This year Obsidian will likely die as a company, especially since the Russians took away their cash cow for their incompetence. How does that make you feel anons?
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I heard it's deader than disco unless you're talking about something else?
How's it feel to know Black Isle is dead?
How does it feel to know Interplay is dead?
How's it feel to know Infogrames is dead?
How's it feel to know Obsidian and Bioware are the companies that could have possibly continued their legacies, but shit the bed and went full intern meme a la Bethesda?
I probably should have worded it better, it was meant to be their cash cow and should have been a license to print money but they fucked it up beyond saving.
chris avellone left two years ago, and since then absolutely none of their recent games have been good.
I could see it happening.
Both Bioware and Obsidian look like they could be up for the chop this year so feels pretty good man.
Feels good honestly. Just imagine that Bioware died after ME and we remembered them for kotor and jade empire and not as the current year polyamourous bicurious tranrevolving freak of nature pushers.
We've hit the best possible timeline.
Good riddance.
Your waifu a shit, his writing a pretentious shit and his games a overrated shit. what's unfortunate and completely contradictory to the bullshit OP is that Obsidian completely stabilized with Tranny and White March
Let their legacy die while they are just painfully below average instead of complete and utter shit like Aidsware and Cuckbox.
How does it feel good to not have Infogrames around?
gonna be fun as shit tbqh, user
What's the meme with rpgcodex?
Imagine if Holla Forums and r/video games had a bastard child and they decided to nurse it exclusively on cirklejerking over muh niche e-celebs that can do no wrong.
Obsidian died quite a while ago. It's just the name left that will fade.
It's pretty funny to see people praise Obsidian for making Fallout:NV when almost everything in that game was already made by the previous owners of Fallout, all they had to do was to adapt the already existing quests and characters into Bethesda shitty engine
Feels pretty good
Their business practices were trash with not a single fully finished game released in their lifetimes.
I'd like to say this is the dumbest thing I've read today, but it's really not. Also
To be fair working in all those SA memes took some serious effort. :^)
Pillars was so bland I never bothered with White March or Tyranny. What was good about them?
How bland is Pillars? Or do I need to pirate it to believe it?
Feels good. They deserve it for how shit they've been and how incompetent they've always been
Exceedingly so.
Their sales figures, apparently.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news user…
Obsidian just recently launched a fig campaign (similar to kikestarter) for the sequel to Pillars of Eternity. They already hit the $2mil mark and therefore their company is saved for at least 2-3 years
Just another nail in the coffin. Using Fig. Obsidian can go fuck themselves.
I'd give my left nut if someone nailed my coffin with 2 mil shekels tbh smh fam
I lost all faith in them when they made Dungeon Siege III.
They deserve whatever happens to them
As if. SJW will donate them on their kikescammer all the time.
Obsidian is a sad tale of mismanagement that kept on going for over a decade. The only reason that studio kept going is the fact that they had some really fucking creative people. Now that they started trading creativity for political correctness and quick cash grabs on Fig and Kickstarter you can kiss them goodbye. That's probably why MCA left the company.
Yeah, I was disappointed to see both Obsidian and inXile hosting their campaigns on Fig. Absolutely never giving money to them again. Obsidian was already kind of dead to me due to PoE being mediocre and Chris Avellone leaving. Wasteland 2 was a fucking mess when it first came out as well, though.
Obsidian already dead as fuck. you think poe and tyranny is any good? no.
I will try to remember them as they were, not as they are, and to hope that others inspired by their memory carry it forward and up to yet greater heights.
Also, let this be a warning to Troika fans, though she lived a hard life and died young, she died beautiful and perfect.
Last bastion of incline during the darkest days of consoletardation stripmining every RPG franchise they could lay their hands on. Also, unlike Holla Forums, actually formed a developer entirely out of shitposters (Iron Tower Studios, before the big Kikestarter RPG flood even happened), and released the best Fallout successor so far, Age of Decadence .
They just announced new game week ago and it got 1mil on kickstarter in 2 days
Why would they die?
Because they have to pay that 1mil back at some point. You think Fig is legit donations? That mil is an investment people expect profits from.
They're already dead to me anyway
The way fig's investment works they don't have to do shit until they want to.
Hell they could just hide their steamspy stats and never pay a single cent.
That only applies to the fools that think Fig is legit and throw money at it. The investors behind closed doors add their """donation""" to get funding to lift off but want their investment back later.
But its not quarantined that thez will get it back you know?
Obsidian can just say fuck you all, our game sold badly and you know what you risked when you invested in our company
Backroom deals. Not Fig deals. Fig is only a method to collect additional free money from gullible idiots.
As i said, when investor invest money he is counting in the possibility of loosing the investment, they dont have any legal means of extracting the money from obsidian if their game sells bad
Makes me feel bad for Tim Cain and Leo Boyarsky, they can't catch a break.
The rest can fuck themselves.
Good fucking riddance.
lmao bioware never made a single good rpg so good luck with that one
Never worry, Torment and Wasteland 3 will be quite shit.
Bioware and Obsidian was never good. The only reason Baldur's Gate, Planescape or Icewind Dale where remotely substantive was due to the Forgotten Realms, Planescape modals and the quality of AD&D 2nd & 3rd edition rule sets. Chris Avellone writing was based on being a contrarian. It was TSR that laid all the ground work for the success of these developers. In hindsight Fallout 1 was the best RPG from the "golden era". Chris Taylor and Timothy Cain where the real masterminds.
Tim Cain is a faggot. Probably takes his husband's dick on the daily.
He's not a faggot, just gay.
Mentally ill people make for some of the more interesting writers though
Every last bit of good talent that was in Obsidian left anyways so I don't really care.
damn, hopefully Bethesda doesn't slip up (anymore) and put the fallout series 5 feet under.
Legion is a fair choice but the trough of betraying Mr House seems just wrong to me, he saved you and gave you everything. Betraying him is just a dick move
They'll put in a vault where everyone was kept isolated and only had contact with other members of the vault via an anonymous message board and they all turned into meme spouting retards, rotating through rote responses without ever establishing a line of communication.
(dubs of truth)
Holly shit I had no idea, fucking disgusting. I just included him because he was accredited for Fallout. Being that he is a sodomite, I bet he took credit for all of ChrisT's hard work. Fagots are deplorable and untrustworthy. I hope he gets aids and is thrown from a rooftop.
There is no reason for Obsidian to follow through if there isn't any legal contract formed in the first place.
Do you really think people would be jumping to invest in an Obsidian game when dozens of other safe investments with guaranteed returns exist?
Here is the better version of the last picture.
I have never met a girl who has played planescape
If platinum shuts down this is the best year yet.
Not a problem. From what I hear, Pillars was shit.
That last game where you play the antagonists was horseshit.
They deserve death.
Happy. Obidian died long ago, the sooner they put the corpse to rest, the better. Sadly their legacy will be one half shit, current year games, the other half unfinished games with greater potential
The problem with Tyranny was that I never actually felt tyrannical and it was filled with tumblr-tier art and SJW nonsense
I prefer Arcanum.
Necromancy was way overpowered in that game
So was temporal magic. 100+ action points? 20 dex, speed potion, haste, tempus fugit. There you go.
They were already dead.
You know what really pisses me off and I don't want to fan the flames of discontent, but most Western Rpg's are not that fucking good. Old D&D, Ultima, Wizardy and Might & Magic were great fun. Still had humour, had some serious elements, but still felt like a grand adventure. It wasn't until the Baldurs Gate era that western devs started becoming whinny little edgy faggots. I know Rpgs are total shit now, but they have been for a long fucking time. Same with Jrpgs, the shared the same elements but a bit more stream lined, now they are fucking weebshit x100000.
You're not really wrong. The RPG genre is mostly dead. The last RPG I remember playing where the writing was actually any good was KotOR 2.
Might and Magic was the shit
KOTOR as a whole is shit
Nice trips.
Yeah, and the one thing I have never given a chance is SciFi fantasy rpgs/games in general. The only thing close I got to it was Fallout 1 and 2. Which probably doesn't count.
I guess this is why I really like Drakensang. Brought me back to those good times. Part funny, part serious and the feeling of adventure.
I'll miss there being any chance of an Alpha Protocol 2, but I'd rather they get snuffed out now for how bad they've been lately than go on indefinitely making shit like Bioware does. At least they got to live long enough to reach their peak potential before they shut down, unlike some great devs of the past, RIP Troika ;_;7
I can't get into watered down NWN with a Star Wars reskin.
Your inability to get into a game doesn't mean the writing is shit
Yeah nice, I loved those games.
The game being shit is why I couldn't get into it.
I think you mean your shit taste is why you couldn't get into it
Man, if they just died before Pillars of Eternity…
If they just gone for good before hit the rockbottom…
Dear user… from now, death is mercy for them…
I can't get into your opinons, they're shit.
I suppose jacking off to this shit a bait takes too much of your ausitm time to fully appreciate it.
Good is as subjective as is fun, but fun generally leads to less elitist cirklejerks over muh golden days that were just as shit as today
Personally Technomancer, Esienwald, Warborn and Dungeon Rats were perfectly fine.>>11864611
Liking games with terrible gameplay is shit taste.
Nice bait.
you'd probably know better than anyone else here
Stupid actually. Here I am thinking I can have a proper talk in one of the most cancerous, shitflinging generals around.
You're not from around here, are you?
So, NWN?
This is edited, right? I-I think this is edited.
I could call it a recurring shitbait bonanza over bioware/obsidian/wrpg thread but calling it a general really captures that cancer vibe in my opinion.
I wouldn't know because I don't like one of the worst implementations of RtWP.
All of them?
7.62 High Calibre was well done
I just mean when someone starts using the terms Subjective/Objective the discussion will go to shit.
Oh, okay, nevermind.
This feel.
Wizardry 8 is actually pretty intuitive compared to 6 or 7.
Look at the level of autism in ARMA. Imagine something like that, except as a Bethesda-style hiking sim, perhaps by way of a wacky independent studio like Mount & Blade.
There was a stream by Obsidian with Sawyer on it a few days ago, one of the things on it saying they are replacing the vancian system with making the power encounter base, with the only per rest ability is this thing called Empower that powered up your spells or abilities.
I don't know how to feel about replacing the vancian spell system. Wasn't the point of the game to basically be Baldur's Gate?
I don't think there's much use in complaining about balance in a singleplayer RPG game, unless you want something like Pillars of Eternity courtesy of Josh 'the balance man' Sawyer
The plan was to be basically BG, yes. But you know people don't have the patience for that anymore and.. to be quite frank with you, it seems like the Vancian system feels archaic now. Might as well adapt and have a better more enjoyable system than keep following into BG and failing.
the damndest thing is that ARMA is full of roleplayers, complete with plenty of "dungeon masters" that create and host their own custom tacticool maps for their friends, while RPG games are blander than ever
My dream game
The Vancian system was chosen specifically as a contrarian gesture to make D&D different from other fantasy settings and real mythological conception of magic. Putting it in any non-D&D game is almost as ridiculous as when 4e stripped it out of D&D.
>NWN3 never everwinter
I had hope they would return to form until they went freemium, now they are dead to me.
They could always linger on as a mobile dev
It's a RPG newssite and forum. Place is notable for detailed discourse by jaded grognards discussing gameplay or the decline in videogames, hating consoles, being generally immune to hype, and having the kind of moderator who will sooner ban you than the other guy if you come crying with complaints that someone hurt your feelings. I like it.
Lolwtf? Hero worship is strongly frowned upon in RPG Codex. Only exception appears to be Avellone for some reason. Also: Codex > Holla Forums > reddit
This is true, although Age of Decadence is not without its flaws.
I actually went back to pillars recently on account of the new game on fig, and was pleasantly surprised on how good the white march is.
While it doesnt fix the stupid stat system, it does add a fucking whole lot of depth to the world that the base game fucking desperately needed, and the fights don't feel like a chore and are, in my shitty opinion, fun. I'm fucking amazed they actually learned from their mistakes.
It isnt worth 30 fucking dollars on a already 40-60 dollar game however. I would definatly call it a must pirate, especially if you found the first pillars lacking in everything. I don't know how PoE2 is gonna turn out but im definatly gonna pirate day one just to see if they can keep up this up.
Wow this is probably the most shill post I ever made.
mind telling me in depth how good the White March is in detail?
Why don't go back there and stay there.
Like the only way I can describe it is that its the quality the whole game should have been at launch.
PoE sucks because of how spread out it is. Nothing feels real because nothing is really developed pass standard story cliches, and the quailty staggers then really drops after act 2.
The white march works because of how small of a setting it takes place. The town despite its size has a lot going on in it, the villians feel threatening, your companions have personality, you are working towards a goal with tangible gain aside from useless money, and holy shit your choices actually matter. And thats just the story side. If you actually took the time to learn the bullshit system, the fights are tough and challenging and not just boring slogfests like half of the endless dungeon levels.
Welp, it's clear you're an idiot.
You have to go back.
Good, the only reason that they've lasted this long is because what passes for games nowadays is so diminished from what it used to be.They're praised for bringing Fallout's RPG mechanics but if you take one look at Fallout 1,2, or Tactics you'll see what RPG mechanics are suppose to be like, they're praised for listening to their community despite the fact that they have gone out of their way to tell a guy who backed their game with hundred's dollars to shove it because someone who didn't even buy the game didn't like the literal two sentences of text he got to put into games. It's sad honestly that they have such a following, but then again we do live the fan-boy age of gaming.
Nice bait but the Lolwtf gave you away.
Cry more?
It ain't bait, son. Anyway, whether people want to go or not, I really don't give a fuck. The main reason why I like the codex is because it is an elitist place good for shitting on retards and discussing having actual decent discussions on videogames. So contrary to what dumbass above says, no I don't have some special interest in getting potentially retarded fuckers from Holla Forums (face it, there's been a 4kid and Holla Forumstard infestation as of late) to come over.
I've been around codex for well over ten years now and other than krautchan and this shithole it's probably my main haunt. So, as you can imagine I'm well aware of both their fanboy-ism and the new asshole most faggots there would rip you over leetspeek tier shit. Hell, it's one of the things I actually appreciate about that community.
Like I said, nice bait but you overdid it with the falseflag.
Chris Avellone didnt leave he was kicked out, Obsidian did what Blizzard should have done to Metzen but Blizzcucks are too stupid
All sorts of odd places have fallen to the dark side now, speaking of the Codex, I was surprised to find that the mods on NMA of all places got pozloaded.
No thanks.
yeah, just like how Holla Forums expected EA to go bankrupt in 2013 because they were churning out lesser quality games
Fuck right off.
This ain't 1337sp34k tier. It's AOL tier. And I wouldn't talk like that on the codex. I'd have my dignity to think of there.
Only SJWs would actually want to be mods. Even normal mods prolly volunteered to mod because they like modding, so they're vulnerable to SJW bullshit about "acceptable language" and crud turning those ToSs no one gives a shit about into some PC-police crud.
"RPG" hasn't really been accurate since the switch to consoles, even "survival sim" doesn't fit due to the typical bethdrones' indifference toward mechanics like hunger and fatigue. Rather, a focus on the broader LARPer experience of riding your horsey around pretty countryside, grazing on random dungeons and quests.
Sadly so, as several others have noted, Obsidian is still making bank off fans willing to put up with blandly written, primitively designed RPGs laced with virtue-signaling, as long as they're isometric and stat-heavy. The best we can probably hope for is Sawyer and the other oldfags that remain to get couped out (or simply leave in disgust due to increasing restraints) by his own Tumblrina diversity hires, and be struck by a measure of reflection, instead of going full cuck like Mr. Shitface did.
You're probably right. Even putting all the horrendous bugs aside, Wasteland 2 wasn't well-designed or even compelling so my default assumption should be that their future games also won't be very good.
But user Infogrames still exists they just changed their name to Atari SA
Never played Arcanum but that is mainly due to the fact that I grew sick of infinity engine games and I loath steampunk as an aesthetic. I hear its good, might check it out someday but watching the Aids infested death of western RPGs leaves a sour taste in my mouth that effects my ability to enjoy similar games even if they are good because I rather not think about the subject at all.
They look to similar to Dragon Age Origins/Witcher Engine
One of the biggest problems with Western RPGs at the moment is that they have become stagnant and are collecting mold. Bad writing is just a symptom of the problem but the problem is much deeper then writing alone. The whole formula needs to be re-examined. That is why I still love the very old games because their was a genuine spark of creativity where developers were trying to recreate the table top experience on the limitations of a IBM PC XT or a commodore 64. Half the fun was just being geeky enough to try to get them to run in MS-DOS after installing Sound Blaster. They where more about tinkering around and solving logic puzzles then being about LARPing. Cosplay and Live Action role playing killed western rpgs to be honest. In fact I am starting to wonder if TSR inc. stood for Tran-Sexual Reassignment.