Overwatch developers bitch about players using keyboard and mouse on consoles
Overwatch developers bitch about players using keyboard and mouse on consoles
20 years later, consolefags still mad about their inferior control method
I don't care about this cuck, his shit game, nor the shit company he works for, fuck your thread.
This brings me back to when i used to play Halo Reach with KB+M and the little squeakers and faggoty sounding teenagers were constantly crying that i was "hacking".
But he's actually right: Mouse and keyboard is bringing a gun to a knife fight in terms of consoles.
Here's a bump just to piss you off, and to remind you sage isn't a downvote.
What is this fucking nonsense?
How could you even do that?
No, I'm serious, the console can't tell if you've plugged a controller in or a keyboard, it just receives inputs.
Reminder that this is a company that put up for debate the question of whether or not Starcraft II should allow multiple building selection on its forum when SC2 was in development.
It can. How tech illiterate are you?
From the article,
Are you?
Oh okay, nobody was talking about plugging in keyboards directly into consoles.
I hate how this term has degraded so much over the past ten years that it went from meaning "person who can barely use a keyboard" to "person who doesn't know the ins-and-outs of computing".
Also: read the fucking article you dumbass.
They should be encouraging more players on PS4 to use mouse and keyboard. Not whining and trying to shut it down. Jeff Kaplan is such a whiny bitch. All they care about is making their female characters fat so tumblr doesn't screech at them.
But muh controllers :^(((((((((
Anybody playing an FPS on a controller deserves to get their ass handed to them by somebody using superior method of playing the game.
It did though. They released a skin for Mei, then made that skin fatter while saying "oh sorry guys, she wasn't meant to be thin, that was an error!".
An interface that translates KB+M input into controller input. How fucking dumb are you?
I was replying to who said they were plugging them into 3rd party adapters that mimicked PS4 controllers.
Maybe if you believe clickbait
Which had a fucked up clipping and modelling issues above her ass that made her spine curve stupidly
Except it's actually still thin.
Instead of fixing the crook in her spine they just made her fatter. Go ahead though, kept defending this shitty company.
No shit, Jesus Christ user it said right there in his post
>input conversion devices
Do you do this damage control for free or do you get 12 cents an hour?
Just look at his other posts in this thread, total moron. I learned from my time on the WoW forums that arguing with fanatics is pointless, derision and mockery is the only thing they respond to.
That doesn't look fatter or fixed, not to mention they haven't patched shit since that skin came out. Furthermore Mei was always thin. The summer games spray and her concept art proves this. The only people who believe otherwise are people who don't even play the game.
I remember going to the WoW forums, I played a Shaman and Priest and liked to see what updates would be about and see if there were any changes to my classes. Those forums were a fucking shithole.
I meant nobody, either that user or the article, was talking about direct plugging in. Is English not your first language?
Did I wander onto reddit?
You really have no room to talk.
Dude, you're embarrassing yourself at this point. Just stop.
All I care about is the porn. Tracer does things to my dick.
It's sad that their forums now have more content and game play than actual WoW does.
They've clearly stretched out her waist at the sides because "muh fat acceptance". Have you ever actually been to the OW forums? people were throwing a fit about her being thin and Blizz agreed it was a mistake.
Is it yours? You're the one who didn't understand what he was talking about.
I got the game for free
Are you underaged or something?
You're still not fitting in though.
But they didn't, her skin hasn't changed since it was first released.
Where am I shilling? Where am I lying? Provide proof to your claims or go back to reddit.
Holy shit I've never heard him speak before. He sounds like a massive BBC guzzling faggot.
What are you talking about?
I'm not those people you replied to, I'm the guy you misunderstood in your first post.
You posted
Your mom's vag.
smh tbh
This game has an amazing ability to make people argue in an extremely hostile way for no reason
This entire argument started over a misunderstanding
you will never be a true wizard
All you've done is greentext and post dumb reaction images like a newfag from reddit trying way too hard to fit in. I don't think I have to worry about looking bad on an anonymous imageboard when you're doing that for me.
I'll always love that video, but for the sake of the thread topic it's worth mentioning that the XIM feels kinda weird and definitely doesn't confer the full advantage of mouse input.
it's an abstract kind of bait
complete faggotry
Kikeplan is just a jewish faggot who used to poop in socks during Everquest days.
Where did I defend Overwatch?
I have the solution, buy a PC.
overwatch is enjoyable deal with it nerds
lmao Holla Forums just fucking lmao lol
prove to me overwatch is bad cocktopus
Please go back to cuckchan, only cuckchanners do this shit.
This isn't a very good game is it?
No, and it'll never get better
b-but they fixed that
Don't you have an actual Overwatch thread to spam these in? Also you know if you're being on topic you shouldn't sage, right? Sage doesn't do anything and it isn't a downvote.
b-but they patched it!
they didn't.
overcucks are beyond pathetic. I actually bought this game to play with my friends, and it's probably my biggest regret. The skill ceiling is minuscule, since everything basically aims itself and the hitboxes are xbox hueg.
What do you expect after watching
Where the fuck are all those faggots that used to argue that M+KB vs. controller was just down to personal preference?
muh hitscan heroes
muh situational awareness
Jesus Christ, git gud or go home.
To be fair, only jews win from people spending $150 to use KB+M on a $60 console FPS.
It will never not be funny to me.
Nope. Game is garbage, pal. Sorry you've been wasting your time on a game that requires literally 0 skill.
LMAO fucking retards get #rekt
If I can git gud at Turok back on the N64 wiith a controller then I don't know why modern gamers can't in their FPSs.
Is it a multiplayer thing or a casual thing?
Because mark has classical jewish consistency.
Because that thread is literally some faggot's blog post about his autism. This at least has a topic to discuss.
Hi reddit
With the Steam Controller and Splatoon showing that gyro controls make console shooters less shit, have any devs tried adding that to PS4/X1 games? I'm sure they managed to cram gyros into there somewhere, and it can't be that hard to implement. It's a bandaid, but a pretty good one.
I could understand bitching about something like macros, like in the fighting game scene. I could understand a controller that does something it shouldn't be able to do, like the Hitbox when playing UMvC3. A keyboard and mouse doesn't exploit anything broken about the game, it's just a less shit aiming method.
If they wanted to be smart, they'd implement gyro aiming on the controllers and allow KB+M aiming on the condition that KB+M doesn't get any of the aim assist stuff.
They did patch it, and then they unpatched it. They raised the tickrate and the HurtBoxes and projectiles aren't AS big but they're still big as fuck.
The skill ceiling is still there though. That's Hanzo in the .webm who's pretty shit other than his busted fucking Log shooting bow. There are hitscan heroes like McCree and Widowmaker that actually require a degree of mechanical skill to play effectively. These are characters that are ONLY played well at high tiers.
Considering that there are also far more variables (Multiple healing sources, shields, stuns, wider variety of character movement vectors) in this game compared to something like TF2 and Quake to consider WHILE aiming I don't think that aiming is the only measure of skill you should try to knock OW for. The reason OW is easy is because of the low tier play and how the devs protect it. They make heroes that don't require almost ANY mechanical skill and/or knowledge to play and they balance them out against ones that do. This makes for certain characters feeling like complete bullshit to fight against (like Hanzo's scatter arrow, Mei's Glacier shooting gun, Symmetra's death beam etc. etc.).
I really like OW but if you guys are going to talk shit about it, do so in an accurate manner at least.
it's more of a competitive thing. When people buy a PC they assume that they are getting involved with different hardware setups. On a console they don't assume this though. They get OW and think of it like other games. They're not going to realize (oh fuck i'm gonna suck at this if I don't have the correct peripherials)
I don't think it has anything to do with the players being retarded so much as it does the devs. Why the fuck would you release a competitive FPS game on a console?
Where the fuck did the concern about the board being "choked out" by more than one thread about any given subject even come from anyways, there was ye olde /vp/ but that was because Holla Forums was flat-out unusable from all the Pokemon threads at the time and God knows the board's slow enough that containing things in generals and demanding one-thread-at-a-time is doing a better job of stymieing the flow of the place than any amount of repeat threads
This actually makes sense. Reminder that they had to nerf Torbjorn's turret specifically for consoles because controller users couldn't actually take them out properly. Through keyboard and mouse users into this and you're really fucking with game balance
The DS4 has a gyroscope in it already. Dev's just don't like fucking with things like that.
This guy right here. Splatoon's gyro controls were awesome.
Work is hard. Why do that when people will gobble up shit?
m-muh competitive
Welcome to Holla Forums
Where am I defending the game? I even called the game shit here
Point out where in this thread I defended Overwatch. If you don't I'll ignore you for the rest of the thread.
Hmm, yes, I can already see what went wrong for you. The problem is that you left your containment thread where a pack of rabid Blizzdrones would use their numbers to systematically bombard any outside species with posts so inane and stupid that even the strongest of minds would find themselves with brain damage. Unfortunately, as in this case, some Blizzdrones leave the safety of the pack and get into scuffles with other creatures, the most common being Normalus Peopleus. While a pack of Blizzdrones would find the Blizzdrone's bizarre behavior as profound, Normalus Peopleus react to the Blizzdrone's flailing around and shitting himself with bewildered stares and whispers of, "What the fuck is wrong with this, guy?"
Just a reminder for any Blizzdrones who might be reading, stay in your pack for safety as Blizzdrones who go lone drone are very vulnerable to those who don't love games just because it has "Blizzard" slapped on it.
Please kill yourself, it's the only way to safe face.
What are you talking about?
Who are you quoting?
No matter how good you might be able to get at a given shooter with a console controller, you could do better with a mouse. There's really no getting around that fact.
I think it's probably more of a coporate thing. Dev's might be interested in working with gyro controls but, after the DS3 gyro controls were seen as pretty much useless I'd imagine producers don't want to endorse something so seemingly gimmicky.
yea I really don't like this place that much. I pretty much only come here for .webm threads and info on cool community games rip air ride modoki
user, you shouldn't use those fancy arrows when you're simply making a statement about your current state of mind.
You didn't prove shit, blizzcuck. The picture I posted shows what they plan to go live with as a "fix" to Mei's model. Mei's becoming chubby all thanks to tumblr.
Thats great, now get out
and how would you know? was getting caught part of your master plan
So why not just play on PC if somebody cares that much about winning?
Is this the new "consoles can't even browse the web" from last gen? And "where would you plug it in?" Jesus H. fucking Christ, It's been three generations that consoles have USB ports, and games like the PS4 version of Phantasy Star Online 2 have full keyboard and mouse support just by plugging them into the system's USB ports. This is why nobody can take condiments seriously. They don't know the first fucking thing about games.
you don't have to tell me dude. I'll be out of here and back to ACTUALLY playing video games in a moment. I hope you enjoy slurping your shit.
Where would you plug it in?
Hell, PSO had keyboard support back on the Dreamcast. Good times.
You tell me, bud. I'm simply disputing the idea that one can get good enough with a controller to compete against someone decent with a mouse. I'll always call out that silliness.
I should've just kept posting memes in the designated shitposting threads instead.
A PS2, obviously. It's right in the name.
Most computers don't even have those plugs anymore, grandpa.
Looks like she just has a huge ass.
Why wouldn't any want to play an fps with a controller any? It's absolutely awful. I make a point to never play fps on consoles because of this shit.
hahahahahaha console peasants
if you're gonna jew, go full jew.
oi you cheeky cunt
Ketchup consolecuck pleb
Sorry mate, I don't play Overcuck
They grew up and stopped coming to imageboards. The millenials are in the process of taking imageboards while the high 30's are close to leaving
I want to hear the one again about how gigantic hitboxes in a FPS isn't a big deal.
The red line shows the curve of her dress, not the curve of her butt. Her dress flares significantly at the waist, and you can even see the curve of her butt through the transparent fabric. Her spine is normal.
When did that happen? I don't remember ever seeing anything more than a token console defense force. KB+M master race (for most genres) was confirmed many years ago, everyone knows this.
Translucent, not transparent. I always get those mixed up.
they're so ass hurt
you know the saddest thing about a pleb is they really are happy being bereft of taste. i guess its also one of the perks.
Overwatch is a shit game made by SJWs, but this thread is based on a lie.
The saddest thing is that people think that fucker did nothing wrong.
Oh shit, did (100) return again?
We have so many of these guys I can't keep track. Did he (100) about Overwatch?
So you're a Blizzard insider or something?
It's funny watching redditfags trying to fit in
Might have been more than that, but he did that to two threads in a fucking row that criticized overwatch.
Not only that, but at the time the vols decided to bumplock the threads for some fucking reason.
wasd for life
I feel bad everytime I tell a console person I am a PC. They have reasons but they don't make much eye contact. Multiplatform releases were always sad.
"Do the trees look that good on the PC, I bet it looks the same."
"Actually I never noticed those trees with the thick mist."
Multibuilding selection is for weaklings who couldnt figure out how to bind a spot on the map and have production buildings there. Fucking casuals ruin everything.
Was this thread made to out you as a fucking retard, OP? Do none of you remember that game on the 360 that had crossplay between PC and console? It was an absolute shitshow. Crossing console and PC control methods for a game such as an FPS will cause issues. Rocket League, barely if at all. Shooters like Overwatch, yes, its a big fuckin' deal.
So? Let the retards lose if they insist on using controllers for a fucking fps. I don't play MMOs with a flight stick and bitch about how mouse and keyboard need to be nerfed to match my poor choice of controller.
damn man you seem pretty bad ass hell yea, fuck all those n00bs who arent using a keyboard/mouse on a console port of overwatch!
they can insist on using a controller all they want. but it's true: allowing an input method such as mouse and keyboard on a *multiplayer* shooter on console would cause major issues and put everyone else at a disadvantage, effectively cheating. don't misinterpret what I'm saying as if I'm saying mouse and keyboard is cheating. a multiplayer game on a console, especially shooters, should be restricted to controllers. you can be free to use whatever you want on a PC, even a controller, but if you do use a controller you're a retard
How's it going fellow eight channel poster. Beautiful day to shilldiscuss our favorite game, overwatch.
If a game can run an works better with a mouse and keyboard it should be able to be ran with a mouse and keyboard. Overcucks already bought a shitty game at full price, the least they can do is shell out a few more dollars for a mouse and keyboard. The fact that they're at a disadvantage because they chose to get it with a factually inferior control scheme for a FPS is their own fault.
This is why the FPS genre is mostly shit
you're going to have to explain that response
He's saying add console manufacturer support for KBM or don't allow it at all, for the sake of consistency.
But anyway who gives a fuck what console shitters do? You should be playing on PC and ignoring the autistic shrieking of peasants.
you are all aware the game has a competitive mode with ranking, right? It only makes sense that on console there should be a restriction to their basic control method, the controller. They bought the game for a console, they made their fucking bed because they're stupid.
Wasn't that Shadowrun?
Where have I shilled Overwatch? We had IDs here, you can see in none of my posts that I've shilled or defended it.
i swear he's related to that same diverse excellence
better drunk than cucked
because PC shooters recognize they are using a pointer device but console games are individually programmed to take advantage of an analog device which acceleration, input smoothing, etc. It expects these things, and when you use a pointer device you aren't pointing, so it's far from ideal.
kill yourself
yeah, that was it. it was unanimous in the statistics after they tested console vs. pc, controllers had zero chance against people with m+kb. and to no ones surprise, people who play on console highly prefer a controller when using it
He's asking console developers to make sure MadKatz and their ilk can't make alternate controllers anymore?
With guys like him at the helm of Blizzard it's no wonder why they bend the knee at the first manufactured negative criticism of Tracer's "problematic" stance.
you can stop dick riding quake, the last game is 18 years old.
It is an understandable concern. Keyboard/mouse is way better for shooters than a controller would ever be. So, this kind of fucks your balance.
Still, overwatch is a shit game anyway.
A knife can still be effective, it just takes skill and or determination. Mythbusters showed that at around 18-16 feet is a death zone for a gun wielder.
Off topic
lol newfag overwatch players think everyone doesn't hate them
What do you propose as an alternative? Ban people from using legitimate hardware and force everyone to play by the same standard?
Please tell me you can see why this is a stupid decision.
Most people don't feel particularly obligated to make eye contact with a computer.
Quads of truth. I've hated the threads from day one.
Go back to your no skill grindan JRPGs you pleb
fuck off newfag and take your shit genre with you, you fucking cuckchanner
fucking quads confirm if you play overwatch you're a fag
Fuckoff back to /a/ and your garbage MMOs.
You're trying way too hard fo fit in
you'll never be accepted no matter how much quake you play, get a fucking identity you tasteless loser overwatch faggot
The chosenites really do get salty when the goyim use jewish tactics themselves.
Just as bad as Holla Forums vs Holla Forums shittery
Fuckoff back to your shitty board you tasteless faggots.
everyone knows /a/ is a shit board. they also can't sing worth a shit.
Wait the PS4 and Xbox One don't support keyboard and mouse natively? I though keyboard and mouse support was standard in consoles since the Dreamcast. How cucked are you console faggots?
You really are a newfag
Then they share something in common with Holla Forums after all
8th Gen consoles were all solid at a profit
You do know that there are legit retards that hate FPS and never even heard of it untill Halo, right?
How much keyboard support does those consoles have? Even the Wii had keyboard support.
You got more?
holy fuck and he's defending an irredeemable genre. Fuck off and get some taste you fucking faggot. Have you ever even played entry level games in other genres like ikaruga or god hand?
Every god damn day of my life I fucking swear.
The best part is those kind of M/KB adapter actually feel pretty shit to use once you're used to actual M/KB, depending on the game it can either feel like you're just playing with mouse smoothing or Vsync on with a decent mouse or straight up feel like you're using a cheap $5 wireless on an uneven surface.
But controllers are just THAT shit at FPS.
Also that article does point out the fact that the guy complaining actually would like for M/KB support to become native on console for games as opposed to having to pay 100 bucks for a crappier workaround.
The PS3 (and likely the PS4) support KB for text input they might have mouse support for web browsing but I never bothered to try.
Don't think I've seen a game that had M/KB support on a console since PS2
Yeah, but there's not muxh quality SFM material for her as compared to someone like D.Va
the issue here is mouse support, not kb
I'd rather not see developers further homogenize platform experiences by bringing over kb/m controls for the two genres its any good for. Frankly I see no value in this and would rather see more platform focused games. If developers insist on making first person shitters, they would benefit from offering gyro controls, which the PS4, like the Wii U tablet, supports and these greatly improve aiming while maintaining a naturalistic feel that pointers do not achieve.
Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 and Dust 514 on PS3 both support KB/M.
What does posting lewd looking pictures have to do with Gamergoyim?
Ever played Metal Warriors, Victoria 2 or Shining Force?
And yet I would bet my uncircunsized 7 penis and hairy non symetric balls that you still play MMOs like the shitter thst you are.
I don't get why anyone would play on a console. You can't use whatever you want. You have to pay for online and they still shut down the servers when the next game comes out even if it hasn't been one generation yet.
Muh exclusives
This wouldn't work at all. The inputs are different. It would play like the original Resident Evil 4 on PC (or other shitty ports that directly map mouse to stick inputs).
i dont play mmos im not a pc gamer lmao, you really do love showing off your awful taste, don't you? We get it, you love overwatch, fuck off to your containment thread you gg faggot
I wasn't aware that CoD, Battlefield, and Overwatch were exclusives.
This is such fucking bullshit
Looks like the >>>/a/ diagnosis was spot on. Weebs are almost as gay as Blizzdrones. Bonus neckbeard points for "entry-level." Time for you to go play weeb em' ups and VNs.
This is the key part.
All he seems to be objecting to is console manufacturers to not be jews and not include KB+M support ergo creating a market of conversion devices and not allowing everyone to access KB+M just by plugging it right in.
But console manufacturers would never allow KB+M support because it would destroy their controller sales
This man is the hero you've all been asking for
Not everyone has a headset yet they haven't ban headsets. So why ban the two most common input devices? Are they all jobless retards?
Wow, you fags really think you're something special for using keyboard and mouse during current year. TEll you what: use your cuckboard and mouse and I'll beat your ass on any platformer, fighter, or casual game, bitch. Wow you're cuckboard and mouse is so good for a noob genre that's not even fun. Who gives a shit. I'm playing SSB wii u and cucking you while you playing CSGO and constantly tab out to interracial porn. Get fuuuuuucked.
Kill yourself Rugga
They'll use that argument regardless, don't you worry.
Is this even shooting your foot? Its like shooting the ground next to your foot so many times with perfect accuracy, making sure not to not shoot yourself; but the ground is falling apart and debris has started to embed itself in your foot.
Who gives a shit?
All the retarded normalfags will buy it
I've played it only to realize how dogshit it is now
I came to your gif.
In a way, having a different control scheme from other players is cheating.
You're literally playing on a different playing field from them because they cant have that level of control with a controller.
I remember playing halo against a friend who kept his sensitivity super high. I was chasing after him trying to gun him down as he was running toward a energy sword. I thought I had him based on my knowledge of turning speed being slow as fuck. Imagine my surprise as he spun around instantly and fucking killed me.
We were playing on different levels. It could never be a fair fight.
Or look at gtaV's two different control schemes. One that autolocks onto the body and you make small adjustments for headshots. The other is keyboard and mouse. It's different. those players should be able to skirmish with eachother. It defeats the purpose of competition.
Niggers probably come over to your house daily to dumpster you in smash and then run a train on you lmao
what the fuck is wrong with you
Kaplan behaves like a childish piece of shit and always has done
How anyone gets anything done at that company while Kaplan and Chilton wander the halls jerking each other off, demanding that staff do the most retarded shit, take all the credit, and say dumb shit like this in public just boggles my mind
Why did Ranma kill Akane
Yes, and it's a good thing. It would drive change if people didn't lobby against it, and would be for the better. The people lobbying against it are the equivelant of basket-weavers during the industrial revolution who didn't want factories because muh jobs.
(And actually I sympathize with those people a lot, but these are fucking games, there's no reason to lobby against improving control schemes. There's nothing at stake except someone's laziness.)
It's more like… imagine if, in baseball, there were two types of bats. One was competitively better, but costs no more than the other. It's less "comfortable" to some, but superior. Any team can buy them. Would it be cheating to use the better bat?
Really, anyone calling this an unfair advantage should be laughed out of the room. If it's such an unfair advantage, why not use it yourself? It doesn't cost an arm and a leg. On the contrary, it's far cheaper than those "elite" controllers Microsoft is selling.
so do people get salty and mad when people use fight sticks for fighting games? I thought mouse controls on a console is shit because it's just "simulated" joystick movement
those look badass!
Why can't this shitty company full of cucks die already?
Only good thing about Overwatch is the porn that we get for free.
But it does.
(104) user is that you? Are you going to go for the new record?
Is it true that for many console games you can't even reconfigure your buttons?
It doesn't. You have no proof.
If you connect mouse inputs to a stick it will function as a stick. Mouses control (x,y), sticks control (dx/dt,dy/dt). A mouse that controls (dx/dt,dy/dt) is not a mouse, it's a piece of garbage that acts as a worse stick.
If it wasn't working then people wouldn't be complaining about the people using these devices, right?
Because they keep making more money as their games keep getting worse. It's an unjust world, but there it is.
It is almost as if fps games should not be played on a console.
Luckily overwatch isn't an fps.
Yeah, it's called a baseball bat with "cork" in it, and it's fucking cheating.
You're right, it's a game played in first person where you shoot. Completely different.
Right, like Portal.
Fucking console plebs. We went back centuries in terms of controls thanks to them.
Millennia even.
Yeah, because the world revolves around you.
Here's your attention, which is the only reason you posted.
PS4 at least lets you do universal button mapping for games, where you can force buttons to be interpreted as other buttons
Usually you can't. Some offer different control schemes you can switch between.
Laterally 3rd world of video games.
They even ripped off tf2 hitboxes.
That's console design 101
So consoles are a safe space for low skill fps players ?
How long have you been alive?
Goldeneye 64 had fucking autoaim.
It doesn't hurt if you don't know any better
I know. It just never ceases to amaze me since now we have tons of pc fps games jumping to console. Even when I had consoles in the NES to PS1 period I never wanted to touch FPS games on them.
go back to mmo-champion scum
There are people who are legit allergic to computers or something. All they ever use is their phone and console.
He does though.
Oh you poor uneducated child
30 seconds on google, everything from the extreme high end to gaymur to budget has PS/2. Its harder to find a board without them these days. Think before you speak you underage fuckstain.
I would perhaps maybe begin to think about starting to wonder if I should consider sympathizing with them if their game was at least mechanically deep and actually competitive, but no it's fucking Overwatch this shit is babby-tier.
got eeeeem
I got a cute little blutooth keyboard and mouse for 30 dollarydoos that i fuck people with on the ps4. Blizz can ban this but I just wont play the game anymore.
Yeah, i sure can't wait for another for pay, mediocre fps with RANDOM LOOT BOXES and microtransactions
"Gaming" bubble burst when
Holy shit, the only Q3A match I have ever bookmarked. Whenever people ask why I play Q3A I point them to this and ask "Show me one video of a top tier overwatch player strategizing like this one, then I'll consider playing your shit arena-wannabe game". I've been playing it for over 15 years and I still learn things from time to time. That's timeless design right there.
Are you ready for Quake Champions? :^)
I like how people kept complaining in the overwatch generals because
and now there are three different threads active just autistically complaining about this game. Holla Forums will never cease to amaze me.
The comments on the video are killing me
How new are you?
Spewing lengthy post-hoc bullshit about how you tried to shoot the other guy real good isn't that impressive bud, I've seen NASCAR drivers wax on for literal hours about the "tactics" and "strategy" they used for what amounts to driving in a circle and trying not to crash.
Here's some ideas for PC too if you're reading, Blizzard.
If you want more ideas you're going to have to pay me a salary.
No, they're bitching about adapters that translate mouse inputs to a controller, so they want sony and microshaft to either disable those or allow native kb+mouse support, which is dumb because ps4 already has it, the lazy fucks just have to code it into the game.
Some of the people who make custom controllers and adapters for disabled people are actually pissed off by this. Imagine being partially paralyzed and the dev intentionally blocks the only device that lets you interact with the game, because they think it somehow gives you an advantage over regular players.
(((Jeff Kaplan)))
Sensitivity is a degree of the same control scheme, you cock gobbler. You were both using the same controller, he was just better at the fucking game.
Poor analogy. As the other user mentioned, baseball bats have been engineered for decades to be perfect for hitting baseballs. Aside from corking a bat, there is no way to make a "better" baseball bat without moving away from what a baseball bat is.
A better comparison would be arcade sticks vs hitboxes in fighting games. Mechanically, a hitbox is almost unequivocally better since you can do inputs with multiple fingers and you don't have to physically move a stick around a gate, which saves a minute amount of time. In spite of that, hitboxes are still the minority in the FGC because they're fucking weird to use.
Frankly, a console FPS (lol) should not be playable with anything but a controller, or else the consoles ought to natively support KB+M; what the game director is saying in the OP, despite how inflammatory is appears, is even-handed enough.
We're calling Blizzdrones out on how their favourite company is a bunch of faggots.
Not hard to grasp.
Gonna need before and after pics for proof. Also, I'm pretty sure the glitch was how her skirt was stuck to this thing on her back.
A keyboards and mouse would set you back $10.
is this actually from something?
HURR DURR controllers only
We need to start locking normalfags up
Portal would have been impossible to play on console if the game didn't spent half the computing power to subtly aim for the player, moving players towards portals… etc. How much both Portal games literally play themselves while tricking players into beliving they actually do jackshit on consoles is geniunely incredible.
well, it does make the game alot easier.
Wait a minute… a console fps has to have autoaim and assistance, do these niggers plugging in a mouse -as in emulating controller- getting proper freelook and all the aim assitances?
That's actually a really good point.
not sure, but kb+m is always going to make a FPS games much easier.
its a catchall device. its good for a variety of games. i leave a gamepad plugged in because if the game switches to a vehicle, i can barely function with a kb+m on some games.
really the only time a kb+m is better is FPS and TPS (if they have FPS controls) or point/click games like sim city or starcraft.
No they make the ceiling of skill higher you autistic retard, I've seen console players try and use keyboard and mouse, it certainly doesn't make it easier.
Skill ceilings shouldn't be affected by controller choice, only game mechanics.
no. it just makes it easier so you can do better/get farther
wow, you called me a retard and thats your example? you didnt even consider that console players are not used to gaming using a kb+m.
If you only have 1 eye or 1 arm than you're going to be worse at video games, crippling yourself by playing with a controller is no different.
I never play with controllers but on the few times I have picked them I trash the consolefags who have been playing with them for over a decade, yet consolefags can't grasp playing games with a keyboard and mouse? The controller method the other user made things EASIER which is why I said he's retarded.
Oh user you wouldn't believe it. There was a point where I hadn't touched a controller since 2003 or so when my ps2 died. So my cousin has black ops 2 on his PSTriple and lets me play online matches and I absolutely destroy everyone as I try to relearn proper twin stick aiming.
also it's my birthday
People are dumb and console FPS players are a special kind of dumb. It physically cannot provide an advantage if you are controlling the same set of inputs.
The XIM users actually prefer aim assist off when using it, which says a lot about how bad controllers really are for FPS, actually.
He did; he failed to unplug neo and trinity, instead choosing to chit chat for 10 minutes.
He also failed to check on the guys to see whether they truly died or not.
user, do you have problems?
just because you beat people doesnt mean kb+m doesnt make it easier. infact how shitty people you know are at video games isnt even related. repeating that just makes you sound like a retard.
kb+m makes it easier because you control the point of aiming directly. instead of changing the speed at which the point of aiming changes.
controllers are made so people can play FPS games while laying on a couch. its for casual FPS players and offers no benefit other than convenience.
Nice meme
Why don't consoles have usb ports exactly?
They do.
So then why is this guy complaining about mouse and keyboard not having easy access to consoles?
go drive a car at 200mph on an oval track and tell me how easy it is not to crash
The physics of turning is high school tier, maybe, but that generally means that racing on an oval track where physics itself is pretty much out to fuck you at 200mph does require planning and forethought.
Don't forget the tactics involved in trying to force the other drivers into positions where they can't overtake you/you can overtake them/use blind spots etc.
I don't even like NASCAR.
The simple solution is allow both control methods and create separate matchmaking for m+kb
Hell, adding support for m+kb would be a step closer to cross platform multiplayer
also, all the other cars have the same specs and body type are are just as fast. and its no 8 lap race, its like 200 laps requiring teams and incredible endurance.
pitstops, milage, maintenance, while maintaining those speeds are all taken into account.
and with all of this, these people somehow manage to finish this long ass race within only seconds of eachother. its fucking mind blowing.
i find it boring as a spectator sport, but the simplification of it as if its easy is just plain ignorance.
Becauae no console game supports usb mice.
People use hardware that controls the analog for them, following input given by a mouse. It's like a hack, but with hardware.
And if the devs are complaining, I would hope it's because they actually can't make the game access usb devices.
That is one filthy looking zionist
where is this from
where is this from
where is this from
What the actual fuck? Controllers are more comfy by default.
The only things mouse and ket board offer is unlimited buttons and lightspeed aiming/turning.
Both of which can be denied by….proper coding.
Git good
Make better controllers
Or you could just code it so that using a mouse gives no advantage.
For example, programming a "center" of the pointer, and moving the mouse doesnt move it a certain distance to a certain location, it moves it in a certain direction at a certain speed.
But you could disable it
I am tired of this meme.
This shit does not help. At all. It only pulls the gun in directions I dont want it to go.
Funny because I somehow aim better with a controller, I cannot play a sniper with mouse but a controller makes it just work
No, that's just some of the benefits. You also have considerably finer control for small corrections, mostly because you have considerably more freedom of movement so they don't have to make a slight change in input correspond to more movement, but also because you can control your aim with your entire hand instead of just your thumb.
Autoaim doesn't pull the gun your fucking retard, it just shoots the bullets in other directions.