Ready for GDC - Gender Diversity Conference 2017???

Are you?

This year is going to top last year by the looks of this schedule. Holy shit. This link just highlights a particular buzzword, there are quite a few more indoctrination events, basically all grouped in the field "advocacy".

Other urls found in this thread:


Always remember kids behind every Jew there's a Swede.


So will it be filled with just angry hamplanets and their cuckasian beta orbiters again?

It was 9 results for "inclus", it's even worse for "divers", 24 results:

Is that image supposed to be "But we are more diverse at our fighting tournament!" ??? People are at GDC because their jobs depend on it, not because they want to be.


Well I for one am glad that the GDC is taking a more inclusive stance on gaming. This year was horrible for women and minorities, especially with Donald Dr*mphf at the helm, voted in by the trollish G*m*rg*t* conspirators. We need to repair the damage that G*m*rg*t* is doing to the industry and show our commitment to diversity and transrights.

Someone needs to fight back against these authoritarians, saying that politicizing entertainment kills creativity and freedom. They aren't creating inclusiveness to video games, they are just being culturally invasive and corny, for lack of a better word.

The purpose of every medium is to spread and reinforce propaganda. Using it for anything else, like entertainment only is not a worthwhile use of that medium. Get with the times!


Marxism needs to die.

Aside from


there is also


to note as completely subversive with no real merit to "games". You can expect cultural marxist indoctrination at just about every panel there, comes with the territory (faggots with art degrees who can't create art, only "critisize culture).

How long until the Holla Forums shills arrive to this thread?

How many panels are there on making actually engaging gameplay or utilizing new engines or techniques, you know, the shit that actually matters for games?


There has to be laws against blatant propaganda against the government like this that can cause a crackdown of anarchist terrorist propaganda like this.

No matter how many latinos they create as a main character, non will ever represent me unless they actually put MY face on a video game and make a game about the story of my mundane everyday life.

Check out the other categories. Game design and UX comes to mind, although the latter might also be about dumbing down your game for non-Whites at this point.

NEET Life Idle Clicker when?

The oppression is quite frankly triggering.

Yeah it's called communism, you fucking faggot. Go hate freedom elsewhere, jew.



Now we've got #oscarsomale this year. Is there really that many people with no lives that have to find everything wrong even when they supposedly fixed it?

GDC rules


Those are GDQ rules…

If they actually fixed anything, they would be out of a cause and/or a job.

Yet there's no rule against discriminating based on political views or ideology. That's open season.

You mean the Central Committee of the Communist Party 2017?


Middle-East is the cradle of civilization.

Top kek..

No, it's supposed to be a contrast between a group of gamers, who play games and think that is important, and a group of pretentious cunts who make (bad) games and think diversity is important.

Yes people goto GDC because of their jobs. But they also go to GDC to tell everyone how important it is to have more browns, gays and vaginas. And yet they're all white. Every year as white as the last.

The other picture is a group of people who get together to play games because they love games. They don't care about the colour of your skin, what you have in your pants, or what you want in someone elses pants. And they're orders of magnitude more diverse.

The icing on the cake is the group of white people who make games are focusing on diversity because they simultaniously think gamers aren't diverse enough (certainly not as diverse as themselves) and that they need to "educate" gamers and spooonfeed them messages about something gamers clearly have a better handle on than them.

You're just as bad as them. Go fuck yourself.

So someone "disrupting the event" by being pregnant and going into labor would fall under their carefully crafted ZERO TOLERANCE policy and would be quickly removed from the event…

But I CAN make fun of someone for liking anime or being shit at fighting games, right?

I made absolutely no comment on the pros or cons of diversity at all. I simply explained that one group is more diverse than the other.

How fucking easily triggered are you that the mere mention of the word angers you so much you stop reading?

So long as they're white, male, heterosexual, not politically aligned with the left, not mentally challenged, not a sexual deviant and not a pedophile, yes.

Don't be coy now cuck, you totally tried to imply the fighting crowd is better than the race traitors because they're more diverse. Nothing has ever gotten better by adding niggers/spics/mudshits to it.

Go masturbate to #NotYourShield and civic nationalism someplace else.

I sure hope so, can't have women giving birth in the audience. They belong into a hospital and under medical supervision.

Kill yourself my man, your even worse than the marxists.

i wonder how much the entry fee was raised just so starting devs would enter for "muh business connections" when they're better off following local dev groups

How did I try to imply something? Point to the part where I made any sort of value judgement about diversity in my post.

Do you think identifying that a group of people have different coloured skin is somehow endorsing diversity? Are you that retarded that you cannot even hear the word without assuming someone is arguing for it?

You're worse than most SJWs I've had the displeasure of meeting. At least they wait untill you say something bad about trannies or feminists or whatever the fuck before they get triggered and start shrieking and flailing. You just set off at the mere mention.

Are you trying to imply paedophillia is ok? How could your exonerate paedophillia as a virtue? What the fuck is wrong with you?

the only gdc that i've seen that's been worth seeing is the one from overgrowth's dev even if the guy is an autistic betalord where he was talking about procedural animation and how most of his game only uses a few frames per animation
anything else there is generally trash though

I hate shit like this because after playing old games and the very few new games that aren't completely cucked I think "hey maybe the industry isn't that fucked, just less jewing and it'd be fine" but then shit like gdc happens and I'm reminded why gamer gate still makes threads here and it just shits in my cornflakes for the rest of my day.

You have to wonder how much they raised them to cover costs because less and less people show up each year.

Learn to read you stupid reddit troglodyte. Either that or trace your way back to KIA.

Jesus christ, you mouthbreather, this isn't about celebrating the fighting crowd, just pointing out SJW hypocrisy.
Can't even have an old-fashioned GDC thread without you obnoxious niggers showing up.

He fits right in with the rest of the GDC crowd. He's a true goy.

Because they're autistic attention whores that still think anyone gives a shit? I feel pity for you if you still think the ni/gg/er lovers will actually achieve anything of worth, let alone get rid of this kind of shit, especially when they agree with the goals, if not the methods.

I haven't paid full attention to this little debate but this part just caught my attention:

Absolutely never ever have I heard this term from anyone who wasn't a SJW. Not once. Bringing up reddit in the same breath is pretty ironic.

All shit tbh

…aaaaand he's against gamergate.

Shoo, Holla Forums, shoo.

user you said the magic words, I hope you're ready for the thread to crash with no survivors.

God damn that is some full fucking mad going on right there. Please keep going though, bitch tits.

Open up a dictionary once in a while, maybe then you won't make fun of people for using words in lieu of an actual rebuttal you stupid nigger.

Why wouldn't I be against GG and their shit? How do they disagree, politically, with the left? They're for faggot rights, they're for diversity, they champion trannies and their insanity, they want more womyn in vidya, they're anti-racists. Am I supposed to give a fuck when one bunch of leftist cucks has a spat with another bunch of leftist cucks because the first group called them mean names?

Am I supposed to pretend they haven't been completely coopted by reddit? You do know KIA is their most active community hub, right?

Actually someone else already had very early on.

nah man, no matter how bad the north gets atleast im not living in greece. atleast the islands were nice.

GDC has at least in the past had some good talks as well. I think these egalitarian fascists are there only because they are cheap and easy to get. They fill the empty space between decent, actually game-related presentations.



They're both neck deep in identity politics, just have a different set of labels they're yammering on about.

So did TED before they introduced TEDx and lowered the bar.

Fascists is not synonymous with authoritarian. While all fascists are authoritarians, not all authoritarians are fascists. It's ludicrous to call fascists egalitarians when they were anything but.

And I'm sure they have no purpose in indoctrinating developers into the leftist cult.

Don't feed the cuck, he just wants to start shit up.

He speaks from experience.

In his defense he did change it afterwards, but only to 1 in 4, which is still retardedly high.

On a related note, 1 out of 5 women in your life have body image issues and consider themselves "feminists".

He changed it when people asked for refunds, not because he was genuinely swayed by logic and reason.

Lets hope so, it been too fucking long. Might take some time to undo decades of subversion, Trump is the beginning.

I really dont understand how he ever came to that conclusion unless his definition of rape is disagreeing with people.

funny enough if you told any feminist about egalitarianism they would probably just get angry and tell you you're a feminist.

A cheap way for the left to avoid acknowledging how full of shit they are.

When the left says all white men are racists and rapists they're lying through their teeth because the data clearly proves them wrong, and the left knows this, so they attempt to fool people by equating their lie with factual truth of the right when it points out spics and niggers commit crimes at a disproportionate rate.

Identity politics is just their attempt to obfuscate the truth and attempt to engage in false equivalence.

A good goy must LISTEN AND BELIEVE.

That "statistic" is the product of a feminist's report that fudged the numbers and pretty much made shit up to come up with such a high percentage.

I didn't say egalitarians are fascists, but I said that egalitarians can be fascists. Fascism is describer of the way a group operates, it doesn't have actual inherent association with nationalism, even though that is commonly accepted as the default value when people talk about just fascism. Any group that seeks to expand aggressively and demands a cult-like purity inside their own ranks can be classified as fascist.

It actually does in the modern context. When you say fascists you're talking about the Italian populist movement, and they were hardline nationalists and traditionalists, the exact opposite of an egalitarian.

Use authoritarian and stick with it, stop perpetuating shitty leftist memes.

Yeah, and I'm sure such a warped definition has nothing to do with leftists trying to shit on the other side while pretending true communism was never like that.

What the fuck are you gonna call Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Dear Leader and all the rest? Are they fascists now? Because I sure as fuck remember them saying they were staunch communists.

i'm not saying he's in any way sane
it's just that his presentation was neat and worth watching

No it isn't, taking pride in your nation or culture isn't the same as being against equality just like being proud of being a man isn't the opposite of believing women deserve the same rights.

That's called nationalism.

Did I mention Fascists were big on traditions, including the traditional role of women in society, because I think I did. They were also pretty racists too.

We have words, learn to use them. A Fascists is not a Nazi, a Nazi is not a Fascist, neither are US Republicans. Calling a leftist authoritarian a fascists is asinine and pretty much playing into their hands.

That first image always confuses me
Which is it?

What's the context? I assumed these were feedback statements the dev collected from players.

Kek. I can call communism "far-left fascism" with clear heart. Hell, I can even do the same to these so-called "antifas". Mad that I displayed a flaw in your shit-tier dogma, stormnigger?

Indeed they are, and always have been. And if you train your brain a bit further, you might also realize that lot of them were nationalists as well. For example, Stalin for one used lot of rethoric that is blatantly russian patriotism. Pol Pot later said that whatever he did, he did for his country. Mao was criticized by his fellow comrades of being a nationalist.

But that's completely wrong Fascism is an economic and political system with it's own definition, it isn't an adjective to be used in lieu of "authoritarian" .

Just because you can have a giggle at your own ignorance does not make your statement any less idiotic.

That's what I get for thinking a "moderate" had an IQ above room temperature.

Nigger, it's one fucking image, why the hell don't you just post the image?


Also a wall of words. Check this out, much more efficient and accurate:

A form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.

Robert O. Paxton, "The Anatomy of Fascism," 2004

So you're in agreement that fascism is not communism, okay.

I dunno, was Stalinism communism?

They're probably from playtester, which suddenly makes their DSP tier behaviour make more sense.

why do you link to an image on an imageboard?

This guy was right.

How is it wrong, cuck?

Leftists tend to have an aversion towards being challenged, either intellectually or in regards to their skills. It's why they ushered shit like hugboxes and safe spaces into the mainstream and why they keep screeching that gamers need to die.

Their general lack of self-esteem, a product of mental illness for the most part, and having been raised in an environment where they were never actually allowed to suffer failure, while being fed the lie that they are special and meant for something great has produced generations of stunted imbeciles that will throw a tantrum the moment shit doesn't go their way.

Leftists live and breathe "if the mountain won't come to Muhammad…".

Daily reminder that hatred is caused by fear.

*in reverse

gommunism did nothing wrong.

Well why wouldn't I fear communists? They want to revoke individual liberty and freedom from all people in the name of the "greater good" aka "the greater good for ourselves".

You're neither really. Just a poly/pol/ troll pretending to be one side or the other (or both), depending on your current LARPing mood and whatever you think will yield the most replies.

Whatever you want to believe, faggot.

Fuck off, retard.

great thread so far

I wouldn't expect you to know your law books by heart, but surely you can at least suspect any government can have its survival at heart.

Go finish your furry simulator already.

Holla Forums posting is the best trolling because you always get bites.

Confronting Games and Ethics: Challenging Students to Be Critical Designers
Karen Schrier | Assistant Professor, Marist College
Location: Room 3020, West Hall
Date: Tuesday, February 28
Time: 1:20pm - 1:50pm
Format: Session
GDC Education Summit
Pass Type: GDC Education Summit, GDC All Access, GDC All Access + VRDC, GDC Summits, Tutorials, & Bootcamps, GDC Summits, Tutorials, & Bootcamps + VRDC

So here's a video from Karen Schrier, the woman who will give this presentation
This is her website:
She worked at Scholastic, Nickelodeon, and now she's an instructor at Marist College. This video discusses ethics in video games.

It's fucking topical. You can get an grasp on what her presentation may be about

And every rotemonkey knows the go-to replies to keep the derail rolling.
Here's a game that Schrier worked on, in association with Channel 13 and some other organizations who received a government grant to produce it. It's about American History, and it supposedly tries to talk about the ethical implications of the actions of major American historical figures.

I wouldn't recommend drinking tapwater anywhere outside of your own country unless you want the shits for a fortnight.

You guys should totally go to Malta


The joke here is that a lot of "independent" games actually get government funding through universities, the whole DIGRA network that GG poked but left largely untouched to my knowledge. Not so independent after all.