
Why do people do this? What's going through someone's head when they decide "yes, hjhksdhd8897 is what I want to be known as"? Are people so creatively bankrupt that a simple name request renders them incapable of doing anything other than letting rip a metaphorical shitstorm across their keyboard? I find it especially confusing across services like Steam or Blizzard's thing, where account ID and username are separate, ideally allowing "DBZ-GOKU-DBZ1991" to just be "GOKU".

Also, on a related note, how do you come up with your user/character names?

Not feeling attached to any name in particular or have a great sense of judgment coming from others, the point of which is presented in your pic. If whatever you can come up with is either generic or embarrassing, then why just not go for meaningless?

Stole mine from my father long time ago.

I just write whatever comes to mind first, like "bug" or "toast" and i add some random numbers if not available. But apparently having words as an username is now considered edgy.

This bugs me too, OP.
When people pick such a generic name like Terminator or Metallica123 it makes me wonder what the thought process in their heads is like.

I input a random letter and then come up with something from that. If I can't think of anything from that letter, I input another random one and so on.

I look around the room and type the first thing that comes to view.

Does anyone have that one Paladins image compilation where all the people playing as that furbait character had blatantly furry names?

Nicknames from school, lacrosse, or mil callsign.
I don't use any numbers or weird characters because I'm not a raging faggot.

I get a jumble of a couple of letters. Then I try to figure out what sounds ridiculous. So for example orob, I'd probably do Orobubutogogulot.

I stick with one, Canoe Shoes


I used to go by Gordon Frohman for a few years because I was uncreative and thought Concerned was a funny webcomic. I slightly changed it and have been going by that for around 7 years at this point. Thank God I never went down the path of slapping numbers, symbols, and edge into my username.

You're usually best of starting your password with a letter, a number, then what you actually wanted to use. That way you don't run into duplicates and you don't end up with something that looks stupid. Ideally Steam's way of handling names is the best, because if two people have the same name they don't care. If two guys in a game have the same name the server just handles it.

Names that I think would fit a prison bitch but lately I have been having trouble and just stare at my username screen for about an hour or two before I give up.

its incredibly hard to get my common username because im an autistic faggot who likes to go by word names, so far i've only gotten it like four times
i hate using numbers and x's and shit, simple short names are best ways to go


All these piss me off. If I see any of them or someone without an avatar I vote to kick them or on my server I do kick them. If you can't show any creativity you're not someone I want to hang with.

I say gibberish and then try to write it

First three letters of my first name
followed by the initial of my last name

I put in some 5's if my name needs to be unique


The 2010's equivalent of these shitty names is "cool" unicode characters.
Ї❝ღ ṧυ℘ℯґ ℊα¥
Ⓟⓛⓔⓐⓢⓔ ⓟⓐⓨ ⓐⓣⓣⓔⓝⓣⓘⓞⓝ ⓣⓞ ⓜⓔ
I'ᴍ sᴏ ᴄᴏᴏʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴜɴɪǫᴜᴇ

I try to come up with something punny, but I've been sticking with the same one for nearly 20 years now. if I was going to make a new one right this moment, it would probably be something like Golden Don (a golden Donald Trump to trigger leftist scum). When I was an FPS god in the olden days, I would make stupid-shit names to piss people off, like SuperSaiyajinMiraiTrunks007, never say a word, embarrass people, then disappear.

People hated me in Cowadoody because I would tell people that if I killed them, they should kill themselves, because I hated Cowadoody and sucked at it. Apparently running around and stabbing people in a shooting game makes people extremely assmad.

the last one is pretty cool though.

I really hate the political ones
"Alternative Fact Checker" "Feel The Bern" "Build The Wall" "MAGA"

I get it, you are American and you can probably vote, now stop craving attention, because more often than not, they just use those nicknames to troll people. I had 1 Trump supporter fight vs a guy called "Alternative Fact Checker" and both went berserk on eachother, kinda like:

Please, stop it, just stop.



It's a bit weeabo but there's plenty of good names in Asian languages you could just take.
I chose my name from a title used in an anime but recently found out it was an aircraft carrier as well
I had Seraph as a previous name but that became tainted so I looked for a new one and found it. I'm quite happy with all the saves that bear my name.

Mine is named after Holla Forums, but in a subtle way

It's purpose was to trigger you, and you got triggered. Mission accomplished.

It's nice when they at least give it a creative spin though, like a Dark Souls 3 character named "Bernie Cinders" to fit with the themse.

fit with the themes*

I use strings of profanity that I put through a anagram generator until I get something I like.


I used KEK for a part of it at least

Not everyone wants to be a mixed race transsexual. Gay nigger burgers.

shet up achmed

I honestly can't come up with a decent name. Right now I wanna try Seven Dollar Sanchez, but that name sounds too memey. Anyone have any decent suggestions?

been using moonman for a while now, although now I get a lot of faggots thinking its from rick and morty where the space cloud sings "goodbye moonman"

How about *Burrito Barricade*


the process goes like this:

Who's gonna stop you?
The meme police?

Obscure song titles.

Fug meant to reply.

my basketball american friend


I took a video game character name, warped it around a bit, and then used it as my go-to for the most part. I also just wing it occasionally.


I see Player Characters with Sephiroth in them surrounded by a bunch of Xs again after all these years of absence. I blame the HD remake. Fuck.


Ain't even idle tbh

End your life my goy

Anyone who adds numbers or other nonsense to their username is a creatively bankrupt faggot.

Took my initials and then some foreign word that has meaning to me. It's never taken on any game or anything and it sounds original without being annoying or anything.

I'll try to nab completely normal but slightly obscure words. If I can't get that, I go for Latin.

When deciding on a user name, I go with either song lyrics/titles or characters from a series I've been watching recently. So if, for instance, I've been feeling Phil Collins recently, I might use "JustBelieveInMe" or "JesusKnowsMe" or "TheManYouMetLastNight" as a username.

So like this guy:

Except not usually that obscure I think.

For naming characters, I usually default to literature characters or historical names like saints and stuff.

Kill yourself my man.


Unrelated to your post, but I'm very entertained imagining the person that was so bootyblasted by the image in that they took the time to make their own shitty counter to it.

I use to frequent Wikia chats a lot. I swear to god, every other user I talked to (especially the admins) had names like someguy123, someguy64, someguy420, godzillafan1, sonicfanforever, yoshifan96, hentaifan123456789069666420
My original username was just my initials and birthdate, but then I changed it to something slightly less gay

I must admit that i kek'd.

When I was younger, I made my usernames by taking a random word I though was cool, like pendragon, and then changing/omitting letters one by one until I got a cool sounding name.

Incredibly bad puns or references to things I like. My personal favorite names I've managed to come up with are Crits Radfield, Meowgical, and POWUH.wav.

Anagram a sentance of my real name.
Then changed the anagram sentence into an initialism.

Random words with a "last letter first letter" rule, eventually stuck with one, then later got refined down to something less cringe-inducing.
As for characters I'd go with a stupid rendition of whatever role they had.

I usually go with "Complete Idiot" or some variant.
Nobody can criticize me, ever. What are you going to do? Call me an idiot?

I assort random letters into sub-words, and combine them into something that works.
I only use one username, but I use this for Character naming conventions.

Holy shit, I hate you. I always have to have a name that is pronouncable by humans, but that is just me.

Similarly, I use Toidinamai, it's great when don't realise what it means.

I've never had a user name of my own. I always steal it from someone random and maybe add some little variation to it.


My runescape account that is almost two decades old is 'Dude' with a random string of numbers

A random word is the best username you could use like

Really makes your gray matter pitter patter.

Usually I'm fucking around with other names or random words until it comes out as something passable. My first nick in Q3 and SWJA was "^4Sonic^1X" though. At some point I was playing with "Double Nigger" as nickname. But now all this stupid shit is long gone. I haven't seen people with nicks like "xXxN00bPwnz0RxXx" in a long time, not that I miss them much.

You sound like a gay 17 year old
t. gay 18 year old

The names I use now are currently different but use a word I discovered in my old high school chemistry class.
In MMOs I usually name my characters after bands in hopes that someone will talk to me. it actually works and helps me feel less alone

Use a high school science textbook, it worked for me and the band Anthrax.

Because I don't give a shit?

I use PSN only to buy games/dlc nobody will ever see my SN so whatever.


well yeah they are

I stick with one name who was my first D&D character ever

Reminder that everyone who uses it is a leftist.


Sorry for taking so many of those. That’s me, too.

Also, fuck you for taking some that I wanted.


I really, really fucking like Top Gun

I don't know why these Holla Forumstards are trying to start shit with him or calling him leftypol just because he disagrees.

He's not wrong. The political fags need to cut shit out. Like, I fucking voted for Trump too but the people acting like they did anything other than vote for the God Emperor should step off that high horse.

Whoever made this image absolutely missed the entire point of horseshoe theory. The point is not "haha being in the middle is better," but that idiots on the far sides of things are a lot more like the opposite sides than they think.

Hi, Holla Forums.

Yes, that was just disproven by the image. How about reading before replying next time.


It really wasn't though. The entire image was made missing the point. If anything the image makes a valid argument against the "BOTH SIDES R DUMB FUCK EVERYONE LOL" fags but doesn't discredit horseshoe theory in and of itself.

Try thinking critically next time.

Thanks for outlining exactly what jews have done for millennia. We will never cut it out.

Thanks for being illiterate. Fuck off.
Yes, because “truth is objective” and “truth is subjective” are totally the same way of thinking.

"these trump memes are dumb and people should cut it out" doesn't say anything about 'white genocide' or 'i'm one of you guys.'

Reaching a little hard there, don't you think?

we've really gone off the deep end

not an argument.

Except horseshoe theory is more like left SJWs and right SJWs (since anti-sjws are just right sjws anyways) are both retarded spergs that explode over the most inane bullshit, not "truth don't real XD" "fuck you truth real XD" like you think.

I swear, absolutely everyone who posts that image like it's true has not grasped the concept of horseshoe theory whatsoever.


It does, but I wouldn’t expect a liberal to know much about their opponents, since they don’t know much about their own ideology.
Every conversation has a set of requisite knowledge. If you don’t have that knowledge, it becomes impossible for you to hold that conversation. You lack that knowledge. You don’t comprehend how the two things are connected, and so it’s impossible to continue until you do.

Have you considered that maybe the reason I don't know much about the 'liberal ideology' is because I voted for trump?

Are you just trying to be the biggest dipshit on all of Holla Forums?

The dream has been dead for a while, user.