Why are Youtube gaming personalities so shit at games?

So I get messaged by some dude in my steam friend list who I talked about Rayman with before and he linked me to some youtuber called Caddicarus, last result in a "10 shit boss battles" (not top 10 just 10 because gotta recycle this video concept later) is the funnest boss fight in the game Space Mama. Literally every problem he says he has with this boss fight is clearly shown to be unable to react or read what's happening in the battle.
Worst of all
Why are people who get all these high sub counts and followings from playing games and talking about them the biggest shitters at actually playing them?
Not seen the rest of the video and I sure don't want to see his video on this game that he talked about doing.

Webm of the segment soon.

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Why did you watch a youtuber when you know it would be shit? You should know that most those like ijustine are most likely not faking are faking it to make it funnier and get more views.

Clickbait for retarded normalfags who pretend to like old games. Consider getting better friends.

How does anyone watch this human being?

WEBM, First big mistake is complaining about one of the slower levels being some kind of challenge.

I just want to know how shit it is.
And I know some faggot will go full Egoraptor OOT about it later when a legit discussion of it pops up so it's good to write a breakdown of the points they echo for when it happens.

Maybe but you got to buy the new car before you sell the old one.

there are advertising companies that are heavily invested into pushing "gaming authorities" among the pleb masses as an effort to control every last bastion of gaming communities. it's no different from those game theory faggots or the other one that was on Penny Arcade.

Sounds like an overly defensive Yahtzee ripoff, who cares




That webm was absolutely pathetic. The fight sounds fun

Either one (or both) of these reasons:
The product in these videos isn't the gameplay and the player's skll or analysis, but rather them (the "personality") playing and/or talking about them. Hence why DSPGaming is a failure while Arin Hanson is a success despite both having similarly low skill levels - one is a complete shitbag no one would willingly put up with (unless its in compilation clips to highlight and mock him) while the other has a "quirky" and "fun" enough personality to attract enough of a genuine audience.

You answered your own question: because they're personalities.

Looks easier than King K. Rool in DKC2.


It is, the paint world in general is pretty fun, sliding on ink, has a level where you shrink and navigate a mini maze, has the most cozy infinite flight section.

That would be fine but he goes on about mechanics as if he does know while failing the way he does, this leads to Egoraptor OOT where you get these people who sell themselves as knowing a lot but then blame the game which then people who just watch this "Source" will then echo in later discussion without actually playing the game.

Caddicarus used to be good, but after a while I think his content just kinda fell off.

I've been subbed to him for like 3 years and haven't watched any of his vids in 2 years.

Was it actually good though or did you realize what you were watching?
Like for example say one of his good previous videos and compare it to a newer one.

Slpg8tor and all his gay retarded friends
Markiplier and all his gay retarded friends

Give me Cr1TiKaL and JonTron, they dont shit around.

Also really fuck joblessgarrett, he probably molests that dog he keeps showing.



He announced like 5 different shows one day whch fucked up the quality of his videos because he was doing too much shit at one time, that's when I fucked off, he let out an update video last year complaining about how fucked up his schedule was.

they just pretend to suck at playing to make the viewers feel smart. kind a like dora the explorer or some other kid show the kids watching them know what answer to choose but they keep watching anyways because it makes them feel good inside. know what i mean.

Because their failures give them the opportunity to show off their le wacky rageface, which draws in dumb underage viewers like you wouldn't believe. Cha-ching.


Why do you even go on Holla Forums?
Why halfass this shit?
You might as well give up video games and watch the superbowl or something, at this point.









I play 10+ hours a day and I watch e-celebs, put your money where your mouth is casual fag, send me your steam and I will dumpster you in any competitive game you choose.