Alienating/Niche games

Holla Forums i've been noticing something in recent releases.

Gravity Rush 2
KH 0.2 (and 3 in the future)
Yakuza 0

All these games cater to a niche.
Each game/series caters to the niche of people that will like that specific type of game, and often alienate everyone else.
Is this a good direction for video games?
Should video games always polarize people in a "IT'S FUCKING GREAT" and "IT'S FUCKING SHIT" kinda reaction?
Should each game/series try to cater to it's niche as much as possible and actively push away people that don't fit that niche?

Should games create and develop a dedicated fanbase even if that means some people will fucking hate them because they can't get into them/they're not the target audience?

Of course it's good, pandering to the lowest common denominator only leads to watered down shite.

that was exactly what was happening during the golden age you underage sack of shit

Finally, reasons to touch my PS4.

Video games should appeal to everyone to sell more copies, because you filthy goyim don't give me enough shekels.
That's where we decided video games should finally became movies they supposed to be. And if you don't buy you aren't trendy enough, and a loser without latest console.

First one caters to people who like Dark Souls and need their Dark Souls fix but instead found a more action oriented game reminiscent of Dark Souls.

Second one caters to people who like fanfiction or an heir of narrative depth with 0 actual substance

Third one caters to people who wish there was a japanese GTA alternative that isn't just GTA set in japan but is how the japanese would make a game based on a westerners simple description of GTA which is laden with stupid but good humour fanservice and a focus on gameplay.

Fourth one is for people who put up with mediocre games if there is enough waifubait, but will call the game godlike or god tier unironically because of the waifus.

Aks /a/

I can't, /a/ bans people from Holla Forums on sight because it wants to remain an actual good board.

That's okay /a/ has really low standards, even the lowest tier of Holla Forums shitposting should fit right in there.


The way the meidos have you fags pussy whipped is disgusting.

Pretty simple question, OP. The latter is what happens when video games are made only to make money and try to become hollywood. I'll abso-fucking-lutely take the former any day. I'd much rather have a collection of games I love then a whole world of freeze-dried dogshit pressed into blueray discs.

Nice meme /a/ has many issues that prevent it from being good.

To answer you OP this is a good thing since it allows diversity in game genres thus we don't get the same old bullshit cookie cutters.

These are two of the games why I'm considering buying a PS4. I don't give a shit about call of modern halo warfare, Uncharted or your yearly ice hockery/basketballery/footballery or any other type of typical spherical sports object games.
Casuals need to stop complaining when actual good games are being released.
Whenever there's a game that's not your yearly fps/sports game being released, the sheeple cry out "these games are alienating me as a gamer". No. Fuck you, sheeple. These are the type of games you don't sell for five bucks after two months of casually playing them for a grand total of five hours.
These are the types of games you're suppose to have fun with for a long time, caress and take good care and collect them.

Your average gamer nowaday is an idiot who constantly checks his phone for memes and plays candycrush because they're just braindead. If you wanted to just make money, you could create and release the shittiest phone games over and over again as the average "gamer" couldn't even tell the difference between most of them. It's because of people like OP games are slowly getting progressively worse. Shitmonkeys like you who complain about "MUH ALIENATION" when a decent game title is released. FUCK YOU, OP, YOU'RE A GIANT FAGGOT. Just go back to your kiddie shooter fps cinematic gameplay sports game and stay the fuck away from actual GOOD GAMES. I bet that you're the type of guy who plays a game for a month and then tosses it off to a second hand store for a measly three bucks.

-Sincerely, user.
p.s. Fuck you, OP, you GIANT FAGGOT.

It's pretty obviously a fantastic thing. Try to appeal to everybody and you'll appeal to nobody.

What the hell are you saying?
I'm purchasing and playing all the games i've named, why would i even make this thread if i didn't like these games?
Are you alright user?
You seem completely batshit insane.

but Nioh Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza are great.

Mark my word. Gravity Rush 2 and Nioh might get ported on PC sooner than you expect.

he's new.

kill yourself

Seriously, what the fuck is going on with Holla Forums today.
Is this tumblr?
Do i have to censor certain words so you faggots don't get triggered?

Alienating means these games won't cater to everyone.
Some people will be completely out of their elements in them and won't like them, even hate them.
It doesn't fucking mean any of these games are bad.
You're such stupid motherfuckers with your dicks constantly on the fucking trigger holy shit.

what the fuck are you talking about nigger?

The fact that you're using terms that tumblr loves is exactly why they're calling you a faggot.

And yes, making games that appeal to a niche is better than making a generic bland mess in an attempt to appeal to everyone. That's exactly what ruined so many old franchises in the last decade or so. Personal example would be the Etrian Odyssey series. When they started remaking them and changed them to be the very opposite of what they were originally meant to be in order to draw in more typical JRPG fans, the series started going down the shitter.

Kill yourself, go back to reddit, or better yet, go suck a halfchan janitor's dick, lots of choices there, you can do them all.

Oh my god just shut the fuck up.
"alienating" is a tumblr term now.
Go suck a fucking dick you bunch of hilarious pompous paranoid cucks.

If this keeps up in a couple of years we'll just have to talk to each other in grunts and reaction images, what a bunch of mentally degenerate baboons.

user, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here and say this isn't intentional, but this DOES sound very Tumblresque. It's like that comic I can't find in my Holla Forums folder with the SJW bluehair going
If a game doesn't cater to you and you don't like it, that only means it's not your taste.

those are the video game equivalent of furries and/or child molesters.

"alienating" doesn't mean you chimp out and protest against a game.
It means you try a game out, it's completely ALIEN to you.
You know, it's ALIEN to everything you know so it ALIENates you, and you hate it.
It ends there, nothing more happens.

Imagine a dudebro westerner trying a yakuza game for the first time, he might experience the game as something ALIEN to him.

I mean, come on.

Faggots who play this shit have waifu pillows.

It was developed by Sony's Japan Studio, it won't ever be on a non Sony platform until Sony goes under or they release the PS5 and then maybe you will be able to stream it to your PC through their shitty service.

also. I can guarantee these will sell like shit and it will be the last time we'll ever see this gook garbage again.

Yes you fucking retard, of course its good

who the fuck wants to pretend to play fucking gravity rush?

fucking sonyggers. Go back to halfchan

KH 2.8 and yakuza 0 are selling well.
Last i checked Ni-Oh preorders were pretty numerous too.
Suggesting that KH3 won't sell well is quite frankly preposterous, that shit sells itself basically

Gravity Rush 2 is the only game that is legit performing badly, but everyone sorta expected that.
GR1 HD on PS4 didn't sell very well, it's a pretty niche series and remains niche even if Sony pumps money into it.

But the thing is, "alienating" implies an intentional act. Nobody who hates the outdoors says that they find Yosemite Valley alienating, because it's an inanimate object, it can't put people off deliberately. If Yakuza Zero had a big sticker on it that said "no fatty American devils allowed to play this" that would certainly be alienating. Just being an extremely Japanese game is not.

What you're describing are genres.
If the goal is profits, yes. If the goal is good games, then no. Fanbases are cancer and when devs know their fans are okay with shit, they'll deliver shit.
That's autistic as fuck. Why would someone who doesn't enjoy a genre play a game from it?

Actually that's pretty common.
Just because you don't like some of the games you've played that belong to a specific genre, doesn't mean you'll hate all of them.
I've seen plenty of anons here that despised JRPGs until they found a JRPG that clicked with them, just to name one.

I do, in fact, I did, I bought it on release day.
Does it make you mad, user? That people on Holla Forums are buying games at full price and enjoying them?

Same with Yakuza 0.

Actually, this is right. Besides, the premise for this thread is pretty dumb to begin with. Basically it's
This is just preaching to the choir, and the answer should be quite obvious.

I pity those dead inside

Not all games that cater to a niche are unique.
I wouldn't describe Ni-Oh as unique, for example.
It's just an amalgamation of various previous games from different series in a rearranged package.
Yes, it's pretty different from souls games, the most immediate comparison, but the only genuinely unique thing i can think about it, is how it manages the "stamina", compared to most other games out there.
But i'm sure there's some game that used a very similiar system at one point and Ni-Oh just adapted and refined it.

lmao bullshit you fucking commie lover>>11875346

So? If a dev is staying afloat with their current customers, I see no reason why they should risk pissing them off by making Magical Panty Girl 4: Doritos 'N Dew rather than Magical Panty Girl 4: The Quest for Teacups.

What happened do this guy? Dynamite in his ass?

I've heard from AngryJoe that yakuza 0 feels a bit too much like a ps3 game.
I wouldn't consider it like a reason to pick up a ps4, but I would def get it.

I've seen normalfags hyping the shit out of Nioh for months, I'd be surprised if it ended up being a niche seller.

Is this a joke?

Kill yourself.

I wonder why that is, does it have anything to do with the fact that it is a PS3 game ported to PS4, oh wait yes it is and it isn't so much of a criticism as it is a fact

but i like all 4 of those games.

and also they're all on ps4, so much for the nogames meme huh?

Uncharted 4 appealed to it's own fanbase as well though. Not everything has to be niche because once a franchise gets big enough it stops being so. Games just need to focus on their target audience which is what it did and why it sold.

Yes catering to the people who actually want to play these games is a good thing.
That way people who played it mostly talk possitiv about it and the sequel will sell even better.
Just look at dark souls.
It all started with a hidden gem only people that import games actually knew about and now is one of the most liked jrpgs all around the world while still keeping the core gameplay intact.
If you liked any one of them, chances are you would enjoy all of them and actually look forward to a sequel.

He also said the combat is average at best.

3/10 you got some people

I would rather have 1 game that ticks all the boxes and 5 games that aren't for me as opposed to 6 games that try to appeal to everyone.

I liked the world design and art style. The controls and gameplay just didn't gel with me and felt repetitive.

Yakuza 0 is weird in the sense that it has a very Japanese setting which they try to keep Japanese, and through the magic of (((localization))) you have them saying shit in very western vernacular and throw in some cheesy Italian Mafia slang to boot.

More or less the translation is shit and some of the sidequests show SocJus influence even without that. Still, It would be hard not to recommend as a game since it is fucking great.

If I don't belong in the niche the game is aiming at I simply decide to ignore the game.

You have people who have genuine criticism with games like Fallout 4 or Doom4, and people who are like "hurrdurr todd arrow to le knee", diluting negative criticism and reaffirming reddit their games are indeed awesome and flawless.

Or faggots who come in Rabi Ribi threads just to say the game sucks because anime girls are yucky and creepy because this is not criticism, this is opinion.

a lot of the negative criticism about doom 4 is incredibly shallow and is flat out people complaining it's not a rehash of the old doom games and is something slightly new.

It is a ps3 game and there's nothing wrong with that. I'd rather a game be less technically impressive but highly detailed, with developers that put fucktons of care to make sure that both the gameplay is engaging and that interesting scenarios play out within it.

Y0 is the first game in a while to actually make me smile, fuck these retarded niggers saying it's shit because it's not some technically impressive first-person VHS-looking TECHNOLOGY parade like cawdoody or the new REwhich was actually really good for what it was

This did throw me off a bit, however most of it is stuff I wouldn't notice if imageboards hadn't rotted my brain to the core, like one character in Osaka that says "cool story bro"

Cello seems to lack the timbre to really get into that piece. Truly the weakness of single-instrument arrangements on anything but a grand piano.

Your BO is a literal bot

For a game to be "alienating", it would have to in some way actively discourage certain people from playing it, something that even the most niche games dont do. Why wouldn't you want people to try out your game?

That perfectly describes the artificial console exclusivity of the games listed in the OP.

i think that they shouldn't alienate their potential customers by releasing their games only on consoles. but yeah, video games should stick to their shticks. if some people don't like them because of the mechanics that make others like them, that's perfectly fine and that's how it should be. i don't really know why you'd even need to ask that.

