Kojima against Trump


I'm impressed nobody touched this subject.


Probably because he never mentioned Trump or anything specific enough to be upset about

The guy surrounds himself around SJWs and Hollywood people, are you really surprised?


I think he's referring to this line:

Which is understandable, given who he is.

This, stop trying to make a big fuss over nothing OP

he is, it's highlighted and everything.

Either way I'd be more worried about who Kojima hangs out with rather than his political views, I see him becoming Tim Schafer tier very soon.


wtf I hate Kojima now



that's because shrooms are a big thing over there

A hack who shmoozes (((big names))) related to Hollywood and would do anything to be a part of the in-crowd with Hollywood, especially since he's idolized Hollywood so much that his entire career (aside from ZoE) is built on ripping off blockbuster flicks, sometimes with wholesale scenes, and he actually wanted to be a big shot movie producer to begin with?

Good point.

Kojima needs to be laid to rest so we have less drones ruining any critical discussion of his next inevitable failure game movie product "Death Stranding" when it's released.

I've been here over five years (on duckchan before first exodus) and fellating Kojima and pretending everyone liked MGS2 when it first game out – and that everyone liked Raiden and playing as Raiden when first getting the game – is part of the "board culture" that needs to die.

meant *came
must be a slip. need real vidya now

With the context it makes more sense.

When you match up what's happening now with the politics of his games there's a certain parallel. Particularly with the flow of information and the rich claiming dominion over the poor.

But we can just be mad about MUH TRUMP, because that's not at all a distraction from the utter bullshit that's been going on in American politics for decades.

I'm afraid you didn't read my link.

What fuss? I'm just pointing out that a dev stated a political heavy commentary on a interview, that's quite rare with nips.

I mostly meant as a Japanese businessman who's works appeal mostly to a western market. I can see why he'd be wary, especially with the foresight he's shown in some of his earlier games.

extremes are bad regardless of which one you're in.

agreed here, they were very repetitive and formulaic
because no matter how many nukes you throw in the world, you cannot kill a language. Language equals Culture. if you kill a language, you essentially kill their entire culture. just like the soldiers did to skullfaces people, they forbid them from speaking their language. the villains motivations flew right above anons head
the game had all kinds of weapons, what the fuck is his complaint here even? how much gameplay difference can there be between 2 pistols, or 2 rocket launchers? it shoots a thing into something you want to kill, that's it. as far as weapon variety goes MGSV has some of the best. just from sheer amount of them
well what did you expect, konami sabotaged the whole thing because they realized the pachinko money was much easier

Could you elaborate? I know you are probably talking about the AI dialogue in mgs2 or Armstrong in revengeance, but I fail to see the similarities with the current administration (despite the maga meme from the latter)

Who are you talking to?

ranting about the picture.

Ah, 'k.

He worship Hollywood Pedo Heaven, are you really surprised that he don't like the so "right-wing" politics? seriously?

It really makes you think

Kojima has always been against US and it's foreign politics throughout the MGS. Russia doesn't get praise either, but clearly USA gets the biggest blame since it's the one calling the shots in the world.

I doubt he's talking about Trump per se and more about the country's general drift, since he shat on Obama with Ground Zeroes. It even stops the timeline list on the "2008: The President of the United States publicly pledges to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay."

On the other hand, Che Guevara gets praised in the Peace Walker, but there's multiple ways to interpret it. Personally I think it just showed where Big Boss got his influence when he turned into a villain, since he got similar cult of personality around himself.

Reminder that we really need to nuke those little knife-eye shitters in to the dust again.