Resident Evil The Movie Final Shitty Chapter

It's out lads, the final fucking milking by Paul Wesker Shit Anderson and his literal waifu, let's discuss the whole fanfic by Anderson for the last 15 years, spoilers on the last movie away.

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All I care about is the RLM review of it. The RE series of movies is that sort that you don't watch yourself but still want to see others suffer through them and complain how bad they are.

Event Horizon was okay.

Spoilers! the whole movie series was a fucking of time in it's whole plotline!, big bad Umbrella released the T-Virus in purpose and did a RE5-Wesker, COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION! Alice who had clones of her, was a fucking clone of not Alexia (Alicia) Marcus, Wesker dies as a fiddle, and the entire ending was a goddamn waste of time, the whole world is still shit, another poetic "Alice was alone"

We recently had a marathon where we watched ALL the movies together and it was pretty fun. I'd watch this movie but only with Holla Forums anons.

I only watched the very first RE movie. It was shit. How did it go on for so long?

Only Indonesians and other similarly culturally backwards third worlders wanting to be seen by their Facebook friends as trendy people still care about this franchise. The very first one, which was the best of the shitty bunch, was barely tolerable and yet the pedos decided to make a whole series.

Paul Will Shit Anderson did what good creative directors do, take the awesome cool stuff in the games, and make your own version of them for your movies without giving a fuck of continuity.

Only watch them with friends

That's fine too.
I don't "get" people who watch this stuff in a cinema though.

Nothing ever dies anymore user. Not in Hollywood, not in vidya. The Jews will wring money from whatever they can.

Where did this meme about the films being a front for child prostitution begin?

Anyways, watched all 5 films then went to see this at the cinema with a few mates.
Only one of them had ever watched them before, and he and I enjoyed them on their own, not as RE films, so we were just giggling like girls the whole time, knowing what shit was about to appear.

Other mates were really confused and left with a sour taste when they never were properly explained what was going on.

Fun enough film, ended the series well. Clear he's not going to milk it for another couple films, because he's already got a script written for MonHun that Capcom approved.

If you go into this series expecting 100% RE-feel, you'll only enjoy the first one.
Film 1 is most like 1-3 and 0, while Film 2 is more like 4-5. Film 3 is a clusterfuck like 6, and you just need to suspend your belief before you keep going.

Official ranking is:

I was really pissed off there was no Chris or Leon. Especially Leon, as they cast him really well.

Oh yeah, and Anderson said in an interview that he STILL hasn't seen the VHS cut of Event Horizon, so we're never going to fucking see it at this rate.

Thats why the most longest running video game movie tie in is about zombies

isn't it about monsters getting transported to modern day earth or some shit?
you might as well just make a boxart megaman movie at this fucking point, christ

Most of these movies try to jam in stuff from the video games which is why so much shit looks out of place in the movie.

I wonder if they incorporated any of RE7 into it

AKA He-Man way of making movies
The laziest adaption possible

Goddamnit I hate these movies and the eastern yurop hookers they put working in it I hate them so much

I just realized that all of Jovovich's biggest roles are all in movies where her then-husband is directing.

No, they didn't.
This film didn't add much in terms of lore/mechanics, apart from a couple new forms that were seen in the games already.

I was the user from last thread that outlined that script.
Yes, that's what Capcom signed off on. Apparently the CEOs liked it.

Oh, and I just remembered a few other things that annoyed me about the film:
They don't explain Alice's daughter.
They don't bring back mother fucking Carlos, who's the best character.
They skip the Washington scene completely.

Anyone worth a shit watches the CGI ones anyway. I stopped watching the live action ones after 2, it just became too painful to sit through and it wasn't entertaining even in a 'so bad its good' way


From the existence of casting couches and literal pedos getting convicted and running away still being defended by hollywood.


this one was actually kind of creepy.

Re: Degeneration was pretty cool. It actually has the original zombies, and also has RE2 flashbacks.
Claire and Leon's bromance is charming.

>>>Holla Forums


This movie was shit. I mean, more shit than usual. The retconned all the dead characters in favor of "muh clones", they cancelled the sequel they set up in Afterlife and explained it as "a trap", Wesker doesn't have his powers, Alice doesn't have her powers, that whole Noah's Ark complexion came completely out of nowhere, and contradicts the behavior of Umbrella in previous movies. The thing that's supposed to be the saving grace, the fight sequences, are just a bunch of jump cuts between monsters and fists so you don't get to enjoy that either.

100% this.
Watched the first three (only ones out at the time) with a few buddies years back, and we had an amazing time laughing our asses off at them. They're so bad, they almost loop around and become masterpieces. Masterpieces of shit.

At least it's not set in the past, so they're getting it half-right.
The canon setting is far-future post-apocalypse after genetically engineered monsters have destroyed and overrun the planet after a world gene-mod war. The hunters are also gene-modded titans, which is why they can wield those weapons and get smacked 20m through the air by wyverns and not get pulped. Also the sentient cat people.

Wrong. He didn't direct Ultraviolet.

Does anyone at all still care about this film series?

I knew and also briefly dated a girl who fucking loved these movies. I only watched them with her once though since she didn't like that I wouldn't stop laughing.

Is weskerposting a thing?

Could she even explain what she liked ? Outside of episode 1 ?

I kinda like the first one fam.
Hated the second one, and can't remember of much of the third one, which was the last one I saw.

Also, any film titled The Final Chapter won't be the last in the series.

It is good for a few laughs some times.


Literally how?


You have to go back stop posting

I don't think I ever asked. I am almost certain she never played any of the games so that probably had something to do with it.

Did your English teacher kill himself?

Those movies had Natalia before she was Natalia

That movie was pure kino!

Well you cared enough to post some weeaboo reaction image!

Only thing I care about is Anderson bragging that he has a movie franchise that reached a billion dollars in gross.

Why is it that a game modeled this closely on Hollywood movies, when actually given to Hollywood, is screwed up so badly? Same thing with Max Payne.

The games are nearly a movie to begin with.

They don't make these movies for us. They make them for normalfags and add a title we might like so we see it. They know they're going to suck us in with that title, even if it sucks we're going to go and see it. It's what the jews want.

Reminder someone lost their limbs and has to relearn to walk for this movie.

The 3rd Friday the 13th was supposed to be the last one, then they made another which is your pic. Then they kept going and going..
Once New Line got it the series took an even bigger nosedive, because at least the Paramount Pictures movies were still funny if nothing else.

Lost their limbs and had to relearn how to walk? Can you provide source or article? I don't know much about this.

I actually really like the first one.
Its claustrophobic as fuck and the evil corporate lab atmosphere is extremely well done.

whoa, what is even going on with that arm? Looks like it was drained.

Shes out to get paid nigger, thats what stuntmen do.

I don't get the problem here, these people do their job knowing that that's a risk.

Even as a lose adaption of the first game, I like it too. It's pretty shitty that they killed half the cast in the beginning. Also, it was more action than horror.
Everything that came after that scene was garbage.

Of course, but it still happened.

That's both pretty sad and pretty cool.

Being an stuntman is one of my frustrated dreams.

It certainly should be a thing.


Love the survival games and never watched any of the movies.
Should I?
Who's the girl supposed to be? My waifu Jill?

anyone have a torrent for REmake. Weirdly enough, I can't seem to find one anywhere.

I love the actor they got for Wesker in these films, he's so damn goofy.

It looks like that crazy hand growth crystals guy got to her.

I heard she's there, that girl on the cover is just supposedly the director's OC waifu.
Is it true that they killed off Barry?


The first can be an enjoyable B movie, ignore the rest.

**Try this one

Damn, how about the animated movies?

yep, that's working.
thanks a lot!

I personally didn't enjoy Degeneration and can't remember shit about it except that it takes place mostly on an airport features the G virus and a Birkin lookalike.
Maybe I should see it again, I don't remember most movies I rented back then anyway.

Damnation is legit good, though. Mr X vs Lickers fight scene is badass.

The final chapter was so fucking bad. I ACTUALLY thought that there was a film between it and the previous one, because I kept asking myself "what? no battle in D.C.?"
Then I looked it up and realized, no, they just fucking skipped it and only gave us that little bit of exposition.
Everything about it was just awful, the noah's ark, the manufactured dooms day plan, the religious fanatic doctor, the fucking fallout 3 VATS bullshit, no explanation why wesker was no longer a mutant god, or why Alice's wings were clipped again, the bullshit sacrifice test, just WHY?
It even starts the movie off with flying tentacle rape monsters, where the fuck were they in the rest of the movies? I only remember them from the rushed ending of the previous one that hinted at an all-out fight for humanity in D.C. that never fucking happened.
I'm fucking pissed.

did they ever do anything with the RE5 brainwashed Jill thing?

wow thanks

I don't even remember Jill being in the series at all. I did a marathon of all the movies and once I got past 3 it all started blending together. The only parts that really stick out in my memory are scooby and the gang's trip to detroit where they fight off a juggernaut zombie with a bag on it's head, Alice has unlocked psychokinesis and then it's gone, the earth is a desert wasteland but not, army of Alice clones idea that seemed cool as hell but our only bone is seeing a few of them die off at the fucking start of the next film, big facility in the santa's workshop where doomsday scenarios are sold to shadow governments and MORE CLONES and maybe psychic connections and then nothing, wesker is a super mutant now and return of the zombie dogs with mouth heads, umbrella air brigade come to kill all the survivors on a boat, alice gets neutered, fast foward to washington DC, alice gets infected again, roll credits

I think I remember. Jill was her RE3 self in 2, then disappeared until the end of 4, where she was in RE5 mode. Then in 5 they ripped the spider off her like the game. Finally, I think the clone of Vault Overseer Isaacs showed her head in that drawer along with Ada in the bait tank. I'm not too sure on that part. Whose heads were those?

I was sure the heads were just Alice clones.

But I thought all those clones were killed at the start of 4 when they went after Wesker? I thought they were too, yet it wouldn't make sense, so then I assumed it was the other girls. Maybe they all came from another clone facility where the Isaacs clone came from, yet didn't kill him in spite of escaping. Or maybe they came from the director's ass when he pulled the rest of the script out, I don't know at this point.

I only liked first and second movies. The rest are shit.

These movies are wonderful in how shitty they are. Unapollagetically shitty too.

Last October I streamed all of the RE movies in release order (including the animated movies) and it took like 13 hours.

Can't wait for this one to come out and add another couple of hours to the stream list.

No, but he did say when ever a faggot asks that question, I should reply "Kill yourself fam!"

Lets see, there's a close collaboration in Japan with their Animation, Film, and Video game industry, here in Hollywood, the Suits in charge versus the creative developers? not too great there, look at Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia.

There was plenty of continuity problems and plot holes, in the second film there was a newspaper article that wrote that Jill Valentine was suspended and her partner Leon Kennedy was killed, lo and behold, Leon appeared with Barry on the 5th movie, because the director does not give a shit.

Wow user, what a hot insight.

Next you're gonna tell me Jovovich only picks roles where she's a superpowered flawless center of the universe character that everybody worships.

I would have been okay with this scene if they didn't do something IMPOSSIBLE with the lasers… Firstly, that girl\s head was cut at a fucking angle. And then at the end, the laser literally splits from a line to a fucking grid and it's not like OH THERE'S JUST MORE LASERS BEING SENT OUT BY THE EMITTERS, it literally UNFOLDED FROM THE SINGULAR LASER. And somehow they have a contingency where there's diagonal facing lasers? Nah, it was a bullshit scene. Either have him die by the lasers cutting him from both sides in an inescapable attack, or just don't fucking kill him. But there's no fucking reason to pull some bullshit physics defying shit with a laser box grid out of nowhere.

Her arm was so severely damaged that all it could do was apostrophe being utterly unrepairable in any way, shape, or form.

New Line definitely fucked up the franchise after they got it (For the most part anyway.)

Weird, I didn't know that was a thing…where a limb just shuts off and shrivels. Well, glad it was just an arm. For a while she was in critical condition if I'm not mistaken.

Half her face was torn off as well, but they managed to put that back together.

Just finished re7, and holy shit, it's a gigantic turd. Shitty gameplay, shitty story, shitty characters, super-tiny FOV, ugly de-saturation filter everywhere, and some of the worst shooting in the entire series. Why did those retarded crapcunt gooks decide to make some spin-off game a main series title? And jumping on the found footage train a decade after it got stale?

Plus that super-slow geriatric walking.