Project Overlord Mass Effect

In one of the Mass Effect 2 dlcs, we get to go to a Cerberus lab that has gone semi-rogue. (Spoilers for those of you who haven't played a new game in the last 8 years). It turns out that the researcher was using his autistic brother, David, to communicate with our artificial "foes" (#NotAll lol) the Geth. David was forcibly linked to the Geth hive mind in an attempt to control them. We learn that this was too much "noise" for him and that it was a living hell.

At the end we need to decide whether or not to put David in therapy for what he underwent, or to leave him for Cerberus to continue to experiment on. What is the right answer?

Is an autistic a person we need to worry about? Or is he just a piece of tech to be experimented on like any other?

Honestly interested in your thoughts.

Using autists as the crucial piece of your crazy military tech project seems like a too risky of an idea.

what are you some kind of animal?

He's still a human with rights, This experiment sounds retarded, there are already artifical sentience like EDI, why do we need an autistic person for this experiment? IF we can already build an artificial sentience then why is Autism a magical mystery?

Part of the reason he was so capable is because he could communicate with the geth for some autistic reason. So he might be able to have influenced the geth to serve them.

Are Marxists humans, are otherkin or furries, are niggers? Where do we draw the line?

That's actually an excellent point. Regardless of whether or not an autistic is a person.

Well that goes to the heart of the question. Is an autistic (by definition a sociopath) a person with rights or an animal like any other?

In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to boil and stir to dissolve sugar. Allow to cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate until chilled.

Remove seeds from lemon juice, but leave pulp. In pitcher, stir together chilled syrup, lemon juice and remaining 7 cups water.

It's okay user, we all eventually grow up and realize the necessity of gas chambers.

You first my friend.

What if you was David? Only autistic people play video games and support radical ideologies like fascism after growing up.

If we had gas chambers Lena Dunham wouldn't exist.

I rest my case.

I suppose this comes down to the question of whether or not we should consider autists incapable of empathy but still sentient and therefore to be treated as an endangered species, or if autists are incapable of empathy because they aren't even self-aware

There's two questions actually.

1. Are certain categories of homo sapines to be considered human and deserving of human rights?

2. Should human rights be waived away in the name of the common good or survival/supremacy of the species?

He appears in ME3, if you chose the paragon options he helps you, if you chose the renegade option it appears he died during the tests IIRC and you don't get anything(?). In ME games there isn't anything to think about, if you choose the upper answer good things happen and in lower answer bad things happen

Autism is too broad to generalize like that. After all, user, you're autistic too. Otherwise you wouldn't be arguing about this to begin with.

We may have found you at last!

We got some experience with shitty Cerberus experiments in Mass Effect 1 also. But at least in the 1st game the devs didn't force you to work with them at all. In Mass Effect 2 you couldn't tell them to fuck off until the very end of the game.


That was always the case with BioWare games, to the point I don't even know why they bother giving you a "choice".

The "evil" choice always makes your avatar look like a psychotic manchild, the kind that sets puppies on fire and eviscerates kittens and nails them to walls. Even in games like Jade Empire or Mass Effect, when the "evil" choice is ostensibly the more pragmatic and ruthless one, you still come across as a huge asshole for no good reason. You will never see something like the Pragmatic Reincarnation in a BioWare game.

Even from a meta perspective going with the evil option is pointless. I remember a quest in BG2 where if you pick the evil option you get a bunch of gold and get locked out from further content in that area and if you pick the good choice you get the gold and an enhanced sword on top of it, plus more quests down the line.

Why does BioWare love to pretend so much? They pretend they're making cRPGs when in truth they never actually want you to pick the evil choice and never put effort into it, and they pretend they're an AAA developer when all they want to make is BL visual novels.

I'm about to have to make the decision.

I wouldn't do this to an Ape or any other sentient.

Autistic people are incapable of empathy. Read the DSM if that triggers you, it's just the case.

Higher primates are capable of empathy and I couldn't experiment on them.

Does a lack of empathy preclude self-awareness? Does he actually understand pain or is he just a computer like a shark or other lesser organism?

Only moralfags wouldnt use autists as a tool to advance technology, the human body is archaic, weak and shitty, we have millions of terrible people we can experiment on and advance science by decades but lol no "its immoral"

To be entirely fair, (Spoilers if you haven't played games in 5 years) they did give you a bonus for killing off the council

The fuck am I reading

Niggers make this statement a lie.

I can still outlaw bestiality and kill those who violate that.

As Grunt said, the "The only thing that makes Krogan different from animals is good leadership." After re-hearing that, I have to admit, if we ever want to retake the Western empire, they will make god damned good shock troops if they are conditioned properly.

Over 90% of them vote democrat - a communist dictator would be proud. We just need to direct that towards something useful instead of more spics and globalism.

We have drones for that, and I bet you can train chimpanzees to be more effective troops that niggers.

Also, the Draka books are shit.

What was the bonus? It's been a while, but I don't remember there being anything good coming from killing the council.

Touche. That's actually a fair point - we're only a few years from Musk sorting that out for us.

But my questions stands, does anyone know if an autist is sentient? And if Gavin Archer's experiments were ethical?


I don't know about IRL autists, but I think the fact that David begs you for mercy at every opportunity (every time you hear that weird distorted static, its him saying "Quiet please, make it stop.") answers your question.

Why wouldn't they be? It's like asking if invalids are sentient just because they have a noticeable disability. A quadriplegic is as equally human as a savant autist deep in the autist spectrum.

Obviously they're not ethical in the slightest. You don't strap a human and then wire his brain to a collective AI gestalt in hopes with the added risk of getting his brain fried.

This isn't one of those clever situation where a choice is difficult, this is BioWare shit tier writing where they want you to pick the good goy choice and not think too hard. Their audience is cunts, so they have to keep the moral choices on the level of a childish female mind.

It's okay Lena, you're reasonably human looking for a product of thousands of years of inbreeding.

EA pls go
Remember when Bioware actually made good games? me neither

Forgot my sage

Maybe if you werent autistic youwould enjoy bioware games like me, at least mass errect 2 and 3, first one was clunky and full of pointless shit

Now go be used as an experiment since you are worthless

Oh Christ he might be so clever that he broke on through to the other side and is like the higher functioning post-reaper code Geth. Okay that snags it then.

Yeah I assumed Bioware wouldn't be reasonable about that, but holding off meant saving precious cruisers and every fleet benefits from the lack of casualties. It's actually something significant like 1/3 of fleet strength preserved.

your shitpost is as embarrassing as his

Low energy.


-t. shill

What was wrong with Baldur's Gate? Sure it aped off D&D mechanically but the areas had a pretty good variety for encounters and if you didn't feel like playing the story you could always strike off in your own direction or murder hobo.

Who cares about David, he is a fucking retard that mudrered a fuckton of scientists.

A better question is how much is Shepard cybernetic, considering that David was able to hack him? I know that in ME every soldier is pretty much an aug, but to what extent does it go?

At least you are useful for experiments and as clowns


Nothing personal kiddo.

The success of bioware says otherwise, keep autistically screeching

halfchan misses you, user.

Woah.. Okay that's some red-pilled shit right there. I had always assumed that Shepard's indoctrination was finally kicking in with that random kid he kept chasing around trying to save. But I had assumed that the whole "oh you got hacked cause you're omni-tool is synced through your armor" thing was innocuous. That's a fucking brilliant observation - neither party member fell prey to that and if it was an easy vulnerability, the Geth would have been doing it all the time.

Damn dude.

So you're actually planning on getting Andromeda? After the garbage that was ME3?
It's a shame we can't use retards like you for experiments.

No it's just Pnadafag being his usual proxy hopping, shitposting self. Ignore and report.

We cuckchan now

Idk gents, it sounds like he was responding to my comments instead of shilling for some unknown crowd…

For example,

Yeah okay fag, none of us are into Mass Effect.

Come on dude, pull your shit together

Replies like this make me think the bot is back.

Oh look it is a worthless sad moralfag collectivist trying to connect with a hivemind because he is so sad and worthless alone

Sorry, i am not a cuck like you and i am hyped for andreomda

Dragon age origins is easily one of the best rpgs in history
Mass effect 1 and 2 are pretty good too
Too bad they fell to the pc culture that plagues western tech companies at ~2012

we're being raided right now. whatever stupid shit I said about someone not taking kindly to ME threads being spammed, I take it back, this "discourse" is full cuckchan shitposter entertainment

Shit opinions should never be voice out loud.

See above. Also, play good cRPGs to waste the taste of feces out of your mouth.

Shitty graphics, clunky gameplay, shitty ui and in general ucnomfortable with pointless little details
Literally the same thing
Gameplay is SMOOTH, enough customization but not too much, everything goes beautifully smooth

I am glad whoever made dao and me1 are gone from bioware

What the fuck? Where the fuck am I?

It's a subpar third person shooter. It's "smooth" because they eviscerated any vestige of complexity from the game.

Not on cuckchan obviously.

ITT an autist arguing with a bunch of other autists about whether or not he should kill an autist in a video game, arguing that the autistic character has no empathy due to autisim, but the very fact that OP has to ask this question in the first place proves that he himself has no empathy and is thus autistic himself

Okay, please fuck off. I'm trying to have a Mass Effect discussion here. I know three dimensional games must be triggered you, but please fuck off.

If you don't have any comments on the morality of the decision or on the morality of Mass Effect in general, let's let this topic rest in peace.

If you have something interesting to say, lemme know, cause some of your comments were pretty insightful.


Yeah lets ruin the smoothness by adding pointless shitty ui and gameplay features so some autistic kid can "enjoy" le "complexity".
Go play spreadsheets autist, this is a game for gamers, not some autistic kid

I just wanted to discuss the last decent ME game before 3 came along and ruined everything. Why did this thread have to turn out to be shilling for nuBioWare and a bunch of retards being retarded?

Fuck off to reddit then.

Just because you're retarded doesn't mean everyone else is.


Yeah sorry, go back to your autistic hugbox

Dude seriously. I'm just hoping they don't make the new game into the PC nightmare of everyone trying to fuck everyTHING again. They may have learned from the first one, but they did have femshep narrate one of the trailer so..

How can you be such a massive cuckold?


I ll be happy as long as i get my gay alien romace

It's the way it seems to go here for some reason. Last time there was a ME thread it got bumplocked for too much shitposting. I don't get it either.

Why the fuck was ME2 so nonchalant about its cybernetic upgrades? Look at that shit.

Yeah keks aside though,

That very well may have been the death knell of bioware. Seriously, Kaiden turning faggot, etc. It was disgusting.

The salt when it happens will be glorious. BioWare are so emotionally stunted that I expect massive twitter meltdowns.

Hopefully the mods do the same this time and you lot finally get the hint and relocate someplace else.

Does not matter it has no effect on ME 3. Just like meeting you know original creators or reapers. Meh its just +500 war points no biggy

Fuck off OP, you're one of those retards I was referring to. Let BioWare fool you once, shame on them. Let them fool you twice, you're a complete moron.

I never thought about it much, but you're right. They really do go above and beyond with the amount of cybernetics they put into Shepard. He's more machine than man.

Wasn't Shepard being pretty much non-human cyborg (with modular parts, I presume), like Saren, supposed to be a plot point in ME3?


look at the "people" in this thread and tell me they're worth more than some evil bad guy science gainz

and now look at my digits

Well honestly, my original assumption, was that Shepard's indoctrination kicked in during the third game, and that at the end, he was so indoctrinated he thought he was choosing how to end the reapers, when in fact he was just assenting to the destruction of his consciousness. Because there is no way that a species that could hack the geth couldn't do the same to Shepard.

Certainly beats the pathetic official endings..

Iirc some militaries already use autists as analyzers of aerial footage; they have better pattern recognition and can spot things normalfags might miss. Of course, those things then get spot-checked by someone else, but they have their uses.

Not exactly. He had cybernetic parts (eyes, for one), but he was mostly restored/cloned from the remaining hunk of flesh.
Thing is, Shep was an aug way before 2. Every soldier has the adrenaline rush ability, and that shit is done surgically.

Please die.


Was Adrenaline Rush in ME1?

Everyone loves garrus' dick

There was Adrenaline Burst, which reset cooldowns. Don't remember the codex entry for it, so dunno if its cybernetics.

There was Adrenaline Burst, but it reset your other skills. There was also Immunity, which made you impervious to damage for a short time.

Reminder that we are either getting baited here or we have actual EA shills at work. This guy posted in three different Trash Effect threads.

I doubt that an actual shill would act like this, but fuck knows. I like this thread more anyway.

Andromeda will fail, it would be too sad if it didn't. The thing looks like such hot garbage even normalfags dislike it.

it will get decent sales from name alone

If they expect anyone here to actually buy Andromeda and not return it in less than an hour, they are mistaken
Mass Effect 3 was the finishing touch foir the mass effect series, not to mention how shitty dragon age 2 and CISQUISITION were

I mean theres always the chance that they might make the combat ok again (as it wasnt that great to begin with) but The story is going to be shit and there probably isnt going to be any porn considering that now every species in the ME universe has the 'Tism'
not to mention the ruined Tali
not that i care that much, i only liked her because of her ass

I already pre ordered it and will be buying all dlc again

Da2, was better than dao, it was smooth and linear, cisquisition was meh because the story was ultra store and the entire game depended on being autistic and trying to complete all mini quests and gather all the shit in the worlkd

You know what baffles me? Inquisition. The thing wasn't successful at all, and might be one of the worst games I ever pirated, but the thing has FANS. Actual fucking FANS who do fanart, play it often, enjoy the characters and writing, worldbuilding and look forward to Bioware's new releases despite the company being a fucking shell. Shit, I met some of them personally. And the thing I don't get is HOW they can excuse all that garbage?
They usually just don't try, but every time I see somebody like this I lose a bit of hope.


They're fans in the same way there are fans of girls in those shitty VN games
Its not the story or the gameplay but the characters
That and they're obviously faggots for liking the bull

Does anyone else here hate the asari? I mean, completely and utterly loathe the entire species?

I mean, fuck, they're a species that looks attractive to everyone while giving the illusion of being able to reproduce with them, when they actually are effectively sterilizing anyone that does hook up with them for life. And then they outlive the fuckers anyhow, going on to neuter someone else. Muh "no inbreeding" my ass, they're fucking genocidal sex parasites.


Kill yourself. Or at the very least, castrate yourself.

Panders to their worldviews? Ideologues can't judge things by their actual merit, as they are blinded by their own perceptions.

you always say this, every time theres a thread you dont like

so will be the Andromeda but it will be in scifi setting and instead of horse you ride around in Nomad, instead of raising up camps in Wildlands you raise a mining probes, instead of gathering lyrium and elfroot you gather Eezo and other crafting materials, instead of Citadel (the castle in DAI) you have the mega arc thing that you will upgrade.

Make that 3 threads. About the same game series. All with a very specific writing style.


There's probably something there they like. I can look past a lot of garbage if a game has something special to me in it.

Not really, they just come out as asari too. There is no problem with DNA since it is all from the mind, and reflects character more than appearance.
Sex with them seems kinda weird, apparently they get the biological data from mind merging, but Shep and Liara are both naked in ME1 so there had to be something at least close to sex.

The ability to hate on most asari in ME is what I love the most.

And the same images even


But there is nothing to like. I know, I've beaten every quest in it on sheer autism and there was nothing enjoyable about it.


twilight princess was a fine game you nogman

That's literal cuck-talk, buddy.

If you say so.

The asari are a race of strippers and whores who haven't achieved anything of note in a couple hundred years. Their military is paper mache, their councilors are pushovers and their high dignitaries are nothing more than overpaid whores.

Litarally a race of jewesses.

Well, it is one of the only romances in the game where having children is actually possible.
Most Krogan can only have asari children due to genophage, so blue rose of illium quest elaborates on it.

Really, the only romance options in ME that can get you a child is Ashley and Liara as a dude/Kaidan and Liara as a chick. The rest can't have children with Shep for obvious reasons.

Fuck off EA shills

You are so pathetic it is hilarious

In ME3 it is revealed that their quick jump in technological advancement is due to them having a prothean beacon on their home planet. They were the first in space of their cycle, and had a massive secret advantage hidden in the statue of a godess.
Asari just got really lucky and rode that wave as long as they could.
What's funny is that in ME3 it is implied that protheans often shagged primitive asari and that asari might have been bred to be fucktoys.

Jesus christ they're not even trying anymore.


A two-pronged effort to eliminate the Krogan, really.

Not an argument, filtered.

I'm just wondering if the effort to get asari to seek partners outside their own kind is a concentrated effort by some asari, beyond just the ardat yakshi thing.


well they could have just wiped them out the old fashioned way