Is Star Wars officially a dead franchise?

Is Star Wars officially a dead franchise?

I have a suspicion Han Solo is going to do a little better than most people expect, since it's basically Guardians of the Galaxy with Star Wars.
The current trilogy is done though. No one cares. No one's invested anymore.

It's dying slowly.
I expect Solo to make under a billion combined foreign and domestic.

It depends what Disney wants to do with it. If they want 20 movies making 1 million each over production instead of 1 movie making 20 million over production then their goal is in sight. If they want blockbuster after blockbuster at the rate they're going they have 2 issues and these are:
1)They're flooding the market
-people don't want to be involved with something that bad unless it's homosexual/soi whites and the iphone
2)They have to switch talents not to appeal to progressiveness but to follow trends of big franchises in the past which are the following: Not a pretty girl, but a talented one, not a hot guy but a handsome one, 90% whites with some token other race.

Again it all comes down to if Disney wants low profits or not. We can ignore toys because they are always going to get a lot of toy sales because it only matters what store chains buy. Stores need to fill their shelves with something and corporate fags for these chains need to keep their jobs as buyers so even with toys r us going belly up Disney have the toys spoken for already.

More or less.

Except Star Wars toys for new movies are rotting on shelves everywhere.

You need to make toys that young boys will want to buy. That isn’t an Admiral Holdo figure or a BB-8 (?) that folds out to be Snoke’s flagship.

That's the thing idk if disney is this retarded or if they are geniuses trying to destroy the OT/PT
so they can reboot the whole thing.

Did you not read my post? The only thing that matters is what THE STORES BUY AS INITIAL STOCK. If they stack the shelves with the things it doesn't matter if the stores themselves sell a single one, all the money was already made for the first parties. In this game you say fuck all to the end vendors.

Young boys want light sabers and cool guys and battle ships. Micro machine star wars sold hand over foot what any single movie sold by itself. Even if the girl is pretty they won't buy her.

Vendors would eventually get wise and not stock Sw shit or at least buy much less.

A pretty girl would make the movie more popular and help sell the merch as a result, even if her doll doesn't sell.