Rainbow Six Siege

Last thread on page 14, more info on GEO operators today.

It's the only good game they made in a while and will be for a long time, it's a fluke and nothing more.
Each character has a specialization in a squad of 5v5 matches, death is fast, it's not a MOBA, microtransactions limited to cosmetics in which 99% of them are bland.
The DLC is free it's just the season pass gives early access to DLC a week earlier and the characters are free, DLC ops for non-pass holders are 25k.
Reddit-level retarded playerbase, and shoddy servers depending where you live.

If you have no confidence at all in what to buy get Rook, Sledge, and IQ as your first operators. Rook lays down armor which helps a lot, Sledge makes holes in walls, and IQ lets you know of gadgets and camera placements.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wasted opportunity. Jackal looks really interesting though.



Remember real men use the recruit and rely on standard tactics and quick reflexes to win. NOT elementary parlor tricks that the operators bring.

Wait, if I buy the game I don't get all the characters?

You'll have to unlock them with ingame points. The basic 20 are cheap, the DLC ops are not.

How many gameplay hours does it take to get all the content on average?

you get a bunch to boot if you watch the tutorials and do the objectives of situations, 6600 grindbucks in total. Probably around 7k from situation rewards.

the whole set of basic ones are doable in about 20-30. depending on how competent you are
the dlc ones should be doable about 20-30 each

if you're shit at the game it could take you like 50 for each DLC operator
but there are boosts that come with the game you can use for double renown for every match

Fuck it sucks. I enjoyed the game too but not being able to play for shit internet reasons sucks so much dick.


What are your opinions on the new Ops having lmao2shotty?

I don't understand the significance of those units

That's not too bad I suppose. It's a bit of a scummy practice but the game does seem relatively cheap in the first place

Am I wrong to think that the sexiest thing about IQ is her Steyr AUG?

Each op in a unit costs 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000, it progresses with each op you buy in a unit.

A little bit about Mira: clips.twitch.tv/rainbow6/CautiousHerdBuddhaBar including them showing off her Vector. Webm is upcoming Rook Elite.

Plus he was probably talking about grinding in multiplayer matches only. Terrorist hunt, while a bit too easy with 5 human players, is a much more time-effective grinding method. You can get 120 renown in one game, which can be very short depending on mode.

What is this bullshit?

In 2 minutes they're gonna demo the new update.
They also detailed features in the embed.
>New UI will allow you to change loadouts while waiting for a match possibly not coming until S2

Renown doesn't depend on how long the game is, just whether you win or lose. You get +100 or so renown for playing Ranked though.


25+1 mag cap and 1200 fire rate is pretty intense. It doesn't seem like the gun has more than 160 ammo though, so you might burn through that real fucking fast.

Well it's been fun looks like the game is dead.

fuck that, most of the headgear options are so fucking shit i don't want whatever could be in the great
they shoulda had this ages ago but i'm happy about that
maybe ash's hitbox will actually be on her body now


Is a loot crate really going to destroy the game? They already have cosmetic bullshit anyway. Is there something I'm not getting?

They said they're free and Uplay doesn't have a marketplace like Steam so the game won't be flooded with people who are there just for money and gambling, it just gives you free skins so I don't see the problem. They're taking everything popular and cutting out the cancer of it, skins are already cancer to begin with but the game is still playable.

I'm exaggerating, but I'm so sick of this shit, from tf2, to csgo, to virtually anything f2p I just hate seeing them. Hopefully it's something I can ignore.

it won't destroy the game but i bet we're going to start netting a lot less renown for or matches to push loot crates

buuuuuuuuut…. at the same time maybe it won't be as terrible as overwatch or TF2 and just be something for us to spend renown on, i goyed out and bought a season pass because i wanted the dlc ops soon as possible, so now i have too much renown and nothing to use it on since most headgears look like shit

I had TF2 until my computer couldnt handle it and I had skins. They were pretty charming to the eye to be honest

This, if they can't be bought with cash they're just a fanciful alternative renown system. For now.

The thing I really hate though is even if you can't trade them or buy them with real money, it still adds a random element so if you just want that one skin you can't buy it and be done with it you gotta roll those dice over and over spending more and more renown. It's borderline Skinner box and is just there to trap people with gambling addictions, otherwise there is literally no reason to make it random.

As long as they don't lessen the amount of renown or remove buying cosmetics with renown, no.

well it looks like as of right now you can still buy skins you want by just using real dollars or renown, which makes it a million times better than overgoy that only decides what you get via lootboxes

To be fair, you can earn them by just winning matches for free, however most of the skins and headgear look like shit so I'll just hoard my renown and buy all the brown uniforms

Said loot boxes also look they are for renown only and your chance of getting an item is better the more you play

There is a risk some fuck is going to be desperate trying to roll for one specific skin, but otherwise I just see more content unlockable without cash.
Literally just a "I'm feeling lucky" button.
You have my permission to rage.

Iq is top qt would let fuck my ass

Anyone else been saving up like madmen for the new characters?

Also post

Favorite oper8tr
Favorite tactic
Most hated tactic
Most hated common team retardation
Most beloved oper8tr to have on team
Favorite map
Most hated map
Favorite gun
Most retarded kill/death

i'm not against case1 or case-2 because its just something to do with my renown i don't spend anyway, case3 scenario can fuck off

You have said this before.

any time i get killed by kapkan, although i learned a decent trick, there was a kaptrap behind a reinforced door that had already been struck twice so one more blow would break it, i broke through it thinking some one had been through there already and it woulda been safe

From what I've seen the devs say, they're going to be obtainable randomly from winning games, and you can buy them with renown only, not the good goy bux

Haven't they confirmed on leddit that the boxes will contain regular (probably renown only stuff) alongside with some box specific items?
We have to wait and see how they make the box system and how will the items be distributed. the best case scenario is that you never get duplicates so once you've got everything unlocked you'll just get the special box items.

In case 1 you can't get duplicate items in siege meaning that if you have everything unlocked besides cash only items you will definitely get them, just maybe not the right one you want.

However if they do make it possible for you to get duplicates then the system will be shit.

They better not or I'm not even going to bother grinding another 25k for a DLC op.

You can rule out 3 since in the showcase they showed getting a renown headgear.

Synchronized attacks and Hibana pellets.
Crouching and aiming thinking it makes them a sneaky snake but are just timid pussies.
You can't choose one.
House and Kafe Dostoyevsky.
Yacht, Plane, Border, anything with too many entry points and convoluted navigation.
All of them except the ARs and SG556.

i like yacht and plane a lot, especially when playing a roamer or a flanker

Would that make you a raifufag?it's ok that's my favorite thing too

Anyone got the castle "SHIIIIIIIIIIET" comic?


Let me know if the servers ever get a tick rate higher than 20. Until then this is basically unplayable.

Buck. Really love everything about him and how aggressive he is.
On attacking; being extremely aggressive. On defending; holding areas
Caveria's ass
Waiting until the last 15 seconds on ranked
Attackers not fucking moving into the objective or defenders all moving away to the opposite side of the map
Thatcher and Valkyrie
University. I thought I hated Favela, but nothing comes close to my hatred of University.
That's a tie between the SuperNova and c8.
Anytime I blindly spray through a wall and kill someone and vice-versa.

going outside in Hereford and killing every attacker as Pulse when the objective is in the basement
If you play Siege long enough you expect others to not play it like fucking CoD, but in the rare cases when someone has the balls to do so you rarely ever expect it
everyone camping in the fucking objective room
Hibana's Type-21
an enemy Hibana somehow getting into the fucking objective room as she hijacks a dead Tachanka's turret and proceeds to kill at least three of us as we try to just peek in the objective room

Being a wall
Not common but this one new motherfucker kept meleeing the fucking defuser instead of holding the button to defuse.

IQ has a nice big butt. I wonder how nice Mira's butt is.

Dunno, don't have all the regular ones yet. My most played are probably Mute and Thatcher. Though I like Ash/Jäger for going fast.
Not gud enough yet. Plopping down Jammers and roasting drones is fun.

Teamkilling because they got into a fight in chat
IQ is the team bicycle
I don't really have one, but dislike Oregon
Dying to a kapkan trap while busting out with a hostage

This fucking game. Why?

:^) gib proofs

SG556 is my bae, it's rely easy to control

The worst part about plane is if your playing new fags against neckbeards your team is bound to loose at least one person to peaking since you can go out and line up at least one shot before detection

Yeah, IQ is the team bicycle in that everyone wants to ride her.

Do you have any proof you arent retarded?

I cant find an argument against that, ever. Its a retarded argument and I cant find a rebuttal against it


Caviar can go fuck herself, just melee the bitch into the ground where she belongs.

Pulse, it's so good killing Fuze with his charge and killing half the enemy team going through and entryway with the shotgun

Being a dbag with pulse and staying on a wall close to a obvious entry and waiting until the perfect moment to strike

The current year and not wanting iq to fuck your ass Wow just wow I can't even

Peaking on maps where it's extremely

When no one relays any information and also when the objective is extrenely small and everyone is locked into the same room

Rook, doc, and tachanka for the memes

House, favila, yacht, oregon,

Plane, kanal, bank, border

Tachankas turret

One time a team mate killed me with Fuze through a long ass vent while I was outside

Also getting killed by impact grenades at full health as montagne with my shield up while the enemy was also taking damage himself from them he was so close

Makes sense.

Also makes sense.


How many times are these threads going to go over this.

They said they're going to remodel operators but I hope they don't mess with Valkyrie.

Thanks for posting this. I've been hugging walls and slowpeeking like a retard this whole time.

What in god's name happened in that image?

good god, I never look at the models that much but christ fix this ubisoft.

I hope they dont touch IQ or Ash.

If they want blood they got it


every time I unextend my shield in preperation to bash in the skull of some idiot knifing my WALL I forget that knifing unextended shields temporarily staggers you


Every time I unextend my shield to bash I get shot or knifed in the side because of latency

The time to unextend your shield is pretty small, not many people are able to react to you. If you crouch right as you are unextending it will give you a small advantage since they will most likely be aiming at your head.


Montagne brings the best moments.

Seems like the retard is on the other foot m8



For what purpose, now Capitao is even shittier and IQ still won't get picked.

that doesn't really help her at all, more useful operators like sledge and buck already have flash/frag combos along with better armor and gadgets than iq

There's also supposed to be a public test server that was mentioned on stream a bit ago.

Latest and greatest

I don't know why but I like how the narrator speaks in a friendly, casual fashion

They took away her stun grenades them?
I think they suited her better.

So, Mira's window is really just a murderhole-on-demand. That's pretty cool.

Nah, probably her breaching charges.

jesus fucking christ

Personally I agree with the narrator on it being a wild card gadget. I can also see it playing some mind games with slow, careful players who are wondering if it's even safe to travel around in front of those.

Jackal also suddenly seems REALLY fucking powerful, but he won't be rubbing Caveira's ass if she stays on your tip-toes.

IKR? He's going to be REALLY fucking powerful just with his gadget alone.

jesus fucking christ.

at least if Jackal ends up being OP there's several ways they can nerf him without ruining his gadget, unlike Blackbeard.

That's bullshit. They keep taking away everyone's breach charges until barely anyone has any left.
I find them more important and unique than any of the frag, stun and claymore shit.

count me pleasantly surprised

Both of these operators sound really fucking good.
Mira is also going to make Hibana a higher pick since she can cancel out her mirror pretty easily, I guess Thermite is going to start to take a backseat.

i just hope jackal has a limited number of scans, and maybe caveira players will use their silent step more wisely now that it negates footprints

they didn't say if prone helps stop footprints either

It has three charges.

Jackal can only scan for three times.
Also, footprints are color coded. Red means they were there recently, blue means they're old footprints, and yellow is inbetween the two.

i thought this bullshit stopped




There's already dedicated servers, its just that matchmaking doesn't use them for whatever reason.


Also, I take it Twitch can shoot the window's canister but Thatcher's grenades don't affect it?

And why does Rook look black?

it seems mechanical so no reason it should be affected by EMP

its just his mask

Guess i'm not dropping her just yet.

I'm already getting angry just thinking about it.

It's his visor. Look at his chin.

Someone should be gracious enough to give Glaz another gun

Well he called it a gas canister and Smoke's are affected by Thatcher, but if Thatcher worked on this one it would be a huge problem for defenders, so yeah I doubt it works.

I see. Looked really weird to me.

OMG that would hilarious

Not entirely, Thermite will likely have to just start taking careful note on where to set up or help out Hibana with hatches.

because of the remote detonator, even mira herself seems to have to shoot the gas can to open the hole

Wouldn't it be possible to melee the canister? I think a shot out of nowhere would warn the attackers that the window is being opened.

I saw in a video that you could, yeah.

Ah, I suppose that makes sense.

Calling it now, people will want Jackal nerfed.


What's the shotgun these new operators are using?

The footprints being color coded is already much more powerful than the teaser led us to believe. A scan on top of that is just fucked.

The ITA12.

Creating a vertical distraction, then flanking them horizontally. I call it the T-Bone
Frost and if you disagree you're wrong
Not fucking listening where to put jammers
Plane all day errday
SAS Shotgun/Mac 10 combo is breddy good
Headshotting someone behind a barricade and vice versa

Jesus fucking christ
I thought it was gonna be a one way shooting glass. It exists.

Silenced pistol is an option, plus I'm guessing the vector will probably be great with a silencer as well.

I'm so glad I saved up 50k renown. That shit looks so good and really overpowered, jackal is like an attacking caveira who doesn't even need to down them

was pretty good, i've shelfed my shotguns a lot more since the last big changes

I heard mira gets 2 shottys.

Still lost, but damn if that wasn't fun

Mira and Jackal both get 2shotties, don't they? I saw Jackal with a secondary shotty, primary shotty, an AR and a PDW.

Yes they both do. The concept is so silly to bring two though, so overkill.

a fun trick on clubhouse/favela/kanal with jaeger is to run to the buildings opposite of the objective room and wait near a window with a line of sight of the objective area, especially since its free weekend you can get a few easy kills on rappelling enemies and retreat fairly safely (depending on enemy spawns)

just don't get over eager and crack the windows too early or some one like glaz will easily send you to hell for your cheeky tactic

The idea of the secondary shotgun is to let them both have options towards tearing up walls and hatches without sacrificing their main firearms. Packing two shotties IS overkill, but possibly for reasons that would be more detrimental to the player rather than to the game's current balancing.

How will you escort the hostage with a secondary shotgun?

fucks sake, it's counter strike all over again

Hopefully directly behind a Montagne.

Have the hostage pump it

I recently built my first decent pc and i want to play a good shooter. Is this a good game for a scrub at m/kb controls, or just shooters in general. The Best I've ever been on a shooter was cod on the wii and that was because the motion controls allowed such great detail of precision.

I said it was silly, I never said it wouldn't be fun or useful. I think it's gonna be great, just the idea of an actual operator using not one but two shotguns seems strange I guess.

Honestly I'm mostly excited for the Community Test Area they promised. It'll fix a lot of shit in the game once they implement it.

You're gonna get fucked in the ass if this is your first time playing any FPS on KB&M

People generally get more fucked in the ass because of lack of map knowledge, aka just being new to the game. People make silly decisions because they don't know what the good ones are.

In the spur of the moment, my tactic was just to go lie in some corner in skyscraper and wait the sounds to tell the tale. As luck would have it, sledge caaarefully sneaked into my room, back to me. Then I just heard blitz clanking up like a goddamn Jaffa in Stargate and got the drop on him.
Too bad the last one started securing the objective and got the idea of waiting outside to lure me in. I'm just so bad at killing people behind cover.

Fixed that image for you with aeons in paint

I've been getting fucked in the ass on the free weekend but i was able to get a kill or 2. I think i can and am getting a hang of m/kb somewhat fairly but it was mostly not knowing maps, strategies, characters, etc. The most frustrating thing was being killed by some cunt i couldn't even see because of how shit the lighting can be when looking in or out of a room and into another.

Once you know a little bit more this'll probably be useful: r6maps.com/

You'll find that there's a big difference between having an ACOG and not having an ACOG, if you try to peek someone with an ACOG they have a 2x magnification sight and you're probably looking down ironsights, so you need to go into the mindset that you're going to lose peek wars. A lot of newer players sometimes do better with shotguns for that reason if they just flank properly instead of trying to win gun battles.




It really seems to screw over buck, why pick the rifle and shotgun over the rifle and shotgun and footprint visor?


Buck has a DMR and his Skeleton Key has enhanced environment destruction + fires rapidly so you can open up a whole section of wall in less than a second which spooks the shit out of people, plus the ability to swap between your primary to shotgun without almost any swap time at all. He definitely still has a place.

Anybody know if Siege is going to drop in price further than the current Steam sale? Law school is sapping my shekels, but I'd like to pick this one up.

Buck can switch to between his masterkey and rifle faster than Jackal can. Jackal can't shoot open a hole and immediately switch to kill the guy behind it before he reacts.

Probably the next big steam sale.
Nice Trips.

Nice trips but as far as I know it's never dropped below 25 USD on steam. Uplay keys on g2a are around 19-20: g2a.com/tom-clancy-s-rainbow-six-siege-uplay-cd-key-global.html Steam keys are 21ish: g2a.com/tom-clancy-s-rainbow-six-siege-steam-cd-key-global.html

well like the other anons said, skeleton key is fast switch and probably makes much larger holes, but buck has flash/frags and i dunno if jackal has those yet, on top of all that bucks DMR makes him a glaz-lite if the situation calls for it

That'll be . . . Spring, right?

Yeah, and it's $25 on Amazon right now as well. Maybe the trips mean I should just get it and keep bringing my lunch for the rest of the semester.

guys I think IQ is my operating waifu

Yup, should be spring. Honestly I wouldn't have recommend the game pre-season 3 since the hackers were so bad that you'd run into one every match, but now the game is much better and they're planning on adding a community test environment.

Come to think of it, I might enough Dota items to sell off to get it now.

yeah join the club you basic bitch

You guys make me want to get the game but can someone tell me why it's getting mediocre reviews?

She better not set foot in Berlin like that.

You can get it off CDKeys.com for $20.49 atm. They're much more reliable than g2a and you're less likely to get fucked over. I can't imagine it going lower than $20 on steam or otherwise.

Kiddos from the free weekend upset that they can't perform as well as their favorite streamurz.

ask here about its pros and cons not those clowns.

the games solid, maybe by a complete flike from ubisoft but it works, due to the way spawns, destruction, and hiding information players from the work, every match actually can play out quite a bit differently depending on anything from what people pick to who does and doesn't die first

plus its free weekend, just try it now and see if you like it

Some of the negative reviews are just a thumbs-down with "why are there so many nazis that play this game" but some of them are also because it's absolutely not some people's cup of tea. It's not a run and gun shooter and it's extremely punishing (1 headshot with any bullet and you're done kid, low TTK overall even for 3-armor operators with Rook armor, 1-life rounds) and a lot of free weekenders are running into people that have been playing for a while and are thus transformed by it into a race of evil spider people who set up their webs and then dome someone from a floor above them and they don't know what the fuck just happened until they see the killcam and they ragequit. You'll also see people run around like chickens and then get wallbanged and call people hackers because no one took out the cameras in a game about information warfare.

I got it. Only paid $3.09 after accumulating Valve Funnie Monies.

Watch the useless tutorials to get free monies, do the situation challenges for free monies, and have fun getting shit on.
Aim for the face and do Classic T-Hunt to learn how to aim. That's how you get gud.

You don't even have to watch them if you don't want to; just open them up, then hit Esc to skip. You still get awarded the currency.

Unless you're completely fucking new to this game, in which case you should probably watch them to understand wtf is going on

i can't remember, do any of those training missions/videos show camera locations? i think it would benefit to put cameras, even if the AI can't use them into situations/terrorist hunt to help players memorize the locations


Are cameras always in the same spots?

In THunt the cameras are replaced by white sticks, but you can also make a custom lobby, set it to private and wander around to find all the cameras, or go to r6maps.

yeah thats something that bothers me, new players don't get taught how cameras work very well and its not immediately explained that you shouldn't use your camera scanner recklessly because it tips off those who got scanned

Alright then, I'm probably going to get it. I have another question though: Is anything locked behind the good goy editions or can I access absolutely everything through the cheapest version?

No. They teach you how about walls, floors, and barricades. That's it. Even the situations don't really teach you about camera usage.

Also, never spot on drones or cameras, it tells enemies when they're spotted and makes them actively search for cameras.
And watch this, this helped me out when I first started.

you can access everything in the base game save for DLC operators, who cost 25k good boy points in game or about 5-7 real dollars or a season pass, maps are free for everyone

Locked? No, the season pass operators are behind a grindwall of in-game currency that you can bypass by buying the season pass but you're not missing out on maps or anything, nor is the community fragmented by upgrades or shit. Note that when you enter into the game the first time you won't have the base ops, do the tutorial/situations and get renown and unlock them. It doesn't take too long to unlock all the base ops.

You can earn everything for free, however the DLC ops cost way more renown. The new maps are also free.
The best operators are the vanilla ones anyways.


Also, this guy seems to make good videos for new players to understand the intricacies of the mechanics.

Are the shotguns any good?

Some are, some aren't.

Shotguns are more often than not tools for taking down walls and hatches, so ops like smoke and sledge who can use both a shotgun and pocket smg are the ones who get the most use out of them.

If you're a speed 3 motherfucker that knows how to flank or a defender with good awareness and positioning - yes. Rifles/SMGs definitely get a lot more play as shotguns are extremely close-range.

Shotguns are a very mixed bag. I still cant tell how the game calculates damage for shotguns, but I've had very mixed results. Sometimes I see a shotgun kill someone from down a hallway with a headshot, sometimes I see someone putting 4 shells into someone at near point blank range and they still don't even injure the guy. The only thing they are reliable for is terrain destruction. Once you get a feel for the game more, you can pretty reliably use shotguns in conjunction with something like pulse or a barbwire trap next to a destructible wall.

They're very fun and feel great when they work, and make you want to uninstall the game when they dont.

Also, this game is all about map knowledge and informational warfare. Once you understand those two things you'll do wonderfully.

In general it'd be nice if these free weekend kids would fucking LISTEN to the vets when we tell them where to throw reinforcements, etc.

Seriously, I kept telling them where to set that shit but NOPE. They pick characters, like IQ, that are basically useless to the group builds so I end up figuring out if I need to run Thermite/Hibana or Twitch/Thatcher because NONE of them will pick counter-measure or heavy breachers. On defense they pick Pulse, Smoke, and Jaeger JUST to roam because defending the objective is beyond them. Speaking of which, I TRIED to even be Mute but my friend picks Mute because he REFUSES to use fun money to unlock other operators. This is why I don't play with that guy often. For a long time he kept calling ALL the female characters "Pay to Win" because "They all have instant-kill gas with endless range" and have to use real money to get them. When I showed him he was wrong, he still thinks the game is hiding secret features that make them P2W but can't explain WHY he thinks this.

Sounds like you're playing with an NPC, NPCs cannot be reasoned with effectively.

When attackers are rappelling up to a 2nd story window many are to stupid to rappel to the side of the window. I watch for rappel lines then JUMP OUT OF THE FUCKING WINDOW while prefiring. I always score 1-2 kills then run right back inside. no one ever expects it.
Valkyrie is cute as fuck not in game in her picture. Frost is also great
Sideways deployable shields in doorways
not sticking together or working together
Mute is useful
Bucks assault rifle
its always Kapkan.

I'm in a chat server with the guy RIGHT NOW. Not playing the game though ATM. Dude can be really cool, guy's a GREAT shot in every FPS he plays We've called him a Human Aim Bot but dear fucking GOD when he decides he doesn't like something, even if he DOES like it, he actually hunts for reasons to hate it. He hates Siege because after he got the texture pack and tweaked it he had a harder time discerning targets in with the lighting settings, etc. I told him to just scale the shit down and this nearly triggered him, the guy ranting about how high graphical fidelity should be one of the core aspects of the game and YET this guy plays Eve Online, Elite Dangerous, DayZ, and Overwatch almost religiously. He likes ARK, FFS. He then claims in EVERY match he goes into someone says "Play X character or we'll spawn kill you!" but when I hop in with him no one is talking or typing. I then reminded him that even if that was the case he could simply pick a shitty character and troll the team by giving away their positions, messing with their gadgets, etc. I don't know what made him so fucking salty about this game but at SOME point something in the game slighted him and despite otherwise liking the game enough to play it occasionally he is fucking dead-set on trying to prove the game is garbage with issues that he either creates himself or don't actually exist. I'm just glad my twin isn't like this, HE actually likes the game and tries to not only be good at it, he tries to be a team player.

I'm going to try and play again in a bit, might warm up some soup or order some food first.

I bought Thatcher as my first SAS operator for dat sweet Fairbarn Sykes knife. How do I get the most out of his grenades?


So I just saw the new operators video and holy fuck Jackal looks broken as fuck, but Mira is cool wish that I have the game and some friends to play with

Bandit walls are a safe bet. Objective rooms also tend to have various gadgets in them, less so however if it's Hostage. It's generally not safe to lace a room with explosives, etc if you have a hostage there. Throw the EMPs at the outside walls, if you throw them inside Jaeger's ASDs can take them out, but hitting the wall on the other side will knock out the ADS if the blast is in range. Also Thatcher's EMPs can disable dot sights, certain gadgets, etc.


Certain defenders can block Thermite from getting into the objective. You wanna use them on the objective.

Shotguns generate real pellets that travel. So in theory you can get a headshot with a shotgun from across the map if the pellet magic pixels them, or you can completely miss someone up close.

Also, my Thatcher. With the pic you posted I figured you'd appreciate how my Thatcher looks.

I figured that was the case, but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if ubi had spaghetticoded into something more retarded.

Also, Thatcher's bio says he served during the Falklands.

Also, just thought about this and it's sorta shown in the video: So if you reinforce a wall that has a hallway or generally high-traffic area on the other side that means you can now have the Black Mira there, throw Tachanka's gun behind it facing out the window, and blow the window to give Tachanka a decent port gun mechanic?

lol what an old fart

Isn't he like 60?

that's probably why he carries EMP grenades. fucking hates all those kids and their newfangled gadgets.

real thatcher mains don't even put special scopes on his gun to really channel the grumpy old limey

Post your handle then.

the hk33 is a work of art and there is absolutely nothing wrong with its iron sights

putting some shitty foreign scope on it is heresy

pic related, otherwise GOD SAVE THE QUEEN/10

According to what i've read, shotguns don't actually have a headshot multiplier, or rather, they do, but it's 1x damage, as opposed to the 2.5 or 3x or whatever of every other gun.

Each pellet does the listed damage, meaning at close range three pellets will kill, (as long as your shotgun does more than 33 damage). Each has a short falloff, between 3.5 and 5-6m dependent on the shotgun. after this point damage is reduced fairly significantly, though i don't have the exact numbers on my person.

Go for chest shots with shotguns, without fail. You will get far more kills.

Where's drawfag.

What about suppressor?


I'm always looking for more friends to play with, if you'd be interested Pallo. Either give me some way to contact you or i guess i can give you mine.

I'm afraid you wouldnt get to play Frost though. I'm getting Welcome Mat placement down to an Art

Probably Thatcher. I always buddy up with my cousin who plays thermite. No more pesky shock wire or signal jammers or fookin Lazer sights. Also Tachanka. I really only use him when we are willing but once I find a good spot to set up its magic.
Really just see above. People tend to get comfortable with the reinforced walls. We blast through and pick off people camping the objective.
Camping the objective. Never works out.
Waiting all that time to jump in a game just to have people team kill or leave. That and Fuze on hostage.
Thermite is my buddy, buddy.
I want to say Chalet.
Plane. I probably just suck, but I hate that map. Especially worrying about Glaz shooting the windows.
Can't say to be honest.
Was Montagne on skyscraper. I popped in the second story with a teammate while a faggot pulse was roaming. I pin pulse to a wall and ping him so my partner can finish him off. Suddenly, I explode. Turns out a Fuze on the third story used a cluster charge, a hockey puck rolls out of the room being fused, falls between two floor studs, and explodes at my feet. Pulse didn't have a scratch.

Is Glaz ever useful? I feel like he's just bait for CoD kiddies.

his buff made him more valuable, he can operate just fine at mid-range now and its good to have him backing up a shield user

extremely, he has the highest magnification sight in the game, his gun is the only one that can penetrate plane windows, extremely low TTK on his rifle, and you can destroy walls from very far away.

Noice, thanks amigos.

Nigga the hk33 is a german rifle and the aimpoint red dot is an american make so what fucking difference does it make having a british operator who uses a german made gun that uses an american sight.

I use irons on the shotgun and have the retro skin on it.

I been using Frost mostly because I've been sick of being the only good Mute most of the time. Or rather, I know how to use his gadget and know to relocate that shit after the prep phase. I've seen Mutes grab armor and reinforce walls before setting down their jammers.

Is it worth a buy at the price of twenty five american dollars? What if I enjoy CSGO, how does it stack up?

It's better than CS: GO because it's firefight tactics & strat not football strats with static matches and environment.

why do you think he wears gloves? it's so his filthy non-German hands don't dirty the weapon

If you want the game to be CSGO, you're not going to be happy, it's a different animal entirely. I'd definitely say it's worth 20-25 dollarydoos, but that's if you're into how it plays. It's an FPS, but it is definitely NOT about intricate gunplay.


Trapping a nigga and murdering him and his friend when someone comes to retrieve him.

Being bullrushed. It's not terribly hard to deal with, but it's not that much fun.

Walling between bombs, castling the objective, neglecting walling USEFUL SPOTS, like external walls, placing shit in such a way that it draws attention to my goddamn Welcome Mats.

Valkyrie, and Thermite.


Honestly i don't hate any of them yet. They all have enough nuance that i can do my preferred roaming, and placement of Welcome Mats (This is a theme)

At the moment it's probably the Sterling. I like the low rate of fire, as it makes the thing far more controllable.

That'll teach me to work on my programming.

Before I buy this, is the grind for the DLC operators bad enough for shekeling up to be something to consider or is the grind bearable?

Assuming you get roughly 1000 renown an hour (from playing Casual games normally, not grinding out THunt or something) it'd take you 25 hours to get 1 DLC op, there's 8 right now, there'll be 10 on the 7th. None of them are required to play the game but some of them are quite nice (Buck, Valkyrie, Caveira, Hibana etc.) You get 100ish from losing a game, and 250ish from winning a game, and the DLC ops are 25k renown each.

I have 161 hours in the game and have all the base ops, 4/8 current DLC ops, and 50k renown ready for the new ones. So personally no, don't spend money on the ops, but it depends how often you play and how bad you want them pro tip, the base ops are the most useful, non of the DLC ops I have are as vital as some of the base ops, so the DLC ops are there as extra

also fairly often ubi will give some free xp boosters out, or do xp boost weekends as apologies for server issues

I can respect that.

Still doesn't excuse the dumb shit that you said.

I want the game to have a 10v10 once a while on the normal maps for the lols, in theory it seems like it would be fun

I'd feel bad for the assholes stuck as IQ but then again already tonight I've had several people pick her over far better options, so I guess she's SOMEONE'S niche…

she fits on my dick and that's what matters

So, Rainbow Six Sige is 50% off on steam Is it worth a buy?

Scroll up and find out?

You folks are actual shills of this board and the 'content' you peddle in is no more than the means with which you do so. All I can hope for is that you pay hotwheels enough to keep this chan alive. fuck you

i've been in all these generals and even big fans of this game will never vouch to pay full price for it, recommend finding cheap keys, and really doing everything short of pirating to play it

its a fun game, but its still a ubisoft game and they're out of their fucking mind to charge 50 bucks average for it

fuck off back to cuckchan you faggot

bullpup g3

WHY that barrel length?!

Also fuck you, the G3 feels FAR better firing than the AUG. I've fired them both and found the G3 to be more comfortable, though not as good as the FAL.

I like twitch myself, sure, he balaclava doesn't do much, but she still somehow carries a lot of personality through it. You can tell she loves her job. Plus, she's a solid op, and looks like one that can turn Mira into one big liability.

Why does she have such dick sucking lips

I have a hard time giggity hating on ANY female aside from IQ, and while she's effectively useless outside of Terrorist Hunt in TH she's a fucking goddess she's still a blonde haired, blued eyed beauty.

Forgot pic

So she can use joysticks better.
But seriously it's in all likelihood to make her femininity more apparent with her getup.

You'd hit it

its a meme you nigger

Sir, good sir… I'M NOT BLACK. I went there

what the fuck is going on in this thread right now

Thermite rushed in, Montagne followed, but MIRA HAD A FUCKING KILL WINDOW AND THEY ALL DIED!

I'll never get over the fact the Ubisoft knowingly named the only Jew, Ash

Also pic no-longer valid

Connection has been bad.
Teams have been had.
Players have been retarded.
I am drinking copious amounts of alcohol but I'm not drunk.
WTF is happening?

Did you miss the memo ? Free weekend.
Can happen if you had a copious and/or fat dinner. Something about fat in your stomach absorbing alcohol.

Cav is gonna become a much more standard pick now, especially in the first two weeks of release when everyone will want to play jackal.

Why would I play such trash?

I feel like IQ is someone to use to roam and be the offensive Cav. You have wallpads to bust through and the anti malware watch to get rid of illegal wifi routers. You run around and take down all the cams, including any Valk black eyes and just go solo for flanks.

You have more of those or just the ones for Echo and Habanero? The end result of those two was disappointing as fuck when I saw what they originally had in mind.

The detection for being outside is so fucking slow. Why in the fucking hell people can get out without any problem? Can't it be like TH where you actually die after the time goes down?

They're on the respective ops' wiki pages

She is a shit. Hibana is he true queen of /siege/

Fixing hell I though ubsioft did at least a little research, why the fuck would a modern SAT operator wear a fucking ninja mask. Also biohazard suit echo looks fucking awesome.

Oh, right. Thanks. I'll go check that out then.

I just don't get how you go from that to what we have now. Especially Echo. That Kabuto style helmet looks cool as fuck.

True, but maybe it was judged a bit too close to montagne's.

Pre-black ice the countdown to detection was 5 seconds

My nigga

Apparently the siege team is looking to eventually have at least 50 operators over the next few years.
Maybe even 100 ops.

They'll run out of ideas, it won't happen, they're wrapped up in their optimism and success of the product.

They wont, trust me.

There is no way they won't turn it to shit while doing this.
Why is there even a need for that many operators? What's the point?


I wonder if an Operator who can blow holes in destructible floors, and erect ladders between said floors would be viable. (And presumably be able to set them from the floor below, as well)

The only issue i can see is him being able to prevent access to rooms by doing it too close to doors, which is presumably at least part of the reason you can only ingress through hatches. I guess that could be fixed by either only allowing it through hatches (Which would severely limit it) or disallow locations that would block doorways.

It'd be pretty useful on either the Defending or Attacking team, to be honest, particularly the attacking team coming up from below.

My guess is they want people to keep playing without losing interest or getting bored, and adding new operators who can do new shit is the only thing they can think of doing to keep that up.

You forgot to mention they said this in the context of not wanting to add more game modes than needed. As in, they don't want to mess with the breach-based, no respawn formula too much.
Hopefully they realize that doesn't prevent a better pve mode.

More like they'll run out of CTUs.

They can always go back and add to existing CTUs pallo. There were four of each of the originals after all.


That El Dorado skin looks pretty good, maybe I'll blow my 25k renown on that instead of a new operator.

If they're going to go for a year three, they better add FINLAND :–DDD BENIS

They dropped the Israelis for GROM this year to avoid Israel/Palestine controversy (sadly probably not because they hate the kikes,) one can only hope they drop them again and put in some more favorites like EKO Cobra now that they've appeased large portions of Asia with Japan/Hong Kong/S. Korea.

But rook's already gendarmerie. Bah, as long as they correct that strange tint that makes him look black ingame.

I'd rather have Polan than Juden anyway. We already have one extremely aptly-named jew anyway.

Have the devs mentioned them before? I really hope they get added

They could make more maps instead of ops. Sure people might like shiny new operators, but in the long run a lot of them are going to end up beingwatered down "this one does the same as that one but slightly different".

new trailer, meleeing gas canisters confirmed

South African Special Task Force fucking when???


Ubisoft is going to start having to redistribute guns if they keep adding more units or else it'll just be ARs with stat tweaks, hopefully the GROM will have the Mk 23.

user, you have me lost, why would the GROM have Mk23's

Because they have them.

"A few units"?

How the fuck did Plumberland get them?

They bought them.

They're Germany's best goy. Of course they'd buy German weapons :^)

I think the correct question is, "How did they afford them?" and the answer is theft

I cannot fucking believe it.

I just looked it up on wikipedia. I find it ironic that Poland and Indonesia, and Malaysia and the US have them.

Think about their flags

At the current rate that would take them six years and like said there's no way they're gonna come up with 50, let alone 100, unique gadgets. I mean we're already starting to repeat a little, mira is basically just a defending hibana, and jackal an attacking caviera.

user, you arent just oversimplifying, you are retardating the operator concepts.

They should start adding new operators to the current DLC ctu's and perhaps give the older ones the same price model as the default ops so that they all mesh well. It never looks good to have 20 "default" items/characters next to 30-80 Premium/DLC ones.

I guess it's a stretch, but they will run out, and on top of that there's no way they will be able to balance 50 ops, this is still ubisoft we're talking about.

A broken clock is right more than twice a day. And they could balance 50 ops if they really put attention into the game.

I'd rather they don't get ahead of themselves and risk fucking up their only good game in ages. Let's be honest here. The game doesn't need 50 operators and they certainly shouldn't force themselves to try and reach such a large amount. I'm not opposed to new operators, but they should only add more if they can think of something new and interesting to add in the first place.

Quality over quantity.


I don't really understand this one, care to explain?

I personally got to understand that as all the sights will now be equally close to your face

They already are you fucking retards, the update does the opposite depending on what sight you use on a certain gun.

Nevermind I'm the retard, I only use ACOG.

I might get El Dorado but Crossfader looks really good as well.

Is the thread on autosage? Should we post some music?

300's the autosage, yea.

Also the new ranking icons finally make fucking sense.

I'd be fine with a third year, but maybe next year dull out the new CTUs and just give existing characters new weapons.

This should be standard for R6S threads, once we hit bump limit we post music.


And there isnt a louder mix of this.


> tfw you are building riffs to play in the future


Gotta say we hit the bump limit pretty fast. Guess that's the free weekend for ya, plus the game's bigger than ever.
Have a Japanese band do engrish cover of O Caroline

So far, Seventh Star, Supernaut and Night People are songs that are in weird tunings, like, a quarter tuning up or down.

Well we did have the DLC to talk about, so that was probably half the posts.

This song has an unconsistent tuning for example

They need to make Pulse look like his profile. More Vin Diesel less Michael Imperioli with a buzz cut

Yeah, lots of things to comment on rather than the usual hangout thread. Nothing more to it.
That reminds me, in between the announcements, did anyone watch the competition they had going on ?

Nah, I really don't care for e-sports or streaming.

This is a really underrated track.

Are any of you interested in the subject of astrology? I am interested in the concept of weird stars and planets, the last planet in our solar system and stuff like that.

Watched a little. The PC portion was somewhat entertaining, but the console portion was pure hilarity.

Astrology or astronomy? Because your pic says astrology but the part about planets, stars, and the last planet say astronomy.

Guess I'm unlocking him first before he gets black bearded

Welp I am retarded, its Astronomy mostly but some Astrology too.

fixed for you

I would love to see mira removing kebab with double shotgun power.

first they'll reduce how long hsi scanner can mark things, then they'll reduce his number of charges,
then before you know it only sprinting will leave footprints

It mostly seems like they use whatever the fuck they want

A rely kinky idea would be to give the Polish a round start morter that can make a small hatch size hole for entry point on any ceilling of choice but I know it's an idea that will never come true, also I get a 60 mm morter would explode a massive hole/cave in a whole section of roof in real life but still

or just have iq fuck my ass

It's gonna be every thread with this shit now isn't it?

I don't get it. Is this some forced meme or some shit?


Time for a new thread.

Wow, fucking polack plumber fucks.

Its the same guy saying it over and over again, someone else just joined him.

The new UI is shit!


Well I can't get into games since the servers are saying they're down, but interestingly since it can't contact the servers it can't figure out who I have unlocked so it just lets me edit the loadouts for every operator.
Mira's vector is 23 damage regularly, silencer drops it to 19 so it seems like it's worth it since it shouldn't really affect the time to kill. Jackal's rifle seems to have really good stats too. Neither of their shotguns get the option to take silencers.
Mira's face doesn't look too bad either.

Closeup of face and some ass shots

Shes a cutie


Isn't giving her a secondary shotgun just making her a better buck but defending, because she has a full auto main, and a gadget while buck just has the shotgun for his gadget.

yeah but buck has the FAL which will always be best

Getting the same shit. Bravo Ubisoft.