Filename thread

Filename thread
keep it vidya

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If the elder scrolls 6 was that weird I would pay for it.




If there was no xbox branding on that computer case, I would want it.



Good news for tomatoes.


Just cultivate them in an actual farm and they're fine, Jesus.






That first picture is fucking retarded.

One guy knows the letter and the other knows the number.
"me neither!"
"me too!"

I done some adjustment to your second pic

Besides the logic problem itself, there's some things I don't get with the first pic. When the henchmen talk about the "correct" pad, is it from your point of view ? How does crashing two trolleys together solve anything ? Where do the planned 50 victims come from if it's 10 per trolley ? Either there's missing info or it's a cheeky shit of a puzzle like Layton's garlic and corks, in which case it can go fuck itself.

The knowledge that the other actor doesn't know means more in the context of the entire problem that it does when you consider each data point in isolation.

It's not entirely unlike the three doors problem where probability ceases to be 50/50 when one is removed. Programmers and the like see it as a random choice without state or context and thus it boggles the mind when it's stated not to be so.



Wew lad



You asked for this

Here's the original version of that riddle explained. It's just a process of elimination.

Yeah, so as I thought, it was just whoever making the pic making a completely unreadable situation with a puzzle he read on the internet. I mean, yes, you can solve it, but clearly the trolley situation he created isn't helping.





The Elder scrolls are that weird. Bethesda just refuses to put any work into it.


Wasn't this basically the scrapped plot point from the matrix? The robots wanted to use human brains to aid their processing power.



That guy is overfeeding his spider.

how can you tell? Enlighten me about spider biology and feeding habits.

I'd make fun of you but i kind of want to know too.

Have a silly filename.


There's no hair on the rear abdomen, that's because the skin is stretching.
It's a common sign you're overfeeding your spider.


Someone should add pic related to your 1st pic.



You're not wrong.






What is this sorcery?

Meme magic.












I hate you user.
the mw2 debacle was at the turn of the decade, 7-8 years ago


Yes. As I understand it some execs thought that Brain = CPU was too complicated for the mainstream audience so they went with the retarded battery explanation instead.

Years ago I would have laughed. Now I just sigh.
sage for off topic











I figured the lack of hair was due to the spider kicking off the hairs in defense.


That's 12 doses
which is 3 times 4 times a day
+12 = 24
+24 = 48
take 3, 1 or 2
either +36, +12 or +24 for the final results of either

84, 60 or 72 times total.

Easy to work out.



What did she mean by this?


I sometimes think, that the only woman i dated personally, made a mistake on her slut part to even talk to me. Because only by her mistake i had any date in my life. Every other day i was hated by everyone, when i made they minds clear that everyone who meets up in our community just tries to get laid, and i try to find myself suitable wife. And no, they didn't hated me for pointing that out, they hated me for not being part of "just getting laid" community.

If woman makes mistake against her typical social programming of a slut by dating a man who wishes anything better, this is the only time when you can take action. When jewish slut programming malfunctions.

But no, those who date literal "nazis", are also doing it for attention to rise attention of a better male. They dated hundred men before and after you. They are the same. Woman can't hold on to ideology without a man. The only women that are ready to take risks are poor, uneducated and slightly disfigured/ugly (not fat). Everyone else is a slut by definition, as much as spoiled she is by "equality" of social democrat government.

And all this shit i said to counter this shitty wikihow image you posted. I am staying a virgin for my own sake anyway. To have nothing to lose when i go shoot kikes.

Nice blog bro

Nice blogpost fag-
I mean rabbi.


How did Britain let themselves get so fucked?

They joined the EU

But imagine you're a british cop conducting a "weapons sweep" and you turn up a bike wheel and plastic cutlery. How do they look at that and think "wow those would've been dangerous, good job team". Sage because now I'm getting off topic.

Look up "Britains Toughest Cops", there's a segment probably on youtube where they raid a farmer's house and have to call in a specialist unit to secure an air rifle and a pairing knife.

Everything about the human CPU idea was better


>mfw the pillars and most of the 'Ramesseum' have high quantities of silicon


You must not have lived through the Holocaust where they used bike wheels to power rooms with sandpaper floors to make people walk until they died.






siege jokes, nice


I don't get it, is the joke that they're still playing MW2 or that some of them went to play other shitty games?

It's the fact that a shit ton of people said if trump wins they're moving to canada, but no one has done that.

First one.



The last one should be called: my wife's boyfriend feeding our son.

Just like the Britbongs who are supposedly moving to Ireland.

Are filenames fixed now?






ONE job.


So is that filename still relevant now that resident evil 7 is out?

Extremely so.

Webm took a while but it is done

This isn't a parody, is it?

So many resources and manhours wasted on an old farmer.

At some point you just stop asking questions.


This is northern Ireland isn't it.

The source clip doesn't explicitly state it as far as I can tell

Imagine what kind of havoc you could cause in Britain by throwing handfuls of spent .22 casings on the street
Here's some antidote to that fucking video.

She's German though.

Everything thing about this is morbidly depressing.

Just another day in Huezil.

The guy at 1:26 has Sussex Police written on his hat. So no, but the people in question are probably pikeys so fuck em.

I did casual glance at the locations listed in seems like the cops are from Britain.

The Balaclava makes me wonder if he was former Provisional IRA

Fuck pikeys, but digging up graves is low.

Though he seemed to be against decommissioning them for some reason
“On his Facebook page, people were posting pictures of themselves trying to deactivate live ammunition, so he banned them. It’ll be one of those who called police. I’ve heard of it happening before.”

This pisses me off to no fucking end. If it was decided he couldn't have it, why not just let him donate it to a fucking museum?

They can protect them :^)

Could be, but you'd think an IRA man would have something a bit more impressive than a poxy pellet gun.

That picture should have a trigger warning.


Those machine guns are dangerous, you never know when they might go off. :^)


I wish I could find the article where an Indian restaurant cook was found with shit and piss bottles in the kitchen.

He had both used and unused casings. Either he hid it well or he has it somewhere else, because he was reported firing a gun. The poxy pellet gun was most likely there simply because he doesn't have to hide that one.


No, this does.

He said: “Alan’s collection was worth thousands and now they’ve gone and blown it all up in a bloody field. It’s ludicrous. What is good is it just rotting in the ground?
I doubt they could find a museum that could afford it. He was doing this since he was 10 years old.

Beggars can't be choosers

Maybe he was retired and was holding onto the relics of his past as a reminder of his murdered dream of an Ireland free of catholic persecution?

The files names are supposed to be clever uncle Holla Forums. I know you are capable of being clever, stop being lazy.


Slightly, I'd go with Rolling 1 on sense motive. but thats more /tg/.
Also why are Muslims being called Asians?

So they can keep up the "religion of peace" facade.

They are called Asians in order to "not reinforce stereotypes", which means that they want people to think gooks are raping everyone and not Arabs.

Look at weak American /k/, getting buttblasted over couple of rifles. You should be tough like Russian /wm/, who gets buttblasted over entire planes.

That video.
Pretty much hard proof that the black Africans built the pyramids in Egypt.

I think it's a British thing to call street shitters including Pakis Asians and calling East Asians Orientals

That's typical ghanese funeral. The people of ghana, when they can afford it, go insane for funerals. They do all these rituals and also have bizarre coffins if they want.

Do a bunch of rituals and have bizarre coffins if they have the money, huh?


It's A6 isn't it seeing as Bernard knowing Albert doesn't know means that it has to be on a pad where there is only 1 number choice

Pretty sure that is fake


It was paid workers, not jewish slaves.
They were more likely arabs than black.

The Joke
The Birds
Your head.

I'll see your plane and raise you a one of a kind prototype stealth ship.



So what's the story with this boat

Are you suggesting that user is getting sucked off by his own mother or is it that you're getting suck off by your mother


Glad someone got it.

So user is getting sucked off by his Mother who is getting raped by a nigger while the father watches
What the fuck user

Prototype stealth ship designed in the 1980s. Was the inspiration for a Bond villian's boat in a movie. Then it sat in drydock for 20 years because the Navy realized the idea was silly. Then, it went up for auction and nobody bought it (I don't think any museums could afford it). Then the scrap went up for auction and somebody bought it, hence the ship was turned into scrap.

Why are stealth vehicles angular and black? I always wondered.

Honestly, I don't feel that bad about that boat. it was a prototype from a project that went nowhere, nobody wanted it, and maintaining it privately would have been impossible

flat surfaces reflect radar waves in such a way that they do not return to the sensors clearly.


Mutha fucking glorious Ashens. I hope he never turns out to be a cuck.

The idea was fine. The thought went, antiship missiles were getting to the point where they could hit a carrier group from farther away than the carrier's aircraft could reach. What can you possibly do about this? You can build missile interceptors, but anti-ship missiles were sea-skimmers so you'd see them when they were only thirty miles out if you were lucky and they'd be moving a half-mile per second, that's a pretty narrow window to gamble a twenty billion dollar carrier group on. You could put the interceptors on a picket ship and put it farther away from the group, but then they'd just become the first target. Low-observability pickets were a good answer. A ship that can see aircraft and missiles from much farther away than they can be seen in return, able to sit much closer to a hostile area and feed information back to the carrier group, and able to act to defend the group much earlier than would otherwise be possible.

In the end what was built was just a technology test bed that wasn't intended to ever be a functional warship and then the Cold War ended so there was no follow-up.

This reminds me of work…

Reminds me of some Brazilian whos in Fullderp telling everyone his Cousin died from choking himself which is a popular game in Brazil

In the UK, "Asian" usually refers to Indians because they used to control India, as opposed to America where "Asian" is East Asians because of the large East Asian immigrants way back

It's amazing how he has stayed the same funny brit all these years on youtube


I don't think that outlast clone should count as RE

You know, it's absurdly easy to tell when someone either didn't play the game or played only the demo.

That's some beautiful scene. The cycle of life except from a tool of destruction to utensils.

And He will judge between the nations, And will render decisions for many peoples; And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war.

The whole comic is wrong on the basis that it claims Jaden Smith's tweets are indeed "philosophical discovery" and "moral discourse".