Neogaf busted Nintendo for shilling in real fucking life. Can you believe this shit?

Nintendo is shilling in train stations now.

ITT: Nintendo actually spent money on 'real life shilling' AKA advertising.

Its a billboard? Does that count as a billboard, or do billboards have to be twice the size of a person/on the side of highways.


poe's law

Nintoddlers BTFO! How will they ever recover?!

t. NeoFag

new meme?

neofaggots don't know what advertising is? shocking

yes there are ads in train station. In Japan where a lot of people play games on the trains aka their target audience with the Switch.

OP is an anally retarded faggot.

I think he's saying Neogaf is flipping out about Nintendo having ads. Which is pretty sad.


You are laterally retarded.

neogaf only has retards left. all the fun people got banned ages ago for not towing the line.

you are rectangularly retarded.

You are literally acoustic.

OP should be banned and his post should be edited to something heterosexual.
As for the contents of the ads, it's very telling that they're leading with Splatoon above everything, with a little bit of Zelda on the side. Really makes you think that NoJ just wanted to make real fucking video games and knew they were all that mattered, but NoA was forcing them to make casual wagglan bullshit in a misguided attempt to appeal to normalfags.

Who said they where joking?

I still can't decide if I like the gray or blue/red better
atomic purple pupper when?

you are figuratively gay

reggie is a bit weird seeing him the ceo of nintnedo of american, if you watch matpat's yeah its pretty gay video with him he keeps hawking back at the success of the wii, everytime they think of the wii, he just see churayzee numbers and success, innovation, buzzwords that make him forget being bad at smash.

They've been doing that for awhile.
And it's advertising. On a billboard.
Which is not uncommon for a business to do.
There's plenty of good reasons to hate Nintendo (of America) right now, but this is not one of them.


I rolled an appropriate banner.

captcha ate the image

There are people on Holla Forums who are dumb enough to complain about advertising because "well if its good enough then it doesn't need any advertising!"

Didn't I say this would happen!

fuck off back to neogaf retard

Poe's law is a real bitch fam tbh

sarcasm doesn't work on the internet. if most people responding think you're literally a neogaf faggot and not making a joke, you didn't tell the joke right.


It just keeps getting worse.

color-coding the different controllers makes it easier to distinguish them at a glance. i don't understand why they ever had the 2 grey ones.

I am sure this sounded great in your head OP but some context would be nice.


OP is retarded, shitpositing, or making an unfunny joke. Every possibility leaves him as a faggot.

I don't want to defend Nintendo but Bethesda did literally the same before Fallout 4 came out, they had buses advertising it

why would they advertise a home console in train stations?

you can't play a home console on the train

Wait, did they really say this? I would love to see screencaps of this retardation.

what a fucking faggot.

It's harder to do Sarcasm on the Internet and even so you didn't do a good job of hinting it

Its hard to tell if someone is pretending to be retarded or if they actually are retarded on the Internet though.

Isn't there a choose your own colors/special site for ordering personalized joycons like there is for Microsoft Xbone controllers?

Eh the sarcasm would work if people have heard of the game in the first place
I mean if an user said "Holla Forums's Favourite game Mass Effects 3", then people would understand it's Sarcasm seeing as most people are familiar with the context that the game is absolute shit

This is a Nintendo Shilling thread. Please cease your faggotry and fuck off.

Eh the sarcasm would work if people have heard of the game in the first place
I mean if an user said "Holla Forums's Favourite game Mass Effects 3", then people would understand it's Sarcasm seeing as most people are familiar with the context that the game is absolute shit

This was funny i get the sarcasm from Neogaf. But its so much like every reddit post i have seen in the past.

What the fuck am I reading?

The one thing they didn't do enough with the WiiU

if anything they did it too much with the wii u

the wii u was trash.


Talking about the Switch I feel like I'm the only one interested, and I don't get why, I primarily use PC and the Switch suits my additional needs perfectly, and it's first year lineup is the best I've seen in 2 gens, and that's based on pre E3 software announcements, there's always games announced at E3 with Nintendo, they even announced new games at last years Breath of the Wild exclusive E3. Switch just looks good, it's a system that's coming out that I'm actually interested in trying, I don't recall a time when I've actually been interested in an upcoming system ever before.

Nintendo really have lost their way, could you imagine using the subway and being assaulted by shills like that.

What's the game that's being talked about?

Because it's an overglorified smartphone without the phone and game part.

But it's not a phone, it has no phone functionality, it's a handheld that you can use on a tv.

Nevermind, I just realized you were shitpositng.

Now this is meta shitposting

Why, I never! Thank you, based neogaf, for calling my attention to such horrific abuses of the customers! If Ninshito thinks that they can get away with advertising their disgusting, abominable "console", they have another thing coming! It's most certainly not okay when Ninshito does it!

Bethesda needed to make sure that Fallout 4 sold well after the debacle that happened with Fallout New Vegas, so I think that they can be excused for that. If Fallout 4 sold badly, we'd never have another Fallout game again. It saved the series.

The only announced switch game I'm even remotely interested in is Shin Megami Tensei 5 and I don't even know if it will be good or even exclusive to the Switch. I want the Switch to be good, but I don't see any reason to pay it any mind in the foreseeable future, unfortunately. I'll stick to PC for the time being. In the end, It's all about the exclusive games.

What kind of gay thread is this?


Atlus are pretty shitty at making games for multiple platforms, I'd guess it's an exclusive on that premise alone.

Fallout New Vegas sold in line with Fallout 3 reaching double digit millions, the franchise was never in any risk, especially not on the success or failure of a spinoff. The only debacle with Fallout New Vegas was Bethesda not securing ownership of Obsidian so they can have a dedicated Fallout studio.


I was just shitposting about Fallout, user. I was shitposting about the Switch as well. I think both are shit, but I'm not happy about it. What I said about Fallout was just venting my anger about other video game franchises I'm angry about. I'm angry about a lot of things, actually. Why can't things not be shit?

I'm sure am glad OP isn't shilling for nintendo. On a completely unrelated note: I seen an apple store with Mario ads. Go figure.

You're not. There's just not much more to be said by those looking forward to it, meanwhile the ones who love to shit on everything do so 24/7