After Aliens 5 and Prometheus 2 comes out… will we finally get a decent aliens game?

After Aliens 5 and Prometheus 2 comes out… will we finally get a decent aliens game?

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Odds are slim.

There have been more decent Aliens games than movies
Go play the PS1 FPS


I guess I will just read the books im missing



All good games.

i want to race mix with her


Will Aliens 5 have aliens that came out of white people oppressing aliens that came out of niggers? Leading the courageous womyns of color to help the nigaliens overrcome their oppressors?




I don't like them. There's something about it that trivializes the creature, makes it less mystical.

Fuck off. The first is the only good one.

Aliens have a progresive society were they dont discriminate against any alien, no matter what body they eat they way out

The whole thing about aliens is that they use the dna of the host and are born different

More alien types when?

All mediocre games. The only truly amazing ones were always on the arcade cabinets.

avp 2 exists, s still good and should still have players, 2010 is even ok

Why do fanboys always talk out of their asses? Must be the fanatical nature which turns them into self-lying communists and assholes.

I disagree but I can certainly see that




Prometheus is the best Aliens movie bar none.

its not like i was playing multiplayer last year or anything ,pretty sure a mp new patch was released in the last two years as well

Why not both lad?

But I like both, Alien is simply the superior one, and Aliens was the start of the decline.

melt in acid human

The Game

that was the fourth film



I have to agree but ridley is now redoing stuff and you can see he is doing an *airborne infection* explanation for spores getting you and thus having an alien show up.
Which is pretty fucking lame. The queen doesn't make hat much sense either but airborne is just plain lazy.

You can look up eggmorphing. Which was supposed to be in alien 1 and might come back.

appreciating and thinking they're good are two different things there

Eggmorphing was shown in the DC of Alien, or at least heavily implied. I dunno if Ridley ever talked about it being canon. Not like it matters when Aliens retconned it (if it can even be called a retcon) by introducing the alien queens.

How anyone can appreciate those turds is beyond me, but fine I guess.

Aliens was basically a parody of the Vietnam war.

Americans went in confident and tough, end up getting their asses kicked by bugs/farmers and everything turns into hell.

But Scott is retconning the retcon to an airborne infection. So at this point you can expect everything.

well if you look at them in their parts rather then their wholes you can see that there's some aspects which are at least fairly well done, these are very small parts and usually amount to "yeah that at least looks like a xenomorph" but hey ho they were just bad films they didn't rape the lore by much


Depends, will it be a first person shooter or will it be a genre that can actually have good games?

You know what, the Queen ain't so bad.

Sadly so. Would have rather had him continue the alien queen thing because that was at least cool. Airborne infection is so clichéd and boring.

Here's some guy who has a lot of goodies and beta previews of the Avp2 game if anyone's a fan of it. I personally despise both the engine and the direction the game took.

Don't forget:

the whole appearance of xenomorphs is very sensual

Alien Vs Predator Arcade is god tier vidya

You can have FPS and make it be about adventure and exploration. It's just that these idiots can't think outside of the box and let you actually interact with the world around you.

AvP2 also failed at the action aspect. The arcades already got us covered on the action oriented gameplay.

The Alien PC games should have been about base construction, organizing mission raids on the hive, space battles, spaceship travel.
It could have been about your normal life as a scientist working for Weyland Yutani, looking forward to your retire till suddenly an alien gets inside the base and your 5 day week stats you've been hoarding will be reset.

A PC game about aliens could have also taken Farcry and Fallout's approach.

I agree with you there, we need a proper simulation game based on xenomorphs with stuff beyond the film

We've had like what…. 6 maybe 12 alien games in total? and we never even got to control an APC or a UD-4L Cheyenne dropship.

Playing as any of the villains in AvP2 would have made for a much more interesting campaign compared to the protagonists.

But that's not how you spell Predator.

Like what, as Eisenberg or one of the mercs? Like you do in the expansion?

As Snape err I mean as Arnaud Einsenberg and as Rykov.

Both of them have some interesting and actiony backstories. The good doctor gets stuck underground in that 1 facility you visit as the predator in the landing bay where he's bleeding and it looks like he degenerated to cannibalism.

Rykov fought off a predator and fell off a really tall cliff, breaking his spinal cord and having it replaced by a fake one. He constantly takes pills to reduce his pain.

For the marine… there was no real antagonist character.

Anyway those 2 would have at least supplied some bonus missions at the end after you beat the campaign, but the faggots at Monolith couldn't be arsed to add extra content which wasn't in the form of a repetitive shoot em up campaign like Primal Hunt.

If all that data pad collecting had been used for a reward at the end then maybe they would be worth collecting for more than just amassing a crappy wikia and doing "lore building".

Kek. And the elitist is outed for yet another retard with gamefaqs tier suggestions. Go watch some Arks on twitch mate, you leave the Alien games to us.

I just want a game based off the Technical Manual so I can use niggers and spics on my squad as alien bait.

That reminds me, those Alien RTS games for Xbox and PS2 should have come on PC as well.

I've given up any hope of USCM ever being in a good game anymore after Colonial Marines.

What do we do about the facehuggers, Holla Forums?

Whats wrong with it?

I liked Alien Resurrection.

is Aliens 5 and Prom 2 two different movies?
I thought they were the same movie?

I would take alien resurrection over avp2 and prometheus

I hope shit like xenomorphs get current year'd into oblivion.

You already did.

Yes we did. But not for the PC. Never ever for the PC. or any home console for that matter.

I wish Jagged Alliance and USCM had a mutated baby together, but such things are not to be.

Yep, different movies, Alien 5 is supposed to be directed by the guy from District 9, and is a sequel to Aliens, Prometheus 2, AKA Alien Covenant is from Ridley Scott, apparently the Alien 5 director had to put his project on hold because Covenant would retcon some stuff, but now he lost his motivation or something.

I just wish someone would make an Aliens game (or sci-fi in general) about having to fight off a randomly placed "growing" alien hive menace in some sort of spaceship or base and you would have to find a way to contain it and kill it.

A nice attempt a Metroidvania style Aliens title but possibly shows that maybe Metroidvania style doesn't work for everything (especially a "realistic situation"). This area's dark I need a flashlight, I need a keycard for this door x 4, I need a wrench to turn this valve to get past leaking steam pipes . . .

The respawning xenomorph enemies got kinda old (compared to Metroid where you can just avoid enivironment creatures as they don't directly attack you but act more as a damaging platforming obstacle), the bosses felt bullet spongy and felt like it was too easy to lose a marine to them.

Also the 4 marine limit was fucking retarded, I'll just stay here and wait for my squad to show up! . . . Oh what's that? You have under 4 members well I'll join your team then. When the game was announced it sounded like you could have any "lost" marine join you (and act as an extra life/dialogue change) At least the dialogue script differences between each marine to the commander were nice touch, it's not really enough to make me replay the game considering it's linearity.

Mate, please. The suggestion has already been made in previous thread and from what I remenber it's something more akin to Savage: Battle for Newerth or Natural Selection where Xenos build their base, hunting and grow in number while Humans scout around and raid it every now and then.

It's not necessarily a bad idea, especially since it has Predators for a third faction. The problem is that adapting the movies to a videogame ain't that easy since most of the details don't make for very good gameplay.

For instance, the facehuggers. I'm assuming you're asking "how do you implement these little shits in the game?"
They are often just a cheap insta-kill in the form of a fast moving small hitbox. But if you do them in any other way, they lose the appeal of the movie.

There's also the whole breeding mechanic that's not very compatible with actually "hunting". Every target the aliens kill is one less alien they can breed, so imagine playing some Last Man Standing mode where you can get more lives by killing your adversary in a specific, harder way than regular. It would result in a very frustrating experience where every frag you got should be good since it makes you closer to victory but actually feels like a wasted opportunity instead.

The Aliens would need a very different aproach than you see in the movies to actually work, perhaps even a need breed of them to justify it.

Predators don't need much work, actually. Instead of a base, they can just use a ship they call down to resupply and relocate and their entire gameplay is around collecting trophies, different creatures having different values. If you want some autism, ruins spread around house artifacts or weapons they can use if they can retrieve them but humans will investigate those places too and aliens settle there often.

Please stop posting that. Every time someone posts that pic, I feel like there should be r34 of it posted in reply but nobody ever does.

Also, I liked AvP 2010 and apparently I'm alone in that.
Compared to AvP2, it did lose some of it's content, namely a ton of weapons for Marines and the Predator as well as some sub-races for the Alien.

But the gameplay felt better as the Alien was about actual stealth, not pounce-spamming and the Predator was about proper hunting, not just easy Speargun headshots against humans and spamming the revolver against hordes of swarming xenos. Even the healing mechanic was better, it limited you instead of requiring downtime after every fight to regenerate energy and health.

This. Capcom's AvP is GOAT.

You will never be a predator hunting illegal aliens in the borderlands of Serbia and Macedonia. Stalking them for days, stringing them up in trees, cornering them in caves.


>Predator Waifu.
The only thing that Capcom can do well is Beat'em ups. But they don't make them anymore.

Prometheus was fucking awful and the fact that it's getting a sequel is only proof to how incredibly fucking retarded people are

There's Hadley's Hope, Suk Stronghold 2 and especially 1 from Imp Hunter, which try to simulate that advancing alien infection inside your base, but it's poorly done due to engine limitations. It shows off a concept idea.

Maybe you Holla Forumsirgins would like to try and play some matches but with mods >>11862922… but we need at least 16 players. Maybe even more if we can manage to get some server mods to allow for 32-100.

The facehuggers would require a "cure" and timer feature. If a facehugger gets you then you can't finish the level until you get cured either by a random spawning item or a specific room under a set time limit (which takes too much forethought to level design)

Also in all of the Alien, Aliens, AvP games you never get captured, kidnapped and sent to the hive. (unless for very specific levels like The Raven in ACM). A hive in each level would also be common sense for the Aliens franchise and worth going through the extra level design to add this feature.

Remember the Thief series when you get caught, sent to jail and have to escape? That's what Aliens should have.

that all would only really work with certain genres like simulation or RTS

issue with that is if it's too easy to escape from then it's just a waste of time and if it's too hard then the player may as well have just died rather then get frustrated with it

a just right approach would work if you can figure what "just right" is

They're fighting age men, and there is a ton of them.
It's the perfect hunting ground. Also:
Especially when you take into account how they're able to walk all across Europa without any trouble at all.

There already are millions of xeno variants. It was established in third movie that xenos takes different shapes depending on a host.
That said I can agree on making xenos common is wrong approach. Alien is best when it tries to be horror as it is best way to make these things into dangerous motherfuckers.

How about this;
No humans. No gaydators. Not even space jockeys. No facehuggers either (if needs explaining these are the original xenomorphs, facefuckery became a thing when they were weap… even more weaponized).
Aliens "survive" on the most fucked up planet in the universe. Pure, proper, fantasy forests made of silicon trees, deserts made of rust instead sand, "not zoanthropes" are as common as spiders, equalivent of birds break the sound barrier with a single beat of their wings and pierce through their prey… etc. Xenomorphs are not at the top of food chain. And then there are hives equalivents of "isolated new england horror story hamlets" and there is a "disturbing" semblence of civilization.

You play as a xenomorph infiltrating a hive in order to fuck their queen to death so your offspring can help when your queen comes to take it over.

Shit taste.

Airborne spores infecting people was in the William Gibson script for Alien 3 fyi. I wonder what else they're gonna use from discarded scripts.

The "Assembley Cut" of Alien 3 is pretty good. It's basically a Director's Cut but Fincher refuses to go near the movie again after making it was such a behind the scenes clusterfuck that the studio gutted once he was done.

Theatrical cut was a mess though, fam. It's dark and mean, I'll give it that, but it completely lacks the undercurrent of redemption, makes the antiheroes into incompetent boobs and skips all of the buildup that makes it feel like a proper finale to Alien. It's better than everything that followed, but man, it ain't good…

Prometheus has been improved dramatically in the hands of faneditors. Scott can shoot and co-write good movies but he can't pace them or tell what's important for shit anymore.

Aliens 2 will probably be cancelled because Blomkamp has made nothing but pretty looking shit since District 9, and Prometheus 2 won't make a fortune, lowering Fox' interest. Or maybe that's just me being hopeful…

link /name of "decent" Prometheus edit
couse that was one of the shittiest film i've seen in years

Alien: Covenant IS Prometheus 2, you mongoloid.

a3 was really hammy though, especially with the magical negro meme

u wot

You now want to play Monster Hunter: Predator version.

every single character except david was shit. literally the most incompetent and wreckless fucking "experts". the only redeeming quality is the theory that there was a Yuatja assassin hiding in the "head room" that caused the engineers' base to go on lockdown.

Prometheus Paradise Edition jettisons a bunch of filler and puts a lot of the shit that actually matterrd back in, including the original Feif transformation and David talking to the Engineer proving he was using Weyland thr whole time, both of which drove me crazy in the TC.

Even fixed up the VFX on the deleted footage. It can't fix everything, but god it helps. Scott was close to that movie at LEAST making sense - and then he shat all over it in post. Pity.

…is this bait? The twitchy retard convinced the Xeno was an angel was best girl anyway.

And by far the worst scene in either cut is Lance Henrickson appearing at the end. Goddamn, way to un-do all the good shit you did with Bishop an hour earlier.

Well there's always Doom mods.

The entire thing was fucking stupid from beginning to end. I have not seen a movie that wilfully retarded in YEARS.

That's just off the top of my head

Actually, that's one of the few scientifically plausible things in the movie. There's an idea that the first strands of DNA and RNA didn't develop on Earth, but rather came to Earth in the ice of comets and meteors that bombed the planet during the time Earth was still cooling.

I suppose it could make some sort of sense that providing the necessary ingredients (effectively, nucleotides) to an environment that is already in a state capable of abiogenesis- whatever such an environment would look like I imagine it would be rich in amino acids, lipids, and be warm enough. Of course all that aside, if the albino giants did somehow luck out with crapping nucleotides into just the right environment that could naturally cause the formation of incredibly simple primordial cells (probably a bubble of lipids with a string of RNA inside), there is no way in HELL that those cells would eventually evolve into humans just because the DNA which would have to be broken down into nucleotides anyways was originally from a "genetic human".

I don't think thats even coming out anymore, Prometheus 2 is now called Alien Covenant.

Don't forget we have a Predators 2: The Predator coming out in 2018, starring your favourite actors like Olivia Munn and 50 Cent, and written by Fred Dekker, the guy who wrote and directed RoboCop 3, and directed by Shane Black, who directed Iron Man 3!

This mod actually seems good, for the simple fact that it changes gameplay. I wonder if it fixes the garbage hitbox detection and physics as well.

I need to rewatch the first movie then because I don't remember the movie being full of lockers the protagonist hides in for 80% of the flick.

Well there is Natural Selection 2

I finished the game and I never hid in lockers, what are you talking about, you don't even need that shit.

Reminder H. R. Giger drew porn of xenomorphs
Several times, in fact.

I'm not surprised, they were made to be creepy and sexual. post it

He was such a cool guy.


is there more? That's pretty good

Is there anything that doesn't have a doom mod ?

I believe this is also his.

He had pretty good taste in fetishes

Like traps and gay penetration, a la facehugger and chestburster respectively.

Where is the evidence?

The facehugger. It's a vagina coming your way OR SO YOU THINK then you're penetrated in the throat by a benis instead.

Fucking traps.

You have a lot of traps in your head. You should probably lay off the hentai for a while.

Are you retarded m8?

On the head of my benis maybe. ;^)

No literally the facehugger and chestburster was literally suppose to make guys uncomfortable because gay rape. That was actually intended.

Is it so difficult to just adapt this and call it Alien 5? I'm sick of the whole "humans don't know shit" angle.

I get facehuggers being a phallic deepthroaty oviposition thing, but chestbursting aliens is just guro.

Are you crazy ? Ridley is a visionary. Why would the engineers be alien ? They are just big white bodybuilders. Truly superior idea.

Literal penetration by a phallic object.

Speaking of facehuggers being fetish fuel, why is there so god damn little porn involving them? Especially the tentacle monster from Prometheus. God damn.

Because they kill you.
Not a lot of people are into that shit.

You must be off if you get turned on by being impregnated and killed by a parasite.


thread was ruined by s'arais fetishists


Having to get several-hour surgery is a pretty shit cost for getting fucked in the mouth.

I sincerely wish Ridley Scott had died ages ago so Prometheus wouldn't be cannon. When the scientist took off his helmet AFTER noticing those old aliens died of a terrible infection, my heart sank below the center of the earth. Then reading that in the original script it was to explicitly show us that jesus was an engineer sent to elevate mankind to godhood and the xenomorphs were created to punished us for letting the kikes kill him, that shit would have been so awesome but no way would it have been made. Feels bad man.

Glad I’m not the only one bothered by that. In the original Alien commentary, Scott said the creature ate metal, silicon, and plastic, hence the acid spit and powerful jaws. Which explains how a tiny chest-burster gets 8-feet tall overnight. Xenomorphs bite people to attack them, they do not actually eat people. (they fuck 'em)

I wish Prometheus would have been cannon.

In god's name, why?

It would have been fun and no one would have taken it seriously.

Are you British?

Did you recognize the logo?

We have already had a great Aliens game.
it was just released before most anons were born

Looks familiar but can't place it. A decade of Black Velvet does bad things to your brain.

Cannon Films

Oh the schlocky company that released all of those Golan-Globus movies from MST3K. I get you now but I cannot share the sentiment. I loved Alien and Aliens because it was so super serious and believable. Prometheus crushed that for me forever.

For you folks that enjoyed crap like Prometheus, you should give Naked Space a try. It's basically the same movie starring Leslie Nielsen.

youtu .be/NhdBSdzjTiQ

This one is at least funny.

Mods for games would have been amazing… back when the PC was not invented.

threadly reminder
Den of Geek: Where would you like to see the next Alien film head? Perhaps back to the more high-budget universe that you—
Dan O'Bannon: I’d like to see it stop. A horror movie’s a fragile thing, and once you’ve gotten past the original, it isn’t scary anymore. So you do a bunch of sequels to a horror movie, all they do is drain any remaining impact out of the original. All of the sequels to for instance Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers, same thing; they over-expose the ideas, and when you look at the original, it’s not as effective as it would have been if you had just left it alone.
But money makes the world go round and Hill and Giler saw that as the best way to make more money without having to do any work. So as producers with an in at Fox, they just continue to shove those things through.

Den of Geek: So as far as you’re concerned the Alien franchise is pretty much played out now?
Dan O'Bannon: It was played out after the first one, as far as I’m concerned. Cameron, in the first one, did about the only thing you could do, which was that he changed to a different genre, from a horror movie to an action film. But once he had done that, there really was nothing left to do. And they just keep squeezing the thing till it’s an empty bag. But as long as it keeps bringing in money to them, they’ll keep doing it.

— The Den of Geek interview: Dan O'Bannon:

there's nothing wrong with giving people what they want and if you can't find something new to do with it then it's your own bloody incompetence playing out there

Consider that people only say they want more of the same because they don't have the imagination to figure out what they actually want, which is why they are consumers and not producers.

Trying to get something new out is not always a good thing. Look at fucking AvP and how bad it's gotten.
You have to do things well. Heaps of bad sequels is not a really good idea.

that doesn't relate at all and is rather just generalizing the issue at hand, lots of people take in lots of different media and so do producers, alot books as such like Tolkien and Terry Pratchett work are based or have elements from legends and folklore which they read and took inspiration from for their works, the same can be said for others

Anyone wanna try to get a few matches set up? Maybe bring out some old map makers here on Holla Forums and help us create a new overrun map?

And here's another single player map/campaign.

Play video games? I thought we only came here to complain about them.

We can do both.

You cumgurgling retard - I hope you never get the chance to reproduce & spread your idiot genes on.

name me something truly original which has taken nothing from anything else

It is time to stop posting, user.

So um… Holla Forums? vidya games? play them? por favor?

how about stating a point to your autism there

What happens once they subsume an entire biosphere? How do the reproduce and feed?

there's no official reason given but in the comics and games there's afew suggested ideas as to what happens

or even all of the above happens

Maybe they're not a Space Jockey weapon but rather a terraforming device.

I've always considered them to be a highly evolved alien locust of sorts


would you give a reason as to why that is a bad idea?

not wrong

Some people think they are ants that are dicks with everything, for me they are just bioweapons gone horrible wrong

More qt aliens please, and I would not mind some loli predators

That slut needs to be bred pronto.

the whole ant shit came from aliens which is far enough but bioweapons I don't like that theory since it removes alot of the mystic behind it


Why not a bit of both? bioweapon that worked so perfectly it formed into it's own successful organism societal structure akin to ants/bees. Which, by the way, ants and bee colonies are basically single organisms comprised of many parts.

Fucking Jeri was the best.

Read the O'Bannon interview you fucking spastic.

welp, fuck.

do you not have an opinion of your own like?

or a successful organism used a as bioweapon much like dogs are used for lots of things

see the trouble with that is you have to ignore the first or third film for that theroy to work better as xenomorphs can be their own entity


queen in a sweater

do you not have the ability to construct a sentence of your own like?

Also, not an argument

what argument? so far he's done nothing but insult without any merit to back it up

Jesus christ, my dick.
got any more

And so far all you have done is butcher the English language, post second-rate Alien fanart & make a complete arse of yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

that's not what I said what so ever but feel free to take it as such

haven't found any more

>there's nothing wrong with giving people what they want and if you can't find something new to do with it then it's your own bloody incompetence playing out there
Seems pretty damn accurate to me…

Are they really getting rid of alien 3 and 4 but keeping avp and avp2? I don't know how to feel about that. Remove the shit and keep the mediocre.

let me dumb it down for you then

Alien 3 is above mediocre. It's basically the perfect companion-piece for Aliens. Dunno why these retards are obsessed about throwing flawed-but-good stuff away in favor of movies that will most likely be utter soulless garbage.

His art is mostly porn, alien porn or just dicks. Hell I have one of his art books that I got for $40 and its filled with why boners and what the fuck. Its interesting just because H.R. Giger was so fucking nuts when it came to surrealist art. Didn't find out till much later that he also worked on the species movie which also gives fucking weird boners.

he's done alot of work with different medias including video games and interior decorating

Mein Nigro


I'd visit

He worked on Dark Seed IIRC.

The best way to make an aliens game I would say, would to be crashlanded on alien world.

Basic enemies can be normal aliens, then every subtype of alien can be based on those normal ayys.
Human aliens and maybe predator aliens could be the big baddies with the latter probably an Easter egg or challenge mode or something.

both of them

Come on. It takes traits from the host.

it looks more like a armadillo then a rhino

no, but i can't wait for the xeno porn

Wasted effort.

now i'm imagining a xenomorph dicking a girl and with each thrust a little dick comes of of it's urethra, penetrating and cumming directly in her womb


that xenomorph wraith looks awful tbh

They should make a game were the mc is a zookeeper in a terraformed planet and some predators release facehuggers because muh hunting


Wow – not only are you a complete pleb, but you are actually legitimately retarded too.

People like you are the reason studios continue to churn out uninspired schlock, sequels & prequels all the time. They'll just continue to fuck you up the ass with shit like Fast & the Furious, Resident Evil, Transformers, and you'll just lay there and take it like a good goy ''cuzz they only be giving people what they want, yo!'

I take it by 'own failings' you mean 'actually having standards' and caring about the product you have made?

Fuck off, nigger.

that'd be interesting

why I posted it tbh

you know it's almost as if you're arguing something utterly unrelated to what I'm saying and could indeed just be projecting another point entirely onto what I said

So what are some recommeded pieces of media besides the movies and videogames that I should see?

Horror for days

Not much of a threat if you stay out of the deep sea. I'd be more terrified about flying ones.


Nice mixing of the creatures, looks good

Also with all this talk of Prometheus, this must be posted


there wasn't much talk of prometheus

Oh Hans Rudolf Giger u so degenerate :^)

But seriously why do only ugly people draw ugly/disgusting art? Why not a 10/10 good looking faggot?
Giger looked like a 60 year old granny, he looked like a woman rather than a man.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

5bux says he's intersex and the alien was a warped self portrait all along.



trollolooooolll lalaalaaaaaaa..

post more xenomorphs


forgot one

Kind of pointless isnt it?
we already have animals with acid for blood down at the bottom of the sea as well as animals with a second set of jaws
Really the whole point of Aliens being actually scary is because they aren't at the bottom of the sea but rather in a position where they can kill us
that and the whole sexy giger look

Are you implying boats don't exist user? Because I'm a lawyer and I've seen one, so they do. And they have people on them. I think Xenomorph sharks attacking a sinking cruise ship or freight hauler would be fucking terrifying. Like normal facehuggers get loose on the ship and sharks show up to the site of blood from people being killed and their blood leaking into the sea, then one of the facehuggers gets a small shark and then the survivors not only have to battle normal xenomorphs in a sinking ship but also xenomorph sharks getting into the compartments one by one as the ship slowly starts sinking. Jesus that would be terrifying.

You'd have to pull all sorts of stupid shit to drop people offboard. And most people die if dropped in the cold ocean for 10 minutes or less. It's certain death even without alien sharks.

Who said it was in waters that cold? That's Antarctic waters you're assuming, the boat could be just a few miles off from the port when it starts sinking.


They didn't. You play Ripley's daughter in between the events of Alien and Aliens.

You'd have to be talking about a crew of decent swimmers then. Normalfags and niggers can drown within 1 minute in normal temperature water with no waves. With waves even decent swimmers have issues.
Besides how would the shark aliens work together with the ground aliens. Aliens mainly take prey to their queen or kill the more fight-capable prey. Would there be a shark alien queen ?

I never said they'd have to swim to shore. All I've said they'd have to dodge normal xenos and shark xenos within the sinking ship itself.

I never said they were.

You assume a lot user. When you assume you make an ass out of you, not me.

Eventually I guess. Not immediately. Whale Shark Queen. Can swallow small boats whole.

You say I assume, yet you don't even flesh out your ideas until asked specifically, which puts the reader in assume mode.

Sharks aren't intelligent creatures
You can stick dynamite into there mouths and they'll still bite it, a facehugger is going to be gone within seconds, whether the sharks survives the acid is up to debate

Personally i would go with crazy crew member gets facehugger and impregnates captured animals with it, then you could have Xeno-turtles and Xeno-penguins

Kind of reminds me of that one comic where the Musician gets obsessed with the noises Xenomorphs makes and decides to breed them

I don't have to flesh out my idea. All I said was that shark xenos would be terrifying.

You think you can bite a facehugger? No human has, a facehugger clearly possesses some means to stop that jaw biting down and keeping the host asleep and unable to do anything for gestation.

Ok. Shark queen. How would she reproduce ?

I'm trying to picture your movie and it really reminds me of Deep Blue Sea except with a geiger-esque shark monster.

a goblin shark would work and it's a deep sea creature too

The same way normal sharks do I guess? Gestate fleshy eggs then they hatch inside and get queefed out to the open water.

The fuck does it matter?

What movie? There's no movie. I'm not pitching a movie.

or a greenland shark

Is it really so much to ask that someone develops a 3rd person stealth game starring the Xenomorph where Space Mariens are the random enemies to kill?

they're colonial marines…

I figured that the tough outer shell, acid blood and the ability to control oxygen flow to the mouth not to mention the strangling tail were all responsible for that
Also How will a facehugger stop a shark from breathing when it had gills?

Rather its more likely that the facehugger gets swallowed whole by a great white and the eggs get in through that way, latching onto the sharks face isn't viable with the standard facehugger

Maybe it doesn't need to regulate anything because it's not blocking the gills?


he's correct though, lots of sharks eat trash and it just sits in their stomachs so it isn't unreasonable to suggest that a facehugger which has gotten swallowed wouldn't just pump into the intestines rather then the stomach

Holla Forums quit screwing around and post some links and guides to get this up and running. And maybe post webms.

You misunderstand user, I was implying a larger shark would be more viable for the facehugger to get it in, a smaller shark would most certainly bite down
Those fuckers can bite even when they're asleep, let alone something trying to latch onto its face, Its going to ravage that facehugger regardless of the acid blood

They are cannon foder, alien chow, Xenomorph babymakers
Fuck humnas! i'm stuck being a human 24/7 for my entire life, when i play vidya i do so to escape from my mortal coil for a while so why the fuck am i forced to stay as a frail petty human in a fioctin world where i can be something as cool as a Xenomorph
Alien games remind me of the last Merican Godzilla movie, in wich the movie makers somehow got the impression that people was more interested in watching the life of human characters instead of seing the monster whose name is in the title and whom they paid movie ticket for
Fuck humans, fuck marines, fuck their guns, fuck their armors, fuck their space ships, fuck them all, just for once let me play as the fucking xenomorph doing what xenomorph do best, wich is stalking and hunting
We've had 8 generation of consoles so far and the only games in wich you can pick the Xenomorph are either FPSs, RTSs, or fan made figthing games
The last Alien game that ripped off outlast was, at the vey least, on the right track when it came to replicating the first movie, and thesecond movie has been made and remade in Vidya format over and over and over again
Yet i still have seen no publisher sayi9ng
You'd be like Batman… only cooler


that's why I suggested the greenland shark, it's a lazy piece of shit which just passively goes along and it's so bloody passive that basically all of them are blind from a parasite which latches onto their eyes and eats the outer lays of it

hey I don't disagree with you what so ever, one of my dream games would be a xenomorph simulation

Do Face Huggers even float?
How do their bodies behave in water?
What about their acid blood?
Does it dilute in water or does it behave like oil?
And if it does, would it float or would it sink?

Judging for the facehugger anatomy, i doubt they could swimm at best they can move through the sea bed like crabs

and what would happen to a facehugger swalloed whole by a great white shark?
Would he just release the embrion inside the stomach
Would the face hugger resist the digestive assid and make it all the way to asshole in one piece?
Would his outside sheel not be able to stand the shark's gastric fluids
ANd what happens when the facehugger's own acid blood is released inside the shark's stomach?
I don't see how it would end in any other way that a shark with a gapping hole in his belly

well they have air sacks so actually in theory they could move like squids do with water jets

Well it's interesting because you would have underwater facehuggers if she is similar to standard queens.

But Squids have noe bones to weigh them down
Facehugger have an exosqueleton, unles it is made from a material lighter than water, having built in propeller won't help them much

Do you mean endoskeleton user? Their skeleton is inside with flesh around it. You even see a few in Aliens.

horseshoe crabs move at decent speeds without a water jet and also certain shrimps too

Nautilidae have shells and use water jets to move in bursts at pretty fast speeds

My Grandfathers Uncle niece twice removed stepsister was mauled by a Greenland shark user

Books and comics

Didnt they release a special dlc of the first movie?

It wasn't dlc, it was originally stuff that only people who per-purchased the collectors edition got and was never meant to be dlc
However after the poor sales they decided to release it

It also didnt help that quite a lot of people thought it was funner than the base game

Time to play that part

Alien Resurrection was the first modern console FPS game.

Personally i never played it as i could never handle horror games, but i think it might be the nostalgia thats getting to them
Like that shitty house in vampire: the masquerade: bloodlines, fucking ghosts

I still remember the music.

At what point did they decided that wouldn't have eyes?
I've read about the aline having originally transparent skin so you would be able to see the empty eye sockets and at some point it was replaced with regular black skin,
but the empty eye sockets are still there, right?
Can't remember the skull from Predator 2, not sure if still canon after all the bs.

pretty sure the predator 2 skull was never canon

Would a xenomorphed moray have 3 set of jaws?

They would probably swim just fine and behave like a sperm cell because giger.

oh wow

is her full time job being a bloated and rotten corpse?

I think it's down to how the original suit was a bulky awful to work with mess so in aliens they had to make them not as awful

Isn't it HUUGE? Bigger than great white HUGE ? Where would the facehugger even latch ?


Hey uhm… should we you know… play the actual alien games? or the whole point of this thread is that they're all awful and we're waiting for a new one?

I brought the Aliens vs. Predator™ game from 2010 like a week ago. I know it's kinda meh, but I recall thinking the Predator campaign was kinda okay (I'm more in a predator mood than anything).

It depends how that's done. Hopefully, and I doubt it's going to be, it's actually something created by an alien-local-something hybrid.

One of the appeal of aliens was that the sci-fi world was gritty and old fashioned similar to cowboys in similar/Starcraft. None of that Star Wars/Star Trek world design where everyone is well dressed, has laser guns, energizes and uses photon torpedoes.

Would the alien franchise be better off going for Star Trek-style sci fi? or it's better off left grounded?


Sully was a traitor to the human race and Quaritch mostly did nothing wrong

But on a serious note, that whole movie was horrifying
Like and entire planet and everything living on it is mind controlled by a sentient mass of plants, and not only can the plants read and control anyone who syncs into them, they're also able to effect the wildlife that aren't synced in
Then there was the part where they dissolved the brain in Sullys corpse by burying roots into it before downloading a copy of it into his Na'vi body
The whole movie seems like some sort of analogue of Native genocides, but actually subtly speaks out against the singled mindedness of communism and how you will be doing the equivalent of fucking an animal if you join it



Not quite. Each xeno can function on it's own. There is the deleted scene in Alien of it hiving up one person and turning another into an egg, and then 3 showcases the idea of a queen being a priority to care for.

I'd say you're not wrong, it most likely is an organism that is biologically "perfect" and thus, will override the genetics of other creatures if introduced into the bloodstream. This also lead to the engineers to finding them, adopting them for biological warfare, fucking up because they are fuckups, and shit goes downhill.

Jesus, I didn't know Mexicans had made it past the moon.


I've seen that deleted scene and also the dog bursting scene in three, no idea why they changed it to a cow

Because dogs are pure and no one should hurt a dog or something.

it was a decent scene though with a realistic use of a puppet

Well this one is dead. What other fangame aliens projects are out there which didn't get shut down by Fox?

Oh my god the AVP2 HD remake we always wanted.

Well fuck your engrish, somebody save this video and make him cough out the build before he dissappears like all the others without a trace.

Well while this thread is still 200 posts away and it seems to have been hanging out here for an entire week.. could some mod please edit the OP with these links?
Mod, please edit these links in the OP. Might as well get a modded AvP2 game up.

After you successfuly installed AvP2, go to and at the right side download the master server patch, this will allow you to play on all those open hosted servers.

After that time for the mods.
Run avp2.exe. In the tiny window opening menu, click Options. Down in the command line, type -rez payback_time.rez -rez suk_stronghold_2.rez
select "Always these command-line parameters." to keep your mods saved the next time you want to play.

If it doesn't work then try changing between " - " or " _ ".

Not sure if this is worth posting because 1) I don't think it's legit 2) None of you know how to work with Lithtech's Talon engine do you?

Here's something for those of you who accidentally bought ACM on release. This mod doesn't necessarily make the game good, but it does make it enjoyable.

it'll take alot more then that for it to be actually fun

So taking into acount the coccon scene in alien, does the alien can reproduce by himself or he really needs the queen to do that?

Hell no, that would be to clean and well cut. The arrive of Xenomorphs are an apocalyptic event and the protagonists shouldn't have the luxury of high tech and too many options or anything like that. Hell Aliens does give them high tech but most of that they aren't allowed to use, their flying thing gets crashed, their tank thing gets wrecked, their autocannons have next to no ammunition, and before you know it they're desperately trying to run as fast as they can.

Yeah they were the Zerg, complete with a hivemind. I liked it, David Cameron inadvertently called Native Americans bugs.

Here's your little bitch website for your little bitch feelings, you little bitch:

Yeah. Queens make eggs faster, but every alien can produce eggs until a royal facehugger is produced. Also the average Xeno can malt into a Praetorian so maybe a Praetorian can malt into a Queen if needed.

The Predalien in AVP: Requiem film could french kiss people and implant several facehuggers into them that way. I felt that was kinda fucking stupid though.

Alien Vs. Predator 3 was good too.

I'm gonna go mastrubate to this picture right now!

This! Fuck James Cameron! Fuck those blue dindus and their faggoty earth mother!

If you want a vol to notice your post, report it and ask him that

Guys ssh guys shut up for 1 sec and listen……. Dr Jekyll and Mr Alien.


But dont you need royal jelly to make aliens into praetorians?
and also judging from the latest avp game, Alien queens look like drones when they come out
And what about alien empresses? where do they come into this life cycle bullshit?

Praetorians were never well described. The movies probably have just 1 in them. Where do you get this info from ?
Though yeah, the predalien implanting pregnant women was fucking stupid.

If that predalien queen is considered canon, which i seriously doubt, I'm going to pretend it has the alien down-syndrome equivalent
Like why the fuck would a egg laying species, which has its main advantage at surviving by having the egg layer (queen) furthest from danger, suddenly spawn an abomination that goes against anything previously seen and puts the queen in the most danger?

There are some decent mods for Doom

Sadly none of them are multiplayer.

Not that I recall.

A Queen molts into an Empress, and an empress molts into a Queen Mother

The expanded universe, comics and video games in particular. Praetorian's don't crop up too often but they're there. The basic jist of it is Drones can molt into Warriors, Warriors then molt into Praetorians, and finally Praetorians molt into Queens.

Queens and their further versions can purpose lay eggs that contain facehuggers to produce specific variants desired.

I like the expanded universe. I like the concept of queen chestbusters fighting each other to get the most violent,durable and aggressive queen.I also like the engineer design from the extended universe.
But every time I brought that up after prometheus I got shat on. Prometheus destroys a lot of the decent ideas from the extended universe.

I consider that movie fanfiction. It was a college horror with college students and their girlfriends running around and dying while naked in the pool.
Can't take it seriously at all.

But user, whats the purpose of the royal jelly if not to make royal eggs? if every alien had the ability to produce queens, via molting, then why do people in so many of the extended universe try so hard to covert the queens (apart from drugs), and even then why do queen facehuggers exist at all?
I mean it seems pointless in having queen facehuggers if any drone can molt into a queen

But user what about that ass scene?
But seriously it wasnt even horror, Horror is present in all the previous alien films, even avp had horror, but requiem was like a b-movie slasher with an absurd budget
Possibly the only good parts of it were the fight scenes between the aliens and the predator, excluding parts where Down-syndrome queen came into play
Also why the fuck did only 1 predator come down?
From what i remember in the eu, Predators "Really" Hate it when predaliens come into play, they see them as abominations rather than something to hunt, and I think at one point they even activated self destruct to kill a few of them, which they normally reserve until all hope hope is lost, yet from memory there were still plenty of predators hunting aliens, as well as a few humans in that one comic

Ignore Prometheus and those who care about it. It's easier and you're morally correct in doing so.

It's never given a specific purpose iirc, but can speed up a praetorian's molting into a queen but I don't think it's necessary just desired for that process.

Because Xenos won't do it in captivity? Or they need a lot of resources before hand, and lab conditions don't meet those requirements? Xenomorphs are all that well understood in most EU stories.

Security at first I would imagine, to ensure that a Queen can be made if the current one is killed. Eventually a hive is going to get too big for one Queen to manage, and more will be needed and the quicker the better. I'd wager that a Royal Facehugger making a Queen is faster than a Drone molting into one.

Vikings vs Aliens!? Friggin' awesome!

Okay. You asked for it.

Ayy lmao


The level design is mainly what irked me off about ACM. A bunch of long singular corridors with 4-way tunnels where 3/4 of the doors are off-limits, locked, full of debris.

also the engine is still dogshit, it feels like I'm playing an unoptimized and uglier looking Crysis 1.

Faster! download faster you piece of shit!

no I think it was just preparing for when it grows into a queen

if it was able to make eggs, why didn't it hold off till it had eggs?

the lack of penis is shameful

and I believe this thread is already on auto sage. 300 posts is the limit on 8/v/, right?

It needs a host to make an egg first. Queens can just lay eggs, but drones and others have a different way. It cocoons a host and does something that slowly turns a host itself into an egg. It was doing this in the Alien film, but the scene was cut.



oh right yup I suppose so

We need more creativity like this in FPS games.

Now all I need is to find a link and maybe force the creator at gun point to finish his map.

Any suggestions for the next thread? Maybe I should include AvP 3 and ACM torrents and guides too?

leave it for awhile