Losing control?
Whats the most American game you've ever played?
Losing control?
Whats the most American game you've ever played?
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Well I don't have work tomorrow anyways. What vidya has everyone been playing?
Undertale 4 MAGA edition tbh
Why did it feel so good watching the falcons get castrated ?????
Red Dead Redemption imo.
Morning everyone!
Played the hell out of megaman network transmission yesterday. If they had made a better sequel or just smoothed out the combat in this game a little more it would have been an easy 9/10.
Finally monday. Time to get drunk before noon and watch cute weebshit all day.
A crapload of gamecube games because got dolphin finally. What about you?
He predicted them winning by 8 but they got 6 over. Really wish he had got that right just for the time travel meme.
Of course not. The people you despise are suffering an all-American analapocalypse about losing an irrelevant egg shaped ball game full of obese players for some reason and you also happen to be really smug about it for some reason so
I don't really pay much attention to sports, but that's certainly nice. How much salt is that making?
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. On "The Pooka Prince" chapter currently.
today was good
Hows life stay up all night user?
I think it's better to see all the libtards break down again over a football game.
dude >>>Holla Forums9176233
This is now a konata thread!
No, i had to force myself to get up at this hour.
a lot of salt
They think that a reletively White team with a nigger with the last name White as well winning is White Supremacy or something
Reminder that Trump predicted his EC count at 306 and was off by 2.
He predicted Pats winning by 8 but was off by 2.
I bet you weren't around for the club penguin raid either faggot.
Fullderp beat half chan's Showderp a couple minutes ago
What kind of a fucking life do you have?
On autismbux?
Or are you still leeching off gays with false promises?
What, again?
fullchan 2
cuckchan 0
Thats so fucking hilarious. I'm not tired of winning yet.
Get out of here traitor. I don't want to see you or your tripcode ever again.
I was too busy watching shit, so whatever.
give me (You)'s or the hostage gets it
What, was the other team full nignog?
I'll check that out in a few. Thanks.
I remember the first time that happened, people said it was the second coming of that Tribes Ascend shit. Makes sense if you consider halfchan is likely full of reddit shitters after a lot of old posters left for here in the past few years.
I know all about it
How fucking bad at gaming does cuckchan have to be to suck at fucking pokemon jesus
alright! just don't shoot.
True anons will never fall to these plebians. VGS
That's not how it works satan.
Used to have a link saved to a video of the original match, can't find it right now.
Sup guys, forgot to pay my phone bill so u was gone for a couple weeks
coworker and I picked up some yugioh stuff after dueling eachother over duel links for a few days. I ended up pulling a thousand eyes restrict and nearly cried like a bitch some of the new mechance are fucking retarded. Pendulum in particular.
gave my two weeks notice and my district manager is shitting bricks. We'll be talking today, seeing if she can convince me to stay.
also rolled up a character for a pathfinder ga me happening Saturday. Haven't roleplayed in a couple years, pretty excited.
There, caught up with my blog posting
Urban Chaos, Riot Response maybe
Other than shitposting, hows your life been lately?
Whys your boss want you to stay so bad?
And thats fucking nice. Thousand island dressing is great. He got unbanned finally after like a decade recently unless they went back on it.
It's not just that. I've barely paid the threads any attention, but the Showderp threads are about using ridiculous team setups, fucking around, and still showing up Smogon-tier faggots. Or at least, they used to be. Basically putting shitmons (or at least underused Pokemon) up against top tier and still handing people their asses.
hey mobilefag.
when are you going to install gentoo?
shit. went back to school and I have to deal with normalfags everyday
Got pretty far in Pokemon X. My brother had his bday. I found out his friends are SJW wannabe twitter journos.
Oh yeah I know. I used to play a ton of show/fullderp. Been considering getting back into it but been too busy lately.
Your own fault really.
Can he still be saved?
It really is tribes all over again.
You can't stay a useless member of society forever fam.
Besides I need someway to pay for all my buyfag shit
Did you wear your MAGA hat and shoot guns while drinking beer all night?
Get anything good?
I was gonna put 1 grand on the patriotrs, a bit sorry I didn't.
How much would you have made if you did? Weren't the chances really heavy towards the other guys?
My brother? Maybe. He listens to me, as Im his father figure.
For now, imma help him make Pokemon teams.
If he's already tooken them into his house then there is nothing else we can do.
I got some dank ass figures coming next week.
Not sure of the quality sense the seller doesn't have a track record.
Of who? What brand?
What are you both nignogs with no dad?
Okay, just keep a close eye.
Even the ones deep in the hole can still be saved.
I wanted to, but this is Chicwgo. Cant be openly Trump supporter.
I didn't check the odds, but I think they were 2/1 so I would have made an even $1000. I can't be upset though because there will be other times I cna make monies, but at the same time I'm a bit upset because I knew they were gonna win. If I were to be when the game was live and the Falcons were ahead, the odds would have been much higher, I could have made maybe $3000.
Wew, you faggots are truly cancer.
burgertime monica
kinda sad cuz da nigga secondary went limp af in da last quarter tbh shit felt too perfect monica idk mayne but ayyyyyyy dat nigga brady da goats mayne
i think da line wuz only +3 patriots but i'm not sure wut da odds wuz tbh monica
i'ma finally play silver tbh w/u fam
It's an ebay seller. Fucker didn't put much of a discruption except for the vague "anime figure" shit.
I think it might be some normalfag selling it.
Well if they still have an open mind to these subjects.
4u ;^)
Ohhh you that guy?
You ready for the feds to come in and clean up shop? Heard Trump sent in 20 agents already. Probably just scouting the place before he sends in the troops.
Daaaamn. I need to get into betting.
The fucks a line?
Ayy yo famalam, what's gucci?
It was a meme game I got because the special edition was cheap, but SR4 definitely qualifies.
idk one of them who made a cis bashing vid turned herself around.
DMX, are you happy the Atlanta lost?
The Pats won
Ay yo hol up
You be sayin you bought random figs of "anime figure" without seeing pictures or anything? You better have got a really good deal on that shit.
Thats the one in the matrix right? That game got too much hate.
You have no reason to be sorry. How many fucking years have the pats choked on the playoffs? how many times have they been fucking in a supebowl? Ever since spygate they were just that sideboss that always wanted to be the top boss but never could, and now tjhat all the good players are either retired or got scrambled to different teams they actually manged to win a superbowl. I can fucking guarantee you if the falcons had someone as popular like Peyton was with the Broncos or Ray Lewis with the Ravens they would have won that Bowl. Peyton and Lewis got the rings because they were gonna retire, this years Owl had no one important just Brady being Brady with the Patriots as they always do every single year.,
Naw, he just dislikes our dad, blames him for the divorce, when I know it was mom.
That and tbey are basicslly carbon copies
they give a team w/ worse odds extra points to increase bets. so you could bet dat da falcons would lose but be within 3 points. so if u took dat bet n da game was 23-21 pats you'd be da winner.
arthur blank mad jewish u kno kickin mah ass outta home depots n shit monica
5 bucks nigga.
Our store is currently suffering from extremely high turnover rates, I'm the only staff left that's been here for over a month. Management thinks I'm the problem for some reason. District manager also likes me, apparently I have the best customer service of anyone she's hired
how to i become less shit at normalfagging?
vsav and that furry jrpg
Also, Atlanta is a massive degenerate shithole filled with hookers and drugs.
Still confused tbh
Shiiiiiiiiiet. Bet it ends up being dbz/bleach garbage and not cute girls.
I'd tell district to have a talk with management then if they want you to stay. And ask for a raise.
Well I thought you were from NYC which is in New England
Shit I forget to talk to my online m8s constantly because of games and shit so.
What kind of autism?
I hope not.
But still if it does I could probably resell it for more.
Ye. It was the better of the two new Saints row games just because it was like 3 but with superpowers. The ""story"" and """writing""" were infinitely worse, but it was fun flying around and wrecking shit was a lot more fun
How many weebshit figs you own anyway?
Yeah exactly. Alternate weird travel like that is the best and not enough games have it.
it shifts da bet from bein on solely da outcome to how close da game is. so when odds are stacked heavily there's still gambling interest. if a team really isn't favored you can see +10 +15 whateva monica. they're basically spottin da worse team points in da gamblin world to try 2 get some extra dosh outta niggas monica
dey bof jewish owners, thot da falcons winnin would be nice but didn't seem probable tbh
I'm enjoying nuclear throne alot but I suck at this kinda game and can't seem to get very far
Oooooooh ok. Thanks fam. How much money you lose this weekend on that shit?
deez shitz is gud fam teach me how to euro monica
I knew they were gonna win because memes, I don't give a fuck about football I think it's such a shit sport.
A whole 0.
I don't get that much money from my parents.
I wouldn't know, I'm not euro
They've got a new store opening in the summer, may be asking to get promoted for a management position there. If that doesn't work, a raise or I walk. I've already trained the guy who may be taking my place and no one will be happy if he replaces me.
don't u into dudes tho?
I don't think this is healthy, but I don't care. What a great fucking game.
unless keyrings count. If so I got 2.
I fail to realize…
You can at least by cheapie banpresto ones you know.
Damn that'd be a sweet move. Hope you get the management slot.
Dey both Jewish but one Jew is less Jewish and has a team with more Ubermenches than the rest of the league
I'm not a very good buyfag.
not all figs are crazy expensive. The Konata figmas (both types of uniform) go for like 40 USD each
Me either really. I know I've got a couple of fake ones cause I always order from amazon and they look a little different from pics I see online. Still cute though. And I only own like one quality semi expensive fig
I hope so. The new store is a 20 minute walk from my house and the store I work at is an hour bus ride.
also banpresto pushes are great. They make pushes of pokemon that would otherwise never get merch
Like Drapion purhaps?
I don't think you understand how poor I am.
I just zoned out for 30 minutes. Where are all the fun shitposters?
The new resident evil.
I don't know what that means.
Absolutely degenerate.
I'm fun, see.
Theres 20~ dollar ones too. Really love banpresto for their cheap cute figs.
I require the location on witch i can get that figure you posted.
Didn't you get lynched? Didn't everyone get lynched? I was promised lynching.
Her dressed as Haruhi is just under 30 with free shipping in the us
where? I have a few of my waifu harem that I want to look for
Shit. Even if they don't give you management try to transfer there. At least your new boss wouldn't irrationally hate you.
How bad is it?
Another 20 dollar fig here. Like I said I just use amazon because I get giftcards a lot and don't have a debit card. Go check out /a/s buyfag thread you can find the same shit for cheaper probably.
I avoided the lynching. The jew fears the samuri
Quit tempting me!
How bad is what?
drawing & studying useless stuff for the most part. i just get really focused & unmotivated to socialize at all but you can't really build friendships that way & reconnecting is so awkward i always end up putting it off for at least another week
pretty much, it looks really good for a ds game though
You'll get no help from me
Your life
dis tbh monica. u think brady fibbin bout his momz bein sick dawg? who says ooo ye mah momz got a undisclosed illness n shit mayne i b playin dis 1 4 her monica
real fukn po nigga shit?
no lynchins round here monica
I never had a ds. I wouldn't know.
Pretty good. Why?
2 weeks isn't all that long you know. Don't have to be on top of friends constantly.
Wouldn't surprise me, there was shit like gurrdurr, whirlipede, paniward, and Dunsparce when I stumbled upon them at a convention
I'm kidding, there's only one 2d girl for me and the only figures I can find other than the cu poche one I own are all crazy expensive
Some men never die. Our shitposting will never cease, will it?
Nig I b on da streets n' shiet monica fuk.
No resident evil dummy
This one is 30$. Look for sega figs.
Fair enough, doesn't change that he actually did pretty good and would make him one of the better QBs of all time I don't follow monkeyball much I just like seeing where salt falls
The true power of autism! we're here forever.
where should I look? That's immediately going on the "I'll buy it when I get money" list
dmx is foeva monica
ktfm feel monica balee dat keep yo head up
true true he mos def goat or in da eternal trinity of goats tbh monica
Why must I like characters with so few and expensive figs
Fallout 4
Only at 30.
This one eyed girl is better imo.
Kanye music is better than dmx's tbh. No offense fam.
I just use amazon honestly. I've got 19 figs and only 2 I think are maybe possibly fake.
Go on there and look up "rikka sega" and "rikka taito". She has about 7 figs in the 25-45$ range. Some are pretty cute.
Oh, it was alright. I beat it fairly quickly, disappointed a bit. It had its fun puzzles. If it was trying to be a horror game it didn't scare me once though.
I'll admit I don't know much about Burger ball to be able to tell who is a GOAT but he certainly is the most recognisable player of all time at the very least he's the only one I can list off the top of my head
Do you even love her?
I'm so damn glad K-on was as popular as it was. There are tons and tons and tons of official figs.
My cat would sleep on my stomach the whole time. Shes the best cat.
i think in individual regular season statistical categories farve and peyton have him beat in a few areas. and there's some cornball ones like most tds to da same receiver or sum shit that he won't get cause da pats don't pay ne1 else.
Is this a good thing?
I'm trying nigga, but some days are dark and one starts to wonder "whats the point of it all. is there really a reason to go on?"
life is a cruel beast that cannot be tamed.
Welcome to my existence. My cat woke me up at 3:30 and has gotten me to let him out and back in around 8 times now. Maybe more. I stopped counting at this point. He always gets frisky after dropping a deuce.
so I looked that one up on Leaf amazon and … WEW
luckily I live on a border town so I can just ship anything to a po box on the US side
Ohhh shit yeah I forgot you were canadian. Make sure you can order off the US one. Waaaay better selection.
shieeet u good fam embrace dat asceticism monica
can't do dat shit mayne got dem part halpitation shit monica
o shit i member u from a arcade stick talk like a year ago monica hahahaha
Fite me even though I don't know who that is
Fair enough, though as I said he's certainly the first burgerball player that comes to most peoples heads
Look on the bright side. Soon you'll get to fight in the race war, after the great meme war currently happening. One day you'll tell stories about shooting guns utilizing weaponized math at liberals.
Sorry fam.
Xiahou Dun in girls maid uniform. Anime called Ikki Tousen.
Sometimes cats are real jerks. I'm going to shit in his litter box and see how he likes it.
Yeah? My cats black. I call him a nigger all the time and he's not bothered by it. Can you say the same?
Is that a good thing?
Looking forward to stoning trannies to death with biology books.
constantly play videogames
you guys follow Murdoch murdoch?
That's like crossing a line man. I pissed in my cats litterbox once when I was drunk and he was annoying me. He watched me do it, then smelt it after I left. I thought it was funny until he avoided me for a week. I felt like such a bastard. Just get like a spray bottle and spritz him with water when he gets too annoying.
Trannies and traps are headed to the sex dungeons to make babies after they get artificial wombs.
ye ye u cain't deny his greatness in da clutch tbh pbuh monica peace 2 all 2 gods in da earf
i think so tbh monica
Thats pretty fucked user
I play games at least 6 hours each day. Sometimes 12
Mines white with black spots. Its cute.
you off that cough syrup rn nigga?
Isn't that one of their dreams in their twisted fucked up head?
Seems like too good of a fate for them, we should just burn them.
Plus no nigga want's to be born of a faggot mother.
i hat kot
u kno me 2 well monica
Bakemonogatari is pretty popular as well if I recall, she just has a brief appearance. Hopefully she'll get more merchandise when her supposed movie is out. there's a lot of merchandise of her other 'form' though
Being a Canadian weebshit is suffering
So are you having fun tonight
I'll be sure to note that in my empty book of reasons to live.
Yeah, I did it right in the middle of the litterbox too. I was drunk, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I made it up to him though.
No matter. We must increase white birthrates at all costs. And theyre a valuable resource.
many funs many ha hahas
Oh donut slut yeah. Never seen the show tbh
Did you at least change the litter the next day?
it's harem
Well yeah, he wouldnt use it otherwise. He refused to go in. It's like I defiled his safe space and he had nowhere to poop. He had no pooping place anymore.
If we're killing niggers wouldn't we already be increasing our majority in the population?
do muslims hate all da anime?
So what have you been doing
yes, and that is just reason enough for another crusade.
nigger we get problems with organ transplants still, those things aren't going to ever happen till capitalism dies and we can focus on actually working towards the future instead of keeping a massive bloated system working because we're scared of the collapse
dey got no taste monica
all dat singin is again dey laws n sheit
I think DBZ is popular there
lol stfu D, u aint kno shit, I smoke them fat ass blunts boy
Desu Vult
Go back to your commie country commie.
Desu Vult brother.
watched da owl readin a triflin ass manga n shit, jacked it durin half time hung out w/ da fam n shieet monica u already kno monica. dis nigga on 76/sp/ wrote a erotic tom brady homo locker room fan fiction dat was pretty gud tbh w/u
iz could get down w/ dat
nigga i smak da fuk out yo momma jus as soon as look at her fam, slap dat hairline bak to whateva broke ass barber lined yo shit up fam so how bout u ease up on dat slick talk fo u get dealt w/ n dropped nigga real talk monica
No we need to replace all losses with more white babies. Need at least 400 million white babies in the next 10 years! Especially with all the dying elderly and africa getting huge.
Capitalism would allow companies to compete for the tech to get further faster, if not for cronyism and lobbying.
Might as well post it, even if it's shit
Who is surprised
Should have bought a brand new one
he just keeps getting worse and worse
w/e monica
That still seems like a pretty extreme measure to take though.
But he's already in britain
It's the only litter he's had since he was a kitten. He's attached to it! Besides, he's forgiven me by now. Sometimes he comes in to poop in his litter when im pooping so we can poop in solidarity together.
Do you want more white babies or not Konata?
wasn't britain getting better or something? Wouldn't the Eu be more fitting
But I don't want to fuck up the bloodline! There must be some other way.
it was good for america back when you bleed England dry and wanted our legacy since you guys had medium business still
sure it does on paper but in practice it's more about squeezing as much as they can to make as much money as they can because if they don't make X amount a year they go under and take the whole economy with them
I guess so but Spider voted remain
Doesn't count, sense that shit was local.
yo hold up.
Dis nigga DXM frfr rn?
feel like my ass gettin trash talked by a fuckin' animation right na
tryna tell me how he be smackin'— nigga if you saw my momma yo punk ass betta hope she aint slap yo ass first fo even lookin' in her direction
I did fucking not you little shit
Really? he seems to claim not.
my nigga i am NOT about to read yo fuckin' screenplay right now, I got a swisher with 4 grams sitting on my radiator waitin' to dry
That's more an issue of a society that places high preference in consuming rather than the simple trade of goods
The shit that has made Capitalism in the state it is in is because of a culture change making people buy what they want rather than need, which funny enough even if it benefited the company owners the most in terms of money was a push made by the Jewish Marxists
If I have learned anything about Spider is that he never tells the truth
I don't follow
Can someone summerize this?
So spider is a jew?
we still had a market and people still traded goods. you fuckwit
Well he is a (((Pedophile))) so yes
But how would that fuck up the bloodline? They'd mostly be irish or german type tranny and traps. Thats what the majority seem to be.
Because of lobbying and corruption like secret groups deciding on a set price not to go under theyre allowed to do this. In an actual capitalist society squeezing out as much money as possible will get you killed because of competition undercutting you, and on top of that, you need to keep R&D up to date to out-compete the competition. Competition breeds excellence which is what capitalism actually needs.
How cruel. Your petfu deserves all the love you can muster, not to be hidden away.
You voted remain? WHY!?
the first part of the screenplay is a fanfic about tom brady fucking aaron hernandez
not eybody garage attached privilege havin ass nigga
tuff shit
tom brady is gay in da locker room da end. iz pretty funny th o
I suppose so but there's equal blame all around then since it's a problem which has been slowly building up
what's that got to do with my point though?
wow alright y'all looks like i beat the words right outta DXM's mouth, just like i beat that pussy right outta his mommas pants
It's always harder to see a problem when it's been there for a long time
Nah its pretty comfy out there for her. Got like 3 scratching posts, 2 beds, and a fucking heater set up.
I forget sometimes everyone here isn't white.
It could spread deseases and mental disabilites.
We don't want to be breeding the weak.
It's not communism.
literally fucked DXM's momma right here
So Metal Monday's confirmed to be at that hole in the wall I mentioned before on the 27th. My friend's band is hosting. I'll probably see if I can meet up with them and we can learn a few songs together and maybe play a set. I only hope that drummers might show up.
You have a pet? What kinda pet?
All women are weak. By contrast men are stronger. You're slowly upgrading the bloodline clearly. Besides it's not like they'd be raising the kids. Theyre stuck in the breeding dungeons.
nigga those be fightin words.
yeah to anybody else but dxm, he just 2 PUSSY to fight me right now
Spider likes Burritoes as well
This could mean something
What the fuck is wrong with you
his bitch be smokin' my blunt right now
There is a pretty big flaw in your logic.
Nice! Hope that works out for you.
fucking aces youtube.com
Is that a Band or is that a weekly Metal gig
O shit. We should intaragate spider for pedo links. He might possibly have backdoor acsess.
Nigga better not run. or else he's in for it.
Again what the hell is wrong with you that makes you think it's ok to Racemix with an old negress
if you take the video game industry for example Nintendo has always been behind on the tech front and have always been competitive in the market this is because you just need a product which people will pay for and so long as they're happy with it the quality of that product doesn't matter
yeah shit people will be shit no matter what despite what cock and pickle system is in place and I don't really know how to solve this
for basically people sure
sure communism is shit but so is capitalism
There is no flaw in my logic. Male men with artificial wombs will be able to supplement our white birthrates alongside women and the men are still of sounder mind than the women! We must do all we can to replenish.
What kinda cat?
A cute one.
Oh god, are you really a communist?
you'll be the first in the trap breeding dungeon!
pls no
You know right that woman's weakness serves a important purpose in terms of child raising
For example them being more effected by the weather means they're more likely to know what weather is going to effect the child so they take changes or tell the men to change something so that the child doesn't freeze or heat to death
He's what ever will let him dick kids
psh, I can fuck this bitch raw no problem, I know how to avoid child support I aint pay her shit on that, DXM just can't even say nothin'
I meant breed! All cats are cute.
I dun think so fam. I'll end up a soldier or a corpse most like.
You are, ==ARENT YOU?==
Which would be useful about 2 centuries ago. Now that we have central heating, not so much an issue.
Is this like your fetish or something?
nope! to the breeding dungeon with you
Nah, I was just talking shop. Those orc comics of the girls getting breeded by orcs can be pretty good tho.
Fair enough, I guess the enviroment has changed in that the natural advantages the woman had are lowered but so are those of the Negro
The best type of genetics for this world are intelligent people with a fair few who are creative
that moment when u be 2 savage.
I'm sorry my nigga i didn't mean it fr fr i was just playin'
Dogs > cats, Fight me nigger.
das fucked up mayn
I'm the last user in the thread.
True, intelligence is always the most important trait. The world will always need its strong men though.
Cant we love both dogs and cats instead?
I have both.
Oh yeah? What do you fap to konata?
Not yet.
you're a penis
that moment when u be rollin' swishas with 100 dollar whiskey
I'm hoping that it'll prove popular enough to become a weekly gig for us. If things follow through we may pull in some drummers.
There is no room for peace here.
my waifu. Fuck you if you thought i'd answer this differently.
no u
Lakeland, FL
Settle down Kazuhira
Eww, you pedo.
oh so you don't have a penis, well you still owe me lewds
Fuck you she's 18.
Typical jew trying to trick me into accepting dept.
Not working faggot.
remember the six billion penises goyim
Rest in Piece
The peniscost never happened.
are you purposly saying his name wrong?
Stop being so thirsty spider.
Prove it!
Remember konata, every weapon needs it's sheathe. You cant be at war forever!
Wouldn't the peniscost be mass circumcision?
DXM (2017-2017)
killed by a real nigga
god bless
yeh lol
oy penis vey
I could use a cuppah tea, go make me some
Then I'll be the first!
d e a d w a i f u f a g s t o r a g e
Nice! I'll be sure to ship you all the waifufags i've killed.
Dead thread.
G'night to the faggots who are still here.
night fem
Praise be your trips my friend they are much appreciated.
you're not welcome
the brown recluse has bitten once again
no bully
fucking chinks
fuck is this?
its two professional faggots represented by a poster in this thread, made in preview.
shit edit.