Hey Holla Forums, how about a 3x3 thread with characters instead of games? You know the drill.
Template: bighugelabs.com
Hey Holla Forums, how about a 3x3 thread with characters instead of games? You know the drill.
Template: bighugelabs.com
Does anyone have that pic about 3x3 threads on cuckchan from the counter shilling threads?
What's this about shilling and counter shilling and whatever the fuck? I just wanna talk characters, man.
You realize there are dozens of 3x3 making websites, right?
I have a 3x3 template if you guys don't want to use the website.
You forgot your dubs too, don't worry I have them right here. Also if you forgot your sage why did you even bother posting again? Sage isn't a downvote, it does nothing to the thread's place on the page. You saging didn't negate the bump >>11851285 caused.
So is literally everybody a shill to you?
welcome to Holla Forums
So is literally everybody reddit to you?
I'm sorry your thread got shitposted, OP. It seems to be happening a lot today with legitimate threads. Probably some sort of raid to make the entire website shit and unpalatable.
Contributing to this thread since it got shitposted into oblivion. Let's see if we can save it.
3x3s are pretty fucking vapid, especially for a list of video game characters
And rate like normally? I don't feel like it would as satisfying to tell someone their favorite characters are shit instead of telling them their favorite games are shit
I don't think I'm enough of a weeb to know the top middle or bottom left one
Do you have any idea how retarded that sounds?
Obviously not all mine are from videogames but whatever
my dude
Yeah Danganronpa is definitely not a video game
I'm aware
y-you too
good taste OP