Alignment thread

Who are some of your favorite vidya characters and what alignment do they have in your eyes?

Also what's your own personal alignment? For me Chaotic Good trumps all.



True Awesome.

Wario goes on all spaces




Fuck you

Here's shitty OC

I like it, user.

Pretty good user.




Amazing how Holla Forums is still going with all these retarded boogeyman stuff. Nick Fury was a white guy for the longest time. Though I don't read comics so while they could have changed it, its obviously a diversity hire. Therefore painting Nick Fury as black is ethically wrong as it is a white guy forcefully turned black for diversity SJW points.

the nintendo neutrals are all fucked up

it has a pokemon as true neutral because "they just follow orders"

that's literally the definition of lawful neutral you fuck. true neutral seeks to achieve balance

edgy has been beaten to death by misuse.

In the alternate universe Ultimate line of Marvel comics, Nick Fury was black and based on Samuel L Jackson. Hollywoods reasons for picking that version for the movies was probably that it was the easiest casting job in the world, Samuel Jackson is popular and they have the cash for him, and probably also diversity points.

well written characters can't be described using alignments

True, but these are more for fun then anything.
Just look at:

My fav character is probably Samus, I love Samus. And not in a waifu way. I see she more as a Lawful Neutral.

What's 0?


Well written, fuck I sound like a nigger.

that webm is older than Holla Forums you newfag

Shit tier. Half of it doesn't make any sense and the rest is wasted as fuck.

Low effort faggotry / 10.

Fuck you, seven is clearly a green number.

I mean the other shit, like not making four orange or six red pisses me off as well. But how could fuck up seven? It's the most green god damn number there is.

Your post is shit

Absolutely, and it's still correct, concise and on the topic. On the other hand your low quality bait(s) put Holla Forums to shame. Sad.


Normally I'd agree with you but Samuel L Jackson is a talented actor, his audition was probably "Enough is enough, I have had it with these motherfucking aliens on this motherfucking planet" and they hired him based on that.

This is an an objectively wrong statement that comes from people arguing over what is good and evil, and what is lawful and chaotic. If you define what differentiates between them, you can take any character and classify them into one of those fields based on tendencies. Alignments can shift over time as a result of changes in a character, that much is true. But the tendencies of a character that define them can be categorized once the definition is set.

ow the edge

Ganon should be Neutral Evil (that is, true Evil).
Cause on this pic there zero difference between Neutral Evil and Chaotic Neutral.
Chaotic Evil should be something like Giygas.


chaotic neutral is the best alignment.

Nigga, that's a paladin. Clerics are healsluts.

Battle clerics are usually shit anyway


Straight up or multiclassed?

says the true evil


kill yourself

any day

video games


Man, whoever wrote that image is a fucking idiot. Gods don't want friendship, they demand obedience. You aren't the friend of the god of justice and scales, or whatever the fuck, you're their little bitchboy. You do what they want you to do, or you get NOTHING from them - If you're lucky, if you're unlucky you get fucking wrecked from on high. Paladins and Clerics are fucking idiots.

Go away uncle Holla Forums you are drunk. SLJ is one of the few nig that are actually worth their salt….it can't be a diversity token a la female Thor

You sir have shit taste

Who understands this deserves a candy.

nothing wrong with being edgy you low testosterone pansy ass child molester.

Alignments, huh?

Yeah, fuck you mom, you whore bitch. The other kids at school never got me, not because of my autism, but because they just didn't have what it takes to rid this world of its filth and vermin. They are just parasites feeding off of the strong, like us.

So did he go to another dimension?