
Why do you not show great respect for glorious Bioware anons? They always know whats best for you and what you want!

I want them to finally make Baldur's Gate 3.

I want Bioware to die and take EA with it.

Let us not forget that Stanley Woo is a fucking brony. Of course Bioware fell for the Pony movement too posting a piece of Mass Effect fan art that crossed over with MLP.


The saddest part? I remember back in the day when I was a lad you didn't have to know anything about the game as long as it had "Bioware" on the box you knew it would be good and worth picking up.
Now I pray for the day that studio goes up in flames. How times change.

I don't disapprove of threads over the subject material being discussed, but there's like 3 different ones of this up already now, and the thread about Zero Horizon or whatever that stupid shit was called just vanished.. I don't wanna jump to conclusions I'm not 100% about but shills?

The first 2 were bad enough.

Sorry, there's a line on how unreasonably negative you can be on Holla Forums, and you crossed it. A BG3 by nuBioware would be extremely unwelcome though.

Except that's fucking wrong. The Baldur's Gate games aren't necessarily bad by the standard of the CRPG genre, but they're incredibly overrated by fans. They're inferior to any proper tabletop variant of D&D because of the imposed constraints and presence of the save game feature, and inferior to action RPGs and other games that truly take advantage of the benefits provided by computers. BG as a series is a half-assed in-between point, just as other D&D games are.

There's nothing great about the baldur games.
BG on PC looks like it wanted to be a grimdarker DA:O but failed.
Hey, at least you get 200% shop discounts as lawful-good!


You've just described every Bioware game ever.

Because of Mass Effect 2 and EA

Reminder to be weary of Pandafag threads and ask vols to bumplock cuck his shit threads :^)

he got fired in 2013

Because they're talentless hacks and started convincing themselves that replacing talent with SJW messaging is a winning strategy. Unsurprisingly they are running themselves into the ground. I wonder where those industry parasites will go next.

Also this. The sheer patronizing attitude of how the latest Bioware games cram their social messages down your throat (and in damn stupid ways, no less) and pretend they've made golden gameplay that everyone wanted when all they have going for them are production values (DAI: tactical camera is 100% fucked, so you basically watch the game play itself while you randomly mash damage and shield buttons since it's too much of a pain in the ass to control your party members - no one wondered if there were anything wrong with this because they are that fucking retarded). These imbeciles make games that are 60% combat, 20% walking, and 20% cutscene, except the combat is worthless as shit and the exploration is boring as fuck because all you do is walk on autopilot while nothing of worth happens. And then they get surprised that they are losing sales to youtube because if your game is a chore to play and at most only worth watching for the production values and B-level plot, then people would rather watch it than play it. But somehow they're convinced they made a good game that people will like because they are so untalented and so convinced of the value of their SJW messaging that they don't even realize what's wrong when they have a game that fails at having real gameplay.

It's also a price of ramming DLC down people's throats. If people know that your game is going to feature of lot of DLC which you are expecting everyone to pay full price for, then expect a lot less pre-orders and launch sales. They'll wait for the complete game edition after you're done running a ton of DLC.

And lastly it's because the idiots didn't make modkits since DAO. For instance, they wanted Inquisition to be the next Skyrim but they didn't realize that Skyrim is a terrible game and the only reason it sustains the interest it does is because of the thriving (if somewhat retarded) mod community. They honestly thought that people were into hiking simulators and shit.

If EAfront 2 fails it might, Disney aren't happy with EA's handling of the Star Wars IP for vidya. They want more shekels and EA fails to deliver

end of rine

rine end here


You should see what they did to TORtanic, they literally managed to sink it twice.