ITT: Ripoffs that were better than the games they ripped off

Pic related. I liked it more than any of the Diablo games.

There's lots of diablo clones that are far better than diablo.


Most Diablo clones are better than Diablo.
Diablo is actually a rather mediocre game.

Saints Row 2 was a better GTA than 4 and SA were.

RPGs with level scaling are shit by default.

Okami will forever be the best Zelda game ever made.

How does 2 compare to it?

It is debatable to how good it actually is but it is definitely better than Diablo 3 and it is improvement to Diablo 2.

worse taste, fam

Pokémon blows Megami Tensei out of the water every year.

smh tbh onii-fam

If you want to consider terraria a ripoff of minecraft it is leauges ahead of the "original".



also old ys games are better than old zelda games

Okami was certainly good, but I can't say it made at lasting an impact on me as OoT/MM. It was a bit too drawn-out, for one, and felt a bit restricted and forced in some of its mechanics, such as fights. N64 zelda flows much better overall.

You were a kid when you played them, the games suck. They look like turds and the battle system is like proto witcher 3. I tried to get in to them, I really did, but it's clear that the critical respect they get are from nostalgia glasses wearing hipsters and millennials.

If you want to just go by the standards of good looking textures basically everything on the n64 looks bad. But going back to play the 64 zeldas again I still find them perfectly enjoyable. It's about that feeling that you're on an epic quest that big things are happening.

They aren't perfect they have a few pesky sections. But they have good level design, its enough that it takes a little bit of thinking but not anything too intense. (water temple confused me a little as a kid).

The combat system isn't all that similar. And combats not really the highlight of the zelda games anyways. Only a handful of really tense battles in each game.

The worst things about n64 games is that they were early 3d. But that's far from some sort of sin.

My opinion is fact


Dude, the game was based inspired by several Tom Clancy that were written before the original Metal Gear was even released.
The games don't play anything alike, either.

Shadow of the Colossus was its own thing though, nice little boss rush game with a focus on gameplay over story.

Man I fucking butchered that sentence.
There was no actual Splinter Cell book, however. The game was just based on the general themes of Tom Clancy, no exact story he wrote.


It was Ubisoft's attempt at targeting the MGS audience

While you definitely sound like an expert, defining combat systems relative to witcher 3 as you do, I play zelda 64 games on emulator regularly and find they didn't age any.

I never understood why people compare Okami to Zelda. Is it because it came out around the same time as Twilight Princess, which also let you play as a wolf? The way combat and puzzles are handled is fairly different from the way they're done in Zelda games. There are some similarities, but not enough for Okami to be considered a clone IMO.

Again, I don't think they're comparable. The only thing they have in common is they're played from a top-down perspective and star a silent protagonist with a sword who fights monsters, sometimes in dungeons.

Now Startropics and the Neutopia games are good examples of Zelda clones that surpass The Legend of Zelda.

more coming through…

I know it's not a ripoff, but it needs to be said that Bloodborne is way better than any Dark Souls game

What is resident evil a ripoff of? Alone in the dark?

Crystalis was a great game. Why didn't they make any more of them? Did SNK stop for a few months making top tier arcade hits to just go "oh btw nintendo you suck balls" and poop our crystalis to never care about it being a running IP?

I liked it better than AoE.

you answered your own question

another good one.
Why does everyone make such a big deal over Contra? Literally every game that tries to emulate it's playstyle ends up being way better.

You've never played either game, have you? Splinter Cell may have been inspired by MGS, but its gameplay and level progression are far more influenced by Thief and Hitman

Games don't age, but our standards for what constitutes a good game are constantly evolving.

The one thing OoT is really hampered by is the bloodborne-tier framerate. You can somewhat get used to it while playing, but even compared to, say, SM64 which runs at 30fps, it's really fucking jarring at how stuttery it is.

You have to consider Gunstar Heroes was also made by a bunch of ex-Contra devs that ditched Konami to form Treasure.

Speaking of which, SNK's fighting games were made the same way: Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting, and by extension King of Fighters, were made by the developers of Street Fighter 1 after they ditched Capcom for SNK

The game was clearly inspired by Thief not arcade shit like MGS. Damn Kojimadrones.

In a sense you could put the Freespace games here, as they really didn't innovate for the genre in any way, just put all the elements from popular military campaign space series together and executed them perfectly.

It nailed the monster hunter formula after fixing all the problems the first game had. All while maintaining it's own identity, polishing it's gameplay and introducing fresh mechanics to the genre. Shame people will probably skip out on the localization because the first game's shortcomings and Koei Tecmo botching the PC port.

Try the 3DS remake, they upped the framerate to 30fps in that version. It's also easier to emulate.

Keep telling yourself that

I dont even like kojima games

Not-Warcraft 3. Pity not one remembers it, it was pretty good.

What's Dawn of War ripping off? As far as RTS go it was innovative.

Balloon Fight might be better than Joust but it doesn't beat Joust 2.

Care to extrapolate?

While I wouldn't call it a rip-off the original Splinter Cell was indeed designed to compete directly with MGS. Note, however, the competition does not mean cloning the game, SC always had more of a focus on stealth/avoidance and at least semi-realistic plots. Chaos Theory is a different matter entirely since the series had evolved.

Not him but if you're honestly claiming MGS 1 or 2 (the only MGS games out before the first SC) play similarly to SC1 you've clearly not played them all. Do yourself a favour and look up gameplay of both of them on youtube, you'll look less retarded in future.

Implying MGS2 didn't have the most realistic plot.

Perhaps by MGS standards (though that's not saying much).

Lad we're living in MGS2.

You said there would be Metal Gears. Where is the Metal Gears user

Kojima was actually a bit too conservative with designing secret weapons platforms


Team work not hats
Not pay to win
Sexy and cute waifus

Tell me when the game isn't entirely based on when you press a key to win then we'll talk.

Then again, Saints Row also had the balls to go nuts making it stand out more than GTA

Come to think of it, Sengoku Basara also had a fighting game in the series. Guess it's even closer to a ripoff (Musou series started out as a fighting game and when the series became more of a hack and slash, the Japanese just softly rebooted the series hence why the Japanese games numbering seemed to be off by one compared to the US numbering)

So right now then

All we would need is a Sengoku Basara strategy game to cement the comparison.

Wow, that actually looks incredible. I haven't owned a handheld since the OG Atomic Purple GBC, but this actually makes me want to get one.

Unfortunately, I believe it's even more neutered, violence-wise, than the later n64 versions. It's not too terrible, but it's still disappointing.

I wont lie, I keep forgetting V exists. Its not terrible but its not something that ever really takes root.

It went too far with 3 and 4, even though 4 was a nice fanservice game.


Calling Splinter Cell a clone of MGS is like calling Gran Turismo a clone of Mario Kart.

If you do, the 3DS is incredibly easy to pirate for and it has a handful of decent games too.

Yeah, they took out most of the blood, and I think they even put a bikini on Ruto. Still, the higher frame rate makes it the best version to play.

They more gave Ruto a push-up bra made of fins. I actually like it better, as there's now an implication there are nipples to hide, and she has some nice cleavage with it.

Marlow Niggs Briggs

Don't you just hate it when you made a post before going to sleep and you are getting spergs replying to it like 13 hours later?

Surprised the thread got this far with no kart racers.

never change your shit taste, Holla Forums

Maybe it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that Bloodborne is WAY better than the other souls games; but when comparing it to the others it's hard not to think of it as the pinnacle of the series, the biggest reason being that Bloodborne presents a much more rewarding sense of accomplishment.
I liked Dark Souls 1, but a lot of the difficult bosses/areas felt more annoying than challenging, whereas with Bloodborne I could feel myself getting progressively better through trial and error, instead of the game just testing my patients.

We get it, you're a child and refuse to adapt. You expect the game to wipe your ass because you're a fucking retard.

gas yourself

Alien Hominid is a blatant ripoff of Contra, Metal Slug, et al, but superior to any of em.

It's called the Seinfeld isn't Funny effect. Basically, the innovators of something is considered crap now because what it innovates became common. Kinda like how any FPS with regenerating health is considered crap now when every other FPS is doing it but it was considered cool when Halo did it.