Not a single For Honor thread?

Not a single For Honor thread?

What, is it because it's published by jewbisoft?

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Hey, it's fine when they legit do something good.

Even jewbisoft can be right sometimes - like with R6: Siege and For Honor. The only thing they fucked up is if they stick to the p2p bullshit instead of dedicated servers.

Everything is at least semi-realistic, save for the vikings who are absolutely fantastical and also not really a militaristic group. Vikings were pillagers, not soldiers. Samurais aren't white enough considering whites were the original SamuraiWE WUZ SAMURAI

Yes. Fuck ubishit and their shit games.

I figured this game would be right up you autists ally.

It's basically a fighting game.


They haven't.

l o l

Pretty much, fuck everything they do.

Whatever, I guess. I just play a game when it's fun regardless of who makes it.

Plus it's definitely not an ASSFAGGOTs game, it's a fighting game in third person.

Why, is it out yet?

It's a 1v1 me bro sword fighting game, like chivalry without the good modes or balance
the assfaggots mode is poorly fleshed out and is only the focus of the marketing, not the game

Naw, but the last closed beta just ended. Open beta on the 9'th till the 12'th, then it's out on the 14'th.

Chivalry is a… sort of but not very close comparison, yea. More like War of the Roses or Mount and Blade, but smashed together with street fighter.

That marketing has been hella misleading as to how the game actually plays, it's way more of a fighting game than like a PVP-focused Dark Souls or Dynasty Warriors like the ads have shown.

Even the "assfagots" mode isn't anything like a normal one. The little ai minions are just how you push the middle control point. The game mode itself is actually 3 point domination.

so is watching paint dry if you have extra chromosomes

The fact that I can install dota and play a TD game doesn't stop it from being an assfaggots

I can also avoid fighting any players at all for 30 minute matches, win but that doesn't make it a single player game.

So you're told to buy the game by the marketing team directly associated with the game, but it dont matter?

He was referring to the "main" game modes, the popular ones, being 1v1 duels and 2v2 brawls with no AI, none of the "level up" abilities or gear stats.

Just the fighting game style combo abilities that your character has, versus another character.

Even the assfaggots mode is entirely about holding capture points and fighting other players, just not as focused on 1v1 fighting since it's a 4v4 mode.

For me this is the only sin Jewbisoft is guilty of. Women weren't warriors and (((their))) efforts will distort normalfags' views of history.

inb4 muh shield maidens.
Go home faggot.

The one they did get right is the Nobushi on the weeb faction.

There were actually female samurai for a decent portion of their feudal era, and they mainly fought with naginatas (the nobushi weapon) so they didn't get overpowered at close range.


For Honour isn't even close to being realistic in the first place tho

I guess marketing matters if you're a fucking pleb.

cmon dude

t. Faggot Who Bought Into the Marketing

Seriously though, you niggers must've gone soft.

I thought you retards would be all over a game with such a crazy fucking high skill cap to the combat.

[Pic related]

I can agree with that. I'm talking more about having rule 63 on every model except for valkyrie and lawbringer just because.

While I don't care as much about the level of realism in a game IF it's fun, I am a stickler for muh women and muh armor, but nobody does armor right anyways, so I don't bring it up. If they did, dying would be much less common.

Is that why people acknowledge there were nazi soldiers that fought for their families and country and not just because they hated the jews? Good thing all that reinforcement from games and movies that all nazis are vile subhumans that kill babies for fun hasn't led anyone astray.

In the last thread practically everyone who played the game said it was horrifically unbalanced in favor of certain bullshit moves and tactics, namely all of the "Not 1v1 Sword Combat"

There's a clear limit between

Stop before you cross it

For 60€, a horribly unbalanced arcade game with only one pvp mode (with different team sizes) is not worth buying


Which is irrelevant. Not only it has an assfaggots mode in it but it's the one that took most numale hours and the main selling point of the game's marketing.


embed marketing is where it's at right my fellow /V I mean \v\ goer

marketing doesn't matter if you bought UBISOFT'S FOR HONOR™ FOR ONLY $59.99 and buyer's remorse kicked in, making retards think that the only way everyone will enjoy this shit is to engage in some fucking ponzi scheme where it can only be good if everyone recommends the game to more players.

If this game was actually fun you wouldn't be here shillposting this shit game for the past 45 minutes :^).

I mean, if you play 4v4 in Smash and all gang up on one dude it's horribly unbalanced.

A game that's balanced around 1v1 or 2v2 isn't going to be super balanced if you play the 4v4 mode and then run around doing 4v1 or 4v2.

Didn't the Muslims destroy the christfags 4/5 times during the Crusades?
Why do the idiots on /christian/ pretend it went the other way?

Nobody bought the game you retard, it's not out yet

Shills trying way too hard to appeal to natsoc fanboys nowadays


TIL Tekken, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Soul Calibur, etc aren't worth buying.

You try holding land thousands of miles away from your home from suicidal retards for any longer than a hundred years.

Ok, but why do they role play it so much without actually showing the fact that they got destroyed?
It's pretty sad historic fantasy.

Tell that to ubisoft, they're billing that 4v4 mode as the flagship gamemode, and there's nothing preventing a team from moving around the map as a group and ganking the other team in 4v1s as they spawn

Because everyone else does that

TIL spic children are better at vidya than you

While it can be aeasily abused, and also easily countered, it is there to discourage ganking.

None of those games cost 60€. The most expensive is SFV and it's garbage

Not my fault, or anyone elses, that you live in the United States of Eurotrash and get overcharged for things.

So OP, how much is Ubisoft paying you for this?
I'm a NEET right now, and sitting around all day and getting paid to shitpost doesnt sound so bad


Seriously look up any fighting game, since you like to compare them so much to this trash. They are all around the 20€ mark because they know they are just arcade games with one game mode

if the game didn't cost 60 bucks then i might be worth a look at a ubishit game but again I haven't touched ubishit games in forever

Tekken 7 is still selling for $60 on consoles, and is going to be $50 on PC.

Marvel vs. Capcom is selling for $60.

Injustice 2 is going to cost $60.

Mortal Kombat X still costs $40 after 2 years.

Street Fighter V still costs $40 after a year, or $80 for the "full" edition.

King of Fighters 14 is on sale for $40 right now but still costs $60 normally.

Yeah, you're wrong and should feel bad.

>any thread about a game not declared kosher by an arbitrary committee of self-selected sperglords is automatically saged downvoted :^) with mandatory hissyfits about shills, raids, marketers, etc., regardless of whether any of it actually applies or is just the paranoia of the individual in question

And I thought the complaints about nu-Holla Forums were unjustified

And here, you europer shits.

$43.50 USD, from a site that fucks ubisoft out of money by shifting around non-region locked keys or reselling.

The first generation or two of Crusaders actually was pretty badass. But after that the church started using crusades as an excuse to get the more violent peasants out of their hair, because they were tired of having to deal with constant drunken brawls(sort of like how nowadays, judges will force young men to join the army instead of sending them to jail.) As one might expect, once you fill an organization with drunken thugs-who don't particularly care about religion or The Holy Land and just want an excuse to fight something-said organization will begin to act like a bunch of drunken thugs. That's why you had things like Venetian mercenaries LARPing as Crusaders and sacking Constantinople, even after the pope explicitly told them not to.

Gay game, gay thread. Please, post some more tears like on your way out, though.

You have to be Indian or a paki to be this retarded


All the new releases with little to none improvements over their predecessor and infested with dlcs. Yes that's the standard to follow for the industry

Hey dont let me stop you from spending 40 whatevers on a button mashing game that will die on a month when streamers move to the next fad, like it happened with titanfall and bf1. You probably already bought it and you need to morally defend your wasted money like all the NMS buyers. That, or ubisoft is desperate to get money after the division and watchdogs 2 failure
