WEBM thread

WEBM thread.

Side note:
does any one have that video of the guy wearing a nazi shirt walking through a protest while "A real hero" plays in the background

Other urls found in this thread:
















Oh blood and death I guess too huh?
What the hell is this?


ahhh ye olde newground days

It's being done by Adult Swim now, so hopefully it will retain its former glory. Only time will tell.


the quality is s low, is the source an actual gore/fight vid or really just lame roleplaying or completely tame fight?

no clue bro. just got it from the last thread

It's still written and directed by Genndy so I'll assume it will be okay. Just seeing the superpowered females, Jack being a bit more angsty than usual, magic sword is gone, Aku is gone makes me cautious.


Everytime I'm thinking it would be so much better without that pretentious laughing…

I pray that's all part of the developing storyline. But you never know since it's [current year + 2]


I saw someone post this as a .gif so I remade it as a webm, I used the original source not the .gif.







oh… these got re-posted… AGAIN… neat


No this is a society drained of purpose and unity which has been force to replace them with consumerism, marketing and materialism.
fuck off leftykike


That I remenber, the last time Spergfox was posted was many weeks ago. Perhaps you mean in Holla Forums, because it was posted recently.

Besides, the videos are fun. Not my fault I wanted to post them.

Manly tears

thats individualism you fucktard


Enjoy the thread lock

>>>Holla Forums



And? Its arount that when a webm thread generally appears. The rpoblem is when retards cant into checking the catalog, and making a new thread when the old one havent even reached the 200 posts

hey, feel free to try communism or any of it's by-products . 11 outta 10 third world banana republics recommend it

The problem with this is that it’s not good.

Reported for kike shill.

was getting anal sores part of your plan?

that's so terrible jesus christ
why keep it saved, its garbage

At first I thought it was evil to kill the mantis. Then I saw he was just putting it out of its misery.

Call me a fucking idiot or whatever but I cannot for the life of me find this song. Anyone throw me a bone?


this isn't >>>Holla Forums lurk some moar


you are mistaken , the mantis was long dead it just didn't know it the parasite was the one in control the whole time


Damn nature's scary.




we are all anonymous, you are anonymous,he is anonymous, but I'm anonymous prime


Don't worry user. This user will be your friend. :^)


ty my anonymous clone



can someone webm this : youtube.com/watch?v=FVJ1nSYP7as


as if you knew what the word meant












Every moment that i felt the happiest, the angriest, or the most frightened has been through memes and shitposting.


Overlord, tiberium has been detected in this mans ass, harvesting operations will commence immediately




*bows to you*

user delivers


Raziel , charge the reaver

Cheers mate


Can't be more ridiculous than the episode where Jack was a chicken. Female assassins is nothing to get triggered over.

You could have just shortened that to capitalism you moron.

Individualism does not create anything you dumbass. you don't buy shit with individualism.

nice, love the soundtrack and animation

meant for

The original creators (IIRC) wanted to have blood before, but since it was a kids show, had to use robots.
Judging how hard they've pushed to get the old team back together, I think this is because they want to do it, rather than pandering.
Not to mention, female villains working for a man? UGH so problematic, it's [current year] etc etc.

It only needs to be known to them, and it won't be good enough for their non-existent standards.

Don't the Adult Swim higher-ups hate anything anime-related while being owned by Cartoon Network who's executives hate cartoons?

We have reached levels of HE that shouldnt be possible

Was this supposed to be a point against capitalism?

Just one Hitler webm, I promise. Its the only one.


Havana is Communism retard not socialism.

One more couldn't hurt

Well if we go by what Holla Forums keeps parroting, then Communism and Socialism being separate is simply revisionism from Stalin and Marx used both interchangably.


You extracted some nice salt there, I jelly.

Good goy

Anyone have that video of dodger masturbating?

If you were a girl, I'd fuck your brains out and establish a healthy relationship with you while working on the fundamentals of art, like I used to. I lost something along the way, and this helped me find it. It's time to stop pandering to desperate people who will take whatever they can get and time to start from scratch and relearn everything.



Try harder.


Just saw this after some fucking naked nignog killed me after I found an awesome abandoned base in Rust.


only real human bean I have

Anyone still have the webm for Boris - Rattlesnake?

Lefties think Capitalism is starting to "fail" in modern countries and a welfare state is needed to keep people from dying.

The truth is that We've become so productive we no longer need this many people and capitalism is attempting to correct the mistake.

Capitalism is the only effective system of commerce for humanity, since it is the only system that is designed with human nature in mind.

Nope. I'm the Big Star and folk ballads guy.

tfw have shed tears to this song

My negro.


I wish there was a merchant version of that. Just imagining the nose looming over the box makes me giggle.

love that webm just because i recognize that anywhere


Communism is when the gubberment give money to poor people, and the bigger the gubberment and the more they give to poor people the more communisty it is. - Karl Mark, president for life of the Soviet Union
Look up "boom bust cycle".

Wailord can learn Bounce, which is a flying type move, so it can hold the flying Z-Crystal and do the fly z-move.


whats the second one, its annoying me cause its on the tip of my tongue

Don't forget about the fucker's actual size though.


that webm made me feel old



just end my life, i want to relive L2 without 100000x exp, lag, or brazilians.







All that and he only weighs 800lbs.


delet this


I remember using that back in school. Imagine it fullscreen on 10 different computers.


No, but there's this.

Where's Putin?










It wouldn't be at all.


that webm , let me tell you about that webm ; it's an embarrasment , terrible sound ,no smug animu girls reaction faces, the aspect ratio is horrendous it's sodium levels were barely above minimal , very very low energy ; it's a big fat mess.Just because Fallout 4 was such a terrible game it doesn't mean that the webms have to reflect it also , see this is problem with this board, this board doesn't win anymore ; we must make Holla Forums great again


Was it similar to this one?



Oh hey, I'm in that webm.
Both Boston Salt Parties were fun as fuck


Anyone have the webm of the extremely drunk guy stumbling through the convenience store trying to buy beer, but special effects and music were added to make it look like he was on shrooms instead?

fresh content




is that an order?







Well shit, I posted the wrong webm.

Does any one have that webm of a portal 2 custom map that's this race course type thing, I remember the music was pretty jammin' though.

song was fast lane



I ain't rippin' that shit




That's not it, it had video effects, like his whole body stretching around the door to get to the other side and more calm-sounding music, like ayylmao music or something.






by who?

just jewgle fast lane madworld or fast lane anarchy reigns


yeah this is it. thanks.

Shit is an autism simulator on cocaine.


How sure are you that it had video effects? This has ayy lmao voices and the beginning and cheap woodwinds, but no video editing



I'm positive, it had effects like blurring and blending with these weird transitions where the drunk guy would sort of like, ooze his way around the refrigerator doors, it's hard to explain, but it definitely wasn't part of the original video.

If you saw it, you'd know why I was seeking it, funniest shit I've ever seen. I want to kill myself for not saving it.


Top webm, user. Far Cry 2 is a better game than whatever came after it, and especially better than the flavor of the month open world tower climbers that Ubisoft releases now, despite it's laundry list of flaws that basically come down to "unfinished".
It also looks beautiful for a 2008 game, even without the ENB in the screenshots.

Lol no

Agreed, but it's really a comparison between the two games. Far Cry 2's environment is definitely more hostile than 4, and even 3. That's part of why it's better.

i mean, i'm not arguing that that is definitely what farcry 1 was, but let's not pretend that fc3 was anything but a truly despicable main character being lol so epic

That's materialism you pleb.

It's shit

The characters in 3 were trash but at least the enemies were realistic.

Really, the end message of the game is don't trust brown people, ever.

I used to be an art history major before dropping out and this was why. Instead of simply teaching how art became this 20th century garbage the professors all celebrated the departure from the academie.

Useless major I know, but I think that it's valuable because the art of a civilization reflects the ideas. We now live in the special snowflake era, and looking back at art it's not hard to see how we got where we are now.

Agree, FC3 the most dangerous enemies like Tigers are not even that dangerous, FC4 large animals are rendered 100% harmless given as long as you carry an elephant gun with you at all times you can fuck up anything in the game with one shot

Lets not forget how wide open FC2 is, making vehicles an actual resource, vs 3 + 4 where vehicles are essentially useless because the game world is nothing but mountains and trees blocking any real attempt to getting anywhere

I am sincerely doubting the humor value of an edited video of some guy stumbling about, even with easy listening.

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
It's creating the coolest character in the game by accident and killing him off in the first half

Isn't this the message (overshadowed by the Heart of Darkness reference) of Far Cry 2? You spend the second half of the game evading the two factions who united against you after using you as a pawn, while you desprately gather what's left of your buddies and commanders before even they turn on you as well, driven mad by the goal of escaping the country instead of being lined up against a brick wall by your former employers.

FC2 is fucking corridor hell with all the goddamn invisible walls and purposely placed impassable hills.

wat? 3's map is fucking HUGE and you can't get anywhere without a fucking vehicle.


Hmm? Most of the map is pretty open at certain areas. I've never encountered an invisible wall except at the outer desert edges of the map where there is nothing there, equivalent to endless ocean in GTA games. And yeah, the game has outright mountains that you can't walk straight up the side of, no shit.

Except the map is fucking full of these and it essentially creates corridors that have to be navigated, making off-roading useless, since all these corridors have roads that take you to other story relevant parts of the map, it's total shit. Combined with the fact that you have malaria and are forced to complete the story and not just dick around, it's overall a worse game than 3, even with the better looking environment.

No, that's hyperindividualism. Read some Jung fam.


You don't get it, do you? That audio is what gondola is hearing in the moment, not thematic music.


Wew lad you must hate the interstate system then.






I like how they show the women at 0:55 like something is wrong with her when she has vitiligo.

Underrated movie. Thanks for posting these.


Any links to the set?


I do believe I just acquired a new fetish



Thx user

I had one of these when it came out. Turned out to be some glorified nintendo handheld because it was just 1st party everything (and not even crystalis despite the game coming out on GBC the same year this was launched)

The menu screen music sounds like it came from the lady who use to to bomberman. Catchy as fuck.

The menu had some fun stuff.
I used this as an alarm clock for several years while in highschool and college. Also love the click clack of the Dpad

leftypol get out fuggen gommies :-DDDDDDDD

I think the old Neo Geo CD had a controller that did the same thing. There was a PC version out for a while that was pretty good quality. If you like it go look for it but not the one that came with the shitty Neo Geo Gold. It was for PS3 but ofc will work on your home computer.

Abbott as in that glorious lineup fucking top kek m80, tony "slip me a baloney" faggot was the head of the Liberal Party until "Trunbull" coup d'etat'd him now our government is fucking fucked like an abbo at the petrol station or as they like to call it "the pub", all fucking gay tony did was stop the boats like that's fucking hard or something, best possible chance we have now is an elephant skin rug with a poon so decrepit only members of the local hunting club have seen it in the wild.

Don't spoiler your webms.

you guys notice azula doing the voice for the chick?







can someone else please dub this in english, I can't understand faggot and it makes my ears hurt

i should've seen that coming

Get fucked, queer.

At least it got some sweet ass synthwave in it…

You know, leftard, capitalism, unlike Marxism, has actually evolved in the past 100 years, and there are many economic theories applied to capitalism, including Marxian capitalism

I suggest you read about it, but you probably wont, because, much like the rest of your hugbox of retards, think all capitalism is laissez faire

why are gondola videos so comfy?





have some melvins

Did you really get that triggered by a .webm? Here have some comfy music.



Whoops wrong file.

mein negro

i laught more on that than i should





And when Trump tries to change this and get shit manufactured in America, leftists bitch endlessly.

Don't use it you fuckin faggot.



Will? He already has.

Has he now? Last I heard it was just him threatening with some increased Tariffs just like he was going to threaten Mexico into paying for the wall.

you don't read the news often, do you?

the soundtrack for it is made by Carpenter Brut after all.
Webm unrelated.





Iphones are assembled in states now. That was a big one he didn't even do anything they just pre-emptively avoided his tariff.

Hero you go OP.

Infinitely more interesting than some faggy surf footage.

Someone needs to post the gaymans choir who sung about the dangers of shia lebeof.



I just want to know the context from this.

Pretty sure you made that up about iphones being assembled in the states now. I cannot find any sources to back up your claim. In fact the only thing related to tariffs was trump withdrawing from tpp. I know trump has been talking big about tariffs, but he hasn't made any moves yet.


Do you even know what that word means?

Chill, it doesn't matter. Tomorrow won't wait.


I used 14 words there friend.


maybe since Awakening, but the Radiant games were fucking great.

I like how even her fellow Antifa faggots don't want to see this shit

is that sum indiana jones?

The 24FPS Felt too jerky to me, and the audio was far too quiet

thanks manjo banjo

well since you asked so nicely, have a couple random things.

no he didn't make it up
he just mixed up that they were, and are, talking about moving to the states

jesus what a faggot.


if only you knew

watching guru larry's channel I take it

This. Also, recommending "the century of the self", they've been doing America since the 20s.

I'm assuming you mean the radical individualism that has atomized western society.

Kill yourself casual scum.

Actually made that webm long before he made that vid, actually.

I mean I heard talks, but they mostly come to the conclusion that it would just make things too expensive for both consumers and to make.

Lost Planet 2 was such a fun gaem

not really
they'll just find a way to make the production process more efficient and cheaper

They already recycle a shit ton and in china it is still like 200 bucks to make a new iphone and the consumer already ends up paying 600 bucks for the finished project.

Our society hasn't been near individualism in years. We're the closest we can possibly be to collectivism these days.

Yes, that's how countries work, they make the rules, you iliterated retard



This normally comes at the expense of the workers. Assembling iphones is shitty shitty work






hehehehe bye bye

Meanwhile on Idubbbz channel

guys gonna go far


Don't get too excited.

Rememeber, remember, the Fifth of December



Sorry been busy. THANK YOU M8


2017 has been a great year so far.






That really validates my existence




I swear, this movie was more fun to watch than a lot of shooters I've played recently.







payday 2 poster? cancer

never knew Dance with the Dead did a remix of this song. goddamn it sounds good


Tank you


Curie is a fucking qt