Other urls found in this thread:
mister bearington
repostin drunk AX blog
Professor Cunt here
I'm not reposting it.
Pokerap Pokemon Go edition.
i wish they had never discovered your identity ;_ ;
swer don't mess with me bruv
you best be trippin
post karen nudes
Not really, lol.
I need another phone.
I've thought about playing the game, but meh.
you let me have this.
It's not on my phone, apparently, lol.
But then you'll flaunt it, and won't ever let me have mine.
don't assume I'll act like you.
I never bothered to check if mine is capable of running it.
Past behavior etc. etc.
I could get it on my phone if I cared enough.
I don't, though.
past behavior of you, maybe.
That's now how this is going to work.
this will not be forgotten.
Isn't that what got us here to begin with?
no. I'm still counting this as a win for me. I don't need you to acknowledge it.
It's the referee, that's me, who determines victories.
Except for whores and prostitutes.
there is no referee in this thunderdome.
Yes there is.
I just said I'm the referee you slut.
It is too hot for life.
You're too hot for love.
You didn't win.
The girl with the leather jacket is so fucking cute fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
ikt our ancestors had it worse, just pretend it's asia again
two wins
What even makes a win to you!?
usually when you throw a tantrum. so I win a lot.
Why do I feel like your internal win condition is whenever you think I do something cute?
I have to limit those wins, or I'd have far too many.
It isn't a real win if the referee doesn't count it.
So there.
I answer to no authority but my own.
I have gone to far and there is no saving me
But the one in the middle is pretty qt tho ngl
Too bad.
for you.
also bye.
Make sure you pay your pimp his share.
Soto turn off your computer right now.
It seems there's just us.
No one can get mad at our cuteposting now.
STOP THIS CUTE POSTING! it's my wish and the dragonballs are going to grant it!
cuteposting you say?
So fucking lulz
Every time you think cuteposting is actually cute, just remember, its neckbeards doing it
I aint no neckbeard though
(Girl) Do you think I'm pretty?
(Boy) no
(Girl) Do you want to be with me forever?
(Boy) nope
(Girl) Would you cry if I walked away?
(Boy) nah
(She heard enough and was emotionally hurt by the boy's honestly as tears ran down her face.)
(Boy grabbed her arm)
(Boy) You're not pretty... you're beautiful.
(Boy) I don't want to be with you forever... I need you forever.
(Boy) I wouldn't cry if you walked away... I would DIE!!!
(boy whispers) Please stay with me
(girl whispers) I and forever
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you.
Something good will happen to you between 1-4 pm tomorrow it could be anywhere get ready for the biggest shock.of your life! If you don't post this to
5 comments ITT
You will have relationship problems for the next 10+ years
Everyone on the internet who posts cute anime grills are
Its a golden rule
Is my animu girl cute?
You even say you are in irl girl too, your neckbeard is probably boundless
I don't get what's wrong with beards
Why are beards bad?
unkept beards are definetly not a sight to behold
You mean like a Santa Claus beard?
I bet Jack has the cutest beard.
do you still have your beard?
"Hey Ian, say what's up."
Pic related, a manly beard
I'm incapable of growing one
Off and on.
I get a lot of machine geese in it at work so I shave now and then.
After this month ends I'll be growing it for the winter.
Oh, honey.
Actor is Frank Hvam if you want to cap more of him.
I see what you're doing
Hey Honey!
what's machine geese?
for the better probably, winter beards fit.
summer makes it way too warm I'm betting.
But girly hair :/
sup dood?
I simply cropped a meme of him and use the cap as I like the silly face.
the tree people have spoken
wow what a qt
do you know if he's in any films where he gets his lad out
Its not girly if you play METAL
He does a lot of stupid faces yeah
No clue. Possibly the Klovn movies but I forgot.
Maybe then.
I have most of Hitec's moemon if you want.
I have them on a USB.
I only have Floatzel 'cause best.
ah that's hard to clean.
what's biggest you've gotten it?
wow stealer
it's public property.
Fair enough.
I really like Azumarill.
And Seaking.
He is one of the demigods of our time
I don't know.
5 inches?
They do good work.
Where are all of the nail clippers? There used to be five in the drawer, every single one of them is gone. Do people just throw them in the trash after using them? I'm pretty upset about this.
hey bb what up
I entirely agree.
I only ever have two pairs and I don't let anyone use them.
Not even yourself? That's pretty weird and compulsive.
Nuttalotta how bout you bae?
Rin am I allowed to use picture's of tokai pls
I use them to trim my nose hair, then put them in a ziplock bag and bury them in the backyard.
Same. But my ear hurts. :(
Ishould call it toothbrushes and bed again
God I wish that were me
okay like, ISIS big or Woodchopper big
almost makes me want to learn guitar again
im too sad to post... -hug- bye
Do you bury them so deep that the person to pull them out would be crowned king Arthur?
I' hope you get to feeling not sad
just sorta feels like one of thos egloomy days huh
doyou have stuff to stay awake to
Stay metal
Maybe this
It is very jarring
Just an ache or might you have an infection?
berried like that yes very much so
I think it's the latter. :(
I feel in a creek last week and got water in there. We'll see how it goes.
How are yooouuu feeling?
Iam feeling a strange feeling of dejavoo from this
I'd like to dig up your nail clippers sometime. DM me.
I can't allow that. There's too much at stake.
Oh wow. I haven't played LoL in like a month.
Oh yeah? Well _I_ haven't played in like a month and a HALF. So THERE.
I'll stake you if you aren't careful. But like in the violent vampire murdery kind of way.
I played loooge earlier today
Want me to play with your dick?
Heard gremlin just got buffed
Should proly check that out
almost had one
That bitch is annoying. I can't figure out her ult radius.
I'm just glad Zenyata got buffed.
You'll try.
if youre behind even a tiny peice of wall youre safe
its range is about medium
Well, of course I use them.
I'm just the only one who does.
How do you mean?
He sure deserves the extra shield used to be squishy as fuck, nobody played him
Too bad, he can shred everyone with a good rein
My dick would whoop your ass.
I'll bring a stake made of silver bullets. Watch out, you dirty werevamp.
It's bullshit either way.
I think you're backpedaling because your freak nail clipper altar is being criticized.
I'll bring my whoopass stick.
shes way too annoying now
Yeah. I feel like he has the highest kill potential out of the supports. But with such low HP I understand why he was never picked in pro games.
I just go Tracer and dart behind her.
Also fan versions of characters are better than any cannon stuff.
when your imouto comes in and sticks a bunch of sticky notes on your face
i mean he's giving me shit for posting picture of him so give me permission to do it.
you own him like right.
What distinguishes a whoopass stick from a regular ass stick?
Look, I don't like the script any better than you do, Gerald, but I need this job. I've got kids at home.
Yeah, he will be picked more now, and and probably Ana everywhere
I'd try out the new patch right now but I have a duty to get shitfaced at a street festival so bai
ook bedtim fro reals nana
Why would the nailclipper shrine only have two?
Come on now.
The shrine has hundreds, but those belong to the nail clipper god.
you bitch
I guess that makes sense. Sorry.
We can involve them as well.
make your bitch make you let me post pictures of you
I'm doing pretty good! Little down but can't complain since I don't have to deal with the ear thing, I hope it gets better quickly for you
Just a bit.
I can be greedy.
It's alright, I wouldn't expect a normie to understand.
Just gonna leave this here first tho, I know most posters will appriciate it
Obviously we will. This is Hollywood, after all.
I'm more into year-round garbage bag scarecrow making, so I don't really keep up with the nail clipping scene.
Reminds me of the Vlad game.
Fair enough.
Sorry for assuming you were a filthy normie.
tough luck hazelnut
Sci's mental breakdown was amazing.
He was breaking down again earlier, not as bad but he was getting there
Do tell.
Kinda want to buy overwatch for that healslut game tbh
I'll let you heal slut me.
Gomen, gomen. I'm taken.
Was going on about everyone being worthless and being past the point of saving, to the point that it sounded like he was talking about himself aaand then he started saying he realized something and how he can't do this or that but it is how it is and tbh it's hard to explain his thought process it was all over the damn place lol
You'd make a cute heal slut
You jelly?
Mercy was hard to use. But dat imp skin hnngh
He probably just needed to cool down with some /mu/ shitposting. He'll be fine.
Do it anyway~
When was this?
He seemed relatively not like that the other night.
That skin is her best, she got buffed lately so she's a little easier though!
lol Sci does not do fine
..... Literally the spray called Cute, you know the one you get from achievements from ults?
Check the last thread or two and search for Grimstar, whenever I started making those jokes is about the time he started. Don't know the time exactly
Get vidya?
I will try it again as soon as I can afford that pink ps4. and another tv.
HE's going to be the next Columbine.
I can feel it.
i like my pixel achievement spray
if someone buys me a computer that can run overwatch i will be their on call healslut
If I pull double shifts soon I would legit consider.
Maybe he was already the previous Columbine.
I imagine he is going to try but end up like forgetting the safety and get tackled by a bunch of cops, they'll then raid his place and find all his cp
Fair enough git gud
I can see it.
He was telling someone the other day he isn't a pedo.
It was funny.
I could ship Loco x Squash.
no you need money
Buy me overwatch when I have a decent PC and then i will be your healslut
also buy me a dildo so i can do the game
Who wouldn't?
It's going to be a knotted bad dragon dildo though.
Wow, those Grimstar jokes were just not good at all.
Someone post the healslut game image, I forget how to play.
He's told a lot of us that despite the facts
Opinions, what are they?
goddamnit squash
"could" and "shoud" are two very different things.
In the case of mine, correct. Thanks for asking.
Something recent?
I thought it was funny that he argued it was a choice and defended it.
You know where my heart is.
I adore that comic.
It was in reff to him shaving his head and shit ages ago, but Spoils says some new shit happened 2 threads back.
Wasn't there one that involved butt stuff?
Like, three years ago?
If only the comics could adore us back.
i can't take a knotted dildo
That's not how opinions work but you wouldn't be the first from here to not understand that lol facts are the concretely right thing but what do I know
Saying he didn't know it was cp somehow despite obviously being cp from what I heard when Sebs told me
No idea.
Sure. I could do a few games.
Why knot?
Like he didn't just want to save face.
Hi spoilers~
Not much, evidently.
i was busy
worst healer ever
I'm still unsure of why everyone wanted him unbanned
Hey bae, how you been?
Your game is pretty weak yo
Then why am I the one in America while you're stuck in Canada? Get aced kiddo.
I've been okay. Anything new with you?
Well no we are both from America, you are just from the US which is forever below Canada :^)
Slept with someone, ignored their texts sorta remembering my issues with commitment which is not the happiest concept to think of for me lol not anything really interesting otherwise just work and living
Yeah, because that's what people from our part of the world mean when they say America. Nice try though. I mean, I'm sure Canada is very hospitable, that's why your population is so large. Right?
A whoopass stick is stained with the blood of enemy asses and absorbs the power of its victims.
Fact is, I am right we are both from America, try harder if you're going to act like you're so much smarter right before making comments so easily picked apart by obvious details lol I admit to being dumb af and I still picked the obvious out
Well I mean getting laid is overall good though I guess?
Right? iunno
A year or two ago I'd agree wholeheartedly, even now I'd somewhat agree.... buuuut I just imagine an actual relationship might be so much better?
Hey, how many of my old images you got?
I'd love to get my old Kemono avatar folder back.
I went ham 26-3 as rein and no one was there to witness my beauty but squash
Support slut for life!
Holy shit first you let me do lewd things like post hand holding at you then you post barking gifs? kinky af
Sounds like a weird sex thing to me.
I know this is a troll, but it's just literally wrong, using the term America to refer solely to the USA is overwhelmingly and unquestionably the common usage in the United States and Canada.
show me
Probably. Apparently if you wait too long it becomes scary as shit.
North America is BEST America.
I plead the fifth.
I'll text you.
Do you still use that number?
It's hard to say, I just kind of saved stuff as I liked it, and only vaguely remember which of it is yours.
Any of the ones like that with no background.
I would love you forever if you sent them to me in a zip or something.
i think so
Amurrikuh! Amurrikuh!
This is worrisome, like extremely actually
Can you plead the fifth under my desk with your mouth full?
lol welcome to my world~
I can try to dropbox them by tomorrow sometime probably, might be fun to pick through.
Yeah, I didn't think you'd have anything to say to that. Sit down.
Thanks man. I'm going to just start adding to it from every comic I can find.
This is spoopy Elmas!
You are so good at this, it's totally not that you're so boring that I'm just done bothering it's not like you were even trying to begin with
Sup, sluts
I just sent you an sms.
I'm involved with someone.
It will be okay.
Who's got the nicest ass here?
Soon you will have a folder to surpass Metal Gear.
Right, you're just so bored after swiftly being called out on your absolutely incorrect bullshit. Darn. I'm sorry that tired you out so much. *I don't know how to spoil stuff I hope this works*
yeah i got it
Cropping a folder.
If only.
Mine is quite good
scoots show him privately
Ah yeah, instant boner killer
Will it Elmas? Will it really?! Probably
You should text back so I can be sure, meany.
I'll send you the picture of my heal slut card.
What kind?
I havent their cotnact deets
I don't know yet but I like to pretend to have hope haha
Cropping and cleaning Kemono comics like this.
Bad luck ikt
you cant do it through steam?
Disgusting. That said I have just torrented MLP series' to cap n crop
Poor ikt
wat's (AED)
? ._.
That's more effort, since my phone's usb connection is broked.
Automated External Defibrillator.
It's a good plan, a hard one for me to stick to but it's good
You're fucking filth.
I use to post as Big Mac though. uh... you?
human = auto matic cpr thing
I am aware of that. And Aren't we all filth here?
Apple Poens are pretty high rankin'
I'm trained to use an AED in conjunction with CPR.
The card itself shows me as a First Aider, which means I can tend to injuries if something happens.
CPR Level C means that I have the highest qualification of CPR available to citizens, and with AED means I'm trained to use an AED in conjunction with it.
wat do
wat do
I only used him 'cause Eddy used his cousin and he and I were dating at the time.
They are probably the best out of the ponies though.
Go on a pirate journey with for booty
you still have one more year of use out of it! ^_^
i like that gif
it's cute.
What ever happened to Emma?
Stab them repeatedly with a spork
Luna my #1
But then its like #2AJ/TS
#3 RD
#4 PP
#5 FS
#Everyone else
#Last - Rarity
They quit
Technically, I should be going for retraining this year, but I'm not sure I'm going to do that.
But yeah, I'm an irl emergency heal slut.
I don't know that that's a bad thing.
Rarity is literal shit.
what do you do now?
Whilst I do not wanna see like I am shitting on parades... But agreed. Bitch is the worst.
I'm a NEET.
I had it at my last job because my employer wanted more first aiders.
You win this one Scoots.
how do you survive...?
I don't live alone.
I've considered making NEET money, but motivation is something that constantly escapes me.