
This just came out, thoughts?

Not clicking your shit video faggot. webm or fuck off.

inb4 shill accusations




I don't think that's his video, since it's just the old as fuck trailer from several months ago.

Webm'd though since he's still a faggot.

remember, no videogames allowed on Holla Forums

This is the developers video
People here havr talked about this fucking game plenty of times due to it being deep sea.
How fucking new are you gentlemen?


I am so excited for this game.
It even has the same plot as Ocean Hunter.

I'm legit shocked.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the crab shoots, but it surprised me all the same.

Someone needs to hurry up and say whether it's good or not so I can know whether or not to torrent it.

How fucking cancerous are you to believe everyone enjoys or even bothers with your undending circklejerk generals? Fuck off and make a proper OP next time.

according to the reviews its average with clunky controls

In its current state, it isn't worth a pirate. Check back in a month or so and see if they've improved it.

Looks like shit, plays like shit, runs like shit. Like the setting, would torrent again in six-nine months.

The controls need work. The only way to maneuver is by moving the camera but that's also how you aim. It's not intuitive at all.
Also you fight the crab battleship really early on. There are other giant sea creatures but they blew their wad with the hyped up one way too early

here, have a shitty webm from some normalfag reviewer

Stay mad autismo, maybe go post outside a vidya thread if you're this triggered by videogames.

Reviews are garbage though.

Fucking christ… I thought this meme died already. Why does everything need to be compared to it?



looks pretty comfy

It also looks like it's pretty short and shits the bed towards the end.
A boss fight comes out of fucking nowhere and suddenly you're grabbing laser guns and the problems with the controls become even more severe.
Then it goes into eye rape mode for a little bit, you get to the surface, and then nothing happened for me. I sailed around for ten minutes waiting for something to happen before giving up and reloading the checkpoint, which shit me out at the beginning of the gauntlet that leads to the boss fight

I guess I will wait another year for them to fix it

it's honestly not very good, it lacks alot of polish and this isn't just "it's a new pc game" lack of polish there's all sorts of continuity issues and the whole game feels cramped and rushed like they took priority over doing the art but utterly left out GUI assists so we get this bland as fuck shit on top of lazy renditions of shit you'd see in endless legend or bastion to which the game takes heavily from story wise

the game play is really awful too, it's like they ported it to consoles and then ported it back so you're very limited in your camera movement while having lots of control with your sub which for a game that's all about looking "pretty" everything blurs into everything else since 70% of everything you see is copy paste job

the game mechanics are really simple and rather shallow too and almost seemingly tacked on too considering everything respawns but at the same time I think they expected the game to be more like a survival rouge lite then a open world collectathon since there's resource management but since the aforementioned respawning it's utterly meaningless asides from your air supply which is gimped as it goes down faster then you can blink unless you take the time to grind up scrap to buy more tanks

a final thing of note is that the game has AWFUL navigation since your map is more or less useless of actually keeping track of where you are as there's no marking of where you are on the map but what's worse is you need to find charters to mark "land" marks on your map which you can find near the land marks in places you can enter the gold fish trails only lead to cities

I don't know whats real and what isn't anymore

Thanks for saving me some money.

Your boner is real user

Nicely put user
A shame really

no problem I'll go into it abit more since there's afew things I've missed

the game lacks any kinda characters outside of one dimensional cookie cutter types which they somehow expect you to connect with on nothing since it seems like whoever wrote this shit must have left out ALOT of development between the "main" characters as you see no real interaction with your crew outside of shit that's objective to the "plot", like for example, you get this 2shy4u qt guild boy as your sonar and a big strong wymyn bounty hunter as a gunner, you get two missions where you see a shit hint of sonar boy background where he gets pushed around by some blond bitch who trades some hot gas with the gunner who sticks up for poor sonar boi in the ever so fucking cliche tripe, the other is when sonar boy dies the first town you visit in the new area and gunner chick is drunk at the bar after his funeral saying it was all her fault because she pushed him and the shit which you never actually see happening

**that crab boss in the webm happens within the last part of the first area and he's a fucking push over if you keep your distance and torp his guns and torps that somehow it can use without a crew since you board it for a passport to the next area, even though there's a passageway leading out RIGHT NEXT TO A BLOCKAGE that leads to the world map but you can't actually use it till you get that passport and go the way the developer wants you to go since those fucking gold fish paths are your only real means of finding where the fuck to go in the game and they'll lead you through fucking walls or string you through landmarks"

and yes if you're wondering, almost every position of power that's portrayed in a good light I've seen is that of a woman with two exceptions of a reused sprite of a ginger man

Are they cute?

Explore, motherfucker. Isn't that what you faggots here want? Not to be handheld?

in a tumblr kinda way

see that's what I did, I found some things which looked the same as the other things but when I actually had to go some place I hadn't found before I got so utterly lost because, again, every place looks the same and 80% of the time you're looking at blurry empty sea


not even going to pirate this turd

I guess I will wait for patches and weeb mods

how fucking far away is that? even from the thumbnail you can tell she's ugly as sin.

no you don't get it, finding new places is the issue, if it's not on the golden fish trail then you're pretty much fucked since the compass nor the map has any indication so you've got to relay on your sonar pings but unless you're already upon it you're basically going around the tiny map going up and down killing the same enemies and looting the same places

the game rail roads you while it's supposed to be open world, it's shit mate

how about these strong wymyns?

You could have just said no.

To be fair, the developers themselves have been saying that it is like Dark Souls.

I'd wait on this game regardless of whether you're going to buy or pirate. Reason being is it seems like there's potential for the devs to either polish or add content to the game. If you're buying the price will likely be cheaper. Either way, you'll likely have more content and a possibly better game.

Fun looking concept, but from what I can gather, it needs work.

christ all mighty i never thought i'd see the day someone wants a games map to be like skyrim

She looks nice in the thumbnail, the only bad thing you can think of is that she doesnt have childbearing hips

Alison could look good if it wasnt for the "its stink" face, but kat looks like shit, the thumbnails look nice, I bet someone will make a mod that removes all of the faces

finding new places =/= finding places you already know

this doesn't have miasmata quality of mapping here, you gotta find a chest with it's map in and if you can't find that then you're buggered still

its not that fucking hard to use a map and compass to go a general area. i don't see how you can say its a tiny map and you're getting railroaded when you get lost because you don't even have basic navigation skills

get off your self and read what I've been saying instead of needing to be right on the internet here

there I've summed my points up for you, looking forwards to your poor attempts to casual shame me incorrectly

How about instead I politely point out how you can't format for shit or that your posts look like they were typed by a severely medicated chimp?

Just popped in to say you've done a good thing today my dude. It's pretty obvious you're arguing with a shill just by the way they're communicating, constantly being accusatory and saying your taste is subjectively shit with comparisons to shallow games, while you're being level-headed and providing concrete reasons and evidence of just how awful this tumblr nose strunk wymyn turd is.

From one user to another, I thank you.

how about you suck my dick

the game on the whole, if you've ever played it, suffers with the same issues that rebel galaxy has in that you do nothing really interesting asides from grind for bigger ships but in diluvion there's no good music or decent game play to back it up with

I'm just laughing that you can't comprehend basic naval navigation to the point where if everything isn't marked on a map with exact positions including yourself you cry like a babby then cry that the map is too small but you still get fucking lost

that's not what I was saying what so ever but if it helps your argument then I can see why you'd approach it like that

Anyone got webms of your qt crew working and doing stuff inside the sub?

they're sprites with 4 or 5 frame loops, they don't do shit other then the odd story shit

Fucking aids.

Are you alright, user?

Picked it up earlier. It's surprisingly good but needs some polish. I could see it becoming a pretty big game if the dev actually continues to update it.

Pirated it and uninstalled within 45 minutes. Game is utter trash.

Confirmed shill thread. Please sage replies.

all the three bosses in the game were easy as fuck, I only had some troubles with the end boss and that's because I just needed to move around me crew alittle bit as you get weapons to fight the boss with so you don't need your guns or your sonar nor your torps just hp regen and speed, oh and the bit leading up to the final boss is a joke too as it's supposed to be a gauntlet of death but you can just breeze it easily if you keep low and raise when you need to

they patched the camera with a update but it doesn't really help the gameplay since they actually fucked the mouse sensitivity with it abit

Is the skeleton monster the final boss?

yes, it's easy

I know, I beat it but afterwards fucking nothing happened and when I reloaded it put me back before the gauntlet and I just dropped it.
Is the ending worth it?

the game takes you up in a bright white with black lines as your indicator that you're actually going up, you breach the surface of the sea and find a tiny island with a light house on it, you dock with it and there's a dude on there who basically says "I came here to take humans up into space but you're all awful and evil that you destroyed me and everything else but you're still doing that to each other so I'm still not going to take you to another planet"

Damn, I guess I just needed to find that lighthouse. I sailed around aimlessly for about fifteen minutes because lol no map or compass and gave up thinking I missed a trigger.

you missed nothing interesting so don't worry about it