Is there a good videogame podcast that isn't what this is making fun of? Because they all just seem to be made up of retards and shills.
Vidya Podcasts
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whats the point of "podcasts"? its just a bunch of people circlejerking. why don't they just go out and talk about things to their friends if they want to socialize so badly?
jesus fuck, normalfags should be banned from here
Because they are already usually friends, so they make podcasts in order to be friends with all their listeners too
The point of the thread is to see if there's one that isn't just a circlejerk of retardation.
As to their point, good ones you learn shit, you're entertained, and it's a good way to kill time while you're doing something tedious.
The only good podcast is Hardcore History.
Did you miss the thread on the faggoty Holla Forums podcast that started a month ago?
It's pretty alright actually.
no there isn't
It's not. It'd be way better without the jews and the niggers.
You don't /thread yourself.
is this the ultimate friend simulator?
What's with these fuckers /threading themselves lately? It's embarrassing.
Fine, i'll do it for him.
No. Even the one me and some other guys started is pretty shit.
No user, there aren't. I also thought I could listen to something while playing videogames but every podcast I ever heard was a cringy and shit experience.
I pity you user.
I can't tell if it's redditchanners who have no idea what they're doing or if it's just a meme at this point.
I agree. Mark should not participate. He's an obnoxious sperg. I don't think there are any niggers, though
I'd recommend the podcasts on TRS, OP.
It's like a radio show, is it really that hard to understand?
That implies that listening to a radio show is any better.
eat a dick. who invented this retarded meme that you don't /thread yourself? thats for inb4, the OP can't inb4 himself.
this is some "reddit spacing" level of forced meme.
it's useful for making monotonous tasks like driving long distances or cleaning your place less boring
Nuclear Negro can be amusing at times, though he is prone to go into long-winded and pointless rants about the "community" doesn't want what he wants it to do. Also has heavy focus on fighting games.
It's been like that since 2004, you fucking assclown.
Don't bother trying to rationalize with trolls and idiots. You hear all the time that it's unacceptable to watch anything on YouTube unless it's YouTube Poop or some shitty level of music that no one but the tryhards listen to for their "m-muh hipster" shit. You can't watch YouTubers talk, you can't watch YouTubers do let's plays, and you can't watch YouTubers cook, unless they're making fun of other YouTubers who play, talk, or cook.
Like in all things, you have to remember, Holla Forums is not a hivemind and idiots should be ignored instead of responded to, because it's what they want.
I think you'd like Heroes Against Tyrannical Evil.
They're pretty much Holla Forums in podcast form.
just like podcasts being shit
So tell us, where do you glean your information from if not alternative media sources? Do you just read the MSM, eat piles of dogshit, and play all the latest Call of Duty™ games while snarfing your Doritos™ and Mountain Dew™ products?
You know, no one is fooled by your attempt at "you mad." Just because you write it in a roundabout manner and go about it indirectly, it doesn't fool people.
you're humilliating yourself this early? tch tch
MSM is full of liars, while alt-media is full of sensationalist idiots. I'm unsure which is worse.
Don't know how people can listen to Dan Carlin, his intonation's really fucking weird and longwinded.
Exactly, you gotta stay neutral in things like this since both sides are stupid/
There are some, like Retro Game Audio (more /vr/ focused, but still interesting)
You fucking nigger, go back to Facebook
Nice dubs, also check em.
wow cringe
Just pointing out, that this is how it's done.
This thread is shit. If you like podcasts then go like them, you don't need validation from shut-in 110 IQ anons that think enjoying stuff they don't like is wrong.
Being a little too generous.