Vyda clones as a genre

Will Overwatch & Rainbow six siege clones be the new COD & GTA clones?
After COD clones replaced halo clones. Cod clones finally starting to die out. I have feeling other companies will start to make Battlefield clones. Especially once modeled after Battlefield 1.

Battleborn exists, OP

What do you mean?

Have there been clones of rainbow six siege?

That's how genres begin.

Not that I'm aware. I'm still surprised how well it's doing with how shit the launch was, and very surprised normalfags are playing it considering how slow it is.

Dump for D.va porn

Randy, don't you have better things to do instead of coming here or posting shitty porn fanart of your games on leddit?

They're still, in their cores, Doom clones :^)

Shit, i meant to OP

You mean a hyperstylized, cartoonish class based shooter? Yeah. i'm sure now that Overwatch has finally revolutionized the genre and in no way copied the framework of TF2 and other class based shooters, they'll all clone OW!

You mean TF2 clones?

You mean Wolfenstein clones

I don't want multiplayer games to be like Overcucks with heroes, low level of character customization and dumb abilities. That shit is already in Destiny, CoD (Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare) and soon the new Quake.

You have a clue but you're still lost

Instead of making yearly releases or F2P games that die in mere months, companies will make P2P multiplayer focused games and support it for a long time with free and premium content (skins).

-Rainbow Six Siege
-Payday 2
-TF2 before F2P

Its the evolution of the F2P model, instead of monetizating less grind or thinking up upgrade systems along with stripping players right at the start so that even veterans can't win shit, they give you a somewhat feature complete game and then add skins and other customizables along with an RNG loot system thats totally not gambling or close to what mobileshit games do, so that you feel like the special snowflake that you are.

For smaller devs, maybe. For AAA, All I can forsee is Uncharted clones or worse, yet most likely, Ubisoft-likes. Hope you like capturing outposts to reveal part of the large empty open workd with fuck-all to do in it, or collecting 666 Nurgling anuses to craft a wallet to let you hold about 50 extra bucks worth of money.

Overwatch is a clone, and a terrible one at that.

Overwatch and Rainbow Six are two clones in themselves. Are you saying that people aren't going to make valve game clones?
This faggot is bait

You best be ironically shitposting, nigger.
The autistic ignorance of OW fanboys is off the charts all over the place.


Go to bed, Anthony.

Overwatch is a TF2 clone pretty much, I don't think there has been any game like Siege yet

already a thing

Well there's Stillborn and Paladins I guess

Overwatch confirmed for being the savior of video games.

This is blatant bait trying to stop video game discussion for no reason. Everyday there are repeat threads in the form of LOL, 4AM, webm and Gamergoy but the one different thread gets shitted on.

I'm not defending blizzard or overwatch in any way even thought it's fun to play with friends which is somehow a sin on Holla Forums I'm just saying it's stupid to stop video game discussion on a video game board.

What do you mean you hate template threads? Don't you like talking about e.y.e., deus ex and mount and blade forever? New games are shit because I didn't grow up with them and can't reminisce about how much potential they had

I disagree. It must be kept in check with constant ridicule. See:

This is the one of the biggest bullshit lies to ever spread onto the internet.

It's all shitskins, dykes and Tumblr pandering.

Mei will always be canonically a fat fuck.
Widowmaker is way too generic.
And Mercy is a literal Granny shit hag.

So the only viable waifu is "totally-not-a-japanese-idol" D.VA.

To nobody's surprise, she's the only one that ever gets posted in every OW thread.

Shouldn't have pandered to SJW's.

Okay, Randy.

No, you're not. Using buzzwords outside of your containment board isn't getting you anywhere.


Tell you what, champ. You get to rub one out with only Battleborn or Overwatch as your fap sources. Which do you choose?

Game, set, and match.




Yep, there will be a ton of Overwatch clones just like all the games that copied LoL.

Paladins m8. It's the one thing they got right.


No thanks. I learned my lesson after Global Agenda. Pix super related.

She's like 35.
C'mon, son.




Jesus christ that skin is cringey, i dont have a proper image for it

Even better.

That's Hi-Rez for you.

Overwatch shall always be shit, not just for it's gameplay but for the faggots that drag it's culture into every nook and cranny of the internet.

You need to go back.

Shit taste in characters AND healers confirmed.

Jesus christ, WHAT THE FUCK


We'll see pepe in 2030

Yep. I want to freeze that bitch. That's not Skadi, that's someone pretending to be her.

Let me guess, you came here because of #GG, huh.

I'll pass, thanks.

Overwatch is to Stillborn what GTA: San Andreas is to Saint's Row 4 actually no that would imply that there was a profit in Stillborn.

Please, keep pouring your delicious, salty tears into this thread. If somebody bottled and sold Blizzdrone tears I would buy that shit up in a heartbeat, so fucking tasty.

Here's your (You) but I'll answer the bait

No one is butthurt but what is the problem about people talking about a game that is still getting support? I see threads about non video games and old games that are getting no updates or no added content all the time, so what is the point against Overwatch? Again people where talking about it and had a good thread until people started shutting it up for no reason other than "I don't want people to talk about this game". It's a video game board and people play different games.

It's crazy that people can to talk about the same old games over and over but by some unseen rule no one else can talk about different games.

Mmm, so delicious! Oh, god, I just want to rub your tears all over my body! Keep the waterworks coming, Blizzdrone, I want to OD on delicious, yummy Blizzdrone tears.

Barelyborn (and already dead) going free to play when?

What does overwatch add by playing more that isn't skins?

Kill yourself Blizzcuck


No one gets this reference.

I bet you masturbate to homosexual porn.
I'd call you a cuckold if the term was beaten to dust by misuse now.

Blatant wrong. Every brown girl in overwatch is a man-face habib Designated Defecation St. """diversity""" sack of horrendous garbage that only shows your terrible taste in not only vidya but vidya women except for young Ana – that is A+ excellence

u r big boy now
A Good Game

All these multiplayer-only titles are stupid.

Soooo… any Randy's porn files on you anons? I heard that he made reddit forum for his lil work. Anybody got some porn of his girls? Are they fapable?

I agree with the rest of what you said, but Bitchford isn't that obscure.

Last I hard the subreddit he linked was dead and there was nearly nothing in it. Not that it would matter much, considering most of the Battlebore porn i've come across was shit anyway.

fps is fucking dead as of FEAR 1. it's done. This retarded argument doesn't matter anymore. I hope everyone in this thread gets shot, including me

This is how you spot a casual who thinks new games in genre = alive.

How does one become a reddit drone? Now I want to go there and spam it with overwatch porn.

Are you underaged or something?

Go to the site and there's a button up the top for signing in or registering.
You don't even need an email, so you can spam even faster. Always fun when you jump proxies and keep spamming boards.

Now, it's not that hard to sign up, but not everyone goes there for their Battleborn porn.

Anyways, I'd welcome fucking R6:Seige clones. Bring me 3 a year and I'd be so fucking happy.

How did Mark ban that photo so quickly? Fucking hotpockets. Or is it a filtered image?

I didn't unspoiler the image, so my autism dictated I delete the post and start over.

Damn, I was hoping it was something really fucking gross or sexual.

go back to mmo-champion and just kill yourself

You´re not allowed to post on this board when you´re underage. Just saying.