Did you buy a WiiU?
CEMU thread
If it can also run Bayo 1 at a solid 60fps that will be impressive, since I don't think any platform can currently do that
If anything the WiiU has been good for it's that, because PS3 and xbox360 emulation don't exist AFAIK, so at least bayonetta has a good chance of being able to be played on pc.
N-nintendo does what Sega doesn't do as well
Don't worry user, the ports are coming right? We just gotta be patient and they'll deliver right?
Because from late 2013 to mid-fall 2015 the WiiU had, at least, some games. But now I kinda regret that decision. At least there's piracy I guess.
Will it be able to run BOTW at a better frame rate than the actual Wii U?
Pretty optimistic to think those ports were ever coming, although I'm still holding out for Vaniqush on PC. Recently replayed Bayonetta on Wii U though and I can't tell you how god damn frustrating it is to have whole chapters running at 50% speed
Wouldn't take much, apparently
Does that answer your question?
no wonder it sold like garbage
I like both. I can play on my Wii U then transfer the saves over to my PC by using saviine.
Because I'm an idiot. Lest you doubt that claim, realize that I also backed Mighty No. 9. I legitimately thought it would be a few more years until we had even a working Wii U emulator, so I certainly didn't imagine we'd have one now that was actually good.
Imagine Bayonetta turns out to be a Tranny in Bayo 3
But user the audio is still shit and textures are fucked up in XCX.
I really hope that was a mistake to upload that image, user.
because I already have a good pc?
the other consoles have the same games but at 30fps, at least most nintendo games run at 60
Anyone got a link to the newest patreon build?
This shit runs Xenoblade X fullspeed most of the time on my fucking laptop. Hell, judging by the improvments that 1.7.1 has it might get my shit locked 30.
I can't get Weeblade Chron X to run properly. Not sure if it's a problem with my hardware, or if I just got a shit rip of the game. Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D run fine. A bit slow, but nothing that prevents me from making progress in them. Running a R9 380 4GB, 8GB System Ram, but my CPU is an ancient A8 APU which I plan to ditch for a Ryzen once those come out.
Is Pokken playable yet? Also call me when netplay Splatoon is a thing
same as why i bought a psp years ago
no regrets, just pipe japanese madden directly into my veins and let me die
Anybody tried Tekken Tag Tournament 2 here?
Yeah, on my PS3.
I was talking about emulating it lad
Wait, i thought that Bayo ran fine on the WiiU. Did they really fuck it up that badly?
It's better than PS3 and you won't have the tearing you get on x360 but yeah some chapters run like shit, although
I think CEMU can run games better than the real console could so you very well might end up with it running at a full 60fps at all times at some point.
Fuck off pedokike
No but soon
I'm not interested in CEMU until two things happen:
1) It opens up its source-code because it's progressing at a fairly glacial pace. It shouldn't take this long for something that still shares Wii and Gamecube architecture, closed-source isn't doing it any favors. I don't usually give a rat's ass about the FOSS meme but for CEMU it's a detriment.
2) It can run things that aren't Mario Kart 8 and 3D World without requiring a NASA supercomputer.
Does it run Bayo 1 and 2 now? Version I have doesn't do it.
1.7.1 is the new version and I have 1.7.0. Soon Bayo will be playable with sound.
It's not easy finding wii u game downloads if anyone has a good one that's not jewish.
Nigger did you miss the fact I'm running Xenoblade X on a laptop?
Because I didn't want to wait over four years until some faggot on the internet implied that I didn't have to.
Good luck trying to get private servers up playing Mario Kart 8 or Splatoon, by the way.
Yeah it's not that bad but the main game usually hovers anywhere between 45-60 fps. The chapters in particular I remember having trouble with were the one that starts on the highway and the one with the airline carrier filling up with electrified water, both of those ran at half-speed for most of the chapter
W101 has a similar problem where most of the game has a lot of framedrops (especially the fights with Vorkken) but the Kahloo-Regah sections run at a solid 60, same goes for the Alfheim missions in Bayonetta. Hopefully Cemu ends up fixing those performance problems
I didn't even buy mine, I got it as a gift from a friend who didn't want it. Besides, the accuracy of that piece of shit is attrocious. Sure it may be running full 60 FPS, but it looks like fucking AIDS and requires retard specs to actually reach that performance.
Wii Us are dirt cheap as of recently. Buy one and start pirating. USB loading isn't that far off (hell, right now you can get a high capacity SD card and you're off), but an actually functioning emulator is.
Oh yeah, and it's closed source. Literally every other emulator I've downloaded has open sourced their shit. What's their excuse? The fuck are they hiding? Do they WANT to impede their progress on purpose?
Was Platinum pressed for time or something? Bayonetta has no reason not to run at a solid 60fps.
They better be, the Alfheim missions are literally a small area with a few monsters. It would be incredibly embarrassing if not even those ran at a solid 60.
Does Bayo 2 run at a solid 60 or did they fuck that up as well?
Yeah, its best to just get an actual WiiU for now.
How do I play CEMU without Gamepad
so can i emulate Censorblade X yet? i have a r9 380 card
The way that picture is set up I thought the mouth was her pussy for a moment
Why don't you check for yourself?
Maybe you should tell us your full specs if you actually expect us to give a real answer.
fx 8120 cpu
r9 390 gpu
win 7
16gb ram
Geforce GTX780
i7 3770 (4.2Ghz)
16gb ram
Straight from 2012. Is it shit?
Nah Bayo 2 has noticeably better performance than Bayo 1, maybe not solid 60 all the time but it's pretty close. The exceptions are a few boss fights with the Lumen Sage which drop to like fucking 20 because of how much shit is going on in the background
because I thought there would be a Metroid game on it. At least now I can hack it to play the new Zeldo
Thanks for the spoiler.
Well, at least they got Bayo 2 right.
Dude it's shown in the introductory cutscene, it's not like it's a plot twist
Ah, okey then.
Because I wanted to play Pikmin 3, four years ago.
shit anime :)
I agree.
The ps4 isn't emulatable yet
damage control more ;)
yeah i'll stick to my wii u
Control what? I don't think you know what that means mate
Why the christ does Cemu think it's still a good group of programmers or the software is good when they continue to ignore the fact there's no fucking sound?
Do they really expect everyone to listen to some other kind of music while they play a game? I'm never going to own a wii u but it's funny as fuck they take themselves seriously when you can't hear the fucking game. I often wonder if all of them on the dev team are deaf.
you should stop trying so hard ;)
no u
Sonygger confirmed
If I wanted a gimped PC with no games I'd get one
It sounds like you have the same type of brain problems as antifa.
Don't lie to me, I can smell your tripe from miles away.
because original hardware > emulators always.
still posting eh? ;) you have already lost
Several actually
So you buckaroos would have videogames to play on your emulator.
there you go posting anime again
nice going, buddy :)
No, it's in very few cases that this is true. Cemu is being lazily developed by idiots who keep asking for more money. Consoles are made cheaply so the manufacturer can make profit, they can't even run the games they are made for to the greatest degree. If you think buying the original hardware is a good idea you need some serious life skills.
Because until emulation makes it possible to inject high quality textures and to up the rendering resolution emulation takes a backseat to simply hacking a Wii U. The fucking thing is easy as shit to hack too.
Where do you think u are user?
Remember when they said never ever on bayonetta 2 on anything but Wii U? Wii u emulation will have a longer life span than Wii U console.
lel emulation was inevitable and the wii u's outcome inexorable. The delusion you did anything but toss fuel on Nintendo's lame duck fire is at best sophomoric.
That is if they ever make it less resource intensive and the audio ever works. It doesn't look like Cemu's team cares for anything but money so we need another group doing this. The pay to play PCE emulator is the same way, pay option is the worst option.
That's probably your problem. Most emulators seem to work better with nvidia/intel.
t. endusers
Retarded cancer race is so unfathomably stupid that they'll take even broken shit as proof of superiority over consoles.
Like holy shit, this is terrible but MUH EMULATORS.
Its honestly kind of impressive, I always assume I've seen the depths of stupidity that mustards can achieve then they prove me wrong, just how retarded can you guys get.
That has nothing to do with what you were saying nor what I was saying you retarded motherfucker, but I guess that's to be expected from someone who can't even stand behind what he said with his own words.
It's an unstable buggy mess and I shouldn't need 4+GHZ clock and 16GB of RAM to run it smoothly. Not to mention no other emulator failed at running redbook audio before. The emulator is shit.
And who are you to make such an assertion?
Seems like you're just buttmad that things aren't perfect immediatly and don't run on your crappy laptop.
You don't even realize how retarded you are.
Nice damage control, Cemu
Stay buttmad enduser scum
Because I have pic related. And since I have a job I can import from grorious nippon so I don't suffer the shit ''localization.
I did it because I have enough disposable income to own every console and I have no regrets. It was easily my most played console this gen (I mainly play on PC), especially in 2014 when there was a steady stream of good first party games out on it.
Good to see CEMU being improved as fast as it is though. It is great that people that don't have cash to spare in a secondary/tertiary console may enjoy some of the best games released in the past few years (W101, Bayo 2, MK8, Dong Freeze, etc.).
You will always need more resources than the thing you are trying to emulate, that is if you want to emulate it at full speed.
16 GiB of RAM is definitely too much though.
can a wiiu run cemu?
It's nice to see emulation coming along so fast. We already have threads where people actually play Xenoblade X instead of shitposting, hopefully we'll get more talk about the rest of the games. If you can, get Fast Racing NEO. It's a mix of Wipeout and Ikaruga, and it's great.
I bought a Wii U for the multiplayer. It's small, easy to carry, and cheap as fuck compared to a PC that can emulate it. I can bring it to uni events and have 8 player Sm4sh or Mario Chase set up instantly.
Every time I've tried to go back to the first I've been unable to stick to it because the framerate drops are so frequent and so severe. By contrast I've played through Bayo 2 three times and still occasionally go back to it to play my favourite parts.
I understand why people would prefer the first game, but 2 runs so much more smoothly and has so few QTEs by comparison that it's a no brainer for me. There are other things I like better about 2, but those two things are some of the biggest improvements, I think.
Smug lolis are real.
planning on buying one when march hits. actually still thinking if i should buy a switch, ps4 pro or wii u. hopefully there's a price cut for wii u
Hey, thanks for the recs
what happens in march?
He gets paid
You honestly see nothing wrong with this turd being on the market?
You honestly don't see its consequences?
you don't know anything about the ps4 pro
Its an iterative hardware upgrade of a console 3 years after its launch that kills one of the reasons to own a fucking console.
What don't I know about Mr Sonygger Shill?
switch gets released.
i don't have a ps4 yet
You dont know shit about:
Hardware decentralization and support ranges
Development contracts
Contract guidelines
Fucking anything
Break your computer you ignorant faggot
Doesn't matter, if it sells they'll keep the trend.
This is some cuckchan tier shit, kill yourself you Sonygger NeoFag shill.
Fresh new gameplay
Are you the guy that makes bullshit comments on youtube videos?
>He actually defends the Pisstation 4 pro
Fuckwads like you are the reason why the industry is shit.
So you dont know what you are talking about, did no research, read none of the publicly available documentation, likely only know about the several month old benchmarks for 1 or 2 games and are buzzword/rhetoric spewing retards.
The 360 went through more dramatic changes in the same generation than the ps4 did with the pro/slim. Console hardware decentralizes many times through a generation but the engineers involved in software and hardware support ensure everyone is kept on the same page. Go back to r/pcmasterrace because you are too stupid to understand basic things that consoles have been doing since the 1970s. Kill yourself too while you're at it.
Ps4 pro doesnt matter, i am indifferent to it, but Holla Forums is flat out retarded about it and it likely has years of pc gaming as the origin of its stupidity
You forgot to call us poor
I know who you are and you need to fuckoff.
because i like supporting the devs
Because early stage emulators and emulators since 5th gen are shit.
Some good starting material would be the digital foundry ps4/pro comparisons, just to save yourself from being a complete retard. They elaborate on aome things mentioned here.
Keep on shilling
Has anybody tried overclocking a physical Wii U to see which games could have their FPS boosted without some kind of ROM hack?
2/10, too retarded to seem sincere.
I'm not really sure what that would entail, and I can't think of any example of a game on a softmodded console running at better performance than the original release. There are however emulated games, for example a lot of games on PPSSPP, that had a locked framerate which could then be unlocked, or other games that ran much higher than their original framerate, like Shadow of the Colossus on PCSX2 (if your CPU is up to it)
The PSP was infamously underclocked to 222MHz for battery life reasons, with a CPU designed for 333MHz, that hackers routinely overclocked upward of 500MHz on stock cooling. Midway through the system's life, Sony even allowed official devs to run their games at 333MHz.
5 isn't a very big number but at least they're worth emulating.
I've bought it for my Sister for her Birthday because she ask for it. I hardly play it.
She's asking now if we can pirate shit on it.
You know what you must do
How do you do that? I want to play Nayuta at super speed.
there is a partial fix for that
You have to make a graphcs pack file for it that says
titleIds = 00050000101c4c00,00050000101C4D00
name = "Xenoblade Chronicles - 1080p"
width = 320
height = 180
#formats =
overwriteWidth = 0
overwriteHeight = 0
It decreases the number of them but it doesn't fix issues with bloom.
I thought it would eventually amass a respectable library of exclusives, at the time I had no idea they were gonna drop support for it in a year then try pushing a whole new console on me.
As a result I'm pretty much done with Nintendo.
bayonetta is better than dmc
I'd argue DMC3>Bayo 1> DMC4SE> Bayo 2> DMC1
Honestly, who cares. Enjoy them both. The only bad game is DMC2
Bayonetta vs DMC when?
Remember, this is the exclusivefag glutton-for-punishment platform:
I haven't looked into this for ages, so things might be different now, but OCs were one of the first widespread mods from the earliest days of the PSP scene:
Oh wtf I have this firmware I guess I'll just check this option. Silly me.
.>Did you buy a wiiu
So I can play good vidya and it was only $200 less than a year after launch.
Sorry I don't want to wait 4 years to play it on an emulator that looks worse than a wiiu and no online or touch controls.
That was the lifespan of the WiiU
Which had 7 decent exclusives spaced out on those 4 years
7 good games is worth a cheap console.
I bought my ps3 for more than what I paid for the wiiu same year as launch that 3-4 years after release and also really only liked about 7 games.
Not when most of them are censored.
Thanks, I'll give that a try.
How is bayonetta and Splatoon censored?
You are bullshitting and wrongly repeating what you heard like a parrot.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Xenoblade X
Fatal Frame
I don't give a shit about those other games. The only games I would consider buying a U for are all censored.
Anyone think they could link me to the full fan-translated, non-treehouse version of XCX
Yeah, none of the good ones. Why should I care if a game I wouldn't have played either way was censored?
The good games aren't.
Shit taste.
And why should I care if a game that I wouldn't play is uncensored? I buy consoles for JRPGs, pretty much everything else I can get on PC. So for me, most of the library is censored.