
The engine doesn't really matter, what matters is how the game turns out and how it plays.

Given what I'm working on, however, I may be slightly biased.

you're not the boss of this gym!

but that's salami man
now 1v1 me fgt

Fuck you leatherman

Risk of Rain devs, why do you hate my eyesight so much? Why can't I use the x2 scale in every resolution?


game dev is fun


you're asking for it

haha icons finished, gonna put them on the UI after dinner

MoM user here with another Weekly update, today featuring the Magnetic Minigun!

I love the railgun in Red Faction 1. its a shame its not possible to my knowledge to code in an Xray mode, or I would of totally added that with the Railgun fire mode for this. As always, feel free to ask questions!

pls no more lewd golems

Why don't you decompile the GeoMod and hack in the mess that GZDoom is? 20 bugs appearing more out of it? No problem it's just a feature :^).

I was playing on my laptop, thing is bad at running quake

I am not sure what you are asking me to do user. I-I just like, make a game


It's just a few thousand lines of code you have to go through :^). lmao fam I am just memeing on you

That becomes too unreadable for too long at some times.
Also, are you Salami on another IP or do we have more than one demoguy now?



Took me a good day and a bit, but I got my heap implementation done. I can't believe C# doesn't have a native generic one. (it has a HashSet, but it hashes the objects based on a predictable, but potentially unintuitive order rather)

Trying to figure out how to do complex animation wizardry in Unreal Engine while simultaneously modeling the player character's skeleton and guts for the ebin super-detailed crippling/dismemberment system.

This would go so much faster if I had muh Adderalls

basic UI structure

Woo, I was right guessing you were the one posting those icons.

Godspeed user, you better include nice gore with that.

i took 1 month off, im now back to work, both on my day job which i hope i can leave this year and on gamedev which i can go fulltime

That's the point. I'm tired of HP-pool based bullshit in PvP sandbox games, so I'm working on a system that would take into account the lethality of the shot, blood loss, etc.

My girlfriend is a gore connoisseur, so with her guidance I want to make deaths, death animations and the visuals to be fuckin beautiful.

Tired of people getting shot in the foot 5 times and then insta-dying.



Shit, I'm envious. I'm having a hard time keeping my game to maintain 35 FPS.
I really need to do some serious optimization.


Should have used Haskell