Divinity: Original Sin

What's the consensus on D: OS? It has a lot of flexibility in the leveling department, but at the same time it makes it hard to know what to take if you're a beginner. The elemental interactions are nice, and can fuck you enormously if the enemy uses them. Also I like the fact that you can loot everything, even making one character distract the NPCs in conversation while the others are stealing everything from them.
I don't know about the humor though.

Halfchan is that way.

The writing is terrible, the inventory management sucks and the world feels very artificial like an MMORPG. But the game has really great environmental manipulation gameplay features. Other than the combat system and the pretty graphics, it's a pretty boring game.

Fuck, it sucks especially for me because I hate OS.

This could be a Divinity General I guess. I played some Divine Divinity for the first hours and I found it was nice

I made a beefed up warrior character once in Divine DIvinity and killed the entire world. That was pretty fun.

divinity 2 was one of the weirdest games I've ever played

I actually liked it in the end. I wish it was more than what it was, but it was nice for what it did.


Not sure what it would be like, honestly. They aren't exactly the most keen on internal consistency, but they can't exactly make a new Dragon Knight game given the main character of 2 is supposed to be the last of them, and having that option was one of the best parts of 2. I hope they never touch RTS again until they learn how to better do it, though playing as a dragon was better in Dragon Commander with nothing interesting to kill.

They better not to do a bait and switch with OS2 resolving the conflict set up at the end of 2, but given that elves are supposed to be extinct by 2, I can't imagine they will do that unless they decide to ignore that bit. Given that elves went from just liberal goddess worshipers to wood people, I can see them doing something stupid like that.

The first town is kinda nice. Becomes more of a slog towards end.

Well, they changed the lore a lot from the first game to the second, so they probably could just change everything about the Elves.

I tried Divinity 2 once, but found it really exhausting.
Also somewhat difficult, but that could have just been my old dumbass self who'd put points into everything instead of sticking to one or two things at most.

I plan on playing the first one and then trying the sequel again at some point.

You gotta specialize mostly in one tree, and then only take from others absolute need items to what you are going for. I went for an almost pure magic character that the game decided to break for me by giving me a weapon that gave a massive boost to magic damage. Then, because I was a dual wielding cunt, I got another one.

Divinity thread? posting best video for all waifu fags.

Is divinity dragon commander good?
Angry Spic seems to praise it.


I should add that I actually bought the game. It fails as an RPG, it fails as a strategy game, it fails as an RTS. And its forced social justice commentary is just a cherry on the shit sundae. Controlling the dragon is the only enjoyable part of the entire game and that fucker is on like a 3 minute cooldown in the RTS portion of the game and while controlling him it's nearly impossible to create/control all your other units. It's fucking retarded.

Every time I play D:OS I get bored as fuck in the town at the start. It really feels like you're hamstrung at the start with so many possible builds that you can either a) spread yourself thin and become inefficient or b) focus on one thing and get your ass kicked by anything you're not 100% focused on dealing with. The tactical combat and elemental environment manipulation is top fucking notch though. I'd love to see a FFT style game using a similar system. Don't forget these cucks cavved and changed cleavage armour due to SJWs

Didn't they reverse this around the time gamergate took off?

No armor still has the ugly shit.
OS is pretty shit.
The armor variety is awful.
Items are boring and you can't stack item buffs.
Skills are also boring as shit, got to level 10 (close to halfway to max level) and the upgraded skills were just larger versions of the ones you had before.
No variety in skills or hybrid ones.

Strategy revolves around, fire or poison an area and stunning enemies long enough in the area.

Divinity 2 was a great gem.

Reminds me what good games you can find if you stay away from the mainstream industry. I loved the various plot twists it was done well.

Seems Belgians can do other stuff besides brew beer.

Yeah, its all very intuitive what you can do, except it is boring after a short bit. Instead the game starts pulling bullshit to kneecap you, plus it has an aggravating way of doing level scaling. An ancient lich that everyone is losing their shit over should not be the boss of a first area, and less powerful than a fucking giant spider.

The game outright tells you that your characters are getting more powerful, except it doesn't feel like it.

Fuck, that isn't level scaling. Its putting appropriate threats to the level/point in the story.

Sage for double post.

When it first came out people in the threads said it was GOTY. I agree.
But most of Holla Forums is too casual for CRPGs.

it had functional ladders even though Todd-ler said it was impossible in gamebryo

Its pretty good but the next game is going to be full of SJW bullshit. Mark my words

AngrySpic liked it mostly because of the social justice shit.

I loved it, but I'm a simpleton who enjoys just about anything with satisfying progression and fun ways to exert the power I gain.

It's building up to be a story about a literal race war, lad.

I need someone else to play it with, I just can't get through it alone. Not because of difficulty, I just get bored of going through and role playing both Protagonists.

Gameplay is shit. Writing has some good moments.

I know, but social justive finds a way. The devs have shown too many red flags for me to have any hope for original sin 2.

Is there anything besides the boobplate censorship and the company's pet SJW moaning about "not enough women playing OS"?

While you ponder, do take a gander at this up-to-date example of Larian's current thoughts on sexuality in their games.

terrible lolsofuney writing, shitty story, ancient boring gameplay

Talking about how important women in gaming are, takes frequent trips to san fransisco and I strongly suggest you watch one of their streams.

Could never play it. The high heels on the chicks triggers my autism. Too unrealistic to have on any adventurer travelling long distance, let alone warriors with heavy armor.

The writing is perfect honestly.
Gameplay is horrid, I agree on that though, it has no depth.