Share Thread: Git Gud A Shit Edition

Git gud copy pasta not recognizing spacing anymore?

Last thread:
We prefer Danknets Magnet links and not that shitty clearnet shit like bittorents and IPFS.Read a book or something if you want to catchup,PREPARE:,,Save EVERYTHING >>>/eternalarchive/,RUURS.webm: For the full list,

'Check IGG-Games first before making a request' 'For Wii ISO`s first check Roms+ISO' 'For GOG first check the May 16th GOG dump (Mega Archives) and the site under Check before posting' Useful site to help fix most PC games. Vola Check before posting Archives Mega Archives,PC Hopefully this will now be more visible, If a archive requires the entering of a password check the archives, specifically the thread it came from. Rom/ISO's,Console ISO GNU/Linux LinuxVidya Holla Forums OST Suggested OP copy pasta

Guide to a Happy Share Thread Only hosting,did not write Leechers 1. Before you request,search online for the file you want,even use distributed search engines e.g.InfraSearch,Opencola,YaCy,FAROO.See below for famous links. 2. Look first in the archives and on volafile for the file you are looking for. 3. When requesting, be as specific as possible.If you have the cover art of the file you want,post it on both the share thread and on vola room. 4. Due to asshats in our share thread,links to files will be purposely misleading (have spaces,lines,keys&passwords split in the post),including torrent hashes. If you see something like: c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a |or| c12-fe1c-06bba25-4a9dc9f519-b335aa7c1-367a88a,it's a magnet link's identifier, probably being a BitTorrent Info Hash (BTIH). Assuming you have a shitty bittorrent client,make a url prepending magnet:?xt=urn:btih:,so that it works out to magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a&dn=youDIMWITTEDmother.fucker.tar a. Find and Replace (sed/tr/awk) is your friend

Uploaders 1. When in doubt,upload.Ask questions later. 2. Upload to many alternative sources (5+) and keep a local copy if space permits. 3. Use a URL shorterner (spaced or split) and/or paste relinks ( on file links to confuse bots 4. Encrypt your uploads now with a password,key, or generator.Rename the files something random, even their checksums.Maybe even pad files to the nearest GB or so,to confuse bots. 5. If you have a stable computer connection,it is extremely advisable to self host the file, using anonymity tools like Freenet,I2P,Gnunet,distributed NNTP or MixMinion/Mixmaster.

Volafile edition 1. Before you upload a batch of miscellaneous files,like images and music,be sure they are unique enough to stand on their own, and that you ask for the majority's the consensus whether to upload the files individually. 2. Vola room owner edit- Upload 5 files and then zip the rest if the dump is larger then 6-7 files. Music Albums exceeding 5 files are to be zipped.When uploading a raw torrent which includes skidrow,codex, etc files either add them to the a zip of the game or just don’t upload those misc files.Properly label files so that they can be identified without asking someone else.For lewd stuff with filenames like RJ74765 either add a .txt file linking to the contents on a website or just add the title to the file "BIG BOOTY WOMEN SIT ON SHOTA FACE (RJ34734)" 3. You can filter files by file type (.txt, .rar, etc) or search the file list with the bar hidden by the filter files button. a. When in doubt,archive as a single [or split file if too large],then upload.

Other urls found in this thread: of Songs,!u9A0Rbxa!9osnoaMYjBJRll0PvrYV8Q!WwRgUbbA!8FyKwzA64jWds5BI-H8XGvDvGoJTBBjBKJz9jIn1Kb8!al4lmLLQ!3c2_ZP38P9p7d_Hrn4L8YVcTP51Xq6ZYqIl54HsXe7w!HhZERToR!YjTAbHFk-vpcQhw1CIUSPyqiXkuvQS0inXzP1nLpNPQ!rB9HyRQK!DcgZt1XMC961Prnavg-D8WEHJ84a8-SF0Hn77bRCthI!y1BzjaYK!jwfoEoXUs2lWAT7-FOvbo3lwJWHEQ0v_IPxudDvdGJk!Dhw1UZjJ!R3d9uysu4EQQBgKBzkwzVIBjt6sROKf7EuOKcEpaiGQ!KtAURKxT!3Jq7S9oZUbDVBciMU97GC1Jh49MjrR-I_iSTWDmoy6M!K0JEwLQK!EPBAmvU5P-C0MInqFoPOYbYFL_ZRzb1i0SoEg2M8fmk!uxBFARjL!5lX1YmL-Ny4zJgzqLcKApIcq2o0KT52dSV85bNT6e0w!RdcHFD7C!s5qGF2RG9iJwWKN36si1OOJ8bnb_0B9qBmOlBSPgw24!xsh0wCCB!knrP_SnC9a1VpbxxJggykxQD7_FI_3jAxz2jL8J6KcA Shield v1.60 [ENGLISH] No-CD/Fixed EXE!EllAWLKb!l4JKsJwLJIPw-36vTY4A_4j-8aDesN8XWcd4DwUfAWw King Story GOG torrent&categories=general

I don't see Xanadu Next in the PC git archive.
I'm uploading it to my mega right now if anyone wants it.

God damn, how am I supposed to share shit with a shit speeds like this?

Anyone have Hydro Thunder Hurricane?

Is that game any good?

Dunno. I'm currently in the middle of playing Yu-no. I'll probably play it after I get done with it.
The music in it is good.


Do you like Diablo and Zelda? If so you'll prolly like this. It's pretty much if those two games had a child with a killer soundtrack.

What would you expect from an N-gage game?

Is it more Diablo or more Zelda? This is important, I don't like Zelda

Share your thoughts with me, anything.

Gameplay wise it's like Diablo. A lot of bosses are reminiscent of Zelda.

What would you think of me, a person with ADHD, if I sold Adderall to kids in highschool because I didn't want to take it myself and ended up getting stronger medicine which I could sell for more because the doctors thought that my current prescription wasn't working?

The N-Gage game has almost nothing in common with the PC version, you faggot. Gameplay, dungeons, gear and history where almost fully changed. Also, the Steam version was released around five months ago, has critical bugs, the achievements are still broken and it has received zero patches. I bought it at launch like a good goy I also bought their broken Little King Story port like a good goy Fuck me if I'm ever giving XSeed money ever again, specially with the virtue signaling against Trump

I played through the entire game and only had those graphical errors and no "critical bugs". I don't give a fuck about achievements because why would you care? I also haven't seen any virtue signaling. Unless I'm wrong. Give some proof of that if you have it.

thanks, sounds neat.

i desperately want to live in a 2d anime world and have a cute waifu

but user, all you gotta do is

WTF I hate XSeed now.

That isn't critical.
Change resolutions
Poor baby can't not swing his weapon

I will concede with that one person's opinion being shit, but condemning an entire company because of one person shows retardation. They've always had a form of gumption, user. They've taken on these huge games while they themselves are a small company. Every game I've played from them I've not had a single problem out of that would break the game so I don't see how they would be "messes" as you put it. They do quality translations and work despite one person's political alignment. Get your head out of your ass on this crusade.

Anyone got a magnet for a complete og xbox collection? The one in the op has no one sharing it.

Of course not, if XSeed leaves it unfixed it is not critical
You got me user. Next you will make fun of my fragile masculinity.
Perhaps we should wonder what's the fucking point of adding them in the first place if they leave them broken afterwards
No, I'm judging them because they are releasing shitty products and they are proudly announcing how much quantity and less quality we are going to get this year.
Nah, you go fuck yourself, you drone. If I have to choose between heavily censored shit from other companies and broken products I will simply choose to not waste my money. And I don't have any crusade against anyone, I loved their Ys ports and I admire their position against censorship and hamfisting politics in their games despite being stereotypical progressive filth, I am just tired of crap. Why can't we have a single decent company to bring jap games to the west?

It's a good game. I'm on the 2nd boss and having a blast. It's kinda buggy though so watch out.

Considering the fact that this is based off of the 2011 fan translation(Tom started the translation and was the one who did the tablet and memoir translations for the fan patch) with a few quality of life fixes here and there(true widescreen, minimap fix) then yes these are bugs that should've been fixed within the first month.

It's not a straight re-release but it's still not acceptable for some of these problems to STILL be in the game. Like the problem of certain text(like when you pick up a tablet) causing the screen resolution to bug out and skip the item acquired text. Also yeah, not being able to kill red slimes in the beginning without the AOE hitting everyone and everything in the room despite the Japanese version giving them a simple AOE ring. Also might I remind you that they released this in November of last year and there hasn't been SINGLE patch yet. The only thing I've heard from XSeed was the programmer responsible for this effort saying that's she sometimes patches games years after release and it's not abandoned which puts the release date sometime between here and who the fuck knows when.

I don't care if you like XSeed or not because considering the fact that it's been 3 months and these bugs persist I'd say that for now that they've fucked up with this one despite having an otherwise good track record. It's playable but nowhere near the state it needs to be.

Also "that one person" that you're referring to is the Tom I was referring to earlier AKA the resident localization expert for XSeed. He's anti censorship and usually not a faggot but the other user had small if not slightly valid concerns although I wouldn't put much weight into it.

Here's Xanadu Next.

looking for this meme game

Does anyone here have a version of the Deus Ex soundtrack where every single song is a separate track?
The version I have has it so that every single song that plays in an area is one track.

It's made by an user actually, i got it for free but i haven't touched it.

So what's the password for the Mass Effect 1 repack in the PC archive? One of the compressed folders needs a password to open and there doesn't seem to be an indication of a password in the git gud list. Wondering how to get Mass Effect rolling.

Nope, you just need to select the RAW option on the page in order for spacing to take effect. Also currently expirencing techncial issues that are stopping me from updating the git gud (partition holding the files got wiped in a moment of stupidty. Hopefully at least the login details text can be recovered).

There is a suggested process at the very top of MegaArchive

However after checking Archives, the password doesn't appear to have been posted. Try {NameOfTheArchive} or simply NameOfTheArchive, with the {} being required

Would anybody happen to have rips (and by extension, not compressed to hell and back) of any of the following Sonic Adventure 2 soundtracks?

The last 2 in particular.

does the wiiu have anything like that homebrew channel to run backup copies?

Does someone have these songs in good quality? of Songs
Maybe not even the game version, the complete versions would be nice, but I can't find good quality stuff and I don't want to rip them from youtube.

Not sure if KHinsider soundtracks are compressed, actually, I'm pretty sure they're rips. Look there.

All soundtracks are in .mp3 format which is lossely compressed. I have on many occasions provided links to both a high quality rip (.wav/.flac) and .mp3, with the .mp3 being only downloaded.

Contrary to this, that's the best version, or at least the version you like the most, of メルト?

I see. I meant as good as an .mp3 could be. .flac is too much autism, but I guess that user actually wanted something of the sort

I don't need it to be flac, necessarily, i'm fine with good quality MP3s (though the original audio without further compression or conversaion would be ideal), I just didn't want it SIGNIFICANTLY lossily compressed from the original to the point where the audio is really bad.

Then try KHinsider. So far, everything I've got there is in good quality, for an .mp3. that's it. Sometimes shit is kind of slow to download from.

Does anyone have the steamfix for stellaris?
I can't seem to find it anywhere.


Which games exactly are in F!FpESzCAY!zdXlyrOmj_NzuqSeY3eZZA?
Asking so i know what it has before downloading 10 GB of potentially bland games.

Uploaded the SMT IV OST, thanks to khinsider

its in the volafile in case you haven't been paying attention.

Anyone got Super Columbine Massacre RPG for the DS?
I remember reading about it in a mag and then heard it got cancelled.

Why not It's where the IGG-Goons go to get their stuff, repack with malware and then release as their own on their website.

Probably because the .ru at the end notice in the link after the bolded "check before posting" only one listed source has .ru because not many Anons here use russian sites even though the one you posted also comes in english, and also convenience igg-games has both steam cracks, old cracks of old games that's only updated on demand from take downs, and GOG installers. Just be sure to verify there isn't malware in each thing you download inside a sandbox and of course stopping the malicious scripts and redirects.

For me personally though recommending in the OP copypasta would bring to much attention to it. Those lists are shared on Facebook mang.

I agree with , one of the main reasons that I have it there is because 8/10 an user's request is either there (but they couldn't be arsed to read the fucking OP and check it) or will be up in a few days. Also seeing as it has Facebook and social shit integration, it obviously is fine with becoming infamous. Bringing more heat down upon the site admin (unless he has made a deal with the devil, which wouldn't surprise me at all).
I thought that shit was over.Hopefully if I were to self host then I could make it nearly impossible to share.

If those rar's aren't password protected I will be able to easily list the contents.

Why are you on here if you're in high school

Anyone know where I could get the Yes DLC for Rocksmith 2014? The IGG "All DLC" download is missing the newer stuff, and the place that makes custom DLC took down everything that's been made into official DLC. I just wanna learn Roundabout.

Isn't that one made by John Romero's son?

does anyone have a prepatched version of rosenkreuzstilette lying around? here have a cute loli as compensation

Anyone have Fallout: New Vegas or at least the encryption

Listed, files renamed for my own sanity.

I mean the archives have been renamed, the internal`s haven't.

[DLC] [Pack] Rocksmith 2014 Remastered Official DLC Pack

2016-10-18 Yes Song Pack 48.51 MB
yeshear_p.psarc 12.53 MB 13140028
yesive_p.psarc 8.19 MB 8596287
yesowne_p.psarc 5.14 MB 5397010
yesroun_p.psarc 10.71 MB 11234880
yesstar_p.psarc 11.91 MB 12498343


In the previous thread, an user posted links to a mega download for the undubed version of Xenosaga episode 3.
Now i have 2 questions:
1. Does anyone have MEGA links for the other episodes undubbed? If so, could someone give the links?
2. How bad is the censorship in the dub? I hear that there was some stupid censorship in all 3 episodes, especially in ep.3 but is it just minor stuff or entire removed scenes?

The reason i ask the 2nd question is because i am not one of those fags that thinks jap voices are somehow superior and i actually prefer having english voices but i also hate censorship and would hate it if important stuff got censored or made stupid. That and i heard that skits aren't voiced in the dub, is that true?

comments on tracker about Xeno3 (uncesored but dubbed) says that there is no blood in game at all, that's one and only thing was censored in US release.

I don't have MEGA links, but there 140GB torrent of an "Undub Project 2.6", that has all 3 in it

Xenosaga.Episode.I.USA.UnDUB.PS2DVD9 6.42 GB
Xenosaga.Episode.II.USA.UNDUB1.1.PS2DVD-Fei 6.78 GB


Fucking nice, man. Thanks a lot for the magnet, i am gonna start downloading this right away.

Does anyone have Ace of Seafood. I would be really grateful if someone could pass it on over to me.

How do cracks work for games with windows live? Will they run without it?

what kind of faggotry are we dealing with here?

meant games for windows

Welcome to the internet, young amigo. You start by downloading a crack and finish by putting the files in designated area.
I hope you will have a great time browsing the site and don't forget to visit facebook and instagram.
We also hope you are enjoying Windows 10.

Does anyone have the "Zoo tycoon 2 Complete + Extras" Torrent that includes all of the downloadable content and expansions? I had a link to it but when torrenthound closed it stopped working since that was the site it was on.

actually, i found a web archive link that worked. the torrent varies with how many seeds it has, but it's downloading just fine for me.

Archived piratebay link (it was removed for some reason)


This copy is legit and includes all the expansions, but the files are repacked into mdf format. Still, i'd rather have it available to anyone who wants it.

What's the recommended torrent client, and is it possible to move torrents from one to the other, so I can keep seeding them?
Right now I've got Deluge and it's being extremely uncooperative. It freezes constantly for a few seconds. If I minimize and try to maximize it, it freezes. If I scroll down and back up in my list of torrents, it freezes. If I select a torrent and click options, it freezes. Sometimes even having it as the active window and waiting a few seconds will make it freeze.
It never crashes, but it's incredibly annoying and virtually unusable. I've never noticed anything abnormal regarding RAM or CPU usage while it's running or freezing.

It's been like this since I first installed it. I tried un- and reinstalling it, but it didn't help. At the time I just said screw it and put up with the problem since I rarely torrented anything, but now I'm doing it more often and it's impossible to ignore.


How the fuck do you find anything in these archives?

Come on now.

Personally I would suggest Qbittorrent, if you mean the physical data then yes. The stats won`t transfer over, you just need to import the metadata (via torrent hash, torrent file or magnet), select where data is stored and then force recheck. Hopefully everything works out.

im fuckin triggered

I went through the archives but I couldn't find anything from ctrl+f so I assume it's hidden in one of the million archived threads. How am I supposed to search those?

Unavoidably it is the more time consuming way, with picking the thread you want to search and then your viewing method. Finally running ctrl+f on it. However this shouldn`t be needed for anything thread but some parts of the previous one (at least in theory at least)

Much appreciated!

Ok I went through (I believe) all the archives, does anyone know where the fuck I can find a copy of harvester?

IGG has a result from 2013 strangely the links that usually dead are still active.
I`l be a broken record, any suggestions for any similar sites (quantity and scale wise at least)?

Harvester [L] [GOG] [ENG / MULTI] (1996) (

I know this is unrelated to the share thread but does anyone know if any of the .Hack(Dot Hack) games were censored?
I found a torrent for all of the dot hack games, their soundtracks and the terminal disc and i torrented them, but i am wondering if they are censored. I can't find any info about it on google so i thought maybe someone here knows.

Heres the magnet link for anyone who wants it:
Dot Hack Complete Series PS2 NTSC-US JigzJuggalo

Anyone have Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles/Darkside Chronicles? I remember looking for this months ago, but it's not on my hard drive so I must not have succeeded.

[Nintendo Wii] Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles [NTSC / ENG]

[Nintendo Wii] Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles [PAL / Multi5]

Can we get a share for Call to Power 2 from a kind soul?
preferably the GoG version for compatibility,

Civilization: Call to Power 2, v1.1 / (GOG)

awww man much thanks… been looking for this forever
have you played it? liked it?


Does someone have Fable The Lost Chapters. Link in the MegaArchive is dead. Would appreciate to download from Mega.

Anyone got The Typing of the Dead? Not Overkill.

Anyone have a copy of Crypt of the Necrodancer for Linux? All I can find are Windows versions.

Anyone know how I'd go about removing basic Steam shit? I got a game I wanna share but it uses basic steamworks and figured it'd be poor form to upload it as-is.

It should be simply just applying another Steam crack and editing the ID`s in the .ini to match the target game. Steam DB will have the ID`s.

I have none on hand, but I understand how it works. What would you advise using if I were to hit, say, IGG?

Hey, so, I have an actual guitar, but I don't have the USB cable to connect to my PC. I do, however, have a 3.5mm aux cable that I can use in conjunction with my amp. Is there any way to get this game to recognize my guitar without the little USB peripheral? Also, do you think this game actually helps you learn guitar?

Here is the entire crack folder of a steam game that I may have from IGG, the sha256sum is help detect corruption in the download. As for the password try $NameOfTheArchiveInQuestion.,

Without the $, forced of habit.

Alright, I'll test it shortly.

Anyone have the soundtracks for the Persona and Shin Megami Tensei games?

not a most popular thing on a tracker, so torrents have 1-5 seed visible on site, may take some time to get them

Shin Megami Tensei OST - 2006, MP3 (tracks), 320 kbps // 883.4 MB
-Devil Summoner Raidou Complete Music Works
-Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 OST
-SMT III Nocturne OST
-SMT III Nocturne Maniax OST Extra Version
-Maken X OST

and separate soundtracks

(Score) Shin Megami Tensei IV FINAL (Apocalypse) Original Soundtrack - 2016, MP3, 320 kbps // 285.5 MB

(Score) Shin Megami Tensei IV (4) Original Soundtrack (4CD) - 2014, MP3, 320 kbps // 679.1 MB

(Score) Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Original Soundtrack & Maniacs Soundtrack extra version - 2003-2004, MP3, 320 kbps // 355.1 MB

(Soundtrack) Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Sound File - 1996, MP3, 320 kbps // 253.8 MB

(Score) Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor OVER CLOCK Original Soundtrack - 2011, MP3, 320 kbps // 111.1 MB

(Soundtrack) Ito Kenji - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Original Soundtrack - 2011, MP3, 320 kbps // 166.3 MB

(Soundtrack) Shin Megami Tensei STRANGE JOURNEY Original Soundtrack - 2009, MP3, 320 kbps // 157 MB

aaaand persona, choose yourself whatever you need, seem like it has everything
(Soundtrack / Score / Drama) Persona Series Music & Drama Collection (Shoji Meguro, Toshiko Tasaki, Kenichi Tsuchiya, Masaki Kurokawa & VA) - 1997-2017, MP3, 128 ~ 320 kbps / VBR // 10.15 GB

Crypt of the NecroDancer (+Amplified DLC) [x86] [Native] [GOG] [2.37]

Typing of the Dead [ENG] 2000
key "КЛЮЧ активации.txt"

aaand not to stand up twice
[Anthology] The House of the Dead I+II+III + The Typing of the Dead I+II + The Typing of The Dead: Overkill [RePack] [ENG+JAP / ENG] (1998—2013)

read as

Thanks, much appreciated.

Uploading to Vola.

Thanks user, you're the best.

she has some real man hands there

Still hunting for the latest version of LEGO Worlds, as I'd like to try it to know if I should buy it cheaper before it gets out of Early Access next month, and also after RE1 REmake, because IGG's copy is broken and I can't find it on any magnet aggregates.

Update 17 aka "Update 6: Patch 4 - No More Beta" from august '16 seems to be latest at least at steam news page, as this fucks haven't bothered to post anything in "updates" or "releases" news sections, except about being available as early access from '15.
So, have it. No installation required.
and from comments - "if you experience crashes at "model screen" - remove GAME0.DAT from game folder"

weebshits haven't learned from 2 bombs apparently, is it "Resident Evil HD Remaster - 2015" remake of 1998 game for PC? or is it most recent, before one numbered as 7, "Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster 2016"?

This may be the one I found already that crashed on startup, but we'll see once I download it.

2015 was the HD remaster of RE1, 2016 was the remaster of RE0, which was a prequel released after RE3.

So, 2015 for PC it is then.
Take it from this anthology of repacks, 50GB whole.
[Anthology] Resident Evil (1997-2016) - 50.15 GB
-[10] [2015] Resident Evil HD Remaster - 9.31 GB

it was questionable, as there also consoles versions, with maybe different names, and nowhere nothing straight named as "RE1 REmake"

It wasn't properly labelled actually. Depending where you got it, it was either called Resident Evil, Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil Remake, BioHazard or BioHazard Remake.

They never properly named it, the fan term was REmake or RE1 REmake to differentiate from the RE0 REmake and the original RE1.

It's pretty simple as long as you don't have a signle-digit IQ. Resident Evil 1 got a remake in 2002 for the Gamecube, just called "Resident Evil". Fans called it REmake because it was practically a different game entirely, and so good that it deserved discussion and distinction. Capcom hasn't released a non-REmake version of the original since Deadly Silence, on the DS.
Resident Evil 0 also got released around that time, but that was the original release, and it also just so happens to suck ass.
So in 2015, Capcom decided to port the 2002 Gamecube game to PC and 8th gen consoles with HD textures, effects, and all that jazz. The next year they did the same thing with RE0, probably to see if people today will lap up liquid shit as long as it resembles the originals. The RE0 rerelease isn't an overhaul remake like the 2002 REmake, it's more of a port that looks better. Nobody calls RE0 HD "RE0 REmake" because it's not a remake, plus it sucks ass so nobody even wants to talk about it

sage for offtopic

anybody here know of a good way to get textbook pdfs?



Birry, have you forgot to take your medicine?

looking for some gud games you guys got any recommendations(any games will do).
(sage for off topic)

Its best if you try downloading something for yourself, you may even be surprised by the game.

Sophie Magnet: 9e505389f12cbfb1a1d64ad48b1bd36f4d55839b

Anyone got any of the Dangaronpa titles?
First one or second one, I'm fine with either.

Is this the honeypot thread?

Yeah, that isn't working. No launch, nada.
For more information, it's apparently made with the Gamemaker Studio, so it probably needs something related to that.

Not the same user but whats the problem exactly?

Oh, trying to get the unspecified GMS game steam-cracked. It's a piece of shit and nobody wants it, but I'd like to contribute a bit more than I have. I'm just literally too stupid to crack this thing on my own.

Well, good luck with that.

Not vidya, but does anyone have the Destroy All Software screencasts?

Odd request but could somebody upload these into a .zip

before Club Penguin is gone 4eva

This shit is great.

It's missing three .DLLs needed to run.
Can I simply find these and drop them in the right place? Or do I need to do something else?



I am a dumb nigger

Where can I find Stardew Valley for linux?

Anyone have Spore?

Does anyone have an updated version of SimplePlanes? Been feeling like getting into it again.

Mafia 1 anyone?

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - Limited Edition [Repack] [JAP / ENG] (2016)

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair [L] [JAP/ENG] (2016)

Destroy All Software [Screencasts] // all 90, up to 25.03.2013

Stardew Valley [x86, amd64] [ENG] [Mono] [GOG] // description says - make file executable, launch it, install game

Spore: Galactic Adventures [RePack] [MULTI] (2009) ( // this one with "Dr.Pepper / EA's 14 Mech Parts"+Creepy & Cute Parts Pack

Spore collection (SPORE + Galactic Adventures + Creepy & Cute Parts Pack) [L] [RUS|MULTI] (2009) [GOG] // this one seems lack "Dr.Pepper / EA's 14 Mech Parts"

For PC - SimplePlanes [L] [GOG] [ENG] (2014) ( (13 September 2016, not the latest) // posting it as it's GOG release from safe source, see next

Here goes latest i've found,, got it from google search, checked with AV, but haven't installed, thus haven't checked installed files

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven // patch 1.2/1.3 included

You're a pretty cool guy, user. Many thanks.

Thanks m8

Can someone please upload the Humble Bundle/publisher website version of 100% Orange Juice?

It was """designed""" by Romero's son aka he had the idea and Romero did everything else, I suppose they are getting sales through the "Oh look it's a game made by a kid" sympathy points

I saw in the PC games list there's Age Of Empires 2, anyone with the iso of the expansion of it?

Anyone have the GCN Zoids: Battle Legends? Emuparadise has a bad dump that won't boot in Dolphin.

I don't want to bother but I can't find the latest scene release for Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 EE. The releases should be:

Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition v2.3.67.3 + Siege of Dragonspear
Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition v2.3.67.3

I've exhausted all the public sources I know about and could only find DDLs using those freemium file services. I'd like BGII:EE at the very least.

The Mega archive in the OP doesn't have the latest update, by the way.

Everything in there was past tense.

And it never will. Are you interested in primarily modding or just playing the game? Because it really doesn't matter if you want to just play the game as is.

Because he is a young clever shitposter?

Thank you kindly user

Anons, i have 3 requests:
1. Is there any magnet, MEGA link or any place where we can download ISOs for PS3 games? If so, give them please.
2. Does anyone have a magnet or a MEGA link with the soundtracks for all of the Resident Evil games? If so, give it please.
3. Does anyone have the game Bouncer for the PS2? If so, would you kindly give the link?

I want to play with EET and Big World, that's why I need those versions. The one I want the most would be BGII:EE though.

Thank you for the answer.

Thank you user!

I don't know if you're still checking in, but Rocksmith should have an option to listen in with a mic if you have one; I never tried the amp plus aux cable sorry. It's more of a supplement to learning, learn your scales, chords, and other shit off the plethora of YT videos and use Rocksmith to learn songs. Good luck man.

Does anyone have the Muv-Luv Steam Version?
I looked through the archives and a lot of sites including AB but couldn't find it anywhere and I sure as hell won't give them 35$.
I just hope it'll be easier finding Alternative when it's released as I really hated the whole 16:9 in a 4:3 windows thing in the original release.

[PS3] in check before posting.
After a quick search with QBittorrent's default engine set, RESIDENT EVIL OST COLLECTION 896-10-e51f2-3b871-7094-e28e6-bbd6-0cb-a47-ccf-0-e7 772MB, however it unfortunately doesn't have every single game. The latest game;
The 2TB PS2 USA dump has it.

Could someone share a working and updated version of Vector Thrust?

is it gud?

I dont know.

Alright man, i am gonna be honest, i don't know what to do with the codes.
What am i supposed to do with 896-10-e51f2-3b871-7094-e28e6-bbd6-0cb-a47-ccf-0-e7?
Also, the 2TB PS2 USA dump has a similar code, 85-17-B29-D393C-291AA-331E9-F479B-376732-1B20-0-ED.
How am i supposed to use these codes?

read op

Thanks user, i actually appreciate that you didn't spoonfeed me and made me actual learn about the codes.
Thanks, now i know and the only remaining question is does anyone know whats the difference between the normal Crash Twinsanity 7zip and the 1.00 version of the zip?

I feel like a retard is asking this, but what do I use for a link like this?


It is the easiest to use (in compairsion to the others) as you needed is to have IPFS install and to run a instance of the daemon (with ipfs daemon) in one terminal/command prompt. Then in another, run ipfs get $Link (with it defaulting the download to where it is run but you can tell it a different location with flag) and if at least one online peer has the file(s) it will download. Adding it to the OP would unfortunately very likely excede the character limit.
The official IPFS gateway responds to DMCAs so you need to use if that's the case. I know the Gentoomen Library is blocked on it, for example.
If it doesn't respond at all, as it appears to be doing right now, it means all the hosts are down.

First time /scurv/-er here
Should I be on a VPN?
I feel like I should be fine dl'ing stuff naked because I don't think I'm important enough to bother with, but who knows

It really doesn't matter. Companies NEVER go after downloaders because there are literally millions of them doing it. If you were uploading shit, thats a different story.

A new version of PS3netsrv designed for webman-MOD has dropped and while Aldos have provided a precompiled version for Windows, Linux was left to compile it themselves; which I have done. What I compiled will probably work on any fully-update Ubuntu-based distro; the question being, do you all want it? It's really only needed if you have recently updated webman-MOD to the latest version, and run a Linux home server (which you should be doing).

I think you should be on a VPN because of government dragnet surveillance, but as far as downloading goes you're probably fine. Litigiousness is more common in the realm of music and movies and most of the links here are DDLs.


I heard that uTorrent is a botnet, how true is this?

also a bitcoin miner

Are there any good (or good enough) public torrent trackers?

Use deluge or qbittorrent for torrenting instead.

Well fuck, i didn't know. I assumed nothing was wrong with it cause it worked fine and did everything i wanted.
I will switch to deluge or qbittorrent in a moment but can i get a bit more info about it or should i just look up the info myself?

Is that one the kickstarter port?

Does anyone have Xenon Valkyrie up there?

Thanks bro.

I already know im illiterate, so how do i use links like the one for EU4 in the archives?

Good taste.
I'm sorry, but I don't.

I already know im illiterate, so how do i open links like the one for the EU4 download in the archive?

Playboy USA - Full Year 2014 Collection, 5-07456b-89613b-7f63e-66526-a427b-da94a-6bbf-9-2a
PlayBoy(0.187 GB), 0e-141-063c5-69de9-8788b-2a3df-67a75-0fcc-c9b-d-55
Playboy Magazine - January to August - 2016 - pdf - zeke23, c8b-bcd9f-584d2-47115d-7b89-7e90-02e6-5c6e-a51-e9
PlayBoy (72.9 GB, issues from 1953 to Jan-Feb 2013 ), 34f38-60-8155-fdddbd-ec24-1d21fe-b641d-15e-834-c8

I have converted the relevant OP section into a shorter three step process. 0,Find the $link that you want. 1,convert it into a useable form by either A) removing the -'s from $Link or B) if you use a shit client that doesn't support torrent hashes (i.e. Utorrent) in addition to applying A add magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to $link so that it becomes magnet:?xt=urn:btih:$link which can then be loaded into your cleint. 2 Wait for the file(s) to be downloaded and enjoy. Also was posting the same question twice within ten minutes, only to add a random image in an the hope of some how gaining a more prompt reply really necessarily at all, when there is no frequency at all to replies?

Playboy USA - Full Year 2014 Collection, 5-07456b-89613b-7f63e-66526-a427b-da94a-6bbf-9-2a
PlayBoy(0.187 GB), 0e-141-063c5-69de9-8788b-2a3df-67a75-0fcc-c9b-d-55
Playboy Magazine - January to August - 2016 - pdf - zeke23, c8b-bcd9f-584d2-47115d-7b89-7e90-02e6-5c6e-a51-e9
PlayBoy (72.9 GB, issues from 1953 to Jan-Feb 2013 ), 34f38-60-8155-fdddbd-ec24-1d21fe-b641d-15e-834-c8
Playboy USA - all issues 2013, f633-fc5-9d57f-c16eda-6c114-76771-6e195-9d72e-8d
Playboy USA - Full Year 2015 Issues Collection, 220-ba-09c-77dd-d612-6cde-0af05-7bbee-b57c-d245-ce

I have converted the relevant OP section into a shorter three step process. 0,Find the $link that you want. 1,convert it into a useable form by either A) removing the -'s from $Link or B) if you use a shit client that doesn't support torrent hashes (i.e. Utorrent) in addition to applying A add magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to $link so that it becomes magnet:?xt=urn:btih:$link which can then be loaded into your cleint. 2 Wait for the file(s) to be downloaded and enjoy. Also was posting the same question twice within ten minutes, only to add a random image in an the hope of some how gaining a more prompt reply really necessarily at all, when there is no frequency at all to replies?

There is from the XBOX homebrew thread

Playboy USA - all issues 2013, f633-fc5-9d57f-c16eda-6c114-76771-6e195-9d72e-8d
Playboy USA - Full Year 2014 Collection, 5-07456b-89613b-7f63e-66526-a427b-da94a-6bbf-9-2a
Playboy USA – 2016 Full Year Issues Collection, bc56-c15e8-a6ac60-1ed2c9-648-d59-b65f-e9f0-2d0-22
Playboy Magazine - January to August - 2016 - pdf - zeke23, c8b-bcd9f-584d2-47115d-7b89-7e90-02e6-5c6e-a51-e9
PlayBoy (72.9 GB, issues from 1953 to Jan-Feb 2013 ), 34f38-60-8155-fdddbd-ec24-1d21fe-b641d-15e-834-c8
PlayBoy(0.187 GB), 0e-141-063c5-69de9-8788b-2a3df-67a75-0fcc-c9b-d-55

I have converted the relevant OP section into a shorter three step process. 0,Find the $link that you want. 1,convert it into a useable form by either A) removing the -'s from $Link or B) if you use a shit client that doesn't support torrent hashes (i.e. Utorrent) in addition to applying A add magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to $link so that it becomes magnet:?xt=urn:btih:$link which can then be loaded into your cleint. 2 Wait for the file(s) to be downloaded and enjoy. Also was posting the same question twice within ten minutes, only to add a random image in an the hope of some how gaining a more prompt reply really necessarily at all, when there is no frequency at all to replies?

There is from the XBOX homebrew thread

Playboy USA - all issues 2013, f633-fc5-9d57f-c16eda-6c114-76771-6e195-9d72e-8d
Playboy USA - Full Year 2014 Collection, 5-07456b-89613b-7f63e-66526-a427b-da94a-6bbf-9-2a
Playboy Special Collector Edition (2015), 85b-6065119-482b1e672-c8ae58a803-2aac6-6d0d-11
Playboy USA – 2016 Full Year Issues Collection, bc56-c15e8-a6ac60-1ed2c9-648-d59-b65f-e9f0-2d0-22
Playboy Magazine - January to August - 2016 - pdf - zeke23, c8b-bcd9f-584d2-47115d-7b89-7e90-02e6-5c6e-a51-e9
PlayBoy (72.9 GB, issues from 1953 to Jan-Feb 2013 ), 34f38-60-8155-fdddbd-ec24-1d21fe-b641d-15e-834-c8
PlayBoy(0.187 GB), 0e-141-063c5-69de9-8788b-2a3df-67a75-0fcc-c9b-d-55

I have converted the relevant OP section into a shorter three step process. 0,Find the $link that you want. 1,convert it into a useable form by either A) removing the -'s from $Link or B) if you use a shit client that doesn't support torrent hashes (i.e. Utorrent) in addition to applying A add magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to $link so that it becomes magnet:?xt=urn:btih:$link which can then be loaded into your cleint. 2 Wait for the file(s) to be downloaded and enjoy. Also was posting the same question twice within ten minutes, only to add a random image in an the hope of some how gaining a more prompt reply really necessarily at all, when there is no frequency at all to replies?

There is from the XBOX homebrew thread

I've noticed that Splatterschool isn't on the lewd games archive.
Anyone want me to make a MEGA link of it?

Also this torrent decided to have seeders. Playboy USA - Full Year 2015 Issues Collection, 22-0ba-09c-77ddd6-126cd-e0af0-57bbe-eb57c-d245-ce

Yes that would be great thanks.

Alright, just give me a bit of time and i will upload the game. I will also check if i have any other lewd game that isn't on the archive.

Alright, sorry for taking so long but i will now make the MEGA download of splatterschool.
I also have Polygon Love 2, Sealed Room Breed 2 and MonsterQuestGirl-FullEnglish. I guess i should make a MEGA for those as well.

It is time!
The links have arrived!
Polygon Love 2:!WwRgUbbA!8FyKwzA64jWds5BI-H8XGvDvGoJTBBjBKJz9jIn1Kb8
Sealed Room Breed:!al4lmLLQ!3c2_ZP38P9p7d_Hrn4L8YVcTP51Xq6ZYqIl54HsXe7w
Wolfs Dungeon:!HhZERToR!YjTAbHFk-vpcQhw1CIUSPyqiXkuvQS0inXzP1nLpNPQ

All of these games are uncensored, altho i am not sure about Splatterschool and i can't check right now.
Also, this is the easy version of Wolfs Dungeon. This is a game with some combat and in the regular version it was too difficult for a game about lewdness but thankfully the creator made an easier version.

I can't upload MonsterGirlQuest right now, my internet is too slow and i got things to do. I will upload it later.

Anybody have/know where to get Lunatic Dawn: Passage of the Book? It may have been posted in a previous thread, if so does anybody remember when/which one?

I forgot to mention, Splatterschool has a text file that allows you to automatically unlock all of the CG images. You have to edit the save.ini file.
If i remember correctly, in Polygon Love 2 the infinite mode is automatically unlocked along with all the clothes so you don't have to bother with its lame story mode.

Anyone has the (now dead) Zankuro and Apricot folder?

Anyone got currency codes for Rainbow Six Siege?


Is anyone able to get mods from the steam workshop?

Any good Max Payne 1 link?. I downloaded one from isogames and it turned out that it didn't work at all.

A stupid question, if I want to play a pirated Steam game multiplayer I'll need something called Steamworks fix, right? Then I'll have still have to use Steam, with a throwaway account and can play with people who has the same game and crack version as me?

/r/ing Rainbow Six Raven Shield. The mega links on igg are dead

Does anybody have that one game?

I think you need a patch to make it work. I know i needed one.

Which game?

Oh what the fuck
Does anyone have the latest version of Enter the Gungeon?


KAT is dead and TBP sucks. Where should I get my torrents from?

the internet

Reposting my Chzo Mythos Dosbox pack.!rB9HyRQK!DcgZt1XMC961Prnavg-D8WEHJ84a8-SF0Hn77bRCthI

Got your back brother. The latest version is 1.1.1 Hotfix 1 as seen in the changelog here.

As for the downloads:

Enter the Gungeon [v1.1.1h1]

Enter the Gungeon [GOG v2.13.0.15]*

*GOG version is outdated compared to the Steam version.

Well, if you really want a website that lists magnets and torrents, try checking out >>>/t/. If you're super desperate, try

Anyone able to share Quake 3 for Linux? Tried the magnetic link in the GNU/Linux list but it appears to be dead.

What a dilemma


Well shit I tried that and went online. It just doesn't work.
Do I need to place it on a certain folder?

How many days went off?

Are you some sort of gay? If it's not included already, use a cracked steam_api.dll

About a year

Its right there in the folder yet its not working.

I have an account there so I can mass-download albums. Otherwise you have to grab shit song by song, and fuck that.

Let me know what you want. I'll check back on this thread semi-regularly.

SA2 2-disc OST in 320kbps mp3
SA2 20th Anniversary in 320kbps mp3

Uploading now.


Is there a way to load them into jdownloader without needing to click each song individually? Some of these albums have literally over 100 tracks, and I make too much money to make clicking every single one of those tracks worth it anyway.

In any case, I like being able to donate money to sites that let me download shit I really wanted to when I was a poorfag. KHinsider has been around for kind of a long time.


Kill Me Baby OST!KtAURKxT!3Jq7S9oZUbDVBciMU97GC1Jh49MjrR-I_iSTWDmoy6M


Just slap the URL with links to all the subpages.

I never knew JDownloader was that flexible. Fuckin' sweet.

btw I have a non-botnet version installer of JD2 for Windowns if anyone wants it.

Yes please!

Here ye go!K0JEwLQK!EPBAmvU5P-C0MInqFoPOYbYFL_ZRzb1i0SoEg2M8fmk

I guess this would be a good one to put in the OP? I won't ever erase it from my cloud drive.

Anybody have a link for Neo ATLUS 1469? It just came out, but I can't be the only autist who think this game looks cool.

Does someone have the opening of Dragon Ball Budokai 3 in good quality? All I find is shitty quality stuff, I guess someone can just rip it off the PS2 game files. Also, if they have the extended version that apparently have original footage, even better.
The name is ore wa tokoton tomaranai ( 俺はとことん止まらない!! )

Yeah, JDownloader can load things directly from the clipboard, so any link you just copy will be automatically loaded. You can even copy text with URL on them and JDownloader will take them.


Wow, fucking 10/10, user. My Persona OST collection just went from Youtube rips and bullshit compressed mp3s to legit as fuck.

Will seed to at least 3.0 ratio.

The one issue i have with jewdownloader is this
It's not really their fault, but still annoying.

Who's the jew, here?

user you should read posts before you reply to them

If you could download and upload whatever they have of what I asked for in , that'd be awesome

Requesting upto date Steel Armor Blaze of war with the Basra DLC please!


SA2 2-disc OST in 320kbps mp3
SA2 20th Anniversary in 320kbps mp3


For how to feed yourself in the future.

Anyone got the latest of Nuclear Throne?
I think the build on the archive is only 'till 81.
Current build for Nuclear Throne is 98.

does anyone have "The Movies" by lionhead?
it's not on IGG, and i can't find it anywhere else

Zoo tycoon 2 user here, found all the offical downloads here if anyone wants them. The torrent includes most of them, but not all of them unfornately.
All downloads:

Mobile-Exclusive Black bear:


Requesting Unreal Tournament 2004 BONUS DISK disk image (the one with the tutorial videos and stuff about mod making).

Sharing DJMax Trilogy from my old copypasta:

DJMax Trilogy

I just heard about this game now, and with DJMax Respect coming out in July I have no idea why it hasn't gotten more attention. It's basically just HD

DJMax Portable 1 and 2 for the pc, just like DJMax Respect is DJMax Portable 1 and 2 (and some of the other ones) the PS4.







Password: powerseal

These links originally came from

Here are the translated instructions since they are in Thai:

1. Extract the file (File ID = powerseal).

2. Mount Image file (if the application is using Mount Image PowerISO is a full + Patch).

3. Install the game pressed on Setup.exe option to choose the language into the game. Wait to be finished off.

4. Click Update to the folder DJMax Trilogy Update 1.32.exe wait until completion.

5. Copy the files in the folder Tool and then paste into the game files.

6. Copy the files in the folder Crack and then paste into the game files.


7. To resize the game window to fit the screen, press run. DJLauncher.exe By resizing the game screen to your screen our Display Widch, Display


10. Open TR1.exe to start the game (you must use TR1 or the game will tell you that it can't find a dog (the security dongle)).

I ran the game a little bit a while ago, and I haven't noticed any problems/viruses (although the game did crash once on the results screen). Note that there is another file in the youtube description which seems to be a save that unlocks all the songs. I haven't downloaded it as I don't need it yet, but grab it if you want it (assuming it is a save file).

Extra: patch

I want to download something off of MEGA but due to the download limit i can't. I heard that JDownloader should be used to bypass the limit so i downloaded and installed JDownloader but i don't know how to use it.
I tried the ''Add New Links" tab but when i add the link, it analyzes it for a few seconds but then it disappears. Am i doing something wrong or what?

Anybody know where I can find a torrent for the Japanese version of Xenoblade Chronicles X? I can barley find a download in the form of a collection of links to several sites let along a fucking torrent.

Could someone reupload this?

Sharing Half Life 2 Portable. Comes with campaign, Deathmatch, and Synergy co-op mod.!uxBFARjL!5lX1YmL-Ny4zJgzqLcKApIcq2o0KT52dSV85bNT6e0w

Also if someone has all of the video files (in a single download) that make up the Unreal Tournament 2004 bonus tutorial disk as opposed to a full iso, that would be good enough.

ctrl+f jadownloader, a list of alternatives will show up.

My problem is that when i enter the link it doesn't show anything. How i am supposed to use JDownloader?

Does anyone have a link for Higurashi and Higurashi Kai without the annoying patches?

Anyone got arcade america? All I could find was an unseeded torrent.

Tried getting Diablo 2 from igg but the Lords of Destruction disk image is corrupt. Is there a download in one of our megas?

Does anybody have any of the GOG F.E.A.R games?

Yes, this was from an old thread archive
As a bonus, it needs no installation

Thanks pal, this beats going through each of the megas manually

That's what I've been trying to figure out how to properly crack so I can uploading.

Here, it was mentioned at some point in the past Baka's modified version of Ace of Spades was lost. I happen to still have it for those who were looking and are still floating around.!RdcHFD7C!s5qGF2RG9iJwWKN36si1OOJ8bnb_0B9qBmOlBSPgw24

Bumping for the meme game.

You know, the way I always used JDownloader was that I just copy the link and the program adds it to the download queue automatically.

When the fuck is Zelda BOTW getting leaked?

The wii u version or the switch version?
Either way, probably not anytime soon. The game hasn't even come out yet, ffs. be patient. And the switch hasn't come out yet either.

two questions:
1. which patch version of Diablo II is the best one to play?
2. does anybody have a torrent for that version of the game?

For some reason, JDownloader doesn't work for me. I tried coping a MEGA link to it and it did nothing.

Such a stupid question. It gets leaked when its RELEASED.

Nevermind I'm retarded.

Does anyone know if this:
-collection is safe?

Is anyone still updating the archives with magnets, and torrents? I ask cause an user here, , posted a magnet for disciples3+reincarnation.


I see something similar to it in my magnet link collection, I think it should be fine. I haven't tried all the games however.
The link I have is: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:25FB0FB1598DB3C5575268171CA24F5AE92CD0C9&dn=good+old+games+gog+colossal+collection+1+200+drm+free+games+october+29th+2015& I think some characters in the link are slightly different which makes it not an exact match with yours.

Anybody got a download for Steins;Gate 0? The fan patch shitters finally got off their sorry asses and finished it.

Second this request, been searching my ass off for a link to RS3 the past two days and the only working link I found was from fucking torrentsgames and I'm not spending a week bruteforcing a fucking .rar password.

There is always the usual places for torrents of visual novels.

It's like you don't even look.

Then get another one or make it yourself. It's not rocket science.

Requesting Edna and Harvey serie on GOG. Also, what's the best way to play Toontown?

Sonic CD OST: 20th Anniversary Edition

Does anyone have the 20th Anniversary edition of the Sonic CD OST available?
The one in the Pastebins is the game rip, which is great, but I'm really interested in hearing the 20th Anniversary remasters.

depends how paranoid you are, but no you don't "need" a VPN unless you're in some third world shithole where they go after individual downloaders. if you're worried about it anyway, learn how to set up your torrent program with a proxy but it slows downloads, not significantly (at least for me) but it still happens

opinion here though, as said i use a VPN just because i don't like the idea that any jackass at my ISP can see what i'm doing

i second this

You're a fucking beautiful Human Being.

Anyone got Serious Sam 3 ost's in a good form by chance?

Flac, I assume?

Longshot, but does anyone know where I can obtain 3d printer files for printable scenery/Rampage tiles?

I have this stuff up. Any of you guys want these?

ye nigga gimmie sum o dat NORTON

Anybody have rimworld's OST? I've got the game itself, but I don't plan on going to some british site to buy the OST.

Here you go.!xsh0wCCB!knrP_SnC9a1VpbxxJggykxQD7_FI_3jAxz2jL8J6KcA

You shouldn't ever buy digital OST for a game you already bought. You are paying for the same thing twice if you do that. It only makes sense when its a disc with the OST because discs have their own value and they need to be shipped and packaged too. Even then tho, they still could've just put the music in a folder with the game but at least with the disc there is some sense.


Can a potato computer run this or am I fucked and have to wait to repair my shit?

Alright, I finally managed to get a working copy, it was a bit of a bitch to get running.

Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield

To get it to work I had to download the 1.60 UK patch and a crack for 1.60 from gamecopyworld. It HAS to be the UK patch from what I understand, the US version won't work with this torrent for whatever reason.

So does that mean the torrent you posted has the cracks you mentioned included or should I go find them myself? Shield v1.60 [ENGLISH] No-CD/Fixed EXE
Download both archives under Raven Shield v1.60 [ENGLISH] No-CD/Fixed EXE and copy them over the original files in the game directory. Only do that after you install the official 1.60 UK patch. The files in the torrent didn't work for me at all on their own.

I want to take it easy.

looking for SHADOWMAN for the personal computer

I fucking googled it and found several variations like playstation or N64, and some others at various sites. Try it out for yourself.

Anyone have a copy of Rocksmith 2014 with the Rocksmith 1 content ported and all the DLCs? I found a torrent, but my ISP blocks torrenting so I'm fucked.

I'll take what I can get.

You should buy a VPN so it looks like a single connection.
Or a seedbox, that would work as well.

Sage for not helping.

Why is office 2013 included when it doesn't have a crack? pls help

Rocksmith 2014 is on volafile right now.

When I try downloading Democracy 3 and its expansions, it keeps trying to DL Defender's Quest.

Anyone have Mount and Blade with the Floris mod already packed with it?

Seconding this request.

Does anyone happen to have the Lumines Electronic Symphony OST in 320kbps (or higher if that's available)?

The MEGA link in the Holla Forums OST collection is dead and when I downloaded it from KHInsider it kept saying the mp3 files were corrupt/couldn't be played

Upload as is. I'll do it.

The Floris mods can be downloaded from places like Moddb. For the game just go the usual channels, the game itself is mod friendly and you should use vanilla backups as a matter of course.

Shit, this website brings back memories, I really should have thought of it myself. Thank you.

okay guys I need help. After all these years I've never seen anything like this.

I literally can't connect to a single peer on any torrent client. I tried deluge, vuze and qbitorrent. I have no idea what's going on

nvm, my college upgraded their anti-torrenting


no way that actually works

I'll take bandicam if the crack isn't blacklisted, as they use verification now.

Where can I download full videogame OST's? Currently looking for Fallout New Vegas.

My rip of the second to last album:!EllAWLKb!l4JKsJwLJIPw-36vTY4A_4j-8aDesN8XWcd4DwUfAWw

Holla Forums OST

I think this might be my final year.

I already went through that or I wouldn't have asked. A lot of the links are shoad too.

Seeing as it has been read , I would assume that the very first link has been checked? It has New Vegas, however public users can only download each file separatetly. I would gladly offer to download the album, however due somewhat recent partition table "death" via rapid power socket switching I can't as the partiton holding the login (and others) "died". Also I have taken the opportunity to rework the gitgud without have much burdon holding me back. All I need to do now is to create another account and push local changes (about 99.99% up to date) to be back in business.
Can you please provide a range (e.g near the top of H or such) or specifics? I

Well, i have the New Vegas OST plus some UST.

band of brothers whole season?
fyi I can't torrent on my uni's internet

Embed related. I'l most likely upload to mega once done. As it is 48.1GB from personal experience, I would suggest MegaTools.

thanks man, whats the ETA?

Hard to really tell, speed is all over the place. However at a guess, ~1-2 days.


Not sure how I missed khinsider, shit's extensive, although it only has the OST, wish it had the radio songs.
As for the links that are broken,
I think there were a few more but I forget now.

Nice dubs you have there. Thanks, every bit helps.I'l go see if it is easy to rip them from the game.
Probably just?

Does anyone have the Linux version of 2064: Read Only Memories?

Unofficial Soundtrack maybe?

I'm looking for the GOG version of Little King Story, anyone can help me out?

Updated OP copypasta incase I am unable to create the next thread in time: King Story GOG torrent&categories=general

To have spacing and such respected, select the RAW option.

My Dirt2 disk is rip in kill, anyone with an iso?

From QB's default engine set, Dirt 2.iso d-3-2-00a4-150c-a4a66-644d27f-5-6731-52440-156-98-7d

what should i do about this?
just stop seeding?

Just tell them that someone else like your neighbors might have been stealing your internet.


Crap. i forgot about saying i have the New Vegas OST. I guess i will upload it soon.
UST is unofficial soundtrack aka stuff from the game that wasn't included in the official releases by Bethesda.

I have a new thread ready to go, just waiting on page 13.

Nice dubs, the egg on my face tates very good.

Uploading to Mega now

I have found the radio tracks, uploading the folder structure as it to the vola.

New thread

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