Does anyone remember this shitshow?
Dead mobas
Gotta earn those pennies.
You and your kind need to go I've seen how frequently the threads have been made like the other guy who I'm pretty sure was a (1) and said some shit along the same lines of this OP "Oh man Smite is fucking dead!" thread proceeds to get like 300 replies anyway.
you sure are trying hard to push the idea that its dying
Did you see the steam charts? It has less than half of the players it did two days ago. It's dead.
there was an enormous patch 2 days ago, of course there was a surge in activity
all mobas are dying
The only time Ive heard Holla Forums even mention this game is because of this shit.
Trend-wise it seems about average. Forums say their servers have been in a shit state, hence the sudden drops over the past two days.
my friends all play this garbage.
I don't understand why they don't just play league or dota if you really wanted to play an ASSFAGGOTS.
Why fuck would you play the worst game in an already shitty genre?
I find it hard to believe anything can be worse than League.
haha that is hilarious, i miss playing smite, best moba imo
I'm not going to defend league, but smite rips off a lot of champion abilities and items from league, and they don't do it very well either.
Copy shit and you're going to get worse shit tbh.
S2 failure
Or some shit..
What the fuck was that shit? Changed names a bazillion times and sucked monkey dick.
Haha, sad.
Actually looked decent, but in good EA way, got cancelled due to seeming as a proper game
Fuck off
Why do they repeat the same mistakes over and over and over?
I prefer my Heroes of Newerth tbh. It's entertaining, but Frostburn (former S2 employers) sucks and balance is out the window - allthough not as horrible unbalanced as Doter 2
i always felt like smite was the better lol.
Dead moba? I'll show you a dead moba.
Don't remind me.
Battlebore thread? Is randy still making fake news about his totally alive game?
The fact that Blizzdrones didn't flock to Heroes of the Storm just shows how incredibly hard that market is to break into.
Well the pretty much cannibalized their own userbase with Overwatch
smite is fun though
And you had me hoping for a moment there that HotS was on it's way out…
Does it make any money though?
I thought it was a s good as dead anyway nexct to Dota and LoL.
I wouldn't say Smite was the bets MOBA, it still had the same trappings that mobas have, but at least it wasn't as bad and tried something new with the TPS camera and WASD+aiming for gameplay.
It was a pretty neat game that felt more like an hack&slash than an actual MOBA which is most likely the appeal it had.
But it still suffered from the usual problems of ineffective snowballing, where a team rapidly gains enough of an advantage they are indisputably going to win the game but it's not enough of an advantage they can do it now, so it drags on for a long time.
Honestly, I consider HotS to be the best MOBA not because it's necessarily good but because it picked the genre and did the best you can possibly make with it.
By this I don't mean the most content or the most variation in gameplay, but rather the most interesting gameplay you can make with it.
From my time with it, I remember that almost every match managed to be quite a close match, never decided till the end of the game (save for a few exceptions) and there existed enough different build options that you could pick a hero and play him in widly different ways, like Zagara being a really good assassin or an unstoppable siege machine.
The game had it's problems and I can see why it never got as popular, especially considering both the playerbase it's trying to appeal and Overwatch.
Reminder that anyone who plays Hi-Rez games is part of the botnet. Remove the updater diagnostic "tool" if you want to preserve your privacy from these scumbags.
season 4 isn't too terrible so far honestly but i've only played 2 games of clash and like 2 of arena so im not even playing the 'main' gamemode which is fucking awful in solo queue
also that skin is in a 55 item chest at 400 gems a roll, whichi is like $6/roll
pretty dumb
Fuck Uber games
I met with someone on the advisory team who helped push the metagame 'custom item' feature toward its current point. Said he was pretty sad on how resistive S2 was to taking advice, since it took around 5 or so months of campaigning to overhaul their enchanting system to not be random shit.
Honestly, I liked the game in part because it followed the old jungle mentality of popping in and out for side experience, not it being a full time job.
I… had a weird hard-on for it long back. It was broken in some strange ways that made it fun to play, even though it was absolute shit and I knew it.
You're not wrong, it was decent. I wasn't completely sold on how it used the league style long cooldown generics, but having an endboss for each team, gold wells, plus pioneering the resourceless ability systems more prevalent now was pretty well executed.
God, that trainwreck of a disaster. Let's take a fun game that mixes a bunch of different genres and slow it down tremendously and take out the tower defense aspects. Metagame features were shit, characters were one dimensional, nothing about any aspect of the game was fun except for player fights, and those were still weak because it couldn't decide on whether it wanted to be more FPS or MOBA.
Here's another two for you guys: Demigod and Dota Chaos (Chaos Online). One had really weird maps and player progression, but also cooperative base progression too, and Chaos had in lane consumable purchases and a focus on player kills for victory over just pushing in bases. And a time limit. Honorable Mention goes to the one that aped Savage with a commander player before they scrapped that and added a world quest system, and the one made by Bandai Namco where you had to purchase creeps for lanes.
Really think about all of Aeria's attempts to bring some Chinese/Korean hardcore MOBA. It's kind of nuts in retrospect.
dead since day one, but we'll have an orgy fest over the new super mario game where they you charge for online!
Isn't Smite still kicking? It used outdated as fuck memes, but the game doesn't look like it's dying compared to HoTS and Strife.
I was about to bring up Strife. It's a shame that it died because it really looked promising as a chill version of Dota.
Here's another failure: DC: Identity Crisis. Unstable piece of shit
Is HoTS doing that badly?! I knew it was tanking when Blizzard didn't even say or do anything about it last year.
It's still a bad sign for a Blizzard game to lose one of it's major sites from Curse. HoTS hardly makes money because the game's grind, matches, and ui/graphics are fucking terrible. Lol's grind is a thousand times better than HoTS's, and at least Lol makes completed skins unlike HoTS. Fanboys suck at defending it because everyone knows it's an unbalanced piece of shit.
Heroes of the Shitstorm wants your time. It managed to be worse than Lol (I played the Alpha, and witnessed how it went to complete shite).
No wonder why it died.
But in all cerealness, last time I checked the forum discussion of that game someone was implying that Blizzard actually ripped off that game and created Overwatch:
Whoever still hasn't wised up to Nintendo's bullshit is a fucking idiot who probably believes in national news and a woman's lie. It's the only console that you should never buy and wait for hte emulator because there are so few games for their machines anymore and it's just their IPs selling the thing.
I remember dealing a plenty of nintendrones after I called out Nintendo Switch bullshit line up.
(search for the mario kart 8 dx video and see what I'm talking about)
wow who'd have guessed
surprise surprise
Heard some guys where trying to revive dawngate and they are liberal with some success
It's bizarre how many projects (more than one) are going on to replicate Dawngate to some degree.
Like, that's some powerful nostalgia over a two-years dead game.