Another instant kill.

Other urls found in this thread:

nice source feggit

Too bad its fucking garbage. RE7 actually seems like a good game.


Once again publishers make sure paying customers get a worse product than the pirates then blame piracy…..

OP is a fag as usual. Here:

This shit sounds good. We could make a server for dicking around.

If we had a server I'd pirate it just to try something new, even though I know its garbage.

Pirates always win user, sooner or later everything can be cracked too bad that most games that use it are shit

Well with this and how fast that crack team is cracking those denuvo games, I doubt any company would invest in a worthless company like Denuvo. Is there any other company ready to take denuvo's place, or is there going to not be a drm company for a while?

this sucks because it just means more people with no standards and a bad case of sunk time syndrome will pretend these shit games are worth the effort to pirate.

B-b-but piracy is bad ! We just wanted to keep the content locked and tied to a DRM for always online experience. You are hurting the developers, have a heart.

Hopefully soon I will finally be able to play TW Warhammer™ without giving a penny.

Can we get a magnet link to this "DRM Free" version?


That was fast.

Heard a rumor from a russian friend that some tools related for packaging a game into denuvo was leaked to that group of chinks by an engineer who worked on the shit. Wonder if there is any truth to that.

Magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:feda9bcbace587819ab722383367ab3be4f10c88&dn=Conan+Exiles+Patch+02.02.2017&

Thanks, faggit.

People are saying it's worse than ARK though, so….

someone confirm if this works and it's not dolphin porn

It is. At the moment it is pretty much a more buggy, but easier to run, Ark. But with slaves.

you only need to post "feda9bcbace587819ab722383367ab3be4f10c88"
you nigger

will confirm in a week

Already on the other two threads you fucking spunkbucket

Alright get back to me


Its the same game except:
""+Flappy Dongers""

It runs at a framerate above 30 so it's already better than ARK: Scamming evolved

Wait? How do pirates get a pre-release DRM free game? The scene can barely crack a game a month and yet this one is 100% Denuvo free? Sounds a little fishy too me.

Most likely someone on the dev team leaked it. There are still a few people that care about vidya more than the business.

So, does that mean you have a list of generic trackers you add to every magnet link?

it's in early access. i imagine the crackers have been working on it awhile and are a couple of updates behind, either that or the cracking of RE7 was a breakthrough that has given them the tools and knowledge to just ruin denuvo at their leisure

oh gee, how original, another fucking minecraft ripoff that will be TOTALLY UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT RIGHT?

my god this shit genre is the new "indie 2d platformer with retro graphics". its fucking saturating the market. every retard is making their own open world survival memefest garbage.

the big difference is that some indie platformers actually improved. it's been over 7 years and they still haven't made any progress.

They might actually be trying now rather than doing Denuvo's PR for them.

you're about four years late with those hot opinions but thank you for sharing with us what we already know

Does denuvo still kill SSDs?

it fills it with shitty games which makes it want to kill itself so yeah.

Went from 2 to 0 seeds, great stuff.

No, in the early games that had it, there were reports of Denuvo performing exorbitant numbers of writes to the installation directory, which reduced the life of SSDs from "years" to "100 hours"

Highly likely it still does since everyone either doesn't know how or don't bother with fixing their shit.

So is there a server or wat?

I'm hoping all this quick Denuvo cracking will result in Namco not bothering to pay to put it on Tekken 7.

This has got to just be a leak from one of the devs.

I don't think the SSD killing stuff was ever clearly substantiated.

RE7 felt like amnesia tbh. I got to the point of the family capturing you, and stopped out of boredom. Just does not feel like resident evil.

Never interrupt your enemy when hes making a mistake.

The netcode is worse than ark. Unless they patched it already, it's near unplayable in multiplayer.


I watched enough gameplay vids on youtube before then to know it was more of the same. The game feels too cinematic and less like an actual resident evil game. Felt more like I was just watching the shit happen, and being acted upon, instead of doing shit in previous resident evil games. Why waste more time playing it when I can finish my Dragons Dogma run or New Vegas run?

can you fuck the slaves?

It sounded logical enough to me, but I guess not enough master racers with SSDs play Denuvo games longer than 100 hours for a pattern to have emerged.

no for now

i mean this in the nicest possible way but if you think watching gameplay vids on the youtubes is even remotely similar to actually playing it you are part of the cancer that has turned gaming into the monster it is now. re7 has a lot of problems but saying "i watched pewdz play it and then gave up on it twelve minutes in" is not a terribly compelling argument

play it until you get the second key, or until you get the shotgun. i wasn't terribly impressed by it at first but as i got deeper into it i realized (at least until the terrible ship section) that it was a more resident evil RE game than we've seen since zero

actually the problem with video games is people like you who think RE7 is good. kill yourself posthaste.

You first you fucking millennial faggot


That's how we know you're lying. If there's a game that plays like RE7 is Condemned, even FEAR if you remove automatic weapons and clone soldiers. .

I watched a video to see if it looked interesting enough to be worth buying. I wasnt impressed. I then tried it by renting it at a rental place near me, and confirmed for myself that it wasnt fun. If either of you actually think it's stupid to watch gameplay vids on games before considering buying a product, then you're actually the cancer killing the industry. What I did was called researching a product, and my research served me well, as I rented instead of buying and was right that it was not a good product worth the price.


so you paid good money to rent a game you only played for at absolute most half an hour and then declared it shit?

How is it being a 90s centric hipster?

Along with reaction videos, this is something I never understood. Why not play the game yourself? Why not watch the trailer yourself? Is this some kind of copping caused by loneliness or something similar? Do you really need the approval of random internet personas?

Having X features similar to Y game is not an opinion, faggot.

Are you saying it felt like Amnesia simply because it was first person horror and for the first section of the game you're unarmed?

How much of the game have you played for you to form an accurate opinion on the game and how it plays out?

I haven't played any of it at all and I can already agree with
It's far more like FEAR or Condemned than Amnesia. That and unlike Amnesia, RE7 looks like it would actually be scary at parts and not just full of shit underage jumpscares designed for a youtube fan base.


holy shit user how retarded can you be?

It cost me 2 dollars to rent it for a day. Why waste longer playing a game that was boring when I could play something else I had a runthrough going instead?

Pretty good.

The game has me running from the same enemy that I actually cant kill for good and makes running away simpler, while I solve a puzzle, furthermore It was first person, in a small house, and all gameplay vids show a couple small houses you explore. It's far closer to amnesia than resident evil. oh also,
I didnt decisively say it was, I said it felt TO ME, that it was more like amnesia and not Resident evil, and not worth my time. Stop being childish and accept someone else doesnt like your new favorite toy.

I already said how long I played, and I watched enough to know its enough of a recurring theme to not be the type of horror game i'd like.

Since it was resident evil, I wanted to give it a chance, and 2 dollars is just 2 dollars. I also didnt want to be a pirate-fag and steal it. So I rented. I was right in my initial impression from gameplay vids.

but you can
But it's a fucking mansion, just like the first RE.

I think at this point it's been proven or is at least pretty likely that people watch Let's Plays and reaction videos and reviews mainly for the personality appearing in the content and not the content itself. This is why people will watch Let's Plays of games they don't really care about, just because they want to hear the youtuber talk. As for why that is, it is indeed a form of surrogate-friendship. I think I remember hearing that the median age for people like Markipilier is like mid 20s, not a child like you'd expect. The reason is that it's lonely 20 somethings who don't have friends who watch these charismatic people because it gives the illusion of hanging out with friends.

Oh, you idiotic person.

This. It looks like a watered down ARK survival with dicks everywhere.

Marine dad comes back like what, 4 times? And when hes chasing you and you drop him he just wakes up. I dont feel like dealing with a shittier tyrant type, thats always around, inbetween reg enemies. And the houses in RE7 seem very small, split into different sections themselves that are incredibly small and require you to solve small puzzles while you fight the different members of the family. Just doesnt feel like Resident Evil, and didnt wow me whatsoever.

I dont actually think of pirating as stealing, I was just using it as a turn of phrase to explain my reasoning for not pirating and choosing to remain somewhat faithful to a series i've enjoyed growing up, and instead renting for console. Forgive the misnomer.

Makes sense. It still kind of sad though.

Like Nemesis?

Just like the first Resident Evil, right?

It is fine, it is fine. Just don`t imply that copying something is as bad as looting, plundering and raping several cities and its citizens.

really he only comes back twice. he chases you around, you "kill" him in the garage, then you chainsaw him until he fucking explodes. then he comes back once more as a huge mutated mold monster near the end and kill him for good then.
this is a problem? houses have rooms and rooms have doors, and some doors - stay with me - have locks
you do this twice, and they're shadow puzzles both times

Along with the terminally friendless some of the fags who watch games on Youtube rather than play them are the kinds of bitches who're too scared to fail at playing in the first place, that's how limp they are.

God I fucking hate the self promoting twats who do Let's Plays, we don't need to see your face in the corner yapping noise and we barely need to hear you speak unless you're actually interesting which, fuck me, when did irritating switch meanings with entertaining.

If it's speedruns, glitches, needing a hint or wanting to get an idea of how shit a game is then that's fine but how the fuck anyone puts up with the bullshit I see clogging the top of the page when I search for something I don't know.

yeah i fuckin hate lets plays, everytime i look for a video to check out the game theres always some fag on the screen talkin over the goddamn video, shit is annoying, i just want to watch the video and listen to the in game shit than listening to some retards be completely unfunny and annoying at the same time.

The ones I hate the most are the cunts who paste their ugly fucking heads on top of the protagonist's or else dress up like a shoddy cosplay dick to show it's their vid.

'I would prefer if you remained quiet.'

The 1996 one? Never played it, I started with racoon city and leon & claire with RE2. And there were not different constant respawning bosses in each section in 2. It was just reg zombies except for bosses and jumpscares with puzzles spanning the entire game. And where rarely was control taken out of your hands for cinematic storytelling.

You can shoot him down with his chasing sections, and he gets up after some time. Felt too much like amnesia or haunting grounds in that aspect tbh. Wasnt interested in that type of horror game. Sure nemesis* mixed him up with tyrant was cool in Re2, like when he bashes through the wall while you're moving through the area, but it happened while you explored a massive area, not some small ass house.

Wow user, it's almost like you avoided the point. Resident evil usually takes place over a much larger area, while RE7 is in a smaller area, broken up into even smaller sections. It didnt feel like resident evil but felt more like a linear walking simulator, get it now?
Two times too many. I'd rather play a game similar to previous resident evils, minus the newer action oriented ones, rather than running from family, and dealing with each family member in each section like a to-do list. Also, you make it seem like no big deal, that is just happens twice. If im not having fun, and its a long tedious process, why bother wasting time, when I could be playing something else, and having fun? You know you're supposed to play games for fun right?

The problem with them is they might have had a half decent video, or said something vaguely funny, or been frustrated in a genuinely funny way, once.

Then they get that snowball of subscribers and then they're shitting up EVERY FUCKING GAME with their increasingly weaksauce/cringe, then the gimmicks and bullshit and the paetreon begging starts and they're sat in an ergonomic chair with green hair squealing like a prick over everything and you just want to snap them.

No one worth shit cares about let's plays, slowbeef.


That's why its best to watch gameplay vids without any voicing. Just the gameplay itself. Some people upload it, but its not as popular for some reason. I agree, theyre distracting, especially if you actually want to know what the games like, without their autistic screeching.

Re2 and 3 arent. And Re1 is over twenty years old m8, at least move on to 2 or 3 grandpa.

Your argument falls flat because RE, especially until RE3, never had large areas. The backdrop could be a city, but gameplay wise it always been tight corridors and rooms.

Thats why pirating and playing it for yourself is superior. Unless you need some kind of walkthrough, in case you went full retard.

Which amounted to massive areas with basic zombies and encouraged exploration. This nu-resident evil is based in what, two small houses with small sections. Not sure how this is hard to understand. Re2 was huge, whereas Re7 is not.

holy shit man now you're stretching it

So the only reason some games don't have mods and other similar goodies is because of Denuvo's file-checking DRM fuckery.


I really want to see what the game is actually like.

Those are some fucking wasted trips, holy shit.

Not an argument.

I remember when modders were excited when they fucked around Ground Zeroes and how mad they were when Phantom Pain had Denuvo.

Neither are your shitty opinions.

Cartoon vs Anime shitpost!!!!

You don't deserve to play video games with that little patience.

Says the man who could only insult me when he was proven wrong. Is this the part where you start autistically screeching?

Why do people do this?

Weebs are like furries, attention whores.

But I wasnt a shitposter? I answered sincerely. I didnt like the game, so I didnt bother wasting anymore time with it. After trying it, as well as reasearching gameplay vids online, I felt it wasnt worth my time and would rather play something fun instead. Sucks too, cause I got a bottle of pepsi, and some snacks to prep for it.

It's the part where I laugh at you.

If you want game playthroughs without commentary/voiceover/faggotry, search for "longplays".

Seriously, hes even posting Chen by that particular Nip drawfag just to prove how non caring and smug he is.

Holy shit the madman still defending it. And here I thinking he was only shitposting thanks to his asinine opinions.

Heres your reply

So long as I dont need to deal with your incessant whining that I didnt like a game you liked, it's a fair trade off.

But the one whining about cyber bullies here is you.

Why dont you explain whats so good about RE7 then? Because I wasnt impressed.

You first.

He watches lets plays user and he openly admits it.
I bet he doesn't even play certain genres because "they look boring" just like the weebshit autist he is alm the while watching slice of life anime and reading Nip webcomics as stale as CAD.
Let go

And you were the one crying because I didnt like a game you liked. And I wasnt whining, I explained that I was sincere in my decision its a shit game.

Hey back off. I watch slice of life and read nip webcomics too.

Reminder that hide-by-ID exists.

The absolute madman is still going


2 seeders and 4 nearing 100% now

Jesus christ that's savage. Denuvo are copping it this week.

Too bad the actual game itself seems average, though I have to wonder how it actually runs (comparisons to ARK seem common but that game runs like a festering pile of dog shit even on decent systems, at least last time I checked).


With Denuvo getting shoah'd and the possibility of private servers, what are the chances of some source engine tier modding?

It's just ark survival evolved with hyenas and alligators that chase you for miles on end instead of dinosaurs. Oh and full frontal nudity and you can actually see your body in first person view including tits on female characters. I would give another prop to server settings, you can actually change how long it takes to craft shift, how much it takes to craft shit and other shit. But the crafting is shit in general.

Do you also watch television?

Research videos on Europa Universalis III.

Hey man, computer aided drafting is fun and interesting once you get good at it


You tricky dicky you

Get over it, no game that does that has ever been good.
It's like you go to a fine french restaurant but you have to eat a shit sausage before you're allowed to have something good.

I don't know, goon friend.

Well, there's no problem in watching a bit of tee-vee.


One job.

Nice proxy you nigger try harder next time .

You should be ashamed of yourself

Absolute moeblob trash
This shit would be actually interesting if it had males mixed it as well and was well written with actual knowledge of what theres needed and the difficulties of vidya development along with some light hearted drama and instead we get this snoozefest of a 4 panel adaptation that doesn't reach the pinky finger of Plastic Nee San.
Otakushits will eat anything moe and their shit taste is amazing, especially when many of them criticize western media. and rightfully so

Fuck was meant for you as well.
I really fucked that up

meant for

jesus christ nigger just calm down and figure it out

It works

Is it any good?

It had denuvo. It's shit

it cant die fast enough

It's shit. Bought it, will regret forever.

It's more Resident Evil than any game to come out bearing the title in years. Yes, 4 was a fun action shooter, but RE7 is an actual survival horror game.

I just wonder why it is getting so much praise from non journos around.

Anyone have a server up yet? What are player limits for each server?


b-b-b-b-b-but muh VR!

Seeding for a while, gotta love seedboxes.
The seed is strong.

Even though I'm not that interested in the game I'm still downloading it to see what potential it has, and seeding for a while as a big fuck-you to Denuvo.

Seems like there's plenty of game there to me. Unlike ninety percent of Holla Forums I've actually played it myself.

Dl will be done in a few hours can someone make a server and post some webms of gameplay with anons?

I fucking hate weeaboos. This thread is a perfect example of why.

uh, why?


They more often than not have awful taste in media and will praise anything from their favorite country regardless of quality.
Every trend, no matter how cancerous it is, they will take it as their own.


They're also highly defensive, pretending that if you're not an obssessive obmoxious retard such as them that you do not appreciate what the Nip market has to offer.
They also like to pretend that their own Western brand of cancer truly is Japanese culture or even otaku culture.

Weeaboos aren't everyone
Sorry lad


Then how about explaining what is good or bad about RE7 instead of just calling everyone retards.
I would do it myself but I dont own a current gen console.

Can we go back on topic please?


What is there even to talk about? ARK with genitals is now cracked, Denuvo is shit. You want the topic to change? Start a new conversation.


Yeah, whats the next Denuvo game anyway?
Any confirmed releases or CPY tips?

Re7 is on PC? Also answer my question you cunt.

That doesn't mean CRACKED. Maybe the devs put it out intentionaly to promote the game since it's not finished anyway and you won't get updates unless you buy it. If I remember right the steam reviews wore mixed, maybe it's not selling great

I havent buy a single game in the last 3 years, why exactly is denuvo so hate it ? its like a botnet program or some stuff like that ?.

Stops modding and is rumored to overtax ssds

Oh shit

It's DICK porn okay?
GEt 'em bobby

Just saving you the time and space.

yes RE7 is on PC. i'll spoonfeed you but now you can pirate it


Thank you for giving a comprehensive explanation on the good and bad of the game unlike the people arguing that it's bad because of the country it's from.

If it stops modding, how the fuck did Just Cause 3 get a whole multiplayer in as a mod?

Looks like I was wrong, a mod for Just cause multiplayer came out last month, but from what I can tell it only came out because the developers hired the team and gave them the tools they needed

Keep in mind just cause 3 came out December 2015 and got multiplayer this month

I just have one question… where is my fucking zombie virus?

I preordered the fucking game for 30 dollars off a key site and it ran perfectly on launch for me, 100+ fps at all times. And then the first patch came along and killed the performance, dropping below 60 and under 40 with like three enemies shooting.

Even if JC3 Multiplayer team got help from the devs to go around Denuvo (wouldn't that break some sort of license with Denuvo anyways?).
MGSV has a whole Nexus for mods, most are skin changes but the Infinite Heaven mod makes some gameplay changes.
Total War: Warhammer has plenty of mods adding units, factions, and even maps.

With Conan having a totally free DRM version out there, this is the perfect time to test out performance differences. Get both games side by side and see if there are any dips on the Denuvo version.
I hate DRM as much as the next guy, but I hate people just resorting to fear mongering, rumours, virtue-signaling, and outright lies in order to justify whatever side they're on. Get me cold hard facts.

How's the settings and performance?

GPU borked and I have to wait so I'm stuck on shitty integrated graphics, I can get most shit working, but I want to know if the full game has more bullshit to mess around with than the demo in terms of tweaking this piece of shit to hell and back. I don't care if I gotta make it look like a damned dreamcast game at this point.

I was just hyped cause it reminded me of the old EGM article talking about the original version of RE1 that was gonna come out back in the day. I need more juicy games in my life.

You got the juice kid?

Well how about that, still what I'd heard from modders was that denuvo got in the way, so maybe someone found a workaround, I haven't had a reason to check, no denuvo game got me particularly interested

Forgot pic

By Crom!

Holla Forums server when?

i wouldn't try to run it on integrated graffix, but it's your time. i have a 1060 6gb no bully it was a gift and can run it on max settings, but only 1.9 out of 2.0 on texture resolution. it sucks a ton of VRAM and it's rumored that there's a memory leak somewhere still, but on my hardware I got 60+ FPS all throughout so i have no complaints. as far as graphics settings go there's a ton; different types of antialiasing and like i said, you can choose from 0.1 (potato specs) to 2.0 (maximum) on texture resolutions. pirate it first

Do you think Conan cums chunks a lot or you think it's watery and clear like Neurine? Or perhaps like a melted mcflurry that's been out next to the window for too long?

discuss? it's Conan lore, I forgot this was a Conan/Denuvo meme boy thread, Conan let's go!

I know for a fact there's a memory leak from just the demo alone. What I'm asking is, is there an ini file of the sort? Cause the in game shit is pretty good for Capcom anyway, more than what was going on in the original dick souls which runs well on my integrated meme garbage.

You'd be quite surprised what you can get working on integrated graphics if you're determined and know what to cut back on. Though if you ask me, more devs should think about such things when it comes to their engine, I still think Source, even though it's iffy is the best when it comes to such thinking and optimization (Cept CS:GO, there's a huge memory leak among other things from around 2014 that have yet to be fixed, and back on my old GPU I think it was a HD 7970 crossfire, it'd still stutter and fuck up and sometimes crash, even though I had 32gb of ram maybe more my memory is shit get it? ;^], forgot what shit was on the actual gpus, and I had a nice 8 core processor, I have no idea what's going on with them and CS:GO, but they're memeing).

Did anyone torrent it and give me some tits of a female?

Ctrl+f Magnet

You are, without the slightest doubt, a raging fucking faggot



So I dled it, it looks legit, how do we set up the server though?

He wasn't wrong though. Monster Hunter 3 had horrible single player pacing and a newcomer will get his shit slapped trying to do the HR1 quests alone with starting gear. Either way you're not going to have much fun.
That's not to say he isn't full of shit sometimes. His fighting game reviews drive me nuts since it's obvious he only does the single player stuff

Are we as bad as Mexico?

Lmk when you've set it up user.

Maybe you should stop posting on anime imageboards and fuck off back to SA if you hate "weeaboos" so much.


How obvious can it be when he directly states it?

Monster Hunter 3 was shitty and you're a faggot for condoning this bullshit. The only excuse a game has for being boring as shit for 30+minutes is that it's a complex game that requires a lot of understanding to get into. Cutscenes, forced tutorial, and weapon rationing is for ladyboys like you who don't like video games. Every other monster hunter drops you off with a starter weapon of each time, a few option tutorial quests, guides and encyclopedias, and counter full of what ever fucking quest your novice ass wanted to get your ass kicked in. They were good games.

Even dragons dogma didnt take 30 minutes to get going, and its one of the slowest burns i've ever seen. Shit, even mgs4 didnt take 30 minutes to get going.

I don't think it's anime that's his issue, I think it's people who post pleb tier/babby garbage shit all the time.

I mean if you're from 4cuck, it's safe to say your taste is clearly shit. I see where he's coming from, most of the 'weeaboos' that are usually avatarfags and the like are usually dumb niggers who actively wish they weren't a nigger to the point they pretend to be the shitty obscure character they dug up, and for beaner kids it's the same thing, but they get extremely uppity when called out, resulting in posts like yours for example where every beaner kid needs to give the thread his 2 pesos on the subject matter (long after the original autism trigger was posted) derailing the thread further because their little memer voice had to be heard.

So I'm going to have to agree with pepe guy and the other guy, I don't know if you guys do it because you feel its an attack on your person, or because the majority of you guys who spam and such are non-whites and therefore unable to comprehend social cues and such, but it's embarassing as it is annoying seeing your kind if you will, destroy and derail a thread to start fucking roleplaying and talking about how they're going to email each other and other stupid gay shit that should be perma-banned or fuck it, range IP ban cause Im positive that type of cancer has to be nation, if not region specific.

Kek, last 4 digits equal 30 mins. 30:00s. Guess kek agreed with me.

Cancerous. Just cuckchanerous.

I was admiring keks approval, you fucking heretic.

You were being a cuckchanner, nothing more, nothing less.

cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

You don't belong here.


I am positive a cat that's xbox hueg can more than likely kill you if they wanted to and you pissed them off enough. Though that cats eyes just scream the fuck do you want nerd.

The fuck is that though are they eating a deer? Horse? big guy?

to be fair, it's the only RE7 since 3


back to Lelty

Tharja is the best fire emblem

What does this mean? Did you just conveniently forget the months and months that Denuvo stopped people from pirating most of the games that use it?

And am I the only one not understanding how a DRM free version getting leaked means that Denuvo is on suicide watch? I'd assume that it's some leak from the developer from a point in the chain where Denuvo hasn't touched on the product yet.


It runs better than the denovo and drm riddled version. It's removing the layers of shit you normally have to go through.


Ok, where does it say it actually runs better though? Not in the OP screenshot or the archive linked here
I skimmed through the thread and didn't see anyone say there's any direct improvement in the DRM version other than that it doesn't have DRM obviously.

Kill yourself nigger. I'm not about to start taking things on Holla Forums at face value especially when it comes to topics like these where people often just want to so deperately believe it's right that they don't bother questioning anything.

People didn't really try it. But you cannot really argue that it won't improve performance.
It's literally removing 2 extra resource hogging processes from your pc. One being resource intensive- denuvo, the other being the lighter one- steam.


If you want to add more trackers:

how recent is the most recent version though, the retail version has had multiple updates a day




If stalin lived today, he would be the most powerful anti-piracy agitator with his censorship laws.

Fuck right off if you think piracy isn't capitalistic as fuck. You go ahead and try that shit in a communist system, see what happens.

isnt it more libertarian than communist ?

So basically if your computer is terrible and can't run the game you might in theory see a slight increase in performance. What I gather from this is that this thread is just hyperbole clickbait basically and that Denuvo is still nowhere near dealt with.



No, free software is capitalistic. Piracy is above the law, so its anarchy.

e b i n




game is shit no matter how you play it

shit even lirik stopped playing already


What sort of system do you think you live under ?

It's not theory stupid. If you turn off steam you win resources. If you turn off denuvo you win even more resources.
This is a huge blessing for lower end rigs or running multiple heavier processes at the same time.

It's not if you get caught. And it's far from chaotic.

Yeah I get that but saying that's an "instant kill" to Denuvo and that they're done now is just ridiculous. When I read the thread subject and the OP I figured something new or meaningful was discovered and instead it's just surprise Denuvo takes up resources.

It's always been that way, DRM only promotes piracy why would you want to pay for an inferior product when the better version is free?

Far from an instant kill but definitely a good thing.

Before Denuvo was pulled from Nudoom I played both the legitimate version of the game (a review copy) and the CPY cracked version. The Denuvo version of the game had longer loading times, framerate dips, and occasional stuttering that did not occur in the cracked version. Both games were the same exact version, the only difference between them was the crack. I should have made a video or something, but I sort of don't feel sorry for people that line up to buy [current year] video games.
The thing about SSDs is people seem to think they are far more fragile than they really are. You have to go out of your way to constantly move several gigabytes of data on a daily basis to abuse them, and even then all but the cheapest Chinese knockoffs and bargain bin SSDs will still run for several years. Most users will replace them with newer models long before they would actually fail. If Denuvo does create more wear and tear I doubt it is significant enough to make a difference. That being said, even a small amount of wear and tear caused by copy protection should still be considered unacceptable. Any kind of DRM that prevents you from making your own copies of software you legally own is bullshit that no one should pay for. But we live in a world where you can tell the entire world about this shit and thousands of faggot fanboys will defend this shit to the death.

seed niggas

yes but at least we don't have as bad drug cartels
barely related but it seems Amazon is gonna set up shop so hopefully that'll mean shit gets cheaper

Don't give a shit about this game but that's still good, let it keep happening until not even the most scummy of publishers trusts them anymore. Punish those who would dare taint my weebshit ports.

Thank fuck, things are autistically expensive here for outdated reasons.
The AUD to USD conversion rate used to be about 2:1, so everything here was roughly twice as costly. Now the rate is about 1.3:1, which means they should only be 30% more expensive, but everything still costs twice as much.
Vidya can cost 110$+

Back to fucking Reddit right fucking now.

this is why i pirate

I'm sorry user but you have a bad case of not fitting in and it's terminal.
The solution is getting out.

He's referring to how RE7 was cracked within a week of release.
Also people are just happy Denuvo is getting fucked due to how fucking smug its creators are, this game may not have been cracked but the fact there's a DRM-free version is still a slap in the face to the entire Denuvo team.
Denuvo games are also getting cracked faster and faster, there's a team who figured out how to crack it and they've been getting exceedingly efficient at it. If not for this leak they probably would have cracked it quickly.

The article is worded a little weirdly, though. It says "Pirates leak", which implies pirates did this, even though leaks usually only happen from insiders at a company.

MGSV has extensive modding because all the game code is unobfuscated luascript left open in the game folder.
Total WaWa has mods because the devs specifically gave access to a restricted modding API; Denuvo still prevents any mods that require hacking the .exe
JC3 only has a multiplayer mod because the publisher literally hired the modders and gave them unrestricted access to the code.

Denuvo still prevents any real modding if the files are obfuscated and the devs don't want to play ball. Those are the cold hard facts you wanted.

please take your stale memes and return to /int/


The videogame homo fucktrain


Why can't developers just use steamworks drm?

The kind that isn't a pain in the ass

I find it really frustrating.

Retarded tumblr lingo like goobergabbers.

Literally the same oxymoron used to defend the femishit Ghostbusters.

Are you really this new?

This ironic shitposting is getting out of hand.

Also i actually went to that reddit link, holy fuck the plebbitors are DEFENDING denuvo.

The problem isn't that I don't like spurdo. It would be straight up anti-nationalist for me to not like spurdo. I don't however need to like bad shitposters that spread it around like candy.


Hell ye i'm all in for doing homoerotic things as fictional muscular men over the internet.

Stop trying so hard to fit in and just lurk more you newfaggot.

Fuck, that's a good impression. At first I thought it was an edit of actual lines.

Is there anything worse than living while being unable to imitate other people's voices and accents?

Living while being dead.

Being able to do impressions of some people with uncanny accuracy while being laughably bad at others.

We can go edgier before whipping out the drunk cocks.

Did someone call me?

I'll try to set one up tonight. My download has already finished.


DSO is one of the good guys. No need to archive.

can I get some more rude girls.

I posit the Feelies that acted as Point-And-Click DRM as a counter argument to that.

Sure they are usually only worth like less then a Burgercoin but they are something you generally fail to be able to Download and if you do due it being a book or codepaper or whatever you do it in watered down form like a PDF or Image.

Self rude girls okai?


you should have made a video, cause otherwise we only have an anecdote that's probably heavily exaggerated like everything else related to denuvo

Well I'm at work so I can't post a lot
This one was so fucked up before the video she don't even care about having her face burned anymore
They literally poured boiling oil inside her cunt and stuff like that for days

Is the game good anyways?

Fucking hell I love females like this.

Subhumans who can only speak the language of landscapers?


Just the same shit as the other video, kidnap and torture over a dick, real life yandere

Strong violent women.


What's the story anyway?


Lol, pussy, if you had an Holla Forums-cred this shit would tame af right now.


Nah, I'm 16 haha. Funny that you're accusing me of being young when you can't even stomach some tame vid :^)

lurk more



Come one, at least be creative.

The fuck is a ritz or a saltine?

They're crackers.

Oh, just like you then.


Name of the girl? Context and back story now please.

sorry FBI none of us know the real story research it yourself you lazy cunt


But onii-fam that video happened in Brazil, you're looking for "ABIN" which is the secret brazillian intelligency agency

You intentionally derailed the thread didn't you faggot

Are you people serious? No wonder you don't know what the game is like if you quit that early. RE7 is almost exactly like RE1, the only difference being first person mode. It's really classic Resident Evil again, finally. Unlike that garbage RE6.

I don't mind the game user but I don't think I'd say it's exactly like 1. There's not nearly as much inventory management, there's tons of health everywhere and it's easy to avoid damage for the most part, and the Bakers aren't super threatening even though they're a neat idea. The Spencer mansion just felt gigantic whereas most of the places in VII feel really small.

I had to do something while I was downloading the fucking game/returning home

Can confirm it weks

Kike pls

well are you going to host a fuckin server or what

I'm trying to figure how this shit werks
I have 500/500 FTTH and a proper i5 so I guess it would work just fine

Well, it has similar map layout in the sense that it takes place in one location like RE1, and you backtrack a lot after finding keys and opening shortcuts etc.
Typical RE puzzles. Monsters are very cool.
Yeah it's not EXACTLY like RE1, but I'm saying it's a lot closer to classic Resident Evil games than anything after RE4.

I'm working on it, faggot.

I've got to deal with some irl bullshit in a bit, so it may be a few hours. They were fags and didn't pack the server and game together, and I've got to fuck with the firewall as well, so it will take time.

I'm just hoping that the server will actually be compatible with the pirate client.


K- I just got it down last night and was itchy then.

Neat I will be waiting and fixing ultra settings a little to get more than fucking 11FPS

Do you realize how many results you get from google by searching for "brazilian girl kidnapped and tortured"?

How big is the game unpacked? i only have 40GB free on my hard drive


Time delete some porn.


Bitch please, are you bored or something, I'm using a VPN with 157 servers i need a click to return

I might've deleted too much porn, then.

Are they hitting her with a machete?

I'm confused, my temp cache is bigger than the decompressed archive, why didn't it overwrite the other temp files it seems to just leave in the fucking cache. Fuck you Bill Gates this is highly illogical, also why the fuck can't you create the temp cache at the location I'm decopressing the files 7-zip.

Looks like i'm not playing this tonight.

A dull machete.
t. BR.

I cull all the games I'm finished with the secomd I'm done, moreover I've 1.8Tb spare over 4 drives, I could install this nigger 47 more times if I was so inclined.

Mine flipped from 60k to 200k then rested on 3mb for a while before tailing off again, it's all about waiting for a fag who's ok with having their bandwidth raped with uploading.

Partially meant for

I'm not 100% but I think you're best of having twice as much space as you think you need, while unpacking the files are copied, then written from the temp directory to the one you want them in but this requires more space to shit shit around in.

'shift' shit around in rather.

I'll stop filling this thread with crap now

In the third game. Since 4, 5 and 6 was about parasites (well, 6 also had the zombie outbreak in Hong Kong). RE7 seems to pick up the plot from Revelations (black goo thing).
People seem to forget that the original name is Biohazard, as in any kind of biological danger instead of just zombies.

the ssd killing stuff was because it was constantly rewriting parts of the executable and managing its own protected swap file.
i stopped hearing reports of it after the first few denuvo releases so i assume they changed how the read/writes were handled at some point.

It's just people giving up, but it's still true.
It's uselessly doing writes. Technically anything that does writes kills hard drives, but doing writes for the heck of it interminently is just bullshit and specially bad on SSDs that tend to live less.


I'm seeding it at 50-70mb/s
Too ma y leechers

Still waiting on that server tbh.

On one hand the guy was being a faggot but he was just bullying an even bigger faggot, on the other hand this reminds me of snacks.

I'll call you back when I care.


There's something nobody tells you about retards and it is how they fuck anything. They're obviously not very smart but they still have urges, and they can't rationalize them. If you whip out your dick near a really retarded girl, she'll probably pull down her pants if she knows how to and let you put your dick in her pussy. I worked on a crazy house for a while and if you let the retards on their own they would start fucking sooner than later.


well, I'm working on the server

underprovisioned the datastore and ran out of storage while fucking around, ruining a friend's minecraft server that was on the same VM, but we should be good soon. NAT is done. For some reason this piece of shit needs DX runtimes in addition to the VC++ runtimes, so I'm updating those.


I should only need the temp cache and then the final destination, my games are installed on a separate hdd, but I'm just surprised that the decompressed files didn't delete the other temp cache files, that makes no sense.

i dicked around in single player for awhile and you definitely want to put XP rates at at least 2.0 if not higher, otherwise there's several points where there's literally fucking nothing to do aside from grind gathering or crafting for XP


well I could do that, IF THIS SHIT FUCKING WORKED



I'm too sober to fix this shit, give me half an hour to get boozed up.

also no guarantees even then, because it might not like this version

Also here are the other pictures of that girl I have. I might've gotten them from either /cgl/ or Holla Forums back in the day.


you have the relevant log bits there, help me fix it you literal gamecuck

The fuck um ah sposda do?

wait until tomorrow

there's a specific server version I need to use because bullshit reasons

downloads are retardedly slow

nigger just start a passworded listen server

the game looks pretty much the same on all settings, except on low end laptop mode where they crank up the gamma to fucking 10 and reduce texture resolution to 512 or some shit
the reason it runs like garbage is because it has a severe memory leak that will/can stall your system
at least that was the case for me, after it had ate all my RAM it started filling the swap memery on the HDD
but I have an FX6100, 8GB ram and R9 270x
ran fine for the first 30 minutes or something

that won't fix versioning issues, fuckwit

why the hell aren't you just running the version that was posted here?

because that's client only


part 2 of serb is downloading, I'll fire off part 3 tomorrow morning.

Nigger really? 5 was not that bad either. I know 4 fans would hate on me because i dislike 4 for not having a co-op buddy. Also 6 completely bombed and was horrible dogshit with controls and direction. I didint know what was going on with the game.

How much RE lore is there in 7?
From what I saw when some streamers played it was none.
All I saw was "MUH GIRLFRIEND" and then they showed an umbrella logo in the ending cutscene.

virtually none, honestly. they kinda mention umbrella near the end but really that's about it

She's not your girlfriend, she's your wife.

Won't even bother pirating it then…

Stick your fingers in your butthole and stimulate that gland, user.

JC3 better get cracked soon. I suspect the game still doesn't have offline mode. Unless someone has the files from patch 1.01. 1.02 fucked the game's performance for me completely.


That's what you get for buying a shit game.

Any progress on the server?

It's up, but I'm fucking with final settings, it won't take password for some reason (which will be "dongs").

You can tell which it is by the name.

It shows up in the list, but trying to connect just gives a black screen.

I give up. It's too broken, especially with this shitshow of a pirate release. For what it's worth, game seems enjoyable enough in SP, and might be worth a buy at some point.

If any of you can connect to it, have at it and enjoy. I'll leave the VM up for a while.

Bought the game on day one like a good goy because I had this idea for a game some years ago and I love the Conan universe.
I enjoyed it and so far I feel it was worth the 30 buckerinos for me. Maybe not so for many players since

But the devs have promised a fuckton of awesome features that, if implemented properly, will make this a 10/10 game. Just make sure you are not the joos and if the game ends up being worthy, then buy it. I did this for Warband and Dragon's Dogma. Don't buy shit games and let shit companies sink, but when a company delivers support the company.
IF they deliver, that is.

as soon as they add NPC tribes attacking your fort I'm going to buy it and i don't even give a fuck. i did some research and the amount of PVE content they have planned is genuinely heartening. if they can deliver this might actually be the survival game i've wanted since the beginning

Server where?

read the thread fuckwit


Is it fun game

So I played this for 20 minutes. 15 minutes of those were loading time. That's how atrocious loading times are in this game. Also:

They can shove this shit up their asses

toaster detected. Also it's not Skyrim combat.
Right now combat is simple, but dodge makes you untouchable if you're good at it. You can't just go HURR DURR DOVAHKIN on monsters because they will trounce you. You either dodge or wait until you're overpowered and overequipped. I can kill Rhinos buttnaked and with a stone sword without getting a scratch from them. I wish Skyrim's combat was like this.
Still, it's pretty much barebones. Nothing deep or impressive yet.

How do I join the server

Can join the Kortal's area server but not Holla Forums's gay club