4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite memory about video games?

Other urls found in this thread:



Deja vu, I've been in this thread before.

fuck jewish people

that is all

these last few threads have been pretty good as of late

Evenin fams


Morning everyone!

About to finish LttP. Tempted to test out ps2 emulation and play soul caliber 2 today. Anyone know much about ps2 emulators?

Downloaded the first season of spongebob. Pretty dang comfy.

Playing Kirby SuperStar with my little brother, Donkey Kong Country too

Kinda pissed at GW

last week i tried to talk about how my tinder hangout went but i was so drunk after she left i just went to bed

i thought it went well but she hasn't been chatty since so i think either i blew it, or my super pro-trump roommate put her off (i'm not pro or anti trump, but he ended up arguing with her for ahwile) so i'm bummed that might have prevented it from panning out, but i guess i'll put the lid on this

buying yakuza 1 and 2 in a bargain bin with no expectations, and ending up loving that entire series with all my souls ever since

What you up to today user?

The antifags never have the dedication to stay long.

How is superstar anyway?

ritsu is cool
may he have many comfy 4 AM threads


Games Workshop

Took a nap today, and then played some Victoria 2 as Prussia, never played as Prussia until now even though I played Victoria 2 for about a year now. Didn't realize I played to 1 AM, and so I took a break. Weird how I'm not tired even though it's 4 AM in the morning.

All the times I played Sim City 4, I was an autistic child, and made up a game where I walked around with a broomstick and made up street names and roads. I guess they noticed this and I had a fucking field day with the game. I'm not really obsessive over roads as I was as a kid, but it seems to have transformed into my autistic love for maps.

Sickanon here. Out of the choices of:
What should i play over the weekend? Im gonna let Holla Forums decide this one.

Nothing. Yourself?

t-thanks you too

Hows your day been user?

Wow your roommate is kinda a dick. Go punch him in the balls.

Made some chili today. One of the better batches I've done. Been not great in the head today, though. Thinking about her a lot so I might not be here long. Might just call it a night soon.
I guess probably when I finally finished Grandia as a kid. Or maybe the rare occasion when Kirby Super Star was actually available at the rental place. Or playing Saints Row 2 or Crackdown for the first time.

That's a she, retard

Sounds like you have legit autism.

Are you assburger user?

Going to try ps2 emulation later. My desktop is ok but its no super gaming computer or anything.

Oh man renting games was the comfiest. I miss that so damn much.

Playing them with my younger brother.

Hey, Holla Forums. So I'm on anti-inflammatory drugs for a foot thing. I was told not to take other ones, but I'm thinking about taking like a whole bunch just for the fuck of it. What's going to happen?

The local rental place is still in business somehow. They never had a great selection but if Kirby Super Star was actually in, then that weekend was a blast.

Ok other than hearing that the first loyalist Primarch in W40K is Robot Girlyman, and to make shit worse is that he's coming in a box with some Grey Knight and Cypher, what's annoying is that if they were going to to a box with Cypher in it the best box to put it in would be a general Dark Angel one, so maybe Lion, Him and Azrael because it makes sense, but rather the Cypher story gets resolved not because of the Dark Angles but because of the oh so fucking perfect Ultramarines who get everything to go their way even that of getting the person the Dark Angels have been hunting for almost 10 thousand years

Noice, got back into it after playing 200 hours, tried playing Austria but soon got bored. Austria isn't that fun to play.

Guild Wars? Always wanted to play the first one.

Going to try ps2 emulation later. My desktop is ok but its no super gaming computer or anything.
Noice. PS2 emulation sucks, dolphin's much better for multiplats.

yui cumin thru w/ da troof monica das ryt das ryt monica

ye ye u kno it monica


i'm not going to dig up that dog with him this time, but i'll chew him out if it happens again because he should know better than to bring politics up around women that he hasn't met before

i'm annoyed though, because i sent her a text a couple days ago, and even though she's garnishing the replies with smiley-emotes, she's still hitting me with stock-ass replies when usually she was chattier, so maybe i didn't impress her as much in person or arguing with my roommate put her off

I've been getting more into playing my guitar since I saw my friend's gig. I'm hoping to form a thrash/heavy metal band. Only issue is that I'm not sure what to call it, or where I'm going to find members.

right on

I always look here for emulators
PS2 emulation should be done

degenerate tbh

SNES was fun, now that I'm older it's too easy
but playing back then when my brother could not help but die all the time while I was at least able to not fall into pits as kirby we played the fuck out of it
I definitely recommended it if you're giving a couple kids presents
I hear there is a DS remake

What did those fags do this time?

I remember renting the tarzan n64 game alot. It actually was pretty good, surprisingly enough. I might emulate it.

Other ones? Whole bunch of what?

Probably shouldn't though dummy.

There was one last rental place here for the longest time in the dirty part of town. Dunno if its still there.

And yeah there was a rental place right next to the grocery store as a kid, so every time we went grocery shopping I'd get to bring home a snes game for the weekend. Usually got pizza too. So comfy.

Nah I don't know what that is other than a MMO, I mean Games Workshop and Robert Girlyman who is such a fucking mary sue that he not only comes back before perfectly fine Primarchs but has the Burning Sword Which is the Emperor's Sword if you didn't know

I remember when I actually used to enjoy games. Those were the days.

Ours is next to the post office. There were a few others that tried to move into town over the years, mostly big chains. None of them lasted long. Once the PS1 came out we would copy the games we rented.


it just needs some power

more anti-inflammatory drugs. I have a shit ton of ibuprofen.

Thats a lot of words user.

Is SC2 on gc? It had zelda instead of vader right? I might have to do that instead thanks.

Eh try for a second date just the two of you. Wouldn't just drop it completely. Worth a try. Might even get laid.


call it Kitten Skin Hat and be the guitarist formerly known as Muesli

Are you assburger user?

I played a lot as Japan or France, they're pretty fun to play as. Serbia is pretty fun once you actually get started.


Depends on the game, I managed to get a few games running good. Some of them had ghosting though.

I was way off. Noice.

honestly I never got around to really putting it through the paces on PC
I soft modded my PS2 and a second hand PS3 to play PS2

i would really like to since i did feel i was getting along with her, but since we hung out she isn't texting like she was, so i think it must have bottomed out. i feel that if i ask for another hangout i'll just come off as pushy right now too

Yep, I mean I really like the new Cypher Model but seeing as it's going to have to pay probably $140-$160 dollarydoos for it and two models that I don't want It's a bit annoying

SC 2 was Link for Gamecube, Spawn for Xbox, and Heihachi for PS2. Vader and Yoda were SC4, I think. Maybe 5.

Kirby games have always been retardly easy. Even the NES one is piss easy in an era known for tough as shit games.

You swing on ropes and shit in it? Thats something not enough games do well.

I didn't even own a computer during ps1 years. My family didn't get one til early 2000s honestly.

It's not really, though I do like the new Cypher Model

a lot of those were tough as shit because they were made shit

Shiiiiiiiiet I knew it!

Do anything fun today fam?

I wouldn't do it tbh

What if zelda was a girl

Noice. Serbia is a tought start.

I wouldn't be here if I had control of my life

We got one in the late 90s, not long before my parents' divorce. Dad's a really big fan of computers and he taught himself how to do a lot of stuff on them. Copying a PS1 game took hours, though. I think I want to revise my favourite video game memory to just playing Asheron's Call as a kid. I just remembered that it went down a few days ago. They interviewed a few of the players who were still left, like a woman who ran a huge fansite back in the day. It was pretty sad. They had footage from when the servers went down and everyone's characters started doing the log out animation at once. Talked about some of the well-known players who had died over the years. I actually cried a little during it.

If that's a reference I didn't get it. I was thinking of calling it "Rats Among Mice," based on a music experiment I remember reading about where two small rooms full of mice were connected via a tube, with one room blasting adrenaline pumping music, the other one playing calm classical. Naturally, the creatures flocked to the classical music more, leaving the others as the "Rats" in the simulated universe. Another reason I want to use this name is because I'd be able to cover Trapped Under Ice and insert the band name in the last chorus.

Give her a week then do it. If its fucked its fucked either way. Better to strike now before she drops you.

Ohhh yeah. Been a long time since I played SC games. My memory is all over the place.

Yeah theres two types of difficulty in NES games really. Shitty games and arcade ports. The quarter eaters can be pretty good.

And the swinging is weighty and feels good. Might rank up there in the best n64 games. Maybe not as good as BK or mario 64, but better than alot of gams that was on the system. i just realised how many good games the n64 had

Yeah I heard about that. Wasn't that game up for like 20 something years? Really crazy to think about.

n64 was pretty tight. Though I can't think of many games I owned for it. Might check out this tarzan now though, sounds fun.

a solid point, but as of now its been a week and i texted her to try small talk on thursday and it fell pretty flat

i wish i could get a report card when it comes to these kind of things, i mean maybe i can blame my roommate for getting political with her but maybe i fucked up at some point and didn't realize it.

either way i opened up tinder again and started swiping around again since i got a feeling this is gonna all fall flat now

It isn't a reference to anything. Just the first shit I thought of.
Muesli is like a type of oatmeal I think. I think it'd be kind of funny for a metal guitarist to do the Prince thing but with a type of oatmeal

user who couldn't decide between fascism and communism reporting in. I decided to stick to capitalist conservatism. Since it works, its stable, and in right hands brings justice.

18 years. I played it as a little kid. Dad was never around and mom had left so they were my family. Some of the monarchy I was in moved to WoW but I haven't seen any since a really long time ago. They pretty much all quit and then I did too. I don't think about it a lot but now that I am, it's getting me really sad. Never had friends or nothing like that except for them.


this tbh monica


i''ll vouch for being capitalist. make money and spend it on shit you want, the rest of the world can get fucked

I guess that explains it, but considering how these ones share I wonder if they're even from around here.

Annoying my friends by finding stupid and hilarious broken shit in SSBB. Invisimining was always fun as fuck for me (and whoever didn't explode).


fuck yeah
was the emulator zone link helpful fam?

Not got anywhere in real life to meet 3dpd? Tinder seems like a bad place for that.

At least you got the memories.

I've personally never really been able to make friends in guilds and stuff like that. Always more focused on the game itself and then I end up dropping the game a month or two later anyway because not the type to spend years on a single game.

Ay yo monica, why black people seem to like burger king so much?

What to do when you've reached the end? I've simply nothing to do, I don't care to play videogames or do anything.

Find something

I think it kind of hurts more this way. I'll never talk to most of those people again.

don't blame you

I'll know you

My grandma really really likes birds. Like shes always owned huge fucking parrots.

Anyway we always had feeders like that out back at her house as a kid. Was pure comfy.

Haven't read yet but I think I'm going to do dolphin anyway. Would rather have link than hayaichi or whatever.

Try something new.

Morning Holla Forums, playing some KF2 until I get sleepy.
How's it been?

chiggen fries n shit. also



Nothing interests me though, I simply don't care about anything. I'm not trying to be some egdy woe is me but nothign phases me.

its terrible but i don't have many outlets to meet new people so i gave it a shot

embed related tbh

I can vouch for Dolphin being piss easy to set up
Rune Factory Frontier plays super nice on it

Thats pretty good fam

A lot of them definitely changed a lot over the years. Bet most are normalfags and leftists now. Its probably for the best.

No comfy bars or nothing?

How much computer power you need to get it working?

Probably a bad idea, but my FC mates made me feel like shit after I told them I had a shitty day. wish me luck fam'a'rama'lama'ding'dong.

Are you this person who wrote into White Dwarf about Heresy Era Word Bearers

Try not doing that.


Try and find a job

What sort? Cockatoo? Macaw?

And yeah, I like the hummingbirds out there. They've grown to be rather unafraid when I go out to fill up the feeder. I can get a few feet from them, and sometimes they'll buzz me impatiently. We also get finches, sparrows, various doves (Think we've got mourning and inca doves; the eurasian collared ones can fuck off, they're an invasive species), lizards, and gila woodpeckers.

Meh, thought I'd throw it out there, no one can fix me but me.

As good as it would be for my well being, rather not be a slave.

bars are even worse, and there are very nice bars where i live but no one meets people in bars

I still talked to a few and they were pretty much the same. These are older people. Like, I'm 26. Most of them have at least a decade on me. The whole thing's depressing. You meet people through the net and they're like the family you wish you had and then the site or game or whatever shuts down and it's all gone. Happens time and time again. I'm going to bed before I get any more bummed out.

Well if you think like that I think I found your problem

if nuffin else fam u jus gotta get a spiritual reconnection goin w/ yoself n shit monica make yo self feel ryt monica kna mean get ryt 4 da summa mixtape shit u kno

u in a fight club dawg?

shit I don't remember, less than the PS2 emulator tho
I don't recall my video card fan revving up either

nah I fuckin wish. I need to stop playing online games.

She had some ancient one for the longest time that was all forest green. The one she has now is bright green with red and I think blue in its wings. And fucking big. Not sure the names though.

I'm not too good with the species spotting of birds but I can tell which ones live in my backyard just cause I'm outside all the time smoking. One year we had a couple of fat black ones with white rings around their necks hanging out in a berry bush all winter. They got so used to me smoking next to it that I could whistle and they'd chirp at me. Was pretty cute.

You used to think like that too senpai, don't you remember?

never 2 late monica. I been gettin dat itch in da bak of mah mind to play sum dota again but I cain't do it. wuz lookin at da latest updates dey dun overhauled eything monica i kno a nigga jus end up pissed af w/ it again. shieeeeeeeeeet.

I know I'm fucked up. I've become so numb.

I see you in these threads, and I don't know if your being ironic with finna this and finna that, but I hear you and other aonons. I'm just broken. I'm gonna stop posting because I'm not gonna be productive and all it'll do is shit up the thread.

Get a job. And when I'm saying that you should know its good advice.

Ahh guess so. Well good luck on finding another one then.

Night user! Cheer up some!


Well the reason some people work is not just money but also so they can make something they have pride in
Just something to consider is that is there anything productive you're good at doing

Thats good at least.

I really need to just set up my wii instead.

Meant to play some vidya, and spent all night online here instead.

Did find an upload of a full OST of a particular game that I hadn't heard before. Pretty neat, since the series started in the 16 bit era, but had a pair of Game Boy Color games, so you can hear some official quality 8-bit arrangements of tracks that debuted in games with better sound output. And some of the original tracks are pretty good as well (this one in particular is really catchy).

Sounds like a macaw of some sort.

Reminds me of how I've gotten attuned to actually hearing the hummingbirds (when they're not screaming at each other to get away from the feeder); can pretty much tell when one's nearby.

yo fam i'm down 2 help a nigga in so far as dey finna help dey selves monica dun b so triflin n jaded thinkin we dun wanna help u w/ yo shit monica wuz good fam

wut gaem?

softmod it fam

yeah right don't lie I figured out who you are Keelan

Niiiice. I miss having hummingbirds around. Might need to look into setting one of those up. Can't fucking wait for spring now that I think about it. Its so damn close.

Yeah I just need to order the card and external from amazon if I have enough money left after buying an onahole

ha maybe i'm just better off being a wizard but girls can be kind of fun

fuck outta here, winter has been way to weak this year, i wanted more snow

You deny it but if it is your identity would you admit that you wouldn't admit it is you


Come on now user this place is hell, don't put off games for this.

Winter was so mild this year that I'm still seeing a few rare bugs outside. Thats just fucking crazy honestly. And it rained here for 3 weeks straight. If it had been a colder winter it would have been the biggest snow storm I would have ever seen here so glad that didn't happen.

Meh if it feels good who cares

So if that is the case then speak to us your real name


Also berserkers are truly the solo class.

I played a metric FUCKTON of Gravity Rush 2 today. Aiming to be done with it by the time Nioh hits.

…but goddamn does it have a lot of side missions/challenge missions. What have you fags been playing?

That track's from Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon for the GBC. It was a dungeon crawler spinoff of Namco's Tales of Phantasia (and spawned a subseries of crossover dungeon crawler games), set sometime after the future arc, and having a costume based class system. The game never came out in the west, but looking at some videos online it might have seen a menu patch to make it technically playable.

Namco remade the game on the PSP as Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X. Supposedly that version is REALLY damn good, and Absolute Zero Translations has it, and ToPX (which it was bundled with) backlogged for translation. Thoroughim wants to finish translating Tales of Destiny DC for the PS2 first though.

8-bit rendition of classic series theme, "Fighting of the Spirit".

I know, believe me I know. Hell, I don't even post in many threads anymore, as few really strike me as being either of interest or that I have actual input to offer. But I wanted to check the ones I did post in, and well, here I am still on Holla Forums at 2:47 AM.

A 2 GB SD card like I have for my modded Wii cost me all of $3. You can also fit a LOT of older games on that.

There is only one god and her name is Ritsu

Going to finish up LttP in the next hour or so.

Don't you need an external HD too? Thats what some user in the last thread or two told me

I knew it just as planned I'll report you to your Mother Theresa May as a Pedophile

I think you mean KeK

kof 02 mostly monica. myt dip early n get sum odin sphere in.

awww. I was gonna try a star ocean gbc game dat is also jap only. need a time waster fo mah phone



what sort of fucking homosexual uses steam
Oh wait

alright good banter, lads, see you cuntss either tomorrow morning or next week

Behead those who insult waifus

Night! Good luck in all things!

Yeah, I don't think Blue Sphere is ever going to get finished. AG bites off WAY more than they can chew (30+ active projects) and I hear Zhi has been acting like an SJW faggot on twatter (though only time will tell if that influences his work; he's put out jack shit new since Dark Half).

8-bit "Take Up the Cross".

If you want to play digital Gamecube and Wii games via a loader, yeah, you do need some sort of USB storage to call them from, as they're a bit too big for the card. But you need an SD card for modding anyhow, and you can run Wii-formatted emulators for older systems, and store older games directly on the card just fine.


yeah why do you use steam?


I dont have one but I agree

what ya'll niggas doin fo da Owl?

Ahhh thanks. Might still get a external anyway honestly. Need to back up all my weebshit.

The what?

Why don't you have one?

why would I want one?

Superb Owl

Because they make life worth living

Thought that happens back in like october

Well, I'm not sue how readily you'll be able to use the same one for both a computer storage and Wii storage. I've been meaning to just format a 32 gb stick I got at an end of the year at Staples for use with my Wii, but haven't gotten around to it just yet.

Plus, I think you've got to have a compatible drive that the Wii is able to read anyhow. Not sure how up to date this is, you it might be of use.

u thinkin of da world series monica

I used to idealize my crush from middle school
fuck living and fuck you for reminding me

So if psychology and philosophy are supposed to be bullshit, what should I study in my free time to understand human nature and patterns?

history, political economy, some sociology.

Didn't think they played basketball during winter.

Shit glad you gave me that link. Or else I would have bought something random and might not have worked. Thanks!

Thats your fault for idolizing 3dpd honestly.

Memetics and biology.

Any recommendation for books? I was thinking about reading The Law, Red book, Meim Kamphf and Art of the Deal.


i'm so mad ryt nao rissu if u dun shut up i'ma suk dat dik from da bak n beat dat ass

Just can't help myself sometimes tbh fam

Just saying. With waifuism you are idolizing something pure that won't change. Well as long as the source material is finished at least.

It's a similar deal with the PS2 if you ever have a fatty you want to get set up to load games from a drive. Needs to be a drive readable by not just your PC, but also the system itself. And unlike the Wii, trying to set up a drive via the USB slot is a horrid idea, as the PS2 only has USB 1.0, which is supposedly slow as fuck to load games off off compared to USB 2.0+ (and hence the need for an internal drive).

man, the state and war
federalist papers
the republic (it is philosophy but the ancients greeks laid the foundations more or less for all that shit monica)

Never been too concerned with ps2 emulation really. PS1 is easy as shit to emulate and not a huge fan of the ps2 library besides a few stand outs.

Cool, thanks. Is psychology and philosophy really a waste of time?
Also any books discussing and explaining different human personalities?

I didn't mean for PS2 emulation, I meant playing from the PS2 itself through a drive and a loader. Anyhow, just figured I'd mention it. It's a good way to avoid the prices on stuff like .hack and other games, or play fan-translated games.

that's what you think

Ahoy you meme loving fucks. What's gucci?

I had this ex. She turned out to be absolutely psychotic in the end, but we used to play fighting games together. While it lasted, shit was comfy as fuck.

have an exam in 3 hours for my worst course. If I fail, I straight up fail the course. Nothing's sticking because between the ungodly time slot and the fact that it was online, I retained nothing. I guess I'm becoming a NEET soon. I might have a possible job lined up, but their next round of hiring isn't until next month

Which course is it?

I'm not finna say all philosophy is a waste of time. There are good ones but there's a lot of bull shit n mos of dem nigguhz arre just tellin tales on how to live a good life or b a moral mothafucka while shit-talkin whoeva was sayin mo or less da same shit tbh monica. Kierkegaard fear and tremblin pretty gud, rousseau emile and state of nature shit was gud too.

psychology idk it's a broad suject n most of it is bullshit. I'd start wit carl jung cause Freud is looked down on nowadays i guess

Yeah I meant modding whoops.

Hate that shitskin fucker.

Sorry about the school shit fam


it's funny how his avatar is white as snow
still, sailor moon condoms a shit

study you meme loving fuck

i lik mem

accounting. I'm godawful with numbers, but all of the extenuating curcumstances just make it worse. Normall I'd take the hit but no, everything is frontloaded into this one test a month in

Thanks man, shit's rough. At least I won't have to listen to the one class I have that's nothing but shittalking trump anymore

I have been, but basically teaching yourself the material in a few days isn't easy

Even if you end up failing at least you'll get a small taste of the comfy NEET life so it ain't all bad.

Fuck man. I'm awful at math, but good at accounting. Well maybe not good ok.


use a spreadsheet fam, math is easy

you know your living situation sucks when it's hard to do drugs.

Because of cash or because you're sick of them?

don't do drugs then

Other reasons.

Then what else am I going to do?

pretty ded, have a good night fams

What are these reasons

I'm being pretty self destructive, if my roommate sees he'll get all uppity. I'd like to avoid that.

Why the fuck are you doing a course in something you're not good at

Fair enough, I suppose it's similar to fapping in some situations

I had to change degrees and this is a mandatory course for the new one. I would have gone for a more traditional classroom, but by the time I was finally allowed to register for courses I was in financial hell all of last semester this was all that was left

I just wish something would kick in. Considering popping some benadryl on top of it.

Did you have to change degrees due to poor performance

holy shit it did die in here like out of nowhere.

hard core gay

No, financial reasons. My previous degree my fucking dream program had a mandatory internship for second semester. Noting that I only had one semester of classes, student loans only gave me like 7k for the entire year only 2k of that actually going to me first semester when I actually needed it

too tired, spider.

be too tired for drugs then

popping pills in my mouth = easy.

popping dick in my mouth = work.

just because it's easy doesn't mean it's not work

I personally wouldn't classify it as work..

and sucking dicks is?

I'd have to put in effort. I'm not going to just slob a knob.

just do that for hours on ends and it'll be fines

I think you just want me to suck a dick.

For those who don't know
Ritsu makes these threads every time. He does them not for the sake of culture or casual, sporadic thread. He does them so he can tripfag and be the center of attention. These threads are steam friends chatroom general, and have absolutely no topic , let alone a videogame topic, to begin with. Ritsu tries and make it related to videogames by making his chats and attentionwhoring circulating around videogames. That doesn't mean the thread has a topic. Please report these threads so a friendly moderator may clean Holla Forums and help us be a tripfaggot-free community.

I think that you want to suck a dick and that you shouldn't be lazy about it


I see Ritsu has realized that his threads were not related. Like a fuking evolving plague he made sure the thread starts with a vidya related question so he wouldn't get his circlejerk thread deleted or bumplocked.

You're absolutely disgusting, Ritsu. Even if your thread doesn't get deleted, I hope anons wise up and just filter you.enabling tripfags is no worse than being a tripfag.


Just scream at Mark about it enough and maybe he'll actually do something.

now listen here young MR you get back here right this instant and finish your dicks or else no drugs for you

do you have a single fact to back that up? actual community-based threads of Holla Forums anons trying to get together outside of the site get deleted because they're "shilling the game" yet this faggotry stays

This site is no better than cuck-chan if that's true.

you're not my real dad. I'm gonna go to bed, night spider, everyone else, etc.


you're grounded

ebin! Have an upboat my good sir!!

I was around back when Mark banned a shitload of avatarfags back in 2015, which was before Ritsu ever showed up. He went back on it after a few hours, and then ignored the entire thread for a year until people started screaming enough for him to actually ban avatarfagging, but only selectively bans it considering Spider, Smokes and the one bike guy are allowed to get 30+ posts every thread because "a theme isn't avatarfagging". After rule 8 was changed to include avatarfagging, Ritsu picked up a trip "to show that there's a slippery slope".


Or maybe so that he could circlejerk without having to use avatar.

Can't forget about me
Eternal Ecstasy

Bought a cheap Chinese Multitap for my PS2 and had 5 controllers. Played WWE Smackdown! Shut your Mouth with 5 players. Highlight of my pre-Internet gaming life.