FMV Games

Let's talk about FMV games, remember how FMV was a thing during at the beginning of the Playstation One/3DO era? Which one is the one you remember the most and you enjoyed the most?

Pic related.

Silpheed for the Sega CD. I find it insulting that the public perception of FMV games is "lol gimmicky movie games" and not clever use of technology to make amazing environments that directly influence the game play. The first level alone should tell you that it was worth it.

The game uses a special codec which allows for a few, but very strong solid colors with no artifacting. Most of the polygons aren't really being rendered by the system, but it's impossible to tell because it fits perfectly with the style. 60FPS action in a classic iconic STG series.

Public perception is affected by the majority of something
This is why people consider niggers to be criminals or gooks to be good at maths

This should count.

That's not an FMV game. FMV games are written so the disc a CD ROM, it's called like green or yellow book data. It could only support 1 sprite, which is a mouse pointer. FMV games were so big on 3DO and CDi because faggots at Sony and Philips were so sure of themselves CD ROMs were going to be bigger than games. They're multimedia applications which display text, images, music, and video, while using the disc as a CPU and the actual CPU as a BUS.

Also after I informed you so much in how you're wrong I want to tell you that FMV games are bullshit garbage and horrible and only very strange people who are the type to become a scientologist have a fascination in them.


Megarace was one of the first video games I ever played. I'm happy I was introduced to the hobby by my main nigga Lance Boyle

That looks so hideous. I don't like how they tried to make mortal kombat characters so realistic either. The closest I ever got to playing an FMV game was the fact the Area 51 had FMV clips it would play in transparent boxes when prompted during gameplay in the polygon environment. It was such a shitty game but I played the hell out of it and terminator in arcades in the early 90s.

it uses FMV central to its game play, it is an FMV game.

Does this count?

Oh shit I forgot about those old Area 51 arcade shooters. I played the fuck out of those as a kid.


I never played that game but from what I've seen it's easily one of the top 10 games of all time. I guess it counts since it just plays or displays drawn cartoon clips and your only sprite is the teeth.

LMAO keep making these if you're getting footage straight from the game.

Torrent? Looks funny.


Where have I heard this voice before?

Cyberia 1 and 2. They are a combination of railshooters and adventure games. The shooting is intense and very easy to die if you are no quick with your aim, but it's satisfying. The adventure parts are about solving puzzles and avoiding death traps which there are plenty.

FMV games only had about a year of real popularity, before reviewers and consumers alike burned out on their simplistic "press X to load scene Y" gameplay. They continued to release for a few years beyond that to mediocre sales, and some of the bigger names got ported to the early PS1.

Ironically, in the never-ending quest to make games movies, the same mechanics that were roundly rejected by the market once the novelty wore off have seen a resurgence lately. Game systems are hundreds of times more capable and apparently the best that major publishers can manage to do with all that power and detail is railroad you toward the conclusion.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

one of the first games I got when my family got our first non-commodore PC. Played the hell out of it and still love it to this day even though it's almost unplayable by modern standards.

There's a third in the series that's been in development for a while and hopefully coming out this year

Some of the were creative and tried to work with gameplay to make good games. Others stuck to being qte's. Plus devs make their games way easier, because they want everyone to see the end, makes the linearity more obvious.

Surprised nobody posted about this game. I personally think that Point and Click Adventure Games, since they have limited gameplay and they are mostly played for the story and puzzles, can mix very well with FMV.

FMV's are limited in interactivity, due to their nature of being filmed and money needed.Good ones know the limitations and try to work with them.

Nomatter how good they were supposed to be they always looked low budget. In 1992 to you want to play Ys 1&2, Sonic, Megaman 5, or some shitty looking movie that has awkward pauses. They look so weird and Philips yelling down from its high horse in how CD ROM games would be #1 be all end all must have been a weird thing to witness. This is why the Japanese videogame industry is superior.

Was gonna mention this. Also have a lot of nostalgia for Return to Zork.

The cheesy acting made these games.