Halo 1 came out 16 years ago.
Halo 1 came out 16 years ago
You were born 13 years ago
We need to go back. I need to go back.
Baldur's Gate came out 25 years ago.
And it's still just as bad as the day it came out.
Careful with that meme, friendo, it's an antique.
look at all those fucking bags, what a goddamn operator
Its not bad but its nothing special either.
Nothing but marketing and some poorly executed and gimped ideas.
You completely missed the point of the game or why it was sl well received. You probably didn't have friends either so it checks out. :^)
They removed velocity retaining bunny hopping in the 343i halos.
Crysis came out 10 years ago.
So is Half-Life. Also considering GoldenSrc isn't even valve's own engine tells you something. Still Halo is a good game in it's internals. Games like Half-life that had multiple segments to the same level tended to have chunks where you sat at a screen that said "LOADING" even during the chapters. Halo's engine is done in a way where every level is self contained with it's files which minimizes load times even between BSP chunks.
Also considering the amazing camera work and tricks they did to make the cutscenes feel grand was something else
Frankly I enjoy Halo because Bungie did try with what they had and even when they were given 5 months to make the game work on the original Xbox we still got something good. Last bit of fun fact, H1 has bits of coded still in it pertaining to boats and other watercraft as well as water physics that go unused in the final game, the systems are rather bugged and incomplete.
halo is fun, until you realise how easy it is
join a brazillian server, those guys only have 3 int so it feels just like highschool anyway
Some maps were alright even for a Console Shooter, multiplayer could be fun with mods that add more weapons, custom gamemodes and higher player slots.
Other than that, i still think it's a shitty slow game.
Everyone here knows half-life is shit, user
It's also done in such a way that the frame rate chugs so much to the point where weapons stop spawning projectiles
Well it depends, H1 did show signs of good AI, not on par with FEAR but still good. The basics of flanking, flushing and suppressing fire is in there but the player is a literal walking tank so more often than no you're blowing through them like you're meant to.
Some people still think it's a godsend. Also on the subject, HPC did add two new weapons and there was a fair bit of weaponry that got cut, a lot of it re-added in Halo 2 (Alien sniper rifle became Particle Beam Rifle) and even the Brute Mauler was originally a weapon that wasn't put into the first game.
As for mods, try Halo Custom Edition. Sadly the online scene is more or less the vanilla MP maps with spics that have 300 ping, but there was and still is fun to be had in the custom maps both MP and SP.
You're overload the map, -BLAM- is meant to be able to handle quiet a bit, someone was actually able to effectively recreated nuts.wad in Custom Edition.
And then Halo became popular & we never saw a fun a FPS ever again.
This, bots are fucking boring.
This is why we can't compromise with Halo faggots.
Where that guy with the Hunter gay porn?
>>>Holla Forums
Fucking checked
Where Does Time Go?
You whippersnappers missed out.
Never played Half-Life, not into the "it's a FPS but you have to listen to NPCs and pretend to care about the plot" kind of game, but I seriously doubt it's as flat and boring as Halo. HL1 did have level decent level design, from what I've seen, automatically putting it above Halo.
You realize that the XBox is essentially a mini PC with it's own Custom made Nvidia graphics card yes? it was capable of networking with other machines
Half the narrative requires you to stop and stare into the eyes of the scientists
Bots are predictable shit is most MP games
Since Halo sucks so much, are there are sci-fi fps shooters like it? Has Japan or other Eastern countries made any?
Also, Halo on pc when (or what situations) if ever?
If only.
Why would we need 3 xboxes on top of three TVs for 3 people just to play some shooter that plays the same in splitscreen. Unless there's some sort of secret fun mode that requires 3 xboxes that I'm unaware of.
Perfect Dark lets you set bot behavior on top of difficulty. Something you don't see alot of these days. Honestly Rare and Free Radical were pretty good with bots.
I replayed it on PC recently and it's still a fun little shooter. There needs to be more games with backpack reloading.
16 years ago it was considered a casual piece of shit.
Now it would be considered too hard and full of artificial difficulty and not enough focus on the story.
I really enjoyed Halo 1-3 and portions of Reach tbh.
No they weren't stellar games, but you could definitely have some great fun with them, especially fucking around with Halo 3's forge multiplayer bullshit.
I never played ODST though, not sure if I want to either. Something about the concept of it feels as unappealing as Halo 4.
I honestly forgot all about that shitty OS.
Really makes you think.
it was ruined from the start
Looks like a lot of the people here didn't have friends to play with.
Jesus Christ
Thinks Halo was the only splitscreen game
Go to bed
My wife is 16, get on my level.
Allah U Ackbar my friend
And to you fellow Jihad.
idk how you managed, I tried to play PD and goldeneye 4 player after playing halo back then and it lagged so much is was unplayable.
Hating on Halo is a pretty old meme that only cuckchanners and bitter wizards who used to play Quake still use.
I seriously can't recall a good console FPS before or after it.
Maybe Perfect Dark? Even then it wasn't great.
Not saying Halo was particularly good either, just that as far as console FPS goes they weren't anywhere near bottom of the barrel.
The best FPS games have always been on PC. Mouse + keyboard always shits all over a controller and then cums on its face when it comes to FPS.
Now if you said the series eventually turned online multiplayer into an even more cancerous shitpile than it already was at that point then you'd have a point.
Because Halo babbies eventually graduated from xbox live onto pee see gayman after Halo 2 came out, and then began to bitch and moan because they were constantly getting destroyed by cunts who were playing shit like Quake III Arena and gitting gud before the Halo babbies even knew what the fuck a real arena shooter was.
Doom 64
It was barely above Goldeneye.
Goldeneye was fun as shit, but it was garbage compared to PC FPS, and so was Doom64 despite being better than Goldeneye.
Have you ever played Doom 64 on PC for the full experiencr? Wonderful level design, atmosphere, soundtrack and weapons. Wash your mouth.
Halo 2 needs a better port, because that shit was garbage.
Halo CE was pretty good, though, on PC.
Key words there faggot, I'm saying console shooters are terrible.
It's because playing an FPS with a controller is generally awkward as fuck even in the best scenarios.
I feel like this is true, but then why does wikipedia have the release date as '98?
Then why bother comparing it to goldeneye if your issue with the game is the controls and not the content?
I was obviously comparing the console versions.
Doom64 CONSOLE is marginally better than Goldeneye.
Does that specification make you happy?
Yes, yes it does.
That's because MS used a throw away company that died right after they ported H2V.
I forget that custom map's name but excellent taste.
Also has there been a better title theme in vidya?
Wasn't it hugeass?
Okay, wanna fuck now?
No, I understand you were comparing the two console versions. I just thought it was weird you'd bother comparing any two console shooters since obviously they're both going to have shit controls, and the controls are the biggest issue.
It's OK I guess but I prefer Morrowind's theme.
I like 343i Halos.
I meant 343i Halos.
aw fuck, I didn't even check the IDs of who I was responding to
I was trying to say that while some console FPS are better than others, they're all still trash compared to PC shooters.
That's just how it is. Aiming in an FPS environment is infinitely more manageable with a mouse and keyboard than shitty control sticks that slowly maneuver about the screen in even the best situations.
Doesn't necessarily make the games themselves less enjoyable, but designing that specific kind of game for the PC is generally a better idea.
why would you want that?
jesus H christ
kek don't forget 343's remake of Headlong from Halo 2, guess which one came out last year? Brought to you with the power of the Xbox One TM
That's fake, right? 343 are shit but they wouldn't release a unity inditrash-teir map.
I liked the armor designs for Halo 4 the most. But Halo 5's colours and sounds are pretty nice to look at and hear, overall. I like the sprint and clambering feature.
Sorry, man.
I enjoyed Halo 3 as well. Not so much the first two aside the campaigns.
Unfortunately, no.
Are the texture of some object not changable in the 5th (do not own a xbone, just played it a few times)?
Didn't Bungie release Headlong in Reach? I recall that version looking better than that
My first console FPS. Good game. Nice mysterious atmosphere, cool music. Too bad the latter games became more space marine, Hollywood one liners and epic set pieces.
First time I used a controller too. I actually ended up crying. But I got good. Eventually. Like when you fall of your bike when you're a kid and your dad tells you to get up and do it again?
Where have you been for the past half decade?
But let me give you a better picture.
What in the fuck? That's when it all went to shit.
Yes, they did and it was, because bungie is competent, or at least cares about maintaining artistic standards.
Still one of the greatest OSTs ever
Why does their headlong look like it's using flat placeholder textures? who thought that looked acceptable? Even the H2 version of Headlong looked ncier than that
That was actually Certain Affinity on behalf of 343 after Bungie had left, and I think the H5lo one was mostly made in forge. Make no mistake that halo 5 is trash and 343 has done nothing but rape the franchise, but there are far more legitimate grievances than that.
yeah CA handled the breakneck map
I agree
Loved it.
I think Halo 3 had a lot of that in combat, but the atmosphere was great in the trilogy. I think might not come back for the rest of the main Halo games, but perhaps it can easily make a comeback in a side story before the Covenant was destroyed, as I think they were a big factor in it not being a space marine game.
I think Reach's armor is the worst out of all of them.
I miss when that image was named Headless_Halo_holds_up_coconut.jpg
That episode of Arby and the Chief is nine fucking years old, man.
What about it do you dislike? I suppose it is a bit overly gritty but 343 saw that and went way too far in the opposite direction
You should at least include the fucking unicorn Promethean and fucking 'demon' helmets.
Isaac hannaford's art is god tier, dude can do fucking anything: character concepts, weapons and random objects, vehicles and spaceships, environmental scenes, whatever.
While it's due to artificial difficulty, Halo 2 is outright one one of the most difficult games of all time. Even speedrunning autists have never been able to do a deathless run of the game on legendary.
I wish people gave Reach's AI more credit, it's better then CE's. The elites in that game on legendary have the best AI i've seen in a video game. A shame 2, 3, ODST, and 5 only have average AI and 4's is terrible.
5's MP and forge has a free PC port. It lacks the SP, but 5's SP is garbage.
5's MP and forge is actually good. Also, while I agree 343 has fucked up a lot, that video is cherry picked garbage. I could easily make the same sort of thing that paints bungie that bad and 343 as a saint.
He's baiting you/lying/shitposting. The headlong remake in 5 was done in forge, and by a community forger, it was just featured by 343 and done as part of them previewing of 5's forge mode.
My only real problem with the drastically specialized SPARTAN armors is that, in the first few books, Nylund went out of his way to state that the armor was unisex. The only way to know which S2 you were talking to was to actually speak to them. The customization totally fucking throws that all out the window. It, in my opinion, shines an even brighter spot light on how inferior the S3s were. It was about securing an individual identity in tandem with their goals that totally fucked them. And I guess also that they were mostly like twelve the firs time they went into real combat.
They have all this fucking processing power and they turn awesome, detailed/greebled armour into fischer price designs.
I like the series a lot, so I have a bias, but I think it's worth it. Judged as it's own thing, it's probably the least flawed halo game, the only issues I ever see people complain about with it is
Which obviously aren't actual issues if you are getting it now cheaply/on MCC via the 5$ DLC, or if you just judge it as a single player only thing. It's got what is in my and many people's opinions the best soundtrack in the series (which is already famous for good soundtracks, ODST outright has my favorite OST of any video game), and one of the best atmosphere's in a game as well. It never actually rains in ODST, but if you ask anybody who has played the game what they associate with it, I garuntee you all of them will say the rain.
The game's atmosphere is just that good and oppressive that they think it rains. On that note, it's inportant you play it on alone on a dark, dreary day.
I agree that the fact that the female SPARTANs are visibly female is sort of irking from a lore stabndpoint, but I headcanon it that it's only for S3's in MJOLNIR V, and for S2's in MJOLNIR GEN 2. Also it gave us the incredible reach female spartan ass.
Oh, that's right, I forgot i'm not allowed to like thinks on Holla Forums because why would anybody ever possibly have a postive opinion of a game on Holla Forums unless they are a shill.
Nevermind the fact that I said the single player of 5 is shit and you should play the free PC port instead, which would make MS a grand speaking zero fucking dollars.
Gonna make myself look even more like a shill for posting this I guess to that one faggot but the MKV alpha set is the only one butchered like that.
The MKIV set, the redone NOBLE sets, and all the other redone Reach and Halo 3 sets and new MKV one that came out in the past few updates all look good.
343's general UNSC aeshetic is fucking awful though. I actually think a lot of their armor would look fine if it was made in the halo 3/reach era art design (again, I love hannaford's art). A lot of the actual "designs" look fine, it's just done in this awful overly scifantasy aeshetic rather then Halo's hard sci fi military aesehtic… aside from the really shit helmets, anyways, like the ones in
I guess I should have specified "enemy AI", I thought it would be obvious since the marine AI in halo has always been trash even in the games with good enemy AI.
I know I've replied to a few different posts but seriously. The idea that blue team would be kitted with these super specialized sets of armor just because Linda was a sniper and Kelly and Gorge fit into archetypes seems retarded to me. It really feels like a retroactive attempt to shoehorn in this new set of criteria. The simple fact of the matter is that all the S2s, who were literally chosen genetically, should be approximately the same height and build as John 117, should rock the same gear, and should be virtually indistinguishable. This individual character fuckiin "The personality of the SPARTAN DEFINES THE ARMOR" bullish is fucking stupid. 343i really fucking dropped the ball here.
Actually, I take that back, the redone noble 6 set looks pretty shit, but oh well. Leg's look alright though.
Anyways, does anybody want me to dump more Halo 3/ODST/Reach/Destiny isaac hannaford art like , and ? he also did a lot of the book and comic covers.
Windows 7 is Vista, user.
Why is the shading in those concept pictures so vomit inducing? Like what fuck am I looking at, halo wind waker?
I actually don't mind the idea that the MJOLNIR sets would be modified for the user itself. I've re-read tFoR a few times now and it's never actually said that the mark IV suits looked identical, just that they all were the same color and in armor, it was impossible to tell who was underneath it apart if you didn't know better.
So, that leaves it open that they might have slightly different shoulderpads or helmets or chest armor, but that they would all still have roughly the same build regardless of sex, and THAT'S an issue.
On the note of the books and 343 dropping the ball, I want to fucking know why 343 has put out some of the best novels in the series in the past few years yet they can't write a fucking game plot to save their life or advance the state of the universe in a non retarded rushed way that pushes the suspesnion of disbelief. The forerunner triology, last light, and broken circle were all Ghosts of Onyx tier or better, and Fractures (and by extension, shadow of intent and saints testimoney), Hunters in the Dark, and the other new ones are still good. Yet 4's story is the only thing about the game that's actually as awful as people say IMO, and 5's, while not as offensively terrible, is still pretty shit. And them being bad at advancing the main narrative across any medium and shoving new galactic threats into the mix is always handled poorly and the ideas there are trash.
They need to get their novel authors in charge and fire their in house writers. Keep whoever wrote the ambient dialog in 5 though, that was good.
Both of those are 3d models user, it's just the render and lighting settings they happened to use.
I always hear this:
Well they need to stop fucking using them and fire who ever did, jesus christ, I mean that's blatantly not what they look like in game.
I agree and disagree. The S2s were fucking beaten into the idea that they were SPARTANS, gender and personality were never a factor. That non-uniform bullshit, that lack of interest in conforming is literally what defines the S3s onward. It's why it pisses me off to see Kelly rocking some stupid fucking non-standard issue S2 gear. The S2s were systematically broken down their individuality was destroyed to ensure that the mission would always come first. The notion that those same people would fucking accessorize is reatrded
I don't think anybody who said that meant it. Console FPS's were feasilbe before it and everybody knew it, but it wasn't really untill Goldeneye and the like that it really became not clunky as balls, and even then it was still pretty clunky.
I think what people should be saying that would be a lot less retarded is "Halo pioneered the modern de-facto control scheme and analog stick settings to make twin stick controls viable". The control scheme and the analog stick settings is what halo actually innovated. A similar comparison can be drawn with Halo 2, where people act like it invented online MP, which it obviously did not, when instead, what it DID outright invent was a lot of the behind the scenes networking infanstructure and matchmaking tools and the modern party system.
That stuff was all done by a single guy named Max Hoberman. IGN has two really fantastic interviews with him, one of them in their IGN live episode for MCC, another in a podcast unlocked episode with him. They are some of the best interviews i've heard with game devs and are worth listening to. The one podcast unlocked with marty is pretty good too.
Most of the time the renders aren't what they look like in game, because the renders tend to be done by the actual artists who modelled the armor and they put them in their portofolio, and as a result, the lighting/rendering settings are whatever that artist thinks communicates the actual modelling skill involved or whatever their program of choice's settings are.
I've actually got to disagree with you about that. While the S2's were obviously trained to be soldiers for the UNSC above all else and suppressing individuality is naturally going to come into play to some extent, we never actually are given an indication that specialization was discouraged.
Like, yes, the SPARTANs are all mostly asocial and stoic and to the point, but tFoR never shied away from noting at detail that they all had their specific strengths and personality quirks regardles. Fred was unsually social and talkative and liked his knives, Linda was even more quiet then normal and had a skill for sniping, kelly is 2fast5u, etc. They reguarily used those specfic skillsets to their advantage even from very early on in the novel and never once did Mendez or the one dumb AI or halsey tell them to cut it out.
I really enjoyed ODST's campaign, the story was pretty hammy but some of the scenarios in the flashback missions were fun, and exploring the city at night was comfy as fug.
And it's still terrible.
I guess I should post some of ODST's music since I said it was so fantastic
Also more isaac hannaford art
Yeah, it feels like it's been about 16 years since the last decent Halo game.
You'd be absolutely wrong, both in jaded Holla Forums terms and in actual terms. Even by Holla Forums's standards where 7 and below is shit, 8 is meh, and only 9/10's and above are acceptable, Halo 5's MP and forge are great.
I didn't think it would be myself and had zero hope it would be good when I first saw gameplay of it, but the beta shocked me with how good it was and then the final game fixed basically every issue I did have with the beta. It's not perfect but IMO it's easily the best MP overall the series has had since 2, and the best core gameplay/weapon balance/forge the series has ever had.
(Not counting H2A's MP and core gameplay, which narrowly beat's it out)
Find a dudebro friend who has it on xbone or if you are unfortunate enough to have Windows 10, play the free PC port, give it a chance. You might enjoy it.
You fucked up by saying Halo 5
I might of been able to understand if you said 3 or fuck even ODST but not 5
Have you even tried 5? Forgive my skepicism but I have doubts you've given it a serious chance
3 is basically just a worse 2, but it's still a fantastic game. Personally, though, I really, really hate how much of a step down it is from 2 though in terms of story and MP mechanics, and how good 5's MP is and how much it shares with 2 in terms of MP and mechanics from a design standpoint is a lot of the reason why I praise 5.
see my thoughts here
Also you didn't say it, but I think Reach is slightly above 3 but behind ODST in a vaccumn, or ahead of ODST and behind 2 if you factor in price/bang for your buck. The campaign is a bit sub-par compared to 2, and ODST, but it's still very good for a FPS in the era it was released in and is enjoyable on it's own. The story isn't anywhere near 2 or even ODST's but it's a step up from how bad 3 butchered 2's.
Mechanically, Reach is a mixed bag, the return of health, better physics, and general feel is a step up from 3, as is the changes to grenade damage models and assassinations, but bloom and armor abilities are iffy, as is the changed to how shields work. But reach also has a fuck ton of content and ways to play. You have firefight in addition to normal MP, matchmaking for it and the campaign, a hugely improved forge over 3's, anda ton of gametype settings.
What I find troubling is your implication that CE is better then 3, Reach, or ODST, or hell, even 4. The campaign is tedious as balls, with a severe lack in enemy and weapon variety, copy pasted mazes oif hallways, reused level layouts and themes, and empty, barren, wide empty open envoirments that exist only for awe factor and not for good level design. The story is minimalistic, and while that's not an inherently bad thing, it only makes the campaign more of a drag because there's not much of a narrative tagging along. Even 4's campaign is basically just a less tedious version of CE's, even matching it in terms of atmosphere, though without the execellence of anything comparable to silent cartographer or assault on the control room (though even these suffer from the flaws I mention) It does have the second best AI in the series though.
Mechanically and for MP, I think it has the third best core MP and mechanics in the series behind 2/A and 5, as well as the second best MP maps behind 2, but there's no denying that, objectively, it lacks the amount of content and modularity subsquent games had.
Gonna go full autism here:
Campaign (missions):
2 > ODST > 3 = Reach > 4 > CE > 5 (I may be biased with 2 here)
2 > ODST > Reach > 3 > CE > 5 >> shit >> 4
Core mechanics:
2A > 5 > 2 > CE > Reach = 3/ODST
MP maps:
2 > CE > 5 > 3 = 4 >>>shit >>> Reach
ODST > 2 >> CE > 3 > Reach > 4 > 5
Weapon balance
5 > Reach > CE >>>> shit >>>> 4 > 3 > 2
ODST >>> CE = 4 > 2 > 3 > 5
5 > 2A > Reach >>> 3 = 4 > 2 > CE (I had more fun in 2 customs then 3/4 ones though)
Forgot to include 2A in weapon balance:
5> 2A > Reach > CE >>> Shit >>>> 4 > 3 > 2
Me and a friend played through this game together and we didn't have a clue what happened in the story.
Trips of truth?
Are you guys ashamed of posting on Holla Forums ?
It's litterally just the
I came in thinking there'd be other "this game came out x years ago" to make me feel old, but yeah, it turned into a Halo thread. I know it's supposedly casual shit, but I'm indifferent to it.
why are you here then?
Holla Forums's hatred for Halo has always been baffling to me. On paper,it has a ton of stuff we should love.
Most people I think have just never actually played a Halo game and have just read shitposts from other people who have also not played Halo and have a lot of false assumptions about the series (hell, a ton of people don't even fucking know it's an arena shooter). There's also the matter that it used to be popular among dudebros and Holla Forums, ever being contrarian, has to hate it over that, and while Halo itself is an arena shooter and used it's regen shields well, did popularize the two weapon limit and regen health systems other game DIDN'T use well.
Though that in itself is a dumb complaint as well because it ignores that
That's not an issue with Halo, that's an issue with those games that copied Halo, and
That while it sucks modern shooters have nearly entirely supplanted arena shooters, niether style of shooter is inherently worse or better, it's a matter of execution, the actual issue is lack of variety, and if anything, the early/mid 2000's where Halo was at the top had more variety in FPS gameplay styles then either the decade and a half prior or the decade since.
Console FPS, you can also say "we should love" all you want but no one who was born before '95 would tell you a console FPS can be a good game from a mechanical standpoint.
Closest thing we got was Timesplitters because that shit had charisma to make up for the mechanical limitations.
Golden Eye and Perfect Dark deserve a mention too since they had creative weapon design besides the absolutely generic rifles, snipers and shotguns Halo had.
I played it, you fuck. I sure liked it back then but doing it now broke my nostalgia goggles.
kind of a problem because the gunplay is bad and shooting things generally sucks
why the fuck should "we" love this
I think I smacked my head because I can't remember Halo having good level design. When I think "classic shooter level design" I think of nonlinear maze-like doom maps, not a bunch of hallways filled with aliens that glow when you shoot them
It's great fun to play on legendary, where you can't avoid projectiles and have to wait for your shield to regenerate every 5 seconds because you have no fucking health anymore. Also great fun to watch the retarded captain escort run into rooms full of enemies and die. Compare it to Doom where playing on hardest turns the game into a frantic adrenaline-pumping rush to finish the level.
I don't think that;'s a valid criticism though. Halo CE and 2 have PC ports and they play fine and are still fun. 5 has a PC port and it plays fine and is still fun. There's only really of 2 points of view that can result in that statement, and both of them are flawed.
The first is that Halo, being a FPS on console, is fundamentally broken and clunky and can;'t be played right on a controller. I feel like the people making this argument, again, have never actually played Halo, and have only ever played terrible ports of older shooters that were designed around being able to do that and are just fundamentally broken on console because you simply can't aim accurately enough with an analog stick to move from platform to platform while also shooting at targets 180 degerees away from wherre you were looking a second ago.
Halo isn't like that, it's not designed to be played that way to begin with. There's no denying that with a controller, and as a game being built around controllers, Halo, for the most part, lacks that sort of advancement movement and aiming techniques that those games have, but that doesn't nesscarily mean it's bad, it just means it's different, and this goes the second point of view people have for this and why it' flawed. This goes back to the arguement I was saying in . That logic depends on the idea that only the single type of shooter that depends on the specific type of movement tech stuff like advanced old-school quake and UT has is good, which is obviously silly.
There are other skillgaps that emerge as a result from the gameplay being styled of how it is in Halo or other shooters like CS or BF or whatever that don't have any platforming elements at all. How older shooters do it isn't the ONLY way to have a skillgap.
Again, I question if you've ever played the Halo games. You do realize that there's more guns then just the UNSC ones in the series, right? And that not all the UNSC ones are generic? And that even for the ones that are, each of them plays way more distinctly then most of the stuff in goldeneye does?
I actually agree with a lot of your complaints here and if you read the thread you'd know that. I was talking about the series as a whole, not just CE. I think CE is extremely flawed in terms of it's single player. That said, you also have a ton of extremely piss poor examples and arguements.
No, actually thats the only thing halo did right, they made improvements to controls as much as you possibly can for a FPS with a joystick.
That's still as stupid as improving car driving as much as possible with rowboat paddles.
The game was slowed down compared to any other arena shooter, aiming is still fucking terrible, the pace is slow as well and added health regen and hiding for cover to make up the fact you can't just go fast and twitch shoot and dodge like you can in any decent FPS.
So they pretty much removed anything that made the FPS genre worth playing, which is fast paced action with heavy emphasis on accuracy and reflexes and instead made it into a real time rpg where you just hide from wall to wall hoping for your hp to regenerate.
Your entire post is basically just the incarnate of one of the two flawed arguements I pointed out and explained why it's flawd in the post you responded to
No, Halo itself is flawed because of what I already explained, limiting the game down to the lowest denominator is as self defeating as the leave no child behind program, if you can't even face that fact then you are simply retarded.
And before you say that just because the game got a PC port then that's fixed then you're just stupid, playing the PC port makes it even more obvious that once you change the controller scheme the game is still flawed from design, even goddamn Counter Strike is faster and that's one of the slowest FPS games in history besides SWAT because of it's TACTICOOL gameplay.
Its only a map editor
I've only played Halo 1, but the only guns I remember not being generic were the gun that fired homing shots and the alien pistol with the charged shot. I played on PC so the first was useless and the second was OP except against the flood.
We are talking in circles user, all I can see is see again
It has full custom game support though as well as a server browser now. For all intents and purposes, it has MP, just with a browser instead of matchmaking,.
Ah, that makes sense then. Yeah, if you only played 1, then the Needler (the homing shot one) and plasma pistol are the only really unique ones.
That being said, I still disagree with the assertion that the other guns are particularly generic compared to golden eye or perfect dark. Generic? sure, but not really more so, and while it's admittedly been ages since I actually played either golden eye or perfect dark (since when they first came out), every gun in Halo 1 preforms almost entirely uniquely, like classic arena shooter weapon balance, wheras in those 2, or at least golden eye, it had weapon balance more like, say, more modern military shooters, where most of them preform the same, just with different damage values, fire rates, spread patterns, and so on.
You are going in circles, saying "Well it isn't trying to be a FPS so it doesn't need to have good shooting or fast pacing" is not really an argument at all.
Also, the weapons are extremely generic in every sense, if you want to see a game with good unique weapons try Half Life Opposing Force or Perfect Dark.
Hell I don't even have that much of a problem with generic weapons if they're done properly, like Painkiller did which made it extremely rewarding merely because of the use of physics.
I'm not gonna respond to the "What makes an FPS good or not and can halo be good without meeting my crietiria" stuff anymore. It's evident niether of us are getting anywhere with that
I've played this, and it has a ton of creative weapons, I'll readily more/better then Halo does, but it's not like halo has particularly creative ones, either.
The Needler is outright on par with many of the alien half life weapons in terms of creativity, and the Plasma pistol, fuel rod, focus rifle, brute shot, concusion rifle, hydra, plasma caster, gravity hammer, mauler, reach grenade launcher, inceneration cannon, boltshot, and scattershot are pretty creative in the same way a lot of 90's/early 2000's weapons were, even if not all of them are on the same level as the opposing force/needler ones are, though I think some of them arguably are. I'm also foregetting a few, I feel like.
From a purely conceptial/lore standpoint, the carbine, spiker, and needle rifle are pretty interesting as well, though it's not evident from a gameplay perspective.
There's also a lot of very neat cut stuff from CE, though most of these were later used to create a lot of the weapons I mention above in sequels, video related, skip to 1:15
*but it's not like halo has particularly uncreative ones either
Also, in regards to the "what did Halo/Halo 2 actually bring to the table in terms of innovation" argument, beyond what I already said in with max hoberman him inventing a lot of the modern networking/matchmaking infanstructure stuff we use in modern games, this video also points out a lot of graphical stuff CE did that was pretty impressive and cutting edge for it's time even if it didn't outright invent the techniques the same way 2 did for the networking stuff
Huh, so they had always planned the armor designs to become an ugly clusterfuck?
Should note like the first 15-20 mins of this is just background info on bungie and can be skipped, though i'm too lazy to find the exact time to skip to there
It's just Jun's armor concepts that's overdesigned like that, none of the other characters are
But this is pretty vital, a FPS with bad shooting and slow pace is like a racing game with maps that are nothing but straight lines.
You can perhaps make it a party racing game with lots of gimmicks to make it work, Mario Kart, or games like Timesplitter that are pretty weak as FPS but at least had enough character and spunk to make up for it.
And no, none of those weapons are creative at all, changing the fire rate, spread or adding a scope to a weapon isn't really innovative in any way.
You're the worst kind of shit eating fanboy there is.
Yet it's still older than most of the faggots here.
I agree, and that's exactly what I was arguing? Which is why I posted a list of weapons that DON'T do that and actually preform uniquely?
Nigga are you even reading what i'm writing anymore?
Ok nigger, you're just a raging blind fanboy who even called the absolutely generic rifles "unique design".
No point arguing here.
kill yourself
It's good to revisit classics, some times.
I'm not talking about guns that fire green lasers instead of blue lasers or shotguns that have slightly more range than the other shotgun, I'm talking mechanically creative weapons that do stuff besides the typical rifle, shotgun, sniper copypasta with different damage or rates of fires.
>I saw my first film in a movie theater 20 years ago.
Well, this explains a lot.
If it was looking to be an arena shooter, how come multiplayer is limited locally and over LAN connection?
On the contrary, the game will assist your aiming, even for the benefit of scrubs like you.
It's slower than DOS-era shooters, that is correct. You can't feasibly rush past most enemies, what a pity.
There is an emphasis on reflexes in the timing of shots, which is how you can tell the people who have played the game more than once apart from the scrubs who are overwhelmed by the Flood. Once again, rushing past them like a first-person Sonic The Hedgehog game won't cut it. I can see why you had a bad time with this game, because you failed to follow the instructions that came with it.
Plasma Rifle actually had a stun effect to it that would slow the player in H1 for the Xbox, that got removed in the PC port (it's ability is still there)
except it's only the shield and even damage bled over from shield into the actual health system. You could have 1 bar of health, take enough needles to kill your shield and if 1 or 2 needles hadn't ruptured yet you'd most likely end up dying from that.
Halo was only built around a controller after MS bought them and told them "hey make this game exclusively for our new console."
Perfect Dark came out 17 years ago.
It's really aged over time in the texture department, but damn if it doesn't still look wonderful, especially underwater.
So operating, yet so sad.
It's way better than the current sci fi garbage.
Yeah, I can clearly see how Halo is aiming more for that Mass Effect gameplay.
It's slower than Sonic, but not slower than molasses. If you happen to try it out again, be sure to remember your ADD meds.
You said the aiming was shit without going into any detail, nothing about the auto-aim itself.
I don't know what the publisher wanted, I can only make an educated guess from the lack of online connectivity that the Campaign is the "main course" of the game.
Well considering how much emphasis they put in the novels I guess it's more of a movie game more than anything, because as far as shooters go it's a huge step back to the genre, the games who later tried to copy it are proof of it.
I'm surprised Halo has more to it like this dude pointed out, in fact it makes me wonder how come the dudebros left Halo.
What do they put an emphasis on in the novels? Be specific.
That proves nothing creatively, it just shows that the "jackals" of the industry will chase whatever is financially successful. Pong, Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros., and Sonic all had their fair share of imitations, that's ridiculous to say that reflects on them as games.
Underaged faggots, please leave, your kind isn't welcome here.
Just like WoW the game dumbed down the genre in order to sell it to people with no gaming experience, it's nothing to be ashamed of really, a pretty smart business move.
But it should be obvious why Holla Forums doesn't like the results of such route, and no it isn't because Holla Forums are a bunch of hipsters, hell Holla Forums loves pokeymon.
Medal of Honor: Rising sun was a better game.
Suicide is bad.
I should not have said I thought it was "the worst out of all of them", but that I liked it the least. It looked okay, aside from the grittiness and a few nitpicks. I actually like Halo 5's opposite direction of gritt, but some of the armour in Halo 5 is horrendous.
I knew it was done in forge, but I thought Bungie did it.
top kek
Halo 5 in general was so horrendous in many ways, it makes me wonder what 343 was thinking besides doubling down on the horrible choices they made with H4.
And it's all been downhill since then.
CoD 4 took the vast, vast majority of them, and good fucking riddance, even if it means the series is way less popular as a result.
The novels are actually good.
What do you think is shit about 5 other then the armor designs/visual design and single player?
Except almost all of what I mentioned was mehcnaically unique.
Because it was on the original Xbox and it didn't have online networking at the time? Cmon dude.
I've never particularly understood this complaint.
A mouse is much, much more accurately and intuitively usable for first person games to aim with: If you put a person who has never played a first person game on with a mouse, they'll have no issue looking around even if they struggle with movement due to WASD.
By contrast, however, if you put somebody on an analog stick, it takes them a while to get used to using the right amount of control to look and even experienced PC gamers regularly/people on Holla Forums complain how difficult it is to stay on target using an analog stick, even accounting for the fact those games use aim assist, which, obviously, as this example demonstrates, doesn't even make up for the inherent lesser inaccuracy of the analog stick, let alone make it easier then a mouse.
It's impossible for both
to be true.
This is why I barley post here anymore
I think GG was the last nail in the coffin, because of the huge amount of new users that came in, from reddit, or wherever, there were too many, and now the older culture is gone, and wont come back. It was already bad before GG, but 3 years later its completely changed. I remember seeing posts about how "one day, the 10 year olds who played halo will be posting here", but its a shame when you see that it actually happened like that.
halo was casual there was no doubt about it, but i frown on anyone who claims it did damage to the industry when it brought a lot of great things to the table that you no halo-clone actually copied. call of duty and its clones did far more damage since they barely have enemy types in that fucking series
Perfect Dark was way more revolutionary and came out 1 year earlier.
and no one copied the good aspects of that game either. also it coming out on n64 in the early 2000s hurt it since people were moving on to the new consoles
As unique as the right click stab in Counter Strike, you have extremely low standards no wonder you're a halo fanboy
Halo has gameplay that is incredibly dumbed down compared to other games, even console shooters like PD have more depth and difficulty. If you look at the other games that came out around the time like quake 3 and unreal tournament and even counter strike, you can see that they had way more depth than halo ever could. Enemies fighting each other has been in FPS games since doom, the 2 weapon limit is never a good idea since it will always limit you as a player, any depth you try and rationalize out of it is artificial. Console shooters like halo were a new low for FPS games and of course it was popular because it was the only thing in the console market, so of course you have lots of casual first-time players and kids who then come to expect this kind of low gameplay as a new standard, which is the real damage, because they take this expectation with them when they move over to PC, or when a developer releases their FPS game on both console and PC, the PC version will have the same dumbing down that the console version got.
Halo is incredibly slow, the depth of the combat is inherently limited by this lack of mobility and 2 weapon limit, the guns cant ever be used in a deep way because of how slow it all is, and you can compare that to something like quake 3, where you can have all the guns, and move really fast, and have vertical levels which controllers are incapable of.
Gotta love when someone bothers adding weapons that aren't just reskinned shotguns to the game and actually bother making the gameplay feel different depending on your weapons.
Most FPS including Halo suffer from the typical handgun vs shotgun vs rifle rock-paper-scissor copypasta where they are pretty much exactly the same gun with different damages and fire rates.
Worst of all, most go for the shit hitscan since projectile based weapons don't work well with auto-aim garbage.
I came a few seconds ago.
You can water down anything that way. You might as well call the gun that fires sharks from that one older game I can't recall the name of "Just a gun that shoots tracking shots".
i'm not going to compare it directly to quake 3 or UT or others but i still feel that halo 1-3 get a bad rap just because they're console shooters despite doing things that are actually fun. i genuinely feel that weapon limit made co-op in halo a lot more fun because the players got to make decisions between each other on what weapons to carry
yes, and it was awesome in doom but its a mechanic that is fading away, or maybe has faded away completely because i haven't seen it in a shooter in a long fucking time. if fucking halo can do it why can't all the other casual shooters pull it off?
but i'm not strictly disagreeing with you at all, the good things in halo did exist in other games, which makes it more unfortunate that those aren't the things people copied from halo rather than the regen health (that only existed in 2 onwards, halo 1 had regen shields and health packs). hell i'm pretty sure there were games that let you have two different weapons while dual wielding and allowed independent fire for both of them
lack of enemy variety per battle is what bugs me the most as shooters progressed, if halo could do it and the casuals could handle it why did it get axed so hard.
I think ODST, Reach, and 5 get more or an undeserved bad rep then 1-3. Hell, i'd say CE gets MORE praise then it deserves.
Aside from contrarians on Holla Forums and elitists who never really tried them, CE, 2, and 3 are pretty universally heralded as fantastic games. ODST, Reach, and 5 (at least for the MP) meanwhile are pretty much just as good or better in a lot of ways and the consensus is much more mixed
cerebral bore is now "just that gun that auto head shots enemies"
i didn't play 5 since i got rid of my xbox at that point and 343 work looked really bad. i feel like i see a lot of praise for ODST on Holla Forums than i do more mainstream outlets. I always felt it didn't make the most out of how cool the ODST in theory actually are. the multiplayer in reach was getting messy because they started adding special abilities (granted some were fun to use) but the campaign wasn't very memorable aside from the finale. I find it a bummer that they throw 2 scarabs at you near the end and just tell you to run away when in halo 3 you got to fight them and it was a lot of fun, especially if you gave a marine a rocket launcher and drove the mongoose around their legs while the AI fired at its legs
Yes there are, even when there aren't Doom threads normally have extensive discussion about Quake if they don't devolve into shitposting aboud DooD.
That's because they fucked up Quake live. If you guys wanted to start up a Quake III server I'd be down for that any day, but someone needs to take the initiative.
Rome fell 1,541 years ago.
Thats not how it works, the hammer doesnt change anything about your normal jump.
That's untrue, you can use it to increase your jump height, distance, and arc depending on when you pull the trigger during your jump and where you are aiming when you do it.
Something I notice when people fling shit at eachother over whether Halo is a good FPS or not is that the entire vehicular aspect of the game is completely left out of the argument.
Halo's weapons were always sub-par compared to the weapons of its contemporaries, and its movement speed quite slow, but consider that having players running around at a rapid speed and carry a full arsenal of weapons all at once like in Doom would undermine the advantage that driving the Warthog or Ghost grants. Imagine if you could carry every weapon in the game at once, instead of being limited to only carrying two; it would make vehicles vulnerable to the point of uselessness if a player on foot could always keep a rocket launcher on hand in case of running into a tank. Fast moving vehicles like the Ghost and Warthog would no longer have the unique properties they have if a player on foot could run nearly as fast.
Obviously I'm not saying that Halo's rather stock weapons are justified, or that the game should move as slow as it does. A wider plethora of weapons as in the later Halo games would have made the first few Halos much better, and I feel the game still could be made somewhat faster without compromising the vehicle mechanics. But it's just strange to me how people seem to entirely forget about Halo's vehicles when arguing about the game, especially given how iconic the Warthog is, and how few FPS's before actually gelled traditional on-foot shooting and vehicle combat together in the same game.
Better to excel in bad than just be regular bad. It could be so bad, it will be good to strange types, and get it's own tight knit community.
rly makes u thnk
No this makes sense with vehicles in the sandbox, it makes them in the long run not viable in the least. Halo'
s weapons were alright, H1 did suffer from all that shit that got cut (Chain gun, flame thrower which got readded in PC.) Did like how Plasma and Ballistic weapons actually differed in game.
Ehh sure, multiplayer was probably fun, but it's not much point now that no one plays it. A good FPS should be able to stand on its single player, IMO, unless it's a proper arena FPS like quack or unreal.
I'm gonna guess sniper rifles render every other weapon useless on PC.
postmodernism was a mistake
i like halo
Are you pretending to be retarded?
343i please leave.
jeremey soule is incredibly generic and has never made any music with a unique identity
But the vehicle aspect of the game does apply to the single player as well, in fact of the 10 missions of the original Halo CE, only 3 of them DON'T contain driveable vehicles.
Being limited to only 2 weapons at a time also provides a degree of replayability to the single player as well, since it means missions can be played in a wide variety of ways by choosing to carry certain weapons over others.
Reported the thread again.
Enjoy your ban, op.
Full Stop. End of line.
yes that is the last sentence alright
I am gay. Accept me..
People are still on the PC version's multiplayer. Personally, though, I thought that CE's singlepalyer more than stood up on its own.
So many reasons to defend this game and rationalize all of its shortcomings, but it will always be a slow and boring console shooter, buddy-o! At least you're not (24).
He's a faggot since he also said he likes 343i armor, but 5's MP and forge and the 343 books in general are legimately great and I wish people would give them an honest chance instead of just going HUR DUR EVERYTHING 343 DOES IS BAD
I've been a fan of the franchise since litterally before CE came out, when The Fall of Reach released a week or two before CE. It's shameful how many people now seem to want the franchise to fail more then they want it to succeed.
Half the shit people bitch and whine about with it they would be praising outright if it happened during the time frame of CE, 2, and 3. I'm sure if duel wielding and vehicle hijacking where a new feature in halo 6, people would be mad and call them "un-halo". just because 343 implemented them.
Is it that fucking hard to just shit on 343 when they screw up, but also praise them when they do shit right?
Im just wondering, how old are people around here? I was born in 89. I was around 4chan in 06, the hayday…recently i got a good job and am starting a family, feels bad, completely against the chan style.
To be fair, a fuck ton of the shit 343 added is garbage, and anyone who says otherwise hasn't played the lot.
Also, I'm rather against 343's lore as a whole, which makes me rather skeptical of the books. At minimum, they've changed a rather large part for me, in that it seemed to me to be always hinted at that Humans were either forerunners, or very closely related to them.
Instead, now, apparently humans are some ancient enemy or some other rot, and the forerunners just happened to make everything for us, including most their architecture and the ilk.
To be fair, some of this shit started before 343, I am fairly sure. But they really expanded that trash.
Nigger have you even played the games?
Absolutely, but their good to bad ratio is more like 50:50 (which is still a fucking failing grade, mind you) rather then 1:99 like Holla Forums would have you think.
The "Humans actually aren't forerunners" stuff was pretty much already established in Halo 3 since a line in the terminals in it more or less outright say that, though interestingly some bungie devs have said even as late as 3 they still intended for humans to be forerunners despite that.
Humans were another ancient empire and were essentially on par with the forerunners is correct, but IDK where yoiu are getting
From. The Forerunner novels are actually really fantastic. You would think revealing everything about the forerunners and blood would be a terrible idea and would ruin the mystery of things, and you'd sort of be right, but they impressively manage to pull it off in a way that the stuff that's revealed is actually satisifying and well written enough to make it worth it (though a lot of people sadly quit before the final book, which is a shame, since cryptum has a red herring explanation about the flood that sounds silly unitll you get the extra context.
The problem is just, absolutely fucking everything from the forerunner books sounds retarded if explained out of context. So trying to explain why it's good without it sounding stupid or spoiling shit is nigh impossible, but the tl;dr is that:
1. It has really thorughouh worldbuilding, almost the entriity of cryptum is just explaining forerunner society and technology,
2. Forerunner technology is actually esoterically advanced rather then just "modern tech but way better/gloweer:", to the point where it';s legimately hard to wrap your head around it the same way it would be for somebody from 300 years ago to read a book where telecommunications was a thing and said book explained in detail how modern soceity depended on it and how we used it for everything, and
3. It really excellently spirals out of control the further into the triology you get, with the first book starting almost boring with how mundane everything seems to the characters, and then it slowly gets crazier and more and more horror elements seep in untill by the end of the third book it's just outright cosmic horror.
I would disagree. I've seen the line, I believe, to which you refer, and it only seemed to imply that forerunner examiners were shocked at humanity's existence. If anything, that further proves a link, to me.
Forerunner tech appears to function perfectly fine with human anatomy, proportions, and atmospheric requirements.
I'd prefer they build their own universe, then, if it is so good. Let their worldbuilding be as good as they want, so long as they stop overwritting my shit.
Hell, I had this same issue for Reach. It's why I rather disliked the game. There's just no call for all this redoing.
No shit, the faggot I was responding to was playing dumb.
Well, some of it. The lighting and colours (opposite of grit) are something really like.
There seems to be a lot of different specializations, looking at the armor, granted, you can combine them (oceanic cqc, for example).
They should make some combinations not applicable, as some do not make any sense at all. For example, imagine someone wearing a helmet armor designed for use underwater, with shoulders designed for deserts, and a visor made for slip-space. That would be silly, no? Especially if you were to throw in the Spartan abilities that were present in Halo Reach and 4. Imagine a fantasy character wearing wizard right arm sleave, a builder's left sleeve, heavy leg armor, an apron over thief body armor, and a space helmet. As oppressive as this may sound to some, it would make sense.
Is there any way to make the female bodies more like how they were in Halo 3? With slight difference. The way they look now (especially in Reach), is fantasy mmo female armor tier cringy.
accidental sage
No, the line is
If Forerunners were Human, then calling humanity just "them" and Earth being a foreign place doesn't make much sense. It's not such a shocked reaction either that would warrant "The forerunners found earth and humans and humans look and are genetically identical to them", either.
Well, this is both true and untrue. Doorways and such in a lot of forerunner structures are way larger then would be nesscary just for human sized indivuals, something which IIRC is noted in The Flood, the book adapation in CE, which the forerunner novels must have remembered since many forerunner castes have indivuals that are over 10 feet tall. There's also the matter that the handmarks in both CE and 2 have 6 fingers, not 5.
But yes, in general, forerunner technology is tuned to human usage, but this would also make sense if humans were merely choosen to be their heirs, which is basically what the case is.
This sentance got cut off, but, I was then saying the forerunner novels also of course show they have 6 fingere dhands on a lot of indivuals and obviously the didact's hand in 4 has 6 fingers as well, pic related
Graphics hasn't really improved since Fear and Crysis, aside from texture size.
Vista isn't too bad anymore, wish I could put a Vista skin on my machine though.
That's what made me think a very big link between them. It seemed to me that the line implied that they're separated siblings, either planted by the strings of fate, a strange forgotten accident, or just plain coincidence. Earth may not be the origin of humans as a whole, or the forerunners. Or, perhaps it is the origin of humans, but not the forerunners. Or perhaps it's the origin of both, but forerunners got separated at some point. Point being, it seemed to imply that they were human or human-related. After all, an alien world suited to the biology of some other being wouldn't be a garden world to them. Likewise, seeing an alien race wouldn't be anything special.
It's a pretty shocked reaction, in any case. The guy's talking about his garden, and we don't have records of their reaction of humans. All we have is the reaction of the guy who is amazed at a garden world, where he can plant what he wants, who says that they knew the place was special because humanity was here.
This most certainly does not suggest in the slightest to me that humans are not forerunners, or otherwise related to them.
Humans have lots of structures larger than they need be, too. Doesn't mean much. I'll give you the two finger bit, though. Still, sizewise, the consoles imply human proportions.
Likewise, it would make sense if forerunners happened to be humans, or otherwise heavily related to humans.
Can you post a picture of the handmark, by the way? I don't seem to remember it.
Sure, here.
Well, if you've actually read the forerunner novels, you'd know that perhaps there's indeed some truth to that…
Which obviously aren't actual issues if you are getting it now cheaply/on MCC via the 5$ DLC
Does microsoft have to fuck up everything? Not only does the MCC not actually include ODST on disc, Halo 2 runs below 1080p and they changed the music. The hud for 3 is the same resolution as it was on 360 as well. Then there are all of game breaking bugs after release. Horrible quality standards all around.
How many yen did they pay him for making that video? Custom games were never fun.
meant to quote that. thanks again msoft
Nice bait. Too bad the rest of your post isn't this retarded
Because they would need to re-license the incubus and breaking benjamin songs to re-use them for the new graphics. They are still there in classic graphics.
Copyright laws are retarded.
What did they do?
RIP Quake live, it's a damn shame they did what they did to it.
I'll be honest that webm seems like "scripted fun" which is that kind of "FUN" you see in commercials to try and sell a product.
I came in your mom 12 years ago.
So you're 3 years old now??
Vastly overrated but not "terrible".
that was created by psychoduck a halo 3 forger
he also made it in a week while visiting 343
the new pokemon arent overdesigned, theyre operators!
consider suicide
I agree Halo 4 lacked rockcock64. I mean how else am I going to be a pro gamer if he isn't there to give me the best tips?
It all makes sense now
Fuck off.
Well she drives like an Asian, but she fights like a frenchie
Not playing consoles shooters is like not playing mobile games or console RTS.
You can't consider it a negative.
You missed out on some good explosions and probably one of the best RTS control schemes not for PC.
Console RTS could be just fine if they played like Space Fed/Star Reach
Next year will be the 20th anniversary of what many consider to be the greatest year in gaming. All signs point to a shameful anniversary, a reminder that gaming has and still is in a cliffdive decline. Forget all the "was X amount of years ago" because next year will top all of that. Many sites will probably have an article about this and it will be an elephant in the room moment that gaming has less than 10% of the creative output of what 1998 had. The gaming industry is setting itself up for one of the most year-long embarrassing chapters in its existence starting in about 11 months. They may try hard to pretend or ignore it, but I for one will be there to remind them. They failed to live up to 1998 in 2018. Not even close.
Why is it so hard for 343 to do good armour design?
Gee thanks Halo 5 shill.
Just because you are completely oblivious to the massive technical advancements in graphics tech the last 10 years doesn't mean it hasn't happened. What crysis is is perfectly executed dx9-level graphics. All texture assets are high-quality and consistent, but it's all just good old diffuse+normal+alpha key on good old triangles. Surface materials differ mostly in specular width, so everything has this glossy look that's so typical for non-pbr pipelines. Just compare the look of the leaf with the armor in . They look like the exact same material. Same reflective properties and everything. Two things that are undoubtedly still really good are the lovely soft shadows and the fact that the godrays are not done excessively. And the water ofc, though I wonder if the reflections on the bottom isn't just an animated texture of some sort. Maybe procedural, but I don't know if they had invented gpu noise at the time.
A fixation on visual noise and hextiles. We have all these triangles and all these texels, so by god are we going to use every last one. Except for the scenery. They get little more than 2004 half-life 2 tier resolution.
We need more Asians in Halo! Why does Holla Forums not understand this?!
Looks suspiciously like XCOM2.
Or a new deus ex
It looks like what urban sci-fi should look like.
This looks like an UT map. I'd play it.
No surprise there, UI is the game Halo is closest to and have very similar map design principals as a result.
and what consensus is that?
By this I meant, I just looks sci-fi to me, nothing specific. Though I have never played Deus Ex.
What games this?
Fuck, this game's multiplayer was so much better than Halo CE's.
UT? Unreal tournament.
woops, meant to quote
oone guys said UT, another UI.
What went wrong?
The fight was finished but the shekels had to continue.
Campaign is too short and formulaic
Story, while not as offensively bad as 4, is still bad
No local multiplayer
Other then that it's pretty great.
They never first pic related. Also, they made Arbiter's armor better, and de-balled the Sanghelios by introducing stronk independent Sanghelios women to there society.
That was funny.
There's legitimately nothing wrong with the Arbiter's kaidon armorin 5.
I remember playing Halo 1 at CompUSA when it was released
Great potential, horrific execution. Should've had Blue Team the whole game, no Diversity Squad bullshit. Spartan-IV's should've just been a new batch of Spartan III's with slightly better armor, including the 'sacrifice a thousand of them to achieve impossible missions'. Stronk wymyns and bad dialog.
Characters like Buck could make an appearance here or there.
At least we got SPV3 for Halo 1 PC.
I want to like SPV3 but there's too much of a disparity in quality of it's assets to be appealing to me.
Personally i'm really hoping we get a fixed PC port of MCC for Halo 3's anniversary this year.
Reminder they killed Rookie and made Buck retarded so the OCs would stand out
Them killing the rookie is fine. It's a meme complaint and anybody bitching about it is a giant red flag that the person in question knows nothing about Halo lore. So congratulations, you outed yourself.
It allows him to show up one last time and have a narrative purpose, his death doesn't negatively impact the state of the universe or close off any worthwhile story threads, it prevents his character from being ruined by becoming an S4, and it doesn't prevent more stories being made about shit he did as an ODST. Aside from what happened with Mickey (which I bet you don't even know), it was actually an incredidibly smart move.
Want to know an ACTUAL death that 343 did that was stupid? Jul's. Unlike the rookie, he actually matters in the grand scheme of things, it cuts off a lot of narrative oppunities, and changed the state of the universe for the worse. It was also poorly handled. But I bet you don't know who Jul is either?
Fuck off, i'm so sick of hearing retards who don't know anything about the series bitch and be buttmad over a non issue just because they have a dumb bias over a character they like.
Ha yeah they'll milk this series down to the last drop.