Hello Holla Forums, I bring you another game
for what purpose?
still the biggest fps released in 2016
Overwatch was released in 2016 too and Doom is probably bigger
Oh boy, this again.
Is bigger better?
Fuck off with your shit games.
really gets my noggin joggin
No, but that's not what he said.
That's what she said.
And all of them bad.
no but thanks for asking.
When does hitman leave early access so they could crack it ?
Brain damage.
Do you even have to ask
Is this a bait thread?
Fuck that gay shit. Series got ruined like every other series with faggot identity politics. Everything has to be "muh diversity" and other gay shit "JUST BECAUSE" instead of actually being fun
Also is it even worth downloading? How long is the single player?
You can keep your gift. Thanks.
Whoa, another game i never wanted to even pirate!
Industry looking great from here!
Hey, you can filter this thread, you know? Sperg
CPY should work on Total WaWa, that's a game people might actually play.
Is the single player worth a play through or is it Swedish tier trash?
Its cinematic trash and if you are easily triggered by how innacurate it is then stay away from this turd
For what possible reason would I want to play this piece of shit Swedish propaganda?
Kudos to the pirates for further humiliating Denuvo, but other than bragging rights for them this serves no purpose.
dos to the pirates for further humiliating Denuvo, but other than bragging rights for them this serves no purpose.
That's the entire point of these cracks
Well, I correctly guessed the game from the RE7 hint.
Anyone see a hint in this one? I read it and it looks normal to me.
What's that, two AAA blockbusters in 2 weeks? Someone must be losing their job soon.
How long did it take for SecuROM to vanish once it was cracked open?
Every campaign but the last one is awesome, though tank one gets bogged down in the middle of fucking nowhere when it makes you play Metal Gear Solid for no fucking reason, and you get to drive a tank in the mission that is fucking amazing but when you get into multiplayer you find it's nowhere in sight
Best campaign is the planes one but it's ultra short, and the less said about the final awful campaign the better
Can you be any more of a cuckold? Not only did you pay for this turd, and Overwatch on top of that, but you're actively praising it?
About two years until newer versions caused so many problems with gamers companies just stopped using it because whatever money they could lose in piracy was not worth hiring the literal hundreds of tech support workers who had to troubleshoot game problems all day long for customers complaints
That's not a fucking argument. You just have the same shitty taste reddit does.
Why do you play games if not to enjoy them?
It's made by Dice, thanks to EA they're now pozzed (it started with Battlefront and the default characters being black).
You're born with shit taste.
Sorry, vidua crash of 83 and NES got popular around here at 85-88, though everyone at the time just played Mario 2, Zelda and Contra
Point is the game is still fun, and trust me I've seen bad games
Why is why the last campaign is pure shit
Last campaign just has you run around on a bunch of horses to teach you horse combat, which you learned back in the tank campaign but they needed to shoehorn a female lead in there somewhere
what kind of argument is this? just because you been doing something for a long time does not ensure your competence or good taste in the matter.
Ok then, tell me how it's a bad game
Yes, as opposed to other campaigns.
Err, thanks but no thanks lad.
Tank campaign has you blowing up buildings, tanks, fortifications
Plane campaign has you taking out armored bunkers, AA cannons, firing rockets at ground targets, taking out zeppelins
On foot campaign has you running around as a sniper taking out fuckbrutal troops around ancient buildings and castles
Last campaign has you running around on a horse going to mudhuts looking for pigeons
don't know if its a bad game, haven't played it but the argument you used is not a very good one.
As a WW1 plane.
Why? I can tell you in a heartbeat everything good and bad about Overwatch for example
Where is the problem with him telling me how the game ISN'T good?
I stopped playing the campaign right after the chapter where you're an italian guy in the armoured suit. That was too much.
Oh man that campaign I forgot about, man it's fuck brutal, that's the Saving Private Ryan Normandy Beach levels for sure
then tell him why the game is good and not that you have played games for a long time so he should just take your word for it. lots of people do things for a long time and still suck or have limited/incorrect knowledge of it.
now that's really fiction
That why you can use it against ground targets and have unlimited supply of them?
Why didn't you mention the power armor shit, not cool enough for you?
Also it's not meant to be historically accurate, they take liberties here and there but it's fun, plus said liberties had to be taken because kiddies are drunk on CoD dick and not having full auto rifles will kill them
Power armor level is fun, until you lose it and get to walk through the bodies of a thousand corpses including your brothers just to save some poor bloke who was being tortured
How can you not be embarrassed gushing over this piece of shit game so much?
If you're a cuckold, sure.
Eyyy, didn't take you long.
Funny that you say that as if bf dick is any different.
Still waiting for you to tell me how the game isn't fun
CoD you run around on claustrophobic maps 40 meters and you take 7 bullets before dying
BF maps are miles wide full of tons of shit raining down on your head and if you so much as get grazed by a bullet die as you run through poison gas trying to revive your ally when a tank comes bursting through the wall looking to finish you off so you throw your mirv grenade to take it out and you think you're going to get away but a fucker on a horse leaps through the rubble behind you and stabs you to death
I think that's fun?
He's posting deviantart shit of borderlands.
Here, Holla Forums approved Vivian art mocking you, where you going to move that goalpost next son?
Dice wants the CoD audience otherwise they wouldn't have made a close quarters game mode on BF3 and 4.
Not an argument :)
Modern BF is hardly any different from CoD.
Thanks for proving you don't play the game
One of them is a pseudo-tactical dudebro shooter.
Guess what's the other one.
Can you show me the gun in BF 1 that takes 7 shots to kill another player?
Who are you quoting?
Well you wanted to talk to me where I talked to the other user who said it takes 7 shots to kill another player
I'm looking and not finding this mythical weapon, the highest for an automatic rifle is 5, semi's are 3, shotguns are often 1 shot
Try the ones that shoot the guy in power armor :)
Battlekangz is not even worth a pirate. If you like to have niggers smeared into your face all the time, you're probably one.
Or Louie. Louie likes them smeared in his face and his wife's vagina.
What is this crap doing in my catalog? Literal history revisionism by Sweden, the fuck are you even at.
Niggers hate niggers.
any pirate server atm?
Pretty sure that's the main motivation for all cracking groups.
because i want to escape reality by playing shitty mind killing online game without paying for it
When the FUCK is Berseria?
Go play mechwarrior living legends
Just get a mod for Medieval 2. It's free and probably infinitely better.
Nig nog, pls
Oh well.
I'd play it for the pegasus knights, but that's where my interest ends.
And don`t forget that we are talking about pirating.
I would never buy it.
I'd have trouble justifying pirating.
Not because I'd feel bad about doing it but because I don't want to waste my time.
Maybe in a few years when I'm bored enough.
Man, I'm sure none of these faggots that aren't happy that CPY is constantly BTFO DENUVO are actually shills.
Thanks you, but no.
There's faggots that hate piracy, but I can't work out if they're Denuvo interns or halfchan refugees, Piracy is frowned upon over there, despite it being all the rage even when everyone left.
Guess the mods Stanley Roo'd anyone that didn't pay for their walking simulators.
Oh yeah, and still looking for my fucking hint. I want to know what's next.
Denuvo gets further fucked anally
They left file directories open, and there was a bunch of executables left lying around.
Here's hoping they find a 0-day they can use on everything already released.
I don't care, I wanted a game not about
The HWNDU stream has brought over allot people from 4ch.
Speak English, please.
that he will not divide us stream, it got perma banned over at half chan so they've all flocked over here.
Oh, that memestream where Mark and Sam met up to be autistic together.
At least it got Jim making videos again.
i only bother pirating Dice games becasue their sound is fucking good
lol really? Why?
people started doxxing the fucking retards who were unironically protesting trump on the stream
Why do think it's called cuckchan, retard