Are non-Zelda fans excited for BotW? Why? Is it the "open-air" thing?
Breath of the Wild
more like boner of the wild tbh
looks gay and I don't want to buy a Nintendo Whatever to play it
Too bad. A friend got me a Wii U, so I'll be playing the game in approximately 628 hours.
Have you considered emulating it?
I like Zelda but I don't really care.
I've always loved the non linear aspect of the old games.
But GTA style shit ain't good if that's what they mean by open world.
Never played Zelda, but i am little hyped by the customization.
No, I wanna play it properly this time. Pirating SS made it feel weird. Yes I know, moralfaggotry etc. I'll just stop visiting the chans in a couple of weeks when the thing leaks.
Breasts of the Wild tbh
I don't see how someone can look at that Zora design and say, "Yup, that looks better than what it was before".
(no they don't)
Kill yourself.
If it captures that open world magic of the first game, which is what Aonuma said they were going for which is why they invented and focused on the climbing mechanic, then I will be so fucking happy.
You forgot your "reeeee".
I'm serious, kill yourself.
Yes. Their parents have made them as hyped as they were for OoT.
But seriously can't you just wait the, what, one month until it's released and you can compare launch sales to the launch sales of other Zelda launch titles, cross referenced to total sales of launch titles?
Leave now you faggot.
I'm sorry, I'll stop visiting le chans. Sorry for not having mastered le ways of le memery.
No, "the" implies plural.
"Chans" implies plural.
Oh you know what I just noticed you're a flagfag as well so you're just looking for (You)'s like the 14 year old youare. You're a living cancer, filtered.
I've been lurking the chans since before you got them in English. I recommend that you kill yourself post-haste.
Nintendo are being so secretive with the game I can't tell if it's worth getting or not.
Can't you just use the blocking functionality holy shit faggot.
==THICK== eyebrows
Would you rather have them spoil the entire fucking game like they did with TP and SS?
I've been meaning to play through all the zelda games I never finished before this comes out but no way I'll be able to do that in time.
Are you retarded, it means I'm going to wait for independent reviews so I can get a gauge on quantity and quality of the games content.
Maybe you should take a break from the chans, OP. You seem a little stressed out.
What sort of game gets "independent reviews" weeks/months before it's out?
Way to fuck of that redtext.
which chan would you stop?
On second thought it's probably best to go in blind with this one and buy it day one and listen to no-one else when they talk about it, I wonder if Nintendo will be looking to withhold review copies so as to reduce spoilers, I want to know if there are a decent amount of dungeons but I don't want to know how many dungeons there are and I want to know what kind of overworld content exists and if the side quests are simple or expansive, everything else based on what we've seen looks to be varying degrees of good and excellent.
Not the sentiment of my comment, stop replying.
I'm commenting as someone who likes Zelda but whom hasn't been a fan since ocarina of time. That was the last game in the series to really grip me. The ones since have been too much railroading and plot dumps. They also wasted way too much of your time with annoying bullshit. The exception was the 3ds game, which was more fun than I've had since maybe link's awakening. Part of that is due to being able to play it on hero mode from the get-go, so i could do a punishing 3 heart run on my first plauthrough. Made it very exciting. Other than that, the series has been very disappointing in the 3d era. However, when I look at breath of the wild, I see not the open world meme, but the origins of the series as an open-ended adventure game. Zelda 1 was the same way and it's one of my favorite games, which I've replayed multiple times. Also, the game looks like it will encourage a lot of experimenting, and more importantly it looks like you can make the game harder on yourself, which is important as I often find the games to be too easy. So as far as I'm concerned, botw looks like exactly what Zelda should be, a wide-open adventure with a worthwhile variety to how it's played.
I tried to play majora's mask but it was too fucking ugly. A draw distance of about 12 pixels, less quads than I can count on my hand, and the textures were smeary shit that look like they came straight out of a PS1 game.
It practically gives me a headache just thinking about it. And the Wii game is no better, it's forced widescreen on a console/tv that doesn't even support widescreen.
While BotW is a step in the right direction it's massive open world feels like a hinderance to progression due to it's mechanics. Now I love the stamina mechanic in Dark Souls but for me that works in those games because the worlds are compact and you have combat heavily influenced by it. BotW should be more in line with Tomb Raider Underworld where the pacing should be quick and not rely on stamina.
Doubt it. Apparently major outlets will be getting their retail Switch kits around two weeks before the launch and embargo will be up a few days before launch. Nintendo will likely want as much positive press as possible so will likely allow Zelda reviews to be run quite early because it would help the hype.
Also Nintendo will probably want their Zelda reviews out ahead of Horizon and Sony will want the Horizon reviews out ahead of Zelda so will be interesting to see how much both companies are going to fuck around and try spoil each other's parade because they literally cannot avoid comparisons at this point.
I don't care for it anyway, but really? You couldn't handle the visuals of MM? I can only assume that you're underage b& with inflated expectations of visuals, because MM isn't even close to looking bad, especially not for N64 standards.
And for the record, wii did do widescreen. I don't know what you're on about there.
No, it didn't. The wii output 480p.
anyway, are you literally unable to spout >UNDERAGE every time someone hurts your precious feelings? I grew up with an NES, and then saw 2D be perfected before everyone jumped onto the '3D IS SOOOO GOOD' bandwagon. I'd call you underage if I didn't already know you kids remain stupid even after reaching adulthood.
The stamina only effects running and climbing. I'm not sure if I'm going to buy it or not. On the one hand I'm pretty sure the English voice acting will 100% ruin it for me, but on the other hand I'm that faggot that keeps talking about how pic related looks like Ganondorf and I want to see if I'm right or not for myself. That, and I'm a fan of how all the enemies seem to do lots of damage, and the leadertypes can one-shot you in the area they showed at E3. A major concern is that they'll dumb down the difficulty from the demo since so many people killed themselves so frequently. I guess if the major outlets all say "too difficult" in their reviews I'll know whether or not it's worth my time.
480p exists as a widescreen format too, roughly 854x480. It's not purely 640x480. From what I've seen, that is the max output resolution for the Wii. If that's wrong then I'll stand corrected.
It's usually kids complaining about visuals in my experience, hence my saying so. As said, I don't really care for MM, I'm just surprised that the visuals could offend to the point of you not wanting to play it. Furthermore, your complaints lobbied are the kind that young folks would lobby, as if cereal box statistics like quad count are really significant at all to the quality of a game. If you're not a kid masquerading as an adult, then I'd argue that your game priorities are out of line if visuals are such a big problem for you.
It looks dull and empty.
The gimmicks like grass being able to catch fire and boulder physics and such are cool, but I can guarantee you will ultimately go unused in any meaningful, non set-up way.
The open world looks gorgeous, but only because of its expansiveness which so far I've seen filled with nothing meaningful.
Typical Zelda loot ala 5 rupees in a chest and 5 bombchu in a golden chest will quickly make any sort of exploration feel pointless.
The voice acting I'm on the fence about. It could be used well, but the whole reason Zelda's incredibly barebones storyline worked in the past was because the lack of voices left a lot up to the imagination, which then lead the player to infer things about the basic details of the world they were given and paint a more personal, vibrant image of it.
I will say the combat looks cool though, maybe dungeons will be interesting but so far the open world combat I've seen with the goblin camps and whatnot looks floaty and easy.
It'll go down as one of the most boring zelda games in the series from my perspective.
The worst part is the low resolution. 320x240? No thanks. Maybe if I emulate it at 1080p I'll look past its godawful controls, terrible muddy graphics, and contrived storyline.
Only Zelda I've played is Link's Awakening. Also Hyrule Warriors, but that's a musou.
I love what they did with the open world aspect. Rolling bombs down hills, shield surfing and all the little interactions between everything are interesting. I'm in no rush to get it, and I'm not hyped, but if I get a Switch I'll pick it up. I'm more hyped about Mario Odyssey.
I don't care for Zelda games. I also hate open world games. So there's no reason I should like this. I wish they were making Hyrule Warriors 2 instead.
One sinking feeling I'm growing is whether or not they stopped giving a shit about the Wii U version.
If the Wii U version turns out to be a piece of shit that freezes up or bugs out every 30 minutes, Nintendo will suffer no backlash because it's a dead console. You'll just be expected to buy a Switch.
It could just barely handle Xenoblade X, and the only reason it did that is because it lacked depth and mechanical complexity. Meanwhile, BoTW seems to be constantly running an autistic physics simulation, a bunch of enemy camps, caves, and apparently pretty good AI.
I'm more likely to believe that the Wii U version will be the worse version, they're porting it to something that's only a few notches above an N3DS, we saw during the E3 stream it doesn't run well, and thats when they were trying to show off, I can't imagine how horrible it's going to be when the thing actually comes out, expect massive salt to be harvested at release
*Sorry, the Switch will be the worse version IMO
Performance issues are another concern of mine. If people find out that the game struggles to maintain 30fps then I'm dropping it immediately.
these are the things I tell myself, but I can already tell that I'm going to lose self control like a good goy. The artstyle is just too far up my alley
Non-Zelda fan here. It looks giant and empty as repetitive as fuck just like all of the other failed "open world" games that couldn't come close to either GTA or TES in terms of content, but despite all of that it still looks better than pretty much any other game thus far shown on the console. I won't buy a Switch until Capcom forces my hand by putting Monster Hunter on it, and after that I might consider getting Zelda but that's a pretty flimsy "might".
Where is the fish porn?
I know I'm just saying that the stamina meter should be removed because of how big and spacious the open world is. The way the open world is set up only makes the gameplay tedious with having a stamina meter slowing the pacing down.
Because it's either going to be the "Link To The Past in a 3D environment" for which fans have been longing or a generic Souls-like with the Guardians, guys, look at how difficult this is do you respect us yet, please respect us?
It's Witcher: Young adult elf edition
I got tired of the old Zelda formula after only like, 4 games, but Zelda's Dogma has me somewhat intrigued.
Does Cemu work decently enough to actually play games?
I don't like games that are so easy it feels like it's playing itself.
yep, not all games though.
Well, one thing's for sure, it'll likely do better that Horizon: Zero Dawn. That game looks terrible and sonyggers are going to cry the saltiest of tears.
I thought you were talking about the hot red zora chick but then
jesus fuck.
I didn't know val kilmer got hired on for this role.
Are there even any good games for the WiiU?
about 3
Traditionally, I hate open world games because they've got a lot of empty space between one or two setpieces and a lackluster sidequest. On the flip side, I absolutely adore Zelda. If the open world works, it works. And if it doesn't work, I'll just hike from dungeon to dungeon like I would normally do and it won't be any worse than having to ride across Hyrule Field.
Is skyward sword playable? If so do you have to get a wiimote and set up a bunch of shit for it to work?
I'll just wait for it to be playable on cemu
if it sucks, no loss
he's obviously just a reference to the old man that gives you the sword in the first game
fuck off shill
Seriously, im not one to cry shill but this guy goes full "how do you do fellow channers xD".
Idk can't speak for them as I very much consider myself a Zelda fan. What I can tell you is that personally i'm not excited for the game at all, in fact I think it looks awful and don't like the direction the series is going in, but I fucking hate open world sandbox games so take that into account. The game looks like Bethesda made an animu game rather than Zelda. Aside from my own personal taste my main concern is that all the dev time and budget went into making this huge open world in which there will be nothing to do but run around and gather pointless items in and the main quest and story dungeons will be short as fuck and lackluster.
I'm also really triggered by the choice to use voice acting especially when it's going to be a forced english dub on a nip game. Seems like what happened to the Final Fantasy series is now happening to Zelda - nip devs completely changing the entire core of a beloved franchise in order to suit the trends of the western casual market.
Goddamn I forgot how hot old-Lara was, fuck the current year.
I'm worried about the open-air thing too, but I remain optimistic. This wouldn't be happening if some autistic retards hadn't bitched about SS being linear.
SS haters deserve to be raped to death by dick-wolfos.
This is definitely the worst game in the series. Even Shigeru and Aonuma admitted it while interviewed and created BotW as the opposite of everything SS represents.
Fuck off shit taste pleb.
around 10-15ish
Daily reminder Holla Forums has been recruiting like mad on Plebbit, and here we see the consequence.
I plan on playing it eventually. If my brother gives me back my Wii U before then I'll pirate it on that. If not, he'll probably download it anyway, so I'll play it at some point.
My guess would be they really want you to use a horse to get around. On the bright side the horse might actually be useful this time unless they implement fast travel halfway through like in TP.
I would agree with you if he wasn't a recurring character in the demo. He's probably got some sort of story importance since you can hear an old man talking in the trailers.
Sage for double-posting
Your face is shit. Any worthwhile criticism leveled at SS can be applied to any other 3D Zelda. If you didn't like SS then you won't like BotW either, it's the exact same fucking people making it.
You realize the first Zelda was basically an open world sandbox, right?
I'm guessing you are the one who gets to decide what criticism is worthwhile?
skyward sword is for the wii so you would use dolphin not cemu. You can use your mouse instead of the wii remote and map keys ect.
I just ended up buying a wii mote (dont bother buying the knockoff ones they're trash) a bluetooth usb adapter to sync the mote which is like 2 dollars and a wireless sensor bar.
Yes and no. Try it out. If it can't run Twilight Princess HD without hiccups, and the cost of upgrading to be able to run exceeds the price of a Switch/WiiU, it's not worth emulating.