Has there been any recent news on this game? Besides the fact that the amazing FM music is behind a DLC paywall?
Has there been any recent news on this game? Besides the fact that the amazing FM music is behind a DLC paywall?
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Never ever.
Dubs confirm
Why would you do this?
At least we have Purse Owner 5 right?
I guess we either learn runes, wait, or hope for a fan translation. Though I rather get a fan translation because of how shit the official translations for games have been lately.
literally RIP, it is not going to make the transition to the Switch's capacitive touch screen intact. They will most likely start automapping a lot more data and limit manual mapping to annotations
That depends, are they going to drop the New3DS or not? Right now it has what, four exclusive games, including FE warriors and downloadable stuff like BOI?
EOV is good from what I've played so far. The EO series will end in a high note if that's the case.
From the wiki site itself
It's still got a few years left in it but they're going to retire it someday. The point of the Switch was to combine their console and portable teams, it would make no sense to introduce a new dedicated portable in the DS line after that.
I wouldn't put much stock in Famitsu reviews but it's good to see the game selling well by EO standards after the clusterfuck that is EO2U.
Life sucks
You'd think they would want to localize this one after EOU2 sold fairly well in the west even after being fucked by DLC (and by shitting on the series' legacy with the whole Untold thing). I heard EOU2 sold poorly in Japan as a result of fans being pissed about the DLC jewery.
Also, there's a good chance that it's taking its sweet time because of all the voice acting (which doesn't belong in an EO game in the first place; so much for that whole "using your imagination" thing). Knowing Atlus they would refuse to just use the Jap voices.
I'm kind of looking forward to the new classes and possible Jap audio. And even if it doesn't come over i'll probably try to pirate it or something
I wouldn't start getting worried about EOV's overseas prospects until after E3. If we haven't heard anything by then, it's worth getting a fan translation going.
I think EOV is in a weird space release wise and has taken longer than normal likely because of two external factors: the new Nintendo console and bigger Atlus titles taking precedence. These factors overlap somewhat to create what seems to me to be the likely explanation.
Start with the latter: Atlus USA is pretty small so they have to focus on their bigger titles, which last year were SMTIV:Apocalypse and Odin Sphere, which took up time last year, as well as the upcoming Persona 5. This is potentially their big breakout title, with potential to sell far more than Altus is used to selling. They need all hands on deck to market P5, but because they have a limited marketing budget and depend heavily on word of mouth, it would be a big problem to have another game announced and competing for attention from Altus fans. It would be a sensible move to not announce EOV until after P5 is out.
Second, the Switch offers a good opportunity for Altus and the Etrian series. We know that Altus has known about the Switchfor some time and are committed to it by putting SMTV on it. However, that's a ways off and it is a good idea to get on a new platform early to expose your product to a base that is hungry for content. A Switch port of EOV released in the summer or fall of this year (alongside the 3ds version) would be a great fit for the platform and would give a big boost to the title and the brand.
I want to believe.
Death threats will commence should they announce that.
If it garners enough interest in the west
I never preorder things but I will preorder this. And buy the FM option DLC. And maybe import the soundtrack, which I already have in FLAC.
They blew their chances with EOU2 and the bullshit DLC cut out of the game. Decided I wouldn't buy EO5 if it had DLC, and it did.
You're retarded. They rolled back essentially all of the unjustifiable DLC EO2U had. Even "piracy is so easy I can't be bothered buying" is a better reason.
Funny how you say "essentially", meaning not all. That they made the FM soundtrack DLC is bad enough. The fantastic FM music was a good chunk of the series' identity before they started to go for the wider audience with 4 and to a greater extent EOU1. I also remember talk of some sort of dungeon preorder bonus or DLC, and that's when I stopped caring.
Terribly sorry for having principles.
I'll justify my dick in your ass m8ie.
That's it.
Then your new market is exclusively indie games. Have fun with that.
I can justify the FM DLC in one URL.
No compromises
Get some standards, you lickspittle little shit. Sacrifice as many soundtracks, games, and auxiliary material as necessary until the industry tearfully places power back into the consumers hands.
Your argument would be much more powerful if it relief on sense rather than posturing.