sorta offtopic but I wish people would quit with this 1080/30 vs. 720/60 shit. ```To be clear,``` I don't support one over the other; the point is that the argument is based on a flawed premise to begin with.
The idea is that by lowering the render resolution you reduce the per-frame demands on the hardware and thus can run at a higher framerate. it sorta made sense back in the previous generation because those consoles were sharply limited by their graphics processors (more accurately: their GPU memory bandwidth) when running at HD resolutions. that meant that running a game at 600p could really net you some extra frames.
in the current generation of consoles, even the Xbox One is still way way way more limited by its shitty little netbook CPUs than by its graphics processor, and that's true doubly for the PS4 and many times over for the PS4 Pro (which actually has a very fast graphics chip, similar to RX 480.)
what this means is, lowering the resolution does fuckall. you're still gonna have a shitty 30fps game, it will just look worse. the framerate is going to be limited by the CPUs, not by the GPUs. even if you drop shit to 320x240 you're still never going to go over a certain framerate because the little tiny tablet-tier CPUs can only put out work so fast.
certain parts of games are really easy to parallelize (run on multiple processors) – particularly graphics and physics – but those parts of games are already running on a massively parallel co-processor, the graphics chip, which has thousands of really simple and dumb "cores." the parts of a game that are not easy to parallelize are running on the CPU and because they're not easy to parallelize you need a CPU with the maximum single-threaded execution performance.
I love the Jaguar CPU, it's amazing in so many ways, but it is just shit garbage for a gaming processor because it was never intended to be used that way. it is fucking terrible at single-threaded execution performance and even moreso given the low clock rate (1.6 GHz in PS4, 1.76 GHz in XB1, 2.1 GHZ in PS4P). it's a slow CPU running at a slow clock rate and having more of them doesn't help matters. These are tiny chips where you can fit four of them at 1.6 GHz in a 10-watt power envelope. Compare that to two Intel cores at 3.9 GHz which runs a 51W power envelope and you begin to see the problem perhaps?? they're dinky little chips like smartphone processors, though slightly better than that because they do have wide SIMD.
point is, quit posting this "durr muh 1080p60 on ps4 pro" or "muh 720p60 instead of 1080p30" because it's just fucking ignorant. the next-gen consoles can't do 60fps with the kind of complex games you want to play.
no niggers and you can't see anyone's faces so who knows about ugly masculine women