Talk about past experiences like Holla Forums servers you were on, certain people you met, etc.
Also it would be pretty cool to have an Holla Forums server on GMOD again.
Talk about past experiences like Holla Forums servers you were on, certain people you met, etc.
Also it would be pretty cool to have an Holla Forums server on GMOD again.
Other urls found in this thread:
I played it not long ago on a 8ch server, only to realize I'm not creative anymore and don't really know what the fuck to do. There was next to no one playing, anyway.
I was on a DarkRP server where VIP theifs would wait outside of your base waiting for you to leave that would call raid the moment they saw you and instantly kill you with a lightsaber or sniper rifle because they know how good your base is, and they are massicve fucking pussies.
What a shitty fucking server.
That tactic is usually prevented on most servers by simply black listing the sensor, then again, it is so smart people get "equalized" with the retarded 13yr olds.
Fucking awesome dude.
This seems like every server now that VIP's where added
Literally the only thing to do anymore is to sneak into the police station as a cook, and farm money all day while you're afk and prevent yourself from starving, then blow it all on whatever the fuck you feel like.
I still remember one of the first meetups we had on Gmod.
Also there was some other little shit that joined the server. We told him to shut his ass up, but he yelled, "MAKE ME!!!!".
Good times, too bad I moved to a place with a shitty connection otherwise I'd love to play with Holla Forums again.
Gmod's been basically collecting dust on my harddrive lately. Besides wiremod, what are some fun mods I can download and kinda sperg out with in singleplayer?
Yeah seriously if you so much as shoot someone nowadays and even if they don't die they scream RDM and cry to the admins no matter what unless it's a mug or raid.
You can't really have fun anymore.
Here's what I like to do:
What a day that was.
I do that pretty often actually.
Would be great if we could get the group back with bane/leatherman to host/run the servers again and we didn't have people Holla Forums'ing it up all the time. Last time I saw a concerted effort to bring them back up again was about 6 or so months ago, lasted about 2-3 weeks and I was on for about 15 minutes before I realized that everyone was being a total faggot by killing people who weren't a specific skin. I miss the skeleton raids from the bane servers. That shit was hilarious.
Why though? That's fucking awesome how could someone hate that?
I got a story.
>We force the mayor at gun point to rewrite the rules for Sharia Law and laws that favour us
Why do admins have to be fuckos
They just are man, they just are.
Half of the time they are VIP+++ Admins on steroids who used their mom's credit card.
Server raiding sounds more fun.
Sounds awesome. I know of a really shitty server that desperately needs to be raided. It's called IronRP. I'm a rich player so I can supply everyone with guns very easily and everyone can just go to town killing everybody. Or instead we could just do something else just as mingy.
Alright, Bane Sauce here I'm thinking about hosting again. I'd have to start from scratch and I don't know how Leather or 2Dolla would feel about this, but I might be willing to start up again.
I'd plan to purchase a host again, but with only about 20 people because I don't know how many people would actually be interested in playing this, or if it would just die out in a month. It's only going to cost about 10 sheckles, so it's not that much of a loss anyway.
I just need to know though, are people willing to play and possibly help or is it just going to die out in a month?
it will just go through the same cycle
actually most Holla Forums hosted servers goes through a similar cycle
i dunno what it is about this userbase but shit does not last.
I will definately be willing to play you can count me the fuck in!
Well, screw it. It was only $9.50 a month, should be worth it. I'll try be working on it this weekend, if not tonight.
Bane if you're still here, what will be the server name and password (if you make a password)?
It'll probably be Infinite RP and "cucks" or something for the password.
Alright man sounds fucking awesome. Make sure you make a gmod server thread when people get home from college and work or some other time people usually sit down to shitpost on Holla Forums.
Then if you get lucky, the thread will be stickied.
Anons just get burnt out and eventually interest comes back.
Dakin (who hosted the last sandbox serb) said as soon as interest comes back he'll host again
Sup, I'm still pretty burnt out myself but I'll probably host again sometime this year. Here's some vids of the sandbox server if you weren't around then.
So are you actually doing the Eurobeat racing thing somebody proposed in the other thread?
Here we go.
Spacebuild server is still up
correction :
I got a story similar to this but it was an MLP server
It was pretty fun
I'm in
Admins are such cunts.
gg no re
Anyone interested if fucking around in a DarkRP server? Nothing is fun when you're by yourself in GMOD.
that's pretty spooky floober
8ch servers will good until the last sandbox where it was nothing but people demanding random animu player models while doing nothing but racing with a Scars knockoff and ramming the Initial D meme's skeleton into the wall.
Its the rule of admins to be as big of a stuckup, shit eating, nofun cuckwagon as possible.
*were, not will. Also the speds who kept spamming Lazytown in PlayX using the console, fuck them.
>not reins
As someone who picked up this game just this year, this my experience with Garry's Mod. At first i thought, "oh cool, a multiplayer physics sandbox game!, let's see what it's like"
>Enter my first server ever, i decide to start with a Sandbox server to start learning the basics
>try a Trouble in Terrorist Town server next
what else did you think gmod is?
I didn't know saitama was gay.
I wasn't expecting it to be this cancerous.
Gmod was ruined by stgggs the the griefer memes going mainstream. I'll defend TTT in that it's a FPS version of epicmafia and a superior version of The Ship. Though you probably joined one of the worst servers possible since it was a minecraft map and probably had more than 20 players.
Unless something has changed in the years I haven't touched gmod you should be able to scope out nearby/waiting targets with /yell or /y or toggled voice chat, all of which tells you 'who can hear you' and therefore if there's a guy with a one-tap by your door
if they're sniping or around a corner there's opportunities to use cameras
this is painful, the death of the very minimal amount of fun roleplay in DarkRP just makes it "dm but shit"
good times
There used to still be hold-out decent TTT servers, look for ones that explicitly bar children from talking and don't have rules about "tbaiting"
Oh well.
gorky spotted
besides it probably was like two people requesting animes
Off just by one.
I remember requesting two player models along with a bunch of other addons, but backed off when they were denied.
They were DMC4 Lady and a Haven Trooper from MGS4.
I don't really know how or why the anime PM's got in. And I really don't know how that Starship Troopers game mode I requested didn't get put in either.
That was me actually, I came up with that idea with a buddy. For now I just want to get DarkRP running, after that I'm down for it. It might just be a bit to get ready.
simfphys > scars
only if it had analog steering support other than mouse, such as joystick
I'm 100% with you there. I absolutely love simfphys, handling is great and feels more realistic unlike zooming fast cars with no control at all.
Never heard of it, I usually used scars because they have the checkpoints thing that allows for better organized races
And the checkpoints work with any and all vehicles, even built up from scratch. They check for player in vehicle, not player in just an scar. It's the reason why I suggested adding Slim on the server.
There was literally only one anime model request.
There was only about three model requests in total. The rest was just dakin being a weeb autist and adding models nobody wanted or asked for.
Interesting, I'm downloading it
darkRP server raids when?
Here's whats gonna happen when you host a sandbox server
Host something INTERESTING for once.
I got an idea.
What if we hosted something that's neither sandbox, nor darkrp?
Here's the deal, once the server is up and ready I'd love to do another event like the original DarkRP server. I'd love to host another manhunt game. That was probably the best time I ever had in GMod.
Well, I did suggest this game mode when happened.
Yeah, the last time gmod was hosted, it was absolute shit and for some reason the hosts ignored all the alternative gamemodes.
Let's try to keep that from happening again.
Also, that gamemode seems nice.
Pirate Ship Wars is best mode
stgggs didn't ruin the game, it was those cancerous YT channels like VanossGaming who have 19M subscribers and literally thousands of Gmod videos each with millions of views.
Breeki I think you need to go and hang yourself finally.
My home ganoo server/iptables router could probably handle running a Gmod server, if you don't mind using a VPN like Hamachi.
I can't use hamachi, because I either have problems reinstalling it because it thinks i still have it despite me clearly uninstalling it normall, or even if I do install it it just doesn't work because hamachi is retarded.
If Stggs was an FPS, he'd be MW2.
Why waste your fucking time? The servers are always full of faggots who come from facebook and reddit. It's not even worth joining the servers either because if you do something that even slightly steps out of their 'comfy zone' they flip shit and start crying about you.
someone still needs to make an ED article on him so he an heroes
MechWarrior 2?
If you listen during the night, you can still hear alphablaster screaming out that hes not a sonic erper.
Who was the fucking furries name that we got the merc called because of TF2C? Those were fucking good times because Holla Forums was more interested in playing games for some fucking reason than bitching about pointless shit that wasn't vidya. sage for offtopic Ylw for life, faggots
Did Bane ever open that server?
Modern Warfare 2
I lost my virginity thanks to Gmod, met a girl on a DarkRP server that also lived in my city. I guess I'm just a lucky guy
Jesus, a server isn't even up and the thread is dying. When did fun become a crime?
How big was her dick?
Jason Grant
Never forget TF2C, another wasted potential due to shit devs and betablaster being a fag.
I'm still working on it. It's fairly close to being done though.
Looking forward to it.
shieeet can't wait. how big will the modpack be?
my lil nuts are quaking right now
Everyone just wants to fap to Undertale porn instead of having fun. This board has become pretty shit tbh.
be careful with what you say, you might attract the autism here
Holla Forums is already full of autism.
so server up or nah? haven't played gmod in years, would love some comfy fuckery
Around 300 MB I think
Waiting for Bane bump.
do we have an eta on when the serb is gonna be up?
That's not so bad.
Does anyone want to join some server now, play together?
If you're still watching this bane, we're waiting. Keep it up. Even if its for a month, it'll be nice to play again. any possibility to have skele job that gets burned in the day time?
server never ever
I'm not Breeki
Who the hell is Bane, is he a big guy?
he's a big guy, for this gym.
I don't even know why people play it. It's literally nothing. It's like JKA servers back in the day where everybody would stand fucking still like they were afk and you could only do 1 on 1 duels
>Join a serious roleplay community
Make a better sandbox server then fag, I'm waiting OH HOHOHO.
probably not too hard since people can copy use my prized addon list now
I was constantly changing the server based on feedback, focusing on uptime and performance and listening to every little complaint and request to tweak settings. I ended up spending a couple hours per day for several weeks working on it. It was def fun, and I'm going to do it again someday.
For the next one, I want a hyper specialized and tested server. I want the game mode to be unique, exciting and potentially like a limited event that people can be hype for. It could take the form of an adventure, competition or even something like a grimdark survival crawl through a sewer network. I plan to test it extensively with people before release to the thread so I can make sure it's perfect and starts off flawless. Any ideas for the server type? Can be an interesting mode, or a set of mods that go together well.
Server IP:
It's up bois, just not super fleshed out. But very much playable. And burning Skeletons will be back.
Where can I get the last version of Gmod before the switch? Do they still have it at the site but requires the wayback machine?
inb4 2 hours of mod downloading
Oh, I forgot here's the mod pack:
Set the game to windowed borderless through launch options in the game's properties on steam, put in.
-windowed -noborder
That will stop garry from taking your computer hostage.
You should make use of the stuff from Dystopia. It will require work to get whatever you need from there to work though.
Is there a possibility that more maps will be added?
Oh for sure. Now that we got cars on we'll have our Eurobeat RP coming soon.
Quality videogame experience
what was the underage's username? I might remember that.
I think I got it.
The other guy here seems dead, but I'll try to hold out for a bit longer just in case if anyone else wants to come on.
We really need a better map.
An attempt was made.
Time for bed
share it nigga
if any serb hosters want to run something that isnt sandbox or darkrp try razborka
ffs guys it's 6pm, where are my neets?
Needs more body pillows and collectable statues. Also how does Floober have/use a custom model that we don't have to download?
PAC is a hell of a drug/system
tbh im gonna connect for autism
if only gmod loadedx
The last time I played Garry's Mod was when it was an actual mod and everyone made airboats into planes.
A friend bought the game for me and when I looked up videos on youtube all I could see was pure, unadulterated autism.
What do I do to get into this and how do I disguise my non-autismal nature?
I played gmod for around 3000 hours now before i stopped around 6 years ago. during this time i learned wiremod especially E2 which is some programming language that lets you do fucking everything and then i got into car building. replicating different suspensions types, gearboxes, engines, and making car bodys. it was highly autistical and a complete waste of time but i loved every second of it because i was building complicated shit
pic related is some of my better shit
you faggots need to git gud but autistically shouting memes into the mic and watching moonman on playx isnt gonna keep people interested
i think we should have a sandbox serb. either that or drastically increase the amount of content of the current darkrp serb
Woah fuck off, you are boring man.
why is serb ded?
The autism that you have is an actual disease.
Looking into other maps and found this:
I'm gonna test it out soon, might be good.
Some people here loved playing things like KSP, Space Engineers, Simple Planes and Besiege, and you judge him for making cars in GMOD?
KSP, spass eng and the others are more fun then what happens in gmod.
In gmod making cars and such things is actual autism due to the fact that you need to code how the car or the plane works.
Well, without someone's autism in E2 there wouldn't be simfphys for everyone else.
And the world would be a better place.
I think I just found /ourmap/ this is really good. Only complaint is that it's around 150mb, but I'm sure that's not horrible for anime hoarders like you.
post link to the map for judgement.
The post 2010's and Youtube were the worst things to happen to this game.
RP is literally pay to win/no fun allowed, The gamemode at this point.
Glad i got to play it nearly a decade ago before it got ass raped by the modern gmod community.
If people want a "different" RP set-up someone could always host Stalker RP by ZONA
Delete hamachi.sys inside the system32 folder where it hides, then install it properly.
Oh god Bane ate nigger food.
Bretty good stable server even for brit bongs. Will be on tomorrow.
Figure I'll share the most fun I've ever had in GMOD.
Daily reminder that this gamemode:
is the only one to work around the hammer map limits and not enough people work on Garry's mod anymore to give a shit about raising map limits.
.t vlad ::^^))
Another fun gamemode is Wario Ware
This shit really needs to end. Who the fuck else would you be? Elton John?
We did last time, but it was broken
Underage faggots are in the server.
you know exactly what to do, then.
If I ever become a richfag, and if 8/v/ is still up, I'll definitely host. Have a vote every month for what to host
I remember seeing "be me" years ago without a few people getting their dander up. It go up on KYM or something and that's why it's resurging/a few people are getting pissy about its use? that time would be better spent getting autistic about ">tfw when"
How well does that work? I saw an issue posted to the github that all main-menu text is gone after installation.
never forget
Remember: We still have >>>/cow/248069 now if you want to post some delicious julay about him there. More julay posted is more laughs for everyone.
what a twink
i bet his nipples are shaved
and his chest and belly are curvy
hes 16
Which one of you was the murderer?
Alright, what was it?
alphablaster reported his own dox.
The more I play on this map the less I like it
Rockford is a very similar map to this but waaaaay better.
I think AlphaBlaster is cute
I would blast it inside him
once you deal with something like this it's kinda hard to go back.
Please do not project your own pathologies onto my nigga Saitama.
Hey wait a second, that dolt claims he completely lost the source-code due to SSD problems and that's why it hasn't been updated for a year or more. Couldn't he just redownload his own source from the github?
It works now.
I had roughly $500k from my Jewish schemes. Welp, time to get it back and buy out the Mayor again.
no fun allowed anymore
so many limitations on remote guns, rp servers are impossible to troll. shit game
I want to cum inside Sonic.
nobody kept the SQL database from the old server as far as I'm aware so your shekels have been lost to the sands of time
what a time it was
Goliath is fucking gay.
new map when
so what kind of numbers are you guys getting
theres 3 people on right now including myself
there's actually 4 people on. ayylien is there, somehow.
Praise the BBC, may the G-d cock live forever in your wife's kid.
This is some shitty bait.
But please dont purposely derail the thread.
What is going on
I read on Holla Forums once about a guy who thought marriage was a jewish invention
dark times we live in
I don't think he's had the time to set everything up yet.
Yeah, it's true. I'm way busier than when I had the last serber. I'll be able to work on it this weekend, I'll add a mechanic class, cook, computer technician, and it sounds like you don't enjoy the map, so we can switch to Rockford if you'd like. I have no problem with that. There's no good sewer for the skeletons anyway..
So these are the kind of people that play Gmod huh? Nice to know, i'll stay the fuck away from you cancerous faggots and your pony models.
I bought the game after seeing this, but im really too busy to play unfortunately
I liked it. The map had character to it. Rockport is just a large spacious fancy boring regular ordinary city.
Most fun I had in the Holla Forums GMOD servers was discovering the HL2 stuff wasn't locked and spawning weapon crates 30 seconds before bringing the superquick/poison facehuggers on everyone. It was glorious.
Staying on the roofs while the server was lost to anarchy and te cops kept killing everyone, sniping niggas from the roof with OHKO crossbow was nifty too.
I hated Goliath.
The sound and the lighting were shit.
also is serb ded?
I'm on atm building a weeb store
Something's up.
Every time I try to join it stays at "Authenticating with Steam"
I got that error before, I just kept retrying and it went away?
Two others just tried to join and haven't loaded in.
It says you lot are joining, am I really fucking stuck on here all alone?
I'm trying man it keeps giving me the Authenticating with Steam. I've restarted steam, restarted Gmod, and everything
I just reconnected myself only ~30mins ago to fix a pac3 bug. So I have no clue.
It looks like everyone I know playing gmod right now is getting this and someone's made a post on the garrysmod subreddit so I'm going with everyone in gmod is getting this.
Now to see if other source games are being affected.
huh, i have the same problem.
yeah i don't know nigga my shit broke or somethin
Seems to maybe be fixed? Try again now.
If you're getting denied for a lack of a map this is what you need
I'm guessing steam restarted their serb and the autoworkshop stuff isn't full running yet.
False alarm, valve has fucked up
is that a surprise to anyone?
It might not be Valve, Rust players are having the same problem so we just blame Garry.
It's valve, aight?
I'm just gonna have to remake this shit tomorrow, shouldn't be too hard with everything saved.
Dammit, I hope people are still playing by the weekend.
don't worry no one can join atm cause Valve fucked up.
What happened to those starship troopers servers? Any of them still alive?
ip bls gib :–DD
Server IP:
thanks for spoon feed
get in you niggers
But at least it had something to explore and had character. Rockport is a bunch of empty non-enterable buildings and wide open empty areas with nothing to work with. When you buy a house on a proper city map or a map like Goliath you don't have a wide open area, you have rooms and have to work with the space and create much better looking things. Too much empty space is just boring, and the map itself has no cool secrets for passageways out of the jail or anything like that. It's just boring.
Then why not use the map we had before that was basically the main street.
That had tons of rooms and secrets, and just the right size.
Idk ask Bane and the other guy who has a fettish for shit maps
Where are you niggers?
coming now
Literally the most funniest thing ever
fuck you guys i was watching x-files
[DarkRP] You have collected $42150 from a Ruby Printer.[DarkRP] You have collected $63150 from a Sapphire Printer.
Do printers disappear after you leave?
dude weed lmao
Cause that map has nowhere to drive
nice meme
You clearly didn't actually try going for a drive. There's plenty of road space on that map, just like there's plenty of road space on Rockport - Except Rockport is DEAD EMPTY BORING TOWN, made for sandbox. Rockport feels like BigCity, but with some more interior spaces.
rockford feels WAY too loose
also he was talking about eastcoast
5 players right now
Big map + few players = snoozefest
We /HWNDU/ now
Used to run the 8.8 RAD bar with one of my mates, would place "artifacts" in the sewer and pay stalkers who would bring them back. Good fucking times.
Daily Bump
Server IP:
We have around 5-6 guys on + autistic /HWNDU/ roleplaying. It's been fun
Has anyone ever played Stronghold? Shit was comfy as hell.
I've had way too much fun with gmod, but for different reasons. Usually I just go into TTT and stealth RDM, causing all the underage b& to squeal on the mic. Other times it's hilarious to go into darkRP, spam the chat with some shit story about how I have previous server experience being a cop/swat, get promoted and then jail or kill everyone. I think I've been b& from almost all the servers in the browser at this point :^)
Is anyone playing?
playing breach atm, if people are gonna start playing I'll switch over.
Looks like we'll have to wait an hour or two for steam to stop sucking dick.
About the same time as it started yesterday too.
Bump for players to come on
Bane? Ivan will be of join soon.
we're at 5 right now again
An admin really needs to come on and disable noclip. Also ban Catpoop.
catpoop and UMBRELLA ☂, they both shitters
and now UMBRELLA ☂ is propspamming
wew laddie
this ain't kosher
Server is going to get empty soon with umbrella consistently prop spamming
crash the serb with no survivors.
wew laddie
Also, moneyfarm
Is anyone on right now? I'm, thinking of joining.
17 players
I don't own this game but a friend does, can he share the game with me so i can play?
How do I hide my info when joining source games servers? I want to hide my location and steam ID.
Is it full?
You get a dummy account and buy the game again.
Oh wait nevermind i can, he has to install it on my PC first.
I've seen people join servers and they spoof their location. I'm not trying to evade a ban.
In today's news.
new rhodesia is something truly great
Server's fukt
Sandbox was great 2009-2011.
Well that was fun, I'll come back once more people join.
Anyone still on?
good times
i don't like this map, it's too huge, and even with peak hours it'll be pretty sparse
we could always move to rp_locality
secret underground eurobeat + drifting club is established
car is broken, all hope is lost
also that's probably for the best, this is boring with like 3 guys on the whole map, no one can find eachother unless we go to spawn
use !menu and select voting>votemap
rip server
died with a darkrp motd in the console
>Wake up tied to a table with the dudes surgically removing my ass
>There were at least 10 more asses in there
Let's make shit happen again. also new thread soon.
we need more people on, it's just drift city right now
protip: never make breeki admin
What did he do?
He's been made admin before, and I think every time it was taken from him too.
They cunt slays and kicks if you do anything against him in any manner.
god complex
actual butthurt
Oh yeah, and what a surprise that when you get cheesed back it's cardinal sin, it's only okay if you're a shitter, eh?
Hi breeki, glad to see you stopped in between your trips to reddit
Nigger you do this shit every time you're admin.
Someone kills you? Slay.
Someone does anything in your general vicinity? Slay.
Someone so much as breaths in your direction? Slay.
You are an insipid moron that has a god complex. Plus you are delusional to the point where you always think you're never in the wrong when you fucking know you're being an asshole. Kill yourself already.
I think you shitposted this at me at one point too, projecting much?
Since its you, cricket, we can go over the many times you've fucked with me simply because you know you'll get fucked with back.
The simple truth is; you're a little whiny bitch who gets butthurt whenever anything happens to you, but its perfectly okay to do whatever you like so long as you're allowed!
You can pretend you dont know, you can act like a cynical oldfag all you want, but you and I both know how it be. You're a boring shitter. Plus you're an asshole, when's the last time you went out, son?
You always start shit and expect it to just "be okay" if you do it, but if anyone touches you back it's cardinal sin.
Instead of getting upset, either keep playing the game, or let it be. You clearly have abundant social issues and I'm not really about to imply I'm any better than you because of it, you wont admit you're wrong and I wont because we both know we're right here, instead of getting nuclear asspained like actual autists do when they don't get their way, actually try to speak words that aren't memes or ad hominem. Maybe you'll actually know what you're talking about.
Nigger you're looking in a mirror. Stop projecting your shit onto me.
Why the fuck is Pablo an admin, just saw him run around the map throwing grenades at everyone.
new bread when
when someone makes it
new thread as we hit page 14