The game has an official soundtrack release with an album cover and everything




I especially love it when it's in .ogg, especially when the soundtrack is shit so you can just switch out the tracks with something good.

I loved the MGSV did it, so I could add songs to the game. It was really nice to have the music player in game rather than alt+tabbing out.



For all the shit Undertale gets at least the guys uploading UT's soundtrack had the decency to use a generic pic, and warn about spoilers.

Glad I managed the but the Bare Knuckle Original Soundtrack before the price skyrocketed

fucking shit

This is where Pokemon pulls through

Fucking Oyveyshill



Besides embed related, KoF does this pretty well.






Could have picked a better example, don'tcha think?

Oh come on that's just a subtitle

I went in MSPaint and removed the subtitle from mine so it could pass for an actual album cover.



>Game will come with DLC that changes BGM into its FM version

I'm wagering someone with a snout for a nose is involved in that decision. At least KHinsider has the entire thing readily downloadable.

Oh, and while on that topic.
Once again, thank you to KHinsider for helping me figure out what the missing boss theme was. I have no fucking clue why, of all the tracks the game had, "Defense Action Squad Heroes!" was the only one that got deleted (en masse as well; not a single upload of it is allowed on jewtube), while actual vocal tracks like Justice to Believe and Crystal Letter are just fine to have available on jewtube.


It's sad that so many Video Game OSTs are amazing to the point they could be on par with any of the great classics but they're just used for that one game and never seen again. I feel bad for the composers. I wonder how they feel.

being a cave fan is a unique kind of suffering


Oh yeah, most definitely. The Slateport remix with lyrics in RS Super Music Collection was really charming.