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Dead Cats edition
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Anyone who wants to learn C#, I like to recommend these pages so you know what the language is capable of. It's not a tutorial or guide, but it's nice to know.
>C# Operators: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173145.aspx
>C# Keywords: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x53a06bb.aspx

Also here's a nice little program if you're trying to organize your game. It's basically notepad, but as a local text-based wiki. You can have pages linked and styled and even export to HTML, and it makes organizing shit a LOT easier.
>Wikidad: wikidpad.sourceforge.net/

>can't overload >> or

Operator overloading is pretty rare in C#, unless you're making a fairly specialized structure. Hell I didn't even know that was an issue to be honest. See? RTFM

I'm still sad about my cat
I always told my family not to let her outside and they never fucking listened

user, just like make game and put it in as an easter egg

or just get a new cat already
better yet, get a dog, and i mean a big one, not one of those miniature shits

Is there even a indoor dog type? Just wondering.

you've got a backyard, why would you need an indoor dog?

all my games are wave-slave mobile shovelware

I adopted a pit not too long ago. Still working on basic obedience training, but at least shits outside now. People at pounds really, really need to teach their fucking dogs to SHIT OUTSIDE. That instantly makes them a thousand times as desirable.

When I own property I'm going to foster dogs just long enough to teach them that grass is for shitting.

also, niggers are for growling

is it worth it?
i considered selling my soul like that once, but i couldn't handle the interviewer acting like mobile freemium shit made in unity is the next big thing

how did you know I use unity? :^)

It's worth it if you find someone good to work with, but 90% of mobile develops are Indians. I don't even have to tell you why that's bad.

Quit talking about dead pussies and get to /agdg/. Holy shit I can't believe my thread was locked for this shit

I'm likely going to use this model for an enemy, haven't rigged it yet, but any anons have any advice for the aesthetics?

why is his chest revealed? looks gay

To be fair, you made your thread 50 minutes after this one, they usually go by timestamp unless the OP is absolute garbage

No reason, I just thought it looked kinda cool. He's part of a cult that values destruction, and to prove they are worthy of destroying others, they must first destroy themselves. That's why he's headless and has that blue cut going through his abdomen.

Oh well, guess I didn't notice it in the catalog. Dead cat is a pretty shit starter for a thread though, you shouldn't carry conversations over like that holy shit

we had an entire thread of /agdg/ dedicated to someone's dead cat, and it's wrong to put it in the OP?

The OP "PREVIOUSLY ON AGDG" historically sums up the last topic of the thread, usually humorously or as a shitpost
user needs to move on and cope, though. Shit sucks, but you can't dwell on it

Don't fucking make me go to itch.io and make a "dead cat" gamejam

I would enter

I don't see any aesthetics. You have a world that doesn't suit the character in the slightest, I have no idea what you're going for with this.

but goy it is low-poly aesthetic :^)
t. pixelartshit developer

I probably shouldn't have posted that one since it wouldn't make sense without the context. I'll get to working on other character models and then come back for input.

Alright, so I'm trying to design a magic system; right now I'm having issues with the priest stuff. I want my game to encourage multiclassing and experimentation and different builds

So let's say you need a Focus to cast a spell from a certain divine system, eg a wooden object for Druid spells, an iron cross for Priest spells. I have a resource called Faith that is used as MP, but can be restored by certain actions (like killing enemies, donating to a church, etc).

My concern is that characters can take on a bunch of divine systems, and use one to generate faith trivially and then apply it to another one. How can I fix that?

I feel like I'm not cut out for this.

Try smoking a lot of weed.

different resources?
wow has rage/energy/focus/mana/runic power, even if they aren't there for the purpose of fixing shit

by the end of things i'm totally not gona feel like gamedeving, i'm just gonna want to play vidya and card games to relax

Even if I wanted to, I don't have any access to it.

Whenever I get home I don't feel like doing shit, but I end up staying up for way too long anyway.

at this point i usually got to bed at 4-5 am and get up at around 11-12
i only ever go to bed early if i've got an exam in the morning
sleep schedule is completely fucked

I have my systems loosely grouped by resources… I don't want a separate resource per system, because I might end up with a lot of them (spells are just a collection of effects and systems are just a semantic group of spells)

For example, Arcane (any wizard) uses "not MP" - high intelligence gives you say 16 slots per day and a fireball might cost 3 slots. This is recovered by resting. Divine (priest, druid, shaman) uses Faith, say 100 points maximum, and does not recover by resting, you have to perform deity-approved actions.

I also have two distinct rune systems in progress; one is strictly item-based and consumes runes like Runescape; the other is a Faith-based one that is based on Nordic runes and works like gambling for effects (pic related)

Oh, what I might be able to do is have a bunch of different deities that are chosen on character creation, each with their own +faith and -faith actions, and then you can just do whatever the fuck you want to spellcasting, because they don't care, it serves their cause.

MoM user here again, with another analysis video!

Ths time I am showing off the Flame Furnace. it may be a little obvious in the video, but I love Unreal.

Any questions are welcome, as per usual!

You made my afternoon user, keep up the good work!

Of course; It should be noted, I didn't want people to worry I was dead, so that's why I decided to do weekly analysis videos to show off the game. I have 3 months of vids planned, and at which point, I am hoping the demo will be complete by then!


Can you put Jews into Oven?

But what if I don't have one?

Why are your characters so fond of peeing everywhere?

Oy Vey!
We are all humans here, Goy. Its like another Ragnarok, you Bastid!

It's time for RAHOWA buddy.

study for a few days and had to do some work, now i have not as much free time to practice modeling, how is my improvement from before?

also answer me this should i make a human model nude then add clothes, or does that depends on the game?

It depends on how thick the clothing is. Never have the character mesh be present under the clothing, either.

Speaking of modelling I just now realized I can't model worth a shit because every time I attempt to model a waist/hip from the legs on up it looks like she's wearing a diaper and I have to scrap the entire damn thing. I'm seriously about to rip my fucking hair out.

Depends on the game, but you should almost never have clothes on top of a body in a game, it's a pain in the dick to make it work.
You got the right idea with the topo this time, but you should remove most of those loops, and avoid subdividing until you get the rest done entirely.

You could go full Scott Cawthon and pamper diaperfags with video games.

If you look at shit that's built off of cosmetics like dota 2. Shirts and shit that cover large parts of bodies replace that part of the body. Accessories like the mask you're making just attach to whatever part they're on.

I eventually said fuck it - because most of my female characters are going to be wearing skirts I should not concern myself with ass topology but instead make their legs kinda cute.

I am almost done with my texturing, there is only 7 models left to be textured and 1 of them to be made (Scud Marker Item). For the research menu all of those items have a new rendered sprites which are textured. Then I can continue making my weapon sprites into actual 3D models. After that I am going to work on muh skins I guess.

I am making a nice progress on my main mod when I finally finished doing that then it's time to work on my enemy modules which needs at least 4 new enemies. It kinda makes me mad that I have to use 3D Coat just because Blender has to fuck up the painting system so badly else I would use it and making my own brushes via GIMP. It also makes me mad I can only add diffuse textures for my models

Looks like Putin to me tbh.

or do you plan on making them nopan?

The point is that I don't know how

JUST do it, Brendan.

That's scuplting territory. You can do that with box-modelling (since the end result is the same), but clothing is more difficult that way. Things like undergarments and other thin clothing essentially turns into a texturing job.


Shouldn't objects be made of triangles instead of quads? Just curious

Avoid raw triangles if you can.

go nopan then

Smoothing and subdivision work better with quads. Edge loops are also easier to work with, and easier to do bone weights for.
Quads should be converted to triangles before baking normal maps and exporting to an engine, to ensure the shading doesn't change along the way.

You work with quads (unless your object's shape requires triangles). The computer automatically turns your quads into two triangles by adding a diagonal edge.
Quads are easier to work with when it comes to manipulation, automatic algorithms and animation.

Newfag here How did you texture those models?

Can't do the topology for that either. God fucking damn I hate modelling so much I wish I could just spend all day doing nothing but level design and programming

do what i plan on doing and cheat, make an aesthetic that avoid your weaknesses, i am bad with lips so im going for cel-shading with a white outline and colored details i.e. eyes, hair, and black model though i still need to work on it to see how it looks

Its a Ramp with a Result input shader Setting, which is useful for making sprites!

They don't even look textured.

You learn topology by stealing. Also learn how to cancel out bad features like tris and ngons, and finally figure out how to terminate edge loops with one another instead of wrapping them all the way around. That's all there is to topology. Do you want examples?

Yeah, sure, give 'em to me.please

I'm thinking about just letting the legs be capless, detached polygons under the skirt and not letting the camera go under the skirt so they don't see the the bodiless legs. This is too much trouble.

Here goes. First, some general topology info.
As you probably know, you should keep your topology all quads unless you absolutely need to use triangles. For a game mesh, this rule can be bent a little, but it's still a good idea to use quads wherever you can.
From time to time, you might end up with abnormal topological features that break your quad topology. Those features are n-gons, triangles and poles. Here's how you can deal with them.
Among n-gons, there is a distinction between odd-numbered and even-numbered ones.
Even-numbered n-gons like hexagons and octagons can be sliced up into quads on the spot, without problems.
Odd numbered ngons on the other hand have the ability to cancel each other out. Not only does a triangle cancel out with a triangle, and a pentagon with a pentagon, but also a triangle and a pentagon can be turned into quads with some slicing.
Finally, poles. Three and five sided poles aren't all that harmful, and are in many places unavoidable, but you should keep them to a minimum since they have the potential to cause shading issues. For poles with six sides or more, you can delete the central vertex and try to redo the topology in that area in a better way.

Another thing about topology to consider is isotropy. The distribution of vertices is just as important as the layout of lines.
If your polygons are too stretched, you might run into deformation and shading issues. Avoid badly stretched quads and triangles unless you know that it won't cause problems.

Lastly, pay attention to the angle of every quad. Try to avoid situations where a quad is bent too hard around itself, that kind of quad doesn't shade well, it might deform badly, and it may triangulate in odd ways.
Whether or not you apply all of those rules depends on how low is your triangle budget, but unless you're targeting some kind of mobile potato, T&L is really cheap. Those few verts you could save might not be worth the cost of fucking your mesh up.

Thanks, user. So is this kind of topology acceptable or not?


her feet are too small

Just exaggerate the proportions and call it "style"

I should have recolored my text editor a long time ago

Mate. Do some basic human mesh and rig tutorial, and stylize it afterwards. As your mesh is now, it will deform like shit.

What you made is a start, it's very basic right now. You just need to keep adding stuff to it, and modify the shape until it looks right. For the behind, don't expand those quads like in the front; shrink them, and use the edge loops above to make the butt.
Edge loops should follow the features you're trying to model. If you do that, the topology itself will carry your model.

i've got a great idea for a game
an rts
where units can block/parry/counter attack

You mean Settlers 2?

What I have now. Not sure where to start with the hands or attach the head to the neck, but it's a start.

Still not entirely sure how to approach the butt topology. I'm a making a loli, but modelling the buttcrack is still pretty difficult considering I'm trying to keep the model relatively low poly (between 1k-2k tris)

You subdivided too early. Keep your hands off the topo for now and try to fix the shape as much as you can.

No subdvision. That's just the polycount from the legs. The reason it looks different from the first pic is because I decreased the length of her leg to be slightly more stubby.

anyone know how to decompile GM8 games and keep extension packages? The decompilier I used worked, but when I try to compile it doesn't let me past the first screen.

Finally decided to give her an ass with the looptool. Question now is:
Is this an example of when making triangles is okay?

No, but here's a trick to fix this.

To follow up, any pair of edge loops or edge rings (face loops) can be terminated early by being redirected into one another. You can use this for transitions from high density to low density areas. Keep in mind that this action creates poles, so it might not be a good idea to do it in places that deform a lot.
If you have to use triangles to terminate an edge pair instead, don't make the edges flow into the same vertex like you just did.

Damn, is there a tool to do this in Blender?

Sorry, I'm retarded. You were just subdividing those edges, right?

Splitting them. I don't know what the default shortcut is, could be shift+X.

I was looking for cartoony and consistency, and I think he can do it … do you think about $3 for pics like this is worth it?

Sweet trips. Checked
user, you're a godsend, but I have just one last question. You're connecting two vertices in the model to create a new edge on a face. In Blender, you can select two vertices and press F to make a new edge, but thing is, it's not going to be attached to the face. What kind of tool are you using in that demo?

I'm hitting J. No idea if that's the same shortcut on your end. The name of the command is Vertex Connect.

Aaaaand, It's J on Blender, too. God bless, user.

You can get that for free in drawthreads. max ill pay for something like that is 1,50

Probably one dolar each

also, you could ask here. Other user got some sprites done last thread.

Make the face a little better, unless it's trying to be a bit scrunched up. Though I don't know art rates so I can't tell you if it's a good deal.

user, that's by Phil Foglio and used in Avernum

I could draw. I doubt the quality of my artwork though.

These aren't perfect, but they're the peak of my modelling abilities so they'll have to do. Thanks, for the tips.

I'll get to texture work in the morning. After I'm done with the base, I'll get to rigging it and then make the Player Character and ask for more feedback.

if the source of Space Engine ever released, how do you think it would impact the game dev medium?

A thousand more NMS clones, each being more shit than the last

I bet they would still do a better job than NMS did.

I got a question for you MoM man.

Can Doom-engine-based games like yours maintain persistence between maps? I'd be interested to attempt a New Vegas or Morrowind style RPG on the doom engine.

Strife shows that dialogue is possible at least, but I want to be able to wander back and forth between areas and not have everything respawn/have NPCs forget previous interactions.

And I guess as a follow-up, would a mouse-driven inventory and/or journal be possible as well? This is kind of a make-or-break thing for the concept.

Not a developer, just some NEET trash here. Though I am really shocked by the age we live in. Thanks to Unity and it's asset store anyone can create magical games that rival the best RPGs out there, like Skyrim, for a fraction of the price.


dead cat webm

I suspect that there would exist 1 more open source game than before. And that would be space engine.

Why do you think this game's source code would do anything to change anything?

Nothing would change because it would take another decade to decipher the sorcery within.


I need to figure out why the big hammer isn't throwing rocks when near dudes, but other than that, I'm okay with this

This is something you're working on?
Godspeed user, godspeed.
Seriously, this looks fucking fantastic.



Literally nothing would change.
Besides, all Space Engine does is make things look pretty from far away. If you actually go to the surface of a planet, it looks like dog shit. Stars are especially terrible looking.

Been working on this for years, redoing stuff again and again

Thinking of doing a routine progress vlog just so I have a periodic deadline for myself.

They can.
Both Hexen and Strife make use of this, via hubs.

reminder that unity is run by jews
if you make an asset, and a similar one is already on the market, you won't be allowed to sell yours at a cheap price without it being leagues better than it's competitor

>Stealing light source ideas from Valve developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Constant-Linear-Quadratic_Falloff

I've got a Constant, Linear, and Quadratic float, that gets summed and ratio'd. Then, this gets multiplied by the distance
The problem is that if I set the values to [1,0,0] then it should never degrade, and I get 1.00 all the way across, which is fine (full illumination). But when I do [0,1,0] or [0,0,1] for linear or quadratic falloff, it starts at 0.00 and goes to 1.00 (so it's an inverse light)

I tried 1-d and other shit, but it just swaps the problem. It should follow ax2+bx+c without additional fuckery but I can't figure it out

I'd suppose you'd need ~20 minutes to sketch one of these things so it really depends on how highly the artist values his time. $3/picture sounds like a good starting point to me but what I'd recommend is that you try some rate for the first 10 pictures or so and then renegotiate based on experience.

Yep an user who worked on some sort of melee/sword combat at Unity wanted to sell some sort of Inventory system if I recall it correctly at their store, he tried at least 3 times and it took ages for them to respond why he was not allowed to sell his asset and after that he gave up trying to sell assets on that store. I can not remember any more details about it.

All checked tbh.

Little attack options for the player and doors that can be opened or broken open.

Both are unpolished and unfinished (obviously), but they required a little bit of code wonkery to get going so progress is progress.

I don't

Oh I understand now.

In the spreadsheet I was putting (1-result) instead of (1-d) and calculating it. I was putting the inversion in the wrong spot like a fucking retard.

My break from this shit was too long


Okay, got the falloff working correctly for sure now. Pic is all the different combinations using 0 or 1 for [x,y,z] where x is quadratic, y is linear, and z is constant falloff. Of course it's not limited to just "1", you can do other values to adjust the ratio however you want (second pic).

Basically the falloff is used to determine how strong the light is as you move from the source to the radius; 3rd pic shows transparency. Since the output is just a value from 0..1, I can multiply it with other such values (such as from strobing) to get interesting effects

Next I just need to add strobing and color and the basic shit is done


Aw shit, it's GMOTA user. I was wondering what happened to your game.

Alright and now I've got interpolated colors working again. It accepts a Color[] with any number of values and and automatically figures out what color to use as you go from 0..1; it can use one, two, or more colors, although fewer is obviously faster. I need to also think of an elegant way to attenuate the color as well, though it's probably more than enough as is

Code is fuckmessy, but the actual logic is pretty simple

i've been studying computer architecture for the past 3 days
i don't get why the hell this is on the curriculum for IT systems, i'm never gonna use this shit anywhere. it's all just stuff about CPUs, memory and Intel architecture

Computer architecture knowledge is applicable to optimisation, user. Telling you how to optimize is giving you a fish, while teaching you this shit is teaching you how to fish.

if it's only applicable to optimization, then teach me how to optimize, i don't see what else this is useful for

Looks fine to me.

Your game never fails to impress me
Do you have a demo?

Well, I suppose it really comes down to what you intend to work on later. For a system-programmer this sort of knowledge is essential, because system-programmers are the people who have to deal with this shit. Software-development, computer science, etc. are all very broad fields. If you don't need this knowledge, then that's perfectly fine. Just don't assume that it's universally useless based on that though.
I had to learn a lot of stuff that's useless for me, but approach it in a pragmatic fashion. I'd rather know something I don't need, than need something I don't know.

Yeah, that bug happens every now and then. It's no huge deal though. Every engine I worked with (Source, CryEngine 2, 3, Unity and Unreal 4) had this sorts of random bugs. It's hardly surprising considering how complex they are. As long as the final game is stable and it doesn't crash every minute, I don't really mind.

i learn this in my operating system fundamentals class a year back, if i remember that is memory allocation, it is nice to know, because you want to know what ways a computer can crash from deadlock, livelock, and race. it is useful info but only if you plan on being a programmer. but i doubt you'll need it.

also i really dont know what im looking at is it a segmentaion allocation scheme or paging allocation scheme, because that gives you two very different things both good and bad

in my case unity usually fucks up turning on visual studio the first time
tries to turn it on, but because it's taking too long it gives up and starts monodevelop instead. except that visual still turns on later, except that it's not linked to unity
then i have to turn both off and try to turn on visual studio again, and then it turns on

7. Системни регистри в защитен режим: състав, предназначение и формати.8. Сегментна преадресация за 32-битов линеен адрес: таблици, селектори и дескриптори – формати и предназначение.9. Странична преадресация за 32-битов физически адрес: каталози, таблици и страници – формати за 4К и 4М.
or in a really shitty translation, something about segmentation, registers, linear addresses, tables, pages (for vram if i'm understanding it right), catalogs

Is uninstalling monodevelop an option? Since UnityVS is free, Visual Studio is better than monodevelop in every way (except disk space requirements, fuck you MS).

I wish I could fall down a hole and dev from there

You can get rid of at least 2 of those.

Are you telling him to murder them user?

is this Assassin Game Dev General now

If you start assassinating people, you could get rid of all of them, not just 2.

The answer was so simple all along, at least I truly see

I mean you have a job, so why do you need to deal with your family? If you need to stay with your family anyway, why do you have to go to work?

As far as friends who drag you down, you shouldn't keep such friends. even if I'm arguing against myself because I'm a depressed little shit

assassinating several people just so you can dev in peace Savage tbh.

Man is there for you not some sort of a option like living alone?

Mhm maybe don't talk to them that often anymore if they are such a burden for you.

user just wanted to live a quiet life.


Do any of you happen to know any good pixel art tutorials for color palettes and designing environment tiles?
I'm proficient at animating characters but my environment design is shit. It never ends up looking how I want it to.

Nope, but maybe this will help later

Here, have something to cheer you up.

Not what you ask for but some good tips and shortcuts for pixel art danfessler.com/blog/hd-index-painting-in-photoshop

These are neat, but don't really help. Thanks either way.

please post happy cats

Do these count?

Damnit, let me post!

Imgur usually has a bunch of cat shit on its front page if you keep going


I wanted to make a text adventure but I wouldn't even know where to begin. For example what should a room be in programming terms? Should I have a variable called room which stores the name of the room the player is in, and then each room has a list of what's in the room? That's one example but for everything else I am not sure how I should program it exactly.

When it comes to actually using what I know to make things or solve problems I'm completely clueless.

look at the structure of zork. Or make it a grid, but the player percieves the world as if it was a text based game

Just have each room keep track of other rooms it links to. They can be one-way connections, of course.

In Shadowgate, for example, notice the little movement things in the bottom left. All you have to do is say something like "exits are north and up"


Getting some Descent-tier QUAD CANNON vibes

Needs to be lit up.

I would suggest putting the upper 2 barrels slightly further back so they don't interfere with the lower ones when aiming upwards.

You mean it reminds you of the Laser lvl 6 weapon? Since that one fires 4 laser bolts. youtu.be/DkyMB1-Cpqc?t=52s I am not sure if the speeching dude bothers you since thats what I could find about it on the quick

Hmm like this?

For the diffuse texture or you mean the screenshot itself?

Do you liek my font?

What if you kept it how you had it, but put grooved tracks so the barrels could slide back or forth from shooting? Then the whole gun/turret could pivot upward

Just a thought

Yeah, this looks much better in my opinion, although I think the lower gun barrels could be shorter so they line up when pointing straight forward.

Also, assuming that this is a flak tank, you might want to put some radar gear up on that turret.

Actually it is a useable weapon for any for the 3 tank classes, for only 2200 credits goy. The "radar gear" is actually the blue sphere on the middle too bad that it is for now decorative only since I don't know how to add a radar functionality.


So you mean putting a grooved tracks underneath the barrel block thing? I could do that as additional detail.
Uhh yeah my classes always have this ability to look up and down in any angle, except that the turret is fixed I already made a personal mini mod that fixes that based on one of Sgt. Mark IV vehicles mod and that damned hueian still did not replied on me at moddb cuz I wanted to ask him for permission

Welp thanks for the feedback. I did not excepted it tbh.

you making a serious sam wad or somethin?

No I just like coloring my weapon in White/Greenish pattern. Through you have good taste in vidya games fam.

Das it mane.

I do. Do you have a Steam, or Discord?

What happened to Douk was fucking depressing.

Speaking of Serious Sam, does anybody know how hard it is to use the old Serious Editor? I've had an idea for a simple mod I wanted to try out.

And I have NO idea how to code. Or design. Or anything really. I just like video games.

I think Serious Sam HD or BFE should have a bit easier to use map editor as it has support for obj export/import so you could use 3DS Max or Blender for doing the models. I managed to import a very primitive model that way which I did with Wings 3D just for testing I do not know if textured model can be imported that way. For your other question you need to ask on their forums since I never modded Serious Sam at all.

Yeah it's over for Douk now all thanks with the idiots that calls themselves Gearbox, I wonder what the fuck happened to them since they did a pretty good addon for Half-Life 1 back then. Too make the matter worse they even removed the Megaton edition so that they can increase their sale for their inferior "remake".

There, got light falloff, color gradient, and flickering working

Now to just extract this fucker into it's own tidy class

Thanks, I'm not planning on importing any new models or assets, just changing a few rules around, erect a couple of walls…

Here's a little more interesting strobing going on


It looks pretty neat.

Here's how it looked last year … I have a lot of work to redo

Anyone got anything at all? I just wanted to change some sound effects and text.

Ahh yes I think I remember you that you posted such stuff several times some times ago, what kinda game was it anyway a rogue like?

You know, search for Undertale. As cancerous as the fans became, it was done in GM, and there has been quite a few mods, so they must know.

That particular one was supposed to be a 2D platformer, something between Castlevania/Dark Souls and La Mulana. I then repurposed the lighting into a Viking-themed roguelike that got abandoned shortly as well.

Now I'm working on a Blades of Avernum clone.

Undertale was GM:S right? They won't help, the game I want to fuck with was made in GM8.

I don't think Gearbox ever really had anything to begin with.
If you look at Gearbox's history, they either did a lot of ports of other works or expansions for other works. Their first original game was a fucking WWII shooter.

And then out came Borderlands, and it was all downhill from there.

Hey ICARUS, how many mods do you have in your review backlog right now?

I need to step away from my code more often.

so im now expanding on the face but im stuck on the forehead and skull, does it look right to your, and im stuck on the jaw line too.

Your topology is trash, the nose doesn't need that much loops, especially not at the top you should be routing the ones above the nostrils into the eyes, that will help clean up the forehead which shouldn't be joined that way, the mouth should be a closed loop with a pole next to the lower nostrils to route some of the edges that extend from the lips into the eyes, always always always use topology reference when modelling, I wasn't anywhere near as bad as you on my first try because I looked at reference a fuckload, use some reference you scrublord.

alt to select entire loop, then press x and choose dissolve edges

would anyone be interested in a write up on a non grid based line of sight system. Could be used for a topdown or isometric game
When I initially started looking for sources on this all i could find was grid based
Now i will admit i didn't put to much effort into looking for sources

This uses points/corners, rather than tiles. It might be a start

More progress. I'm feeling little about my models despite being a little rough around the edges literally. I haven't modeled any hair yet, and I might add a little more depth to robes later on.

jesus user, who was the sad soul you chose as reference for dem nipple placements

mine when I was younger


Is that how the light beams work? Just a transparent bloomy sheet? Jeez

Yes, with depth magic to soften the intersection.
Needs a multiply by n • v so that it doesn't break when viewed from the side.

this is actually pretty useful for context. I didn't realize it but i think implemented wall tracking

Put the eyes closer to each other and more down. also, the upper part of the ears is always alligned with the start of the eyebrows and the lower with the tip of the nose.

well you fucking piece of shit you shouldn't feel fucking anything but bad because your models are garbage and so are you. you'll never amount to anything in game development, and you'll always achieve nothing in life. You're a piece of shit and an absolute scum of the earth. I want you to fucking die and never touch a 3D modelling program ever again.

lol u mad bro xddddddddd

hey, at least u didn't pay 2 grand for that level of """quality"""

But user, that's how much I'm charging for it on the Assets Store! :^)


Wouldn't it be more intuitive/faster to pick a random direction and distance, and skip all the if statements? Or am I retarded?

That's exactly what I thought, so I started working on, and I intended to test both … but they have different distributions, apparently.

I assume it's because sin/cos have stronger values near the start and end, or something to do with polar coordinates

Also, mouth should be smaller.

Why so salty user? He is probably just starting and its understandable. You should insult him if he took too much pride in his work.

You'd have to skew the distance distribution towards the edge or the result would be denser in the center.

It's because there's e.g. 50% chance of being being within 0.5 of the center, an area that's only 0.5^2 the size of the total area. Try squaring magnitude.

I don't think that's the reason … Squaring the magnitude actually makes the center distribution stronger. Rooting it seems to fix the problem, but square root, combined with sin/cos operation should make it a lot slower than the first method. But I'll test that in a moment.

I'll work on the facial proportions. Thinking about keeping the mouth though because the corners of your lips should always line up with your pupils. Ears are bugging me though because if I change those I'll have to remap the head's UV's.

have sex

change the ears. If you want the charaters to be femenine, do a smaller chin. Also, if you are going for a loli look, make the hips smaller. As they are now, they look like they where cut from an adult model and straped onto a loli's.

Search for references. You cannot sculpt something if you dont know how it looks.

Okay, so NextUnitCircle1 is slightly faster than NextUnitCircle2; if I square root NextUnitCircle2, it's about the same speed as unrooted, so it's obvious that the first option (#1) is the superior choice. However, the second is worth keeping simply for the polar distribution

On the other hand, I want to have a 3D sphere as well, and I don't know how to do a polar distribution with that; might be easier to just have 2D and 3D be uniform and be done with it

Yeah that looks spherical

XY are the position and Z is the "height" (pixel color)

What are some good ideas for negative mutations?
I've thought about making the player allergic to a type of food (he cannot consume it becouse he would die of poisoning) having a deformed hand (cannot hold anything), thinner skin (multiplies damage after it is reduced by armor), deformities (prohibits the use of certain armors).

does this still have your fursona in it?

Thanks for the tips.
Turns out changing the ears was nothing since I could just snap the missing UV's in place. Good for me.

I'm experimenting with the chins right now. I think the smaller chin definitely emphasizes her feminine traits as you said, but I think it also makes her look about 6 years older.

Is it just me? Both pics have different chins.

make the chin pointy. Closer to the second one. I cannot spot what it is, but your model's face is really uncanny.

How the everloving fuck did I figure out the array indexing for this shit before?

Both are probably fine. Chase your own vision, my dude.
If you're wanting us to be picky, I'd say the second is better. The eyes are a little far apart and the ears are also a little tall. From here though, I'd say it's all to personal preference.

Now, user…
Surely you wouldn't bully a sweet little girl like Anna, would you?

Also, females tend to have pointy chins, while males have flat, square like ones. Children have a bigger forehead and a less portruding chin. Woman's faces are similar to an upside down triangle, while males have a rectangle like face. Young children, even males, normally have female like faces. Generally, masculine faces have less curves than a femenine one, and more violent angles.Woman have small noses.

I wanted to make a part 2 to that post to, basically talking about how the reason games are shit is because the industry is exclusively controlled by gigantic monopolies that appeal to the lowest denominator. Most good games came from AA middle-tier studios that had the funding to make a decent-high quality game but not the massive funding to market for normalfags. They can't exist nowadays or get bought out.

Is this thing supposed to be a creature that induces nightmares? Jesus, please do some 3d tutorials for humans.

I see that your horror game is coming along nicely.

why does this creature have nipples on its shoulders?

am I seriously the only person in the world with nipples that high?

imagine being locked in a room with that thing

Buddy… where do you think nipples go?

i demand proof…

Dude I'm sorry but all your models look fucking AWFUL.

Have you seen a doctor about this horrifying birth defect of yours?

But isn't he a gay furry? I imagine he's the type of guy who'd be purged in a war like that.

Removed the collar because I thought it looked ugly. Gonna rework the textures in the morning.

Not sure what to do about the side profile but I'll figure something out.

But your whole character looks ugly, you need to go back… to the drawing board fam


I'd have spent 2 break-less days on nothing if I scrapped this. It's best I just tweak what I have and make it good.

Like what else? Besides the awful side profile I'm still trying to fix.

scrap that fucking model, it's unfixable.Practice to get to a moderate level of quality before implementing anything.

Give me $2000 dollary doos and I will make you a better one.

At this point you're just fucking with us, aren't you?

I'm soloing on this project so I gotta git gud real quick. I just wish anons would be more specific because besides the side profile I don't see much wrong with it. I'd skip the modelling in its entirety if I could but unfortunately the kind of game I want to make needs a good artstyle to be semi-presentable.

No. ;_;

Almost everything is wrong with it, what did you use for refernce? they look creepy and they aren't cute, I guess it's a little girl or a cross dressing boy, it's too hard to tell because it's so base.

You'll come back to it in a few months, decide it's shit and do it over. Might as well take the time to learn proper fundamentals, bruh

Look at some photo references for god's sake.

No, you wouldn't have spent it on nothing, you will have learned what not to do and have the experience of how to avoid it.
No knowledge is wasted knowledge, and making mistakes can be very valuable knowledge.

Don't be afraid to toss it away, mate.

I don't have a scanner so I can't use reference sheets. I just need more specific examples than "everything," though, because the model looks fine to me and I'm trying to find out why everyone's creeped out/repulsed by it.

The face is disproportionate and uncanny, the hips are too wide, the head model is flat and shapeless, the head itself looks like its from a man, the nipples are in the wrong place, the body is humanoid but not human, as it has bad proportions and the limbs are placed in the wrong place.

It is only acceptable as a placeholder for something better. If you are going to implement anything as final, put at least 10 ours of work onto it, so its perfect, dont do a half assed piece of shit.

just download some references u dip

The head's silhouette is odd, and the mouth/nose lack enough the level of detail one would expect for a model that's not 2D; making it "off" to the eye… also, the eyes are too far apart.
Shading is flat, so there's no depth, which is fucking odd looking.
The nipples are almost on the mode's shoulders, and doesn't follow the body at all; once again, creepy.
Hips are far too large for the perceived size/age of the model, and look like one of those creepy mixes of someone cutting out pictures from a magazine and pasting them together to form some type of Frankenstein; also the legs are not correctly proportioned (odd silhouette again, use references!).

Well Jesus, user. Most of these can be fixed in its current condition. Nipples are nothing more than a texture, and the eyes and mouth are floating billboards so they're pretty modual.

I'll likely replace the model at some point anyway but I just needed to know why everyone hated this one, otherwise starting a new model isn't going to do shit for me.

that's cheating

Anyway thanks for the input, I'll likely start up something new, or worst case scenario just tweak these models because I've been at this for a while and haven't improved much.

So here's a question. What's more difficult to produce, a climbing system based on fixed points like Uncharted and Assassin's Creed, or a free climbing system like Breath of The Wild?
Another question, which consumes fewer resources? I feel like Breath of The Wild's system consumes less because the game doesn't have to track every single individual climbing point.

if u have to draw them, by hand, and u don't have a tablet to draw it on the pc; then take a picture of the reference u drew.

restarting isn't all bad, and the more practice u have the faster the process is.

Depends on whether you want to be dealing with raycasts and a little Trig, or tedious Level Design.

And I'm sure a system like BoTW automatically places nodes upon map compilation. Unless they want something a little more modual it seems like the best approach.

Small Levels -> Fixed Points

Large Levels -> Free Climbing

There's other stuff too, like whether or not you want AI to be able to follow the player or whether or not you want to funnel the player down a certain path.

I ain't gonna draw shit, I'm arguably worse at drawing than I am at modelling. In fact, most of my sketches are done with intentionally bad proportions because I don't have an eye for that kind of stuff. especially side profiles

What I did this time is Frankenstein between Studio Ghibli characters and characters from Little Witch Academia since both of which are what inspired my game. It's gonna take a while to figure something else out, but meanwhile I have a nice placeholder model for when I'm programming.

I'm just stuck on head geometry. My character is just below 2000 triangles, and any more would harm my performance because my PC is slow. I can't pull up any references for low poly heads that aren't just literal spheres (Wind Waker) or flat boards with a triangle poking out (most N64/PS1 games)

So if I wanted to create a system like I've illustrated here, how much of a headache would I be in for as compared to a fixed node system where the player can only grab designated points on the wall? And how would the resource consumption compare?

Banjo-Tooie has a move called the Grip Grab, where Banjo can hang onto any ledge of a certain angle where one side is mostly facing the sky. It's a dynamic system because to label every edge in the game would be tedious. I suggest formulating a system like that and make a test map to try it out on.

Honestly much of what you're describing can be done with raycasting. Just take a crash course in Slope geometry, Pythagorean Theorem bla bla bla, and you'll be set.

As for the nodes, I imagine they'll need the following information.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the resources. If you want the climbing to work on a near-sandbox scale, go for the calculation. If you want more direct control over where the player climbs, go for the climbing nodes.

Honestly, I use the word honestly too much.
Honestly, I'm going to have to apologize for that, sorry

Sounds good. Screen capped for future reference. I want a free climbing system because I want to create systems that allow for actually unique experiences(no bullshit where you get a gun that's red instead of blue and shoots faster). And being able to scale the majority of the world is something that really clicks with me and my vision.
Also I'm slightly intimidated by Quaternions because Unity makes it seem like it's not the simplest thing to work with(and I'm not exactly a math prodigy)

Lets say you have a sphere in 3d space. Any point on the surface of that sphere can be represented by an x, y, and z coordinate. If we assume that the center of the sphere is at 0,0,0 then the x, y, and z coordinate on that sphere's surface correlates with the x, y, and z of a quaternion. If we draw a line from the center of the sphere to that point on the surface, the roll of that line is the w.

But if you're using Unity (or Unreal Engine/Godot/CryEngine for that matter) you don't even have to deal with quaternions that much, or at all. Just put in a Euler angle, convert to quaternion, then do your math, and when you want to read it back convert back to Euler. Unity has all the math built in so it does all the hard work for you. Just accept for now that the fact quaternions "don't suffer from gimbal lock and can easily be interpolated" is a good thing and looks much more natural in practice.

Dude, yeah your model looks like shit but so does the rest of your game. It's actually better to keep things consistent. Just finish your game and shit it out, you will learn more and faster this way rather than redoing everything and never really ramping up.

This is the correct mindset. I draw a lot, I'm decent enough, and I find the best way to improve is not to erase and re-draw until the image is satisfactory. But to just create it, let it be and move on. It's easier to improve if you let your mistakes exist so you can look back on them.

im still trying to get vulkan to work, im about halfway through the tutorial on initalizing vulkan… im having a rough time but, i think its for the best with what im learning now, I can show anything with my new engine, but did work on my 3d animations so there is that

I would strongly recommend practicing with a reference model. At the very least it allows you to study the geometry and get the proportions right.


This site has models from several generations. You should be able to find something that won't crash your computer there.

Is that Nep nep?

free climbing is way more complicated to make and probably consumes more resources to
Unless you are making an enormous world where you would need to manually place thousands of climbing points fixed will always be easier.

In this video you can watch a retard desperately trying to explain some computer things.

I've got something major coming up rather soon, I hope you'll like it.

So you want to make sure your game works at 60 FPS in a toaster machine? You absolute madman.

Yes and it should be fairly easy. My friend (also from agdg) tested it on his 333Mhz laptop with windows XP and it ran at more than 60 fps. Now if you try PC like mine, 166 Mhz… you get about 30, but with these old PCs you can access the hardware directly. If I was drawing pixels like all these DOS games do I'd be at around 65 fps.

Sounds interesting, I like it to see when devs are optimizing their Engines so that fewer processing power is needed but nope instead those tech companies prefer hiring pajeets all the damn time.

Hmm and "modern" OS such as Windows XP doesn't do that anymore, do you happen to know why?

Because if your pc is fast enough to run windows XP it's also fast enough to do graphics the safe, windows way. Thanks to that you can for exaple alt tab among other benefits. Those old DOS games program the graphics card themselfs. If you fuck up you might get a BSOD or something… There's a reason those old graphics modes are not accessible anymore, but it's fun to play around with them.

Ah alright, so that's why you had a program crash with the 166 MHZ Laptop as the player fell down the map due to that unsafe handling?

For example, this piece of code
mox ax, 0x13int 0x10
will enter the 320x200 graphics mode that majority of games use (including DOOM), this code will simply crash on windows Xp and never. The instruction int 0x10 means "Cause an interupt of id 0x10" and BIOS owns those interupt, your BIOS code enters that graphics mode (by changing many VGA registers) modern systems overwrite those interupt to crashes. It's amazing, that these things are still around to be honest, every x86 compatible CPU made to this very day stars in "real mode" which is the 16 bit mode with 1 MB of ram avaiable that DOS uses and then it jumps into "protected mode" (32 bit) and from there to "long mode" (64 bit). You need to be in real mode to use those interupts, windows before XP is nice enough, that it can jump to real mode to execute your interupt requests and then jump back to protected. Technicaly, every PC made today is able to run DOS and those old games. PC is a pile of legacy stuff

I actually love this stuff man. Again, the whole segments thing is one of the legacy things. It was implemented, because the first Intel's cpu, 8080, could only address 64 kb of ram. Then they made 8086 which could address 1 MB, but they wanted to be compatible with 8088, so they added the segment register and you could split your memory into 64kb segments. Modern CPUs still do that.

No, that crash is simply because I went out of bounds (I don't have any check for that). Normaly that would never happen, but with such low FPS I went through the thin bridge. The collision system has to be changed a little to work better on 30 and less FPS.


Thanks for explaining all of this stuff.

And I find it amazing that it still works reliable despite of all these legacy stuff still hidden.

Some of the things will be removed sooner or later, for example the A20 gate. Maybe you've heard about 3DNow! … that was a couple of instructions from AMD, they dropped it in 2010.

As for A20 gate.
As I said, first Intel's CPU 8088 could only address 64 kb of ram (16 bit address / 16 address lines), then they made 8086 which could address 1MB (20 bit address / 20 address lines). However, they wanted to keep compatibility with the old CPU, so they introduced a segment register. Now you could imagine, that the memory is split into 16 segments, 64 kb each and you just select which of the 16 segments you want to use, but actually you store the address of where the segment should start. Now what happens, if you start your segment at lets say address 0xF8000 (1MB minus 32 kb) ? Well, first half of that segment will be in the ram, but the rest will go beyong 1 MB and wrap around to zero, so with such a segment you can read both start and end of the physical ram. MS-DOS uses that quirk. Now few years later 286 comes out and it can do much more than only 1 MB. Now a segment at 0xF8000 won't wrap around to 0 and MS-DOS will not work. Intel didn't know that, IBM found about this, they had to fix it quickly. Their keyboard controller had one spare pin left (back then even a keyboard controller was a separate card, motherboard had almost nothing on it) and they used it to force 21th address line (A20) to be 0, so the CPU always sees only the first 1 MB of ram. You could turn on and off this address line with software, that's what MS-DOS calls the "extended memory" And that's also where the the 640 kb limit comes from, 1 MB of ram - ~ 360 kb for MS DOS running in this "real mode"
Of modern PCs don't actually have a physical logic gate and a hacked keyboard controller. Intel added the A20 hack functionality to their next CPU and it just stayed there to this day.

If you're shit at drawing, then you're probably not going to fare well in 3D work. The core principles of drawing applies to almost all artforms.
Sit down and git gud, faggot.

Holla Forums will argue about anything

2 and B look the best


1 > 2 > 3
B > A

Jesus fuck, user. You shouldn't be that much of a massive faggot and then not even link the guy to >>>/loomis/

2 > 3 > 1
B > A

The body was modeled after a Nep but I wanted to try a bit of texturing without spending a day or two on the head so I just copy/pasted the face of one Nep, the hair of another Nep, and did a bit of tweaking to make things work.

I'm assuming it was the face that made it look so familiar?

I've been trying to git gud since I was 12. My literal autism gets it in the way so I don't have an eye for proportion like most people do. Only thing I've gotten better at over these 7 years are shading and drawing smoother lines.

Like I said, I hate 3D modelling and the only reason I'm doing it is because I can't find anyone to do it for free.

I'll check this out. The legs and shoulders are a little off on that model but the overall shape looks nice.

I can't have my graphics look like shit because if they do then a good portion of the game is shit. It's not a visual experience but it's a pretty large scale project that relies on visuals to keep the player invested in the setting. It's hard to explain, but maybe the docs will give you better insight.

The point is that you should let your shit models be shit models and use what you've learned to make better ones instead of trying to polish a turd.

1 is what I'd like to see on her when I fuck her, 2 outside the house, and 3 on a lazy sunday. To look at while playing vidya I'd prefer 3 though.
B > A.
Also, unlockable hairstyles is the best solution obviously.

Yes, I'm just making you pick the default.

I'm making a bath scenario, it will be like Ar no Surge where you can install stat buffs. But since this will be a glorious PC game, the girls will be butt nekkid.

pls halp

blindness/limited sight
irritation caused by certain temperature/smell/sound
occasional loss of body control

Check 'Tome of Corruption'. It is sourcebook for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game. It has some good ideas for mutation stuff.

That is really a good idea.

Rapid/delayed metabolism.

Add a random event or so that is going to occur more likely the more mutation the player has there will be a increased amount of inquisitional units going after the player :^)

Deformed legs = slower
Slow metabolism = becomes fat easily, which makes you slower
Skin disease = lower charisma if not covered by clothing
Colourblindness (could mean you can't discern certain mushrooms or some shit)
Haemophilia = heal slower

How do you store and calculate the data for a sprite animation?

I mean I assume you want each frame to have their own width/height and X/Y coordinates?

I'm currently just storing the information of the current animation, and then moving the sprite by it's width to get the next frame. But that requires each frame to fit each other frame's content into it, and that can waste a lot of space especially with special effects that may be very tiny for most frames but large for a few..


Looking great, as always.

Are you gonna fix her barbieface too?

square or rectangular spritesheets save so much fucking trouble, use them and then later on use or make a tool to pack them more closely together if you feel it's necessary

You can map sprites the same way you'd map a background, with uniform tiles.
You can also use software to automate the packing process.

You can store each animation frame side by side and then each frameset one below the other. If all frames have the same size, then you can just calculate Y by height * animationNumber and X with width * frameNumber

And then there's THIS asshole

I'm just wondering if I'm even supposed to use irregular sprites in the game or if it's done just for CD/HDD storage space's sake. I'm confused.

Take for example pic related, in that kind of animation all the frames would be excessively huge if they were regularly shaped. Am I just supposed to arrange and draw the sprite like that in-game?

what ?

we understand what you're explaining, it's extremely basic and has been solved a thousand times before. We also explained how the problem is usually solved.
I don't think I can make this any more obvious.

If most of your animations have different size, then just cut them to be as small as possible and then have an array of each frame's size. It's not that much of memory wasted for that, 4 INTs (x,y,w,h) will be 16 bytes per frame.

I really don't think you do.

You're telling me how sprites can be packed, not how I'm supposed to draw it.

You're using gamemaker, right? I doubt someone who can't figure out how to draw a sprite would use anything else.

I think he means how to do it efficiently, not just how to do it at all…

I'm not using an engine.

4chan is this way if you want to start that shit.

are you actually slow? If you pack something, you can unpack it. It's not like you're hashing your sprites.

PPU > blitter

If you're going to use a GPU and have high res sprites, you have the right idea; have clipping rectangles for each sprite on the sheet, and store a list of those together with offsets and timing as animations. You can automate the packing for this implementation, too.
But if you're doing pixelshit, it's almost not worth it.

Alright, that's basically exactly what I was wondering about, thanks.

I can figure out the packing/unpacking of it myself no problem, I just wasn't sure what style I'm supposed to unpack it to.

At the moment I am, but it's good to know for future. I'm not exactly a huge fan of pixel art myself but I don't want to dedicate the time for high res sprites before I'm working on something with more experience behind me.

Just arrange the sprites in the most convenient way for editing, then write yourself some gizmo that will pack them as tightly as possible while generating some kind of data that maps the old animations to the packed ones.
The implementation details depend entirely on your rendering method.

Not gonna start modelling until about a week, but before I do, is this any better, as far as looks go? I tried referencing actual lolicon sketches this time, and this is all I could catch.

Body proportions look more like a young girl, I can tell that much. The eyes still seem a little far apart on the left, though.

legs are too short. Hands have to start when the croth ends. And legs are usually a bit longer than the arms.

What is a croth?

I misspelled crotch

What does that have to do with the hand?

If the arm is laying down side bi side with the rest of the body, then the hand starts when the crotch ends.

I get it.

I feel so motherfucking comfy with Gamemaker and GML, but I also feel that I'm limiting myself not exploring other kinds of code and/or engines and/or frameworks, what are some coding languages that are similar to GML? Did anyone of you ever migrated from Gamemaker to another engine?

I'm asking this because I tried to check out some tutorials on monogame and just looked so fucking alien to me. I also heard about love2D, checking some tutorials as I write this, and looks so fucking bloated. I mean look at pic related, why the fuck is he loading the initializing variables for the player in the main.lua, isn't there supposed to be an object for the player? Is this a limitation in the language or he is being purposely retarded for educational purposes?

Fug, forgot the pic.

GM is an engine, Monogame is a wrapper around XNA and both are frameworks. Though monogame is a good next step; Ive always enjoyed C#

There's been some really great games done using GM like RoR, Deadbolt, and HLM.
So if your game can fit inside of this, without major technical/performance constraints, then I'd just stick with GM.
If otherwise, then I'd definitely look into learning a more "traditional" programming language (C#, C++) and going with an engine that utilizes those (better performance, more robust engine capabilities, and in general a plethora more resources).

Well, from what I've heard GML is like an amalgamation of a couple languages (python, java), but is quite a bit slower at execution time compared to say C++ or C#.

Considering this point, I think i'd be easy enough to translate this knowledge to say C# (similar to java for syntax, n other such things, but overall is a "better" language for gamedev; which is all that matters in our context).
So I would probably look at a framework/engine that utilizes C#, and it'll probably help - motivational wise - to know that you can probably do a lot more now, and in the future when you've reached that same comfy level with C# + the engine.

Personally, I use C# with Unity, and a main consideration for me was that it provides access to the low level functionality I need; while having a very consistent design throughout the entire engine (entity component system, or ECS, is the acronym).
So, this translates into you learning one system (it's components, attach it to a scene entity) of the engine thoroughly, and this knowledge of the ECS translating into every other system making it extremely easy to pick up, and get shit done (although, inversely, lacking of understanding the ECS, and how to properly utilize this design pattern can equate to working against the engine itself).
This sorta applies to the low-level stuff, but f.e. shit like low level rendering has it's own archaic shit you have to deal with, and figure out; although the extra performance gained via skipping layers of abstract built into the engine is readily available if you're willing to spend the time.

What sort of low rendering would you consider archaic?

user, the biggest mistake people make when working in 3D is putting too much detail too soon. You have way too many vertices to manage right now, so making any minor change to the shape of the face means changing an additional 20+ vertices which adds up quickly, I highly recommend deleting a lot of those edge loops - you don't need that much detail right now.

Here's some reference for you to look at. The first image is for managing edge loops, you don't know it now, but when you go to deform and animate the face, if you have weird edge loops the entire model will fall apart. I'm not kidding, I've seen some models where you cannot rig faces to smile or blink. Human faces are difficult and weird, pretty much your entire face is mostly made of sphincters that contract and distort.

As far as human anatomy goes, I can't recommend enough going to your local library and getting Bridgeman's Complete Guide To Drawing From Life.

My best advice to you is to build a head made of cubes, spheres and cylinders first, move them around until they look right to you from about every angle, then start building a mesh over it. Think of it like building a skull first, then applying skin and muscle. Good luck!

>low level
>lacking abstraction
that should fill u in

New bread