Implicit Racism in For Honor

What the fuck

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You can change your character's skin color.

If only.

Hispanics might though.

They should've nixxed the gooks.

all it needs now is sikhs and the game will be complete, niggers only ever used shitty spears and shouldn't be added.
although you could add some tropical island warriors with the shark teath swords, they had some crazy fucking weapons
or add an abbo class with a boomerang that gets power-strikes by using a didgeridoo to sniff petrol.

is this some kind of reverse psychology meta marketing?

It's like ironically letting your wife fuck other men.

I think it'd cool to have an african faction, they'd probably be highly mobile but fairly vulnerable.

Are you trying to jew me into buying this shit?

You say that like it's a bad thing.

I want to dedicate this thread to finding article which says it, just because I am sure such article exists.


please use

Ok I found the opposite. It is even bigger shit.

It is not about fucking politics. It is bunch of self insert cunts.

Also they really just don't give a fuck about any historical accuracy, or rather they found a way to not bother with it and they use it. use
Fuck you mark.


looks like shite

Ok which fucking archive is fucking allowed on this site? I assume - though I saw a thread on Holla Forums about it being a datamine…

With leftist vermin it's always about politics.

One has to wonder why they didn't include noble savage nigger warriors then, but had to focus on white and East Asian warrior cultures.

Back to cuckchan with you.

Yeah lets make game about warriors for different cultures but actually don't give a flying fuck about doing them properly. Later lets say it is all fantasy and everyone will be fine with it.

You can play as a stronk female knight.

Really makes you think.

Jewbisoft rewriting history once a-motherfucking-gain

Do the samurai have any forced diversity?

Did I land in Bizarro-Holla Forums overnight? Which universe is this?

That's happening everywhere. The "History" Channel has a show where Hannibal is a straight up nigger, Battlefield 1 gives you the impression that niggers and mudshits were the majority of the combatants in fucking Europe, that Vikings show (again from the HC) has women going on raids with the men.

Fuck Jews.

Holla Forums isn't complaining about shit. This one shitposted who thinks he's ebin funny one and done troll is.

It's not really trolling when everyone knows what's going on and is playing along.

Why do they always have to give terrible explanations to their horseshit?
1000 years pass in the in-game lore right? These three factions are pretty much the only ones in the world and are fighting each other to the point of ruining everything?

1000 years is plenty of time to catch these other cultures/forcing them to ally with these factions and actually bring out alternate cultures. Get some mongolian fucks in Not-Nippon, gurkhas in Not-Europe, etc, and use that for the justification, not this diversity horseshit.

The sad thing is I played the closed beta and had moderate fun. Not worth $60 at all, but I might play the upcoming open beta for a few more hours.
As much fun as it is playing as some waifu knight or waifu jap, and the game feeling decently balanced, peacemaker (one of the only genderlocked classes - locked to female) has a grab attack that drains half your HP, and in damage-over-time of all things, so whereas gameplay is a rock-paper-scissors of will they light which i can grab and combo to win, will they grab which I can do an ungrabbable heavy attack, or will they heavy, which i can block or do a light attack that counters heavies as some classes have or just dodge and counter. If you win the trade, you take some health, and you can immediately go for something else they'd have to react to, or back off.
Basically, high level For Honor was not half bad, but this bitch gets one grab and half your HP disappears for 1 winning trade.

As far as the genderlocked classes vs non-genderlocked, jap spear class was fine-ish as it's somewhat historical, but having the fucking conqueror, a towering tank of a man, be genderswappable is fucking retarded.
The normal knight and normal samurai i think were also swappable which, eh, it's fantasy-ish I guess and I didn't hate it too much but I'd rather it not be in the game.

Another thing I disliked was changing skin colour to fucking blacker than black keeps your character's blonde hair, despite having black skin, I mean this shit isn't even racially real.

Another fun note is that story-wise I believe it's some womyn who's the god of war or some shit and wants the 3 factions to fight, so there's some irony there in the sense that lul if it wasn't for a woman's emotional tantrum there'd be peace.

I don't know, I had fun enough to play the open beta coming up, but do not fucking buy this shit it is not worth more than 20$.
Just a shame, it seems the games most guilty of forced politics are nearly always the ones with most potential for being fun / new IPs, such as mirror's edge or watchdogs


Actually it's about the systemic discrimination in the gaming industry.

Good post.
One of the big things that put me off was the playable females, but I got over it since most games I play have that in one form or another. But learning that some are locked is bullshit.

Plus, fuck Uplay and Ubisoft in general.

It's a missed opportunity I think, both graphically and gameplay wise. Could have had an Aztec character wearing massive wooden wings that move around, or a Berber archer character that has strands of cloth dangling off of him.

Or it could have featured actual cultures people give a fuck about.

who the fuck here is playing along?

Fuck you faggot! I hate being treated like some child. I don't need niggers included in every fucking thing to feel "represented". That's fucking gay and you're gay.I worked hard to be who I am and fuck you and your gay ass agenda pushing. Nothing disgusts me more than when some white dude acts polite out of fear of being called racist.

I've been drinking and I called people nigger kike faggot gooks and they laughed. It was fun. I hate people call people "racist" because people who know what racism is hesitate to actually use the word.

Why can't niggers, spics and mudshits make their own games? Like Varva said, why is the job of whites and East Asians to supply the culture of everyone else in the world?

Why can't a bunch of savage niggers in Africa get together and make a game about African folklore with unity and any other cheap/free middleware they can get their hands on? They wouldn't even need to market it, cucked game journalists would fall over themselves to virtue signal for them.

Why aren't spics making games about spic culture? There's billions of niggers, mudshits and spics yet they seem incapable of making games and have to whine to whitey to put their disgusting selves where they don't belong.

Already happening, but I forgot the name of it
The devs are struggling with blackouts and other issues like old hardware, wonder how it'll turn out

They did

cool blog post, faggot.

Cool, can we now erase niggers from all Western made games?

I want newfags to leave.

Why is AAA so bad? Ubisoft could easily have put any of these factions into their game.


It is. Fucking weeaboo altcucks.

No because that infringes on freedom of speech, you fucking leftist commie kike.

Greeks, Romans, Mongols. Byzantines, Persians, Chinese. Shit nigger, take your pick, plenty of cool cultures from all manner of historical periods that are cool, instead of picking ones to fill diversity quotas.

I'm just gonna filter your posts, I don't like associating with niggers.

Since when does the indie San Fran clique faggots done an honest day work in their entire lives. They are just being rich spoiled faggot born with silver spoon in their mouth, have the desperate need for identity so they claim stuffs like they are 'freelancuhs', 'indie game dev', and the want to plays the hero so hence, the SJW, feminism, yadda yadda.

The entire world suffers just because a bunch of spoiled brats wants to be something they are not. A champion of justice, a hero of the 'minorities and the oppressed', 'a philosopher whom ushers the world into a new age'.

Leftist commie kike confirmed

They just want people to pay attention to them, likely because of parental neglect in their childhoods. Hell, considering how batshit insane most of them are, I'm pretty sure they did not receive proper parenting.

And I wouldn't give two shits about their "artistic" games, or whatever other stupid scheme they come up with to whore for attention, if they didn't try to fuck with my entertainment.

This thread was shit anyway way kike cocksucker. Not like I bumped or endorsed this garbage. I hope you get scabies from your gay lover.

Stop responding to fucking bait threads by marketeers

That name sounded familiar, turns out he was the creative director for Red Steel 2, a game where you play a cowboy samurai. I think he just likes to throw shit together for fun.