GET HYPED for a 2 minute trailer of floating crystals
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I like the hangar theme though
go ahead and emulate 2 and future perfect on dolphin
timesplitters is just goldeneye on the gamecube
So it's on a platform with a controller that doesn't suck ass?
It's going to be horrible.
The first one was a really bare bones game without a lot of content. The second was much better with more content, but the series has this really stupid way of aiming that fights the player. The third one is the best with a quirky sense of humor, and is at this point a full fledged game. And then it was cancelled.
say that to my future self's face and see what happens
I had it on the PS2 however and it plays more like Perfect Dark.
The jump from gen 5 to gen 6 really mattered a lot.
Wait, what?
You'll understand after watching the teaser.
Oh, what a horrible "trailer"
You need to watch the entire teaser from beginning to end to understand why.
Does anyine know if there are significant differences between the PS2 version of Future Perfect and the GC version? I played the PS2 version back in the day but I'm betting it has emulation issues.
Framerate and no need for a multitap obviously.
Contender for worst trailer? Current champ presiding.
I'm pretty sure it's limited to the PS2 version having smaller arenas in the minigames and a bit worse performance, but nothing else from my knowledge. Emulate GC version because PS2 emulation is still relatively shit. Playable, but shit.
That trailer was fucking art, though.
That thing was meant to play and loop on the background during E3.
I was thinking of the first one
it was 7 bucks, but I got other games there
Nothing but Green rocks for 2 mins.
they needed two minutes of floating crystals to do that? what the fuck
Will it be for PC?
Where is the gameplay footage?
Into the trash it goes
I'm still willing to bet even as unambitious as TS:Rewind is that it will never actually come out.
Oh also I forgot to mention it's multiplayer only and it's a remake of the multiplayer. Here's an article. digitaltrends.com
archive.is is being a faggot and won't load
It'll come and it's going to be all free!
but the (probable majority of) content comes in later patches from my understanding of the YT channel's description
to my understanding it was initially just a multiplayer mode revival–MP stages and characters from all 3 games
any SP content will naturally have to wait
I'm telling you it's going to be half of the multiplayer content at first, at most.
It probably is coming out this year to early access, full release date 2019, campaign not included.
The couch co-op is the real reason to play Timesplitters though, so there's little point in emulating it on your own.
The games are better than any other FPS series even outside of the co-op.
No, the multiplayer was the main reason anyone bothered playing this series since it was a better version of Perfect Dark's multiplayer.
Oh yeah, I didn't mean just co-op, dunno why I wrote that. The arcade mode with bots and friends is where it's at.
I'm not hyped, interested sure but no hype. I swear if theres sprint, screen turns red or a jump button it's dead or arrival.
I hope it has a mapmaker of some sort. That was the shit back then. Imagine how awesome itd be trying out maps made by anons here.
No, he said Gamecube.
Well it looks like there's some hope.
The screen turning red to indicate approximate direction of damage was in TS2 though.
It's based on CryEngine and has a PC version so it'll probably have a full blown editor rather than a simple map maker.
Crytek needs to die.
pretty sure they left long before
Actually during development of said game.
Timesplitters 4 never ever
Like a sequel to a beloved series would be any good in CY+2 anyway
I hope they die just so the ex-free radical guys can grab their IP back. Maybe do a crowd fund thing to finish up the last one they were working on before they went under.
The real tests await.
smh tbh
I can see it now, Jo Beth is going to be 350lbs and a facially pierced, neon-haired feminist.and all the rest of the female cast get replaced with ladyboys and crossdressers
You rang?
Please no
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Damn shame they're likely going to not be in the game or altered to not offend people that don't play video games.
will they be hot ladyboys or tumblr tier ladyboys?
What do you think?
When you think about it. The guy who made the music for Timesplitters must be very talented! He had to create music that would set the theme of a level for different time zones throughout the whole game on all 3 games. Plus the fact that every multiplayer map also has its own unique theme. That is one talented hard working mothefucker.
Also posting fave theme
2nd fave theme
Also to show the big difference he had to do. Going from futuristic alien music to wild western 1800s
then there is this
It will have at least one element that will pander to SJWs and a Trump reference
the guy you might be looking for is graeme norgate
My eternal nigger.
Patrician taste, allow me to add another.
And why not one more?
Fucking love this track and it's still one of my cyberpunk tracks to date, I always listen to it when I wanna get comfy. I'll even excuse the mandarin being spoken even though it's supposed to be nip themed.
Good track, worst level.
They really fucking missed an opportunity to have the crystal shards 'rewind' into the shape they were in throughout the series in that trailer, instead of it just being a bunch of shattered green shit.
I recall them saying they'll add in single player Arcade/Challenge stuff eventually, it's just the multiplayer itself takes priority. Of course they also said there would be a playable demo for Christmas a few years ago, yet here we are.
I seriously hope this trailer isn't bullshit and wasn't just made to try to keep people from forgetting about it.
I refuse to comment on the grounds that what I say will make me sad.
I always liked Angel Forge in the last game. Though with the huge character roster, I jumped around a lot. I gotta hook up my xbox and play through it again. Should be fun to load up my custom maps I made back in the day too.
Please tell me that isn't a n edgy side-shave a I spot…
It really was incredibly boring now that I remember it. Literally every level in that game was awesome, then there was "hyper generic boring city"
There's not much else to discuss.
There needs to be a minimum of at least 99% of every female character having gigantic tits and assets and at least 74% of them must have either:
A: midriff exposed
B: cleavage
C: Both A & B
If this is not the case with TS:R, then it will be an objective failure.
Well, that was the best part of the game.
None, played and beat both to 100%. Just depends on the controller you want and if the PS2s longer loading times bug you.
It could've been worse, could've announced that Crytek took full control midgame.
It was announced for PC first, think they did something to make console versions possible, and the only thing they've shown for it are the maps.
They at least can say they had what's left of Free Radical come and help with it.
I can't see this game ending up being shit since it's just remaking everything to make them look better. Since they haven't really did much to keep attention on them; I can have hope that female they hired in the middle of development is actually qualified instead of tumblershit.
The hell that video get there…