I've been playing Smite since it was in beta. It was great fun, real great fun (and it still somewhat is), but the characters have been nerfed to no end, the gamemodes haven't been updated and the entire experience now feels like a watered-down League.
As someone who's been playing ranked for a long fucking while and has a player level of 30, I just feel like the entire experience of Smite has gotten worse and worse as Hi-Rez focused more and more of their efforts on Paladins. I mean, Paladins can be fun - it's not overwatch - but it still can be fun.
Though, Paladins isn't smite. It isn't a game that I have been eager to log in to for the last four years. It isn't something that has made me come back again and again, being the best moba on the market.

Nowadays, there are a lot less players and absolutely godawful special events. Winning individual ranked matches is what Hi-Rez believes will pass as a "quest". Fuck that. Fuck this game. Fuck this company. There are better moba games out there and this fucking hulking pile of shit is not worth your time.

Get off the bandwagon while you still can, faggot. Get out and stay out, because nothing is about this "experience", as hi-rez calls it, is getting better. Everything is going to hell. The ship left port and its fucking sinking.

le funny drums out harambe+donkey kong meme skin xddd


This is what Hi-Jewz does, dumbass. They release a decent game(Tribes), run into the ground, kike the fuck out on microtransactions, abandon it, and repeat process.

fuck man I forgot about tribes. that's still a sore wound


OP really is a faggot. Never ever support Hi-Rez


learned the hard way twice.

Reminder that any Hi-Rez "game" installs a spyware program service onto your PC that isn't removed by a simple uninstall, You have to manually find and purge the services because they're not assosiated with the game you installed. This program masks itself as being a program used to check for updates but infact is sending packets of information to Hi-Rez servers all the time

The only mode worth playing is Arena mode. That bullshit MOBA 3-lane fuckery has never been good and never will be.


paladins is okay. It isn't perfect, but it's okay.
compared to overwatch or even tf2, it's not really anything spectacular.

But ~2009 TF2 was fucking insane and I wish I could go back to when the game wasn't F2P

ever trusting hi rez.
global abandoned
Tribes abandoned rip never to go fast again
smite abandoned only thing going for it was waifu gods and 3rd person assfaggot but other games do all of that better
paladins abandoned overborn wanna be hybrid.

Like fucking clockwork.

Do you think that guy is out by now?

Also an ASSFAGGOTS is dead, whoopee. All they're good for is exposing shit tastes and wasting good concepts.

Going for round three on getting ass fucked are we? You should come to my poker nights. I would love to fleece a gullible fag like you.


Stop playing Hi-Rez games.
Stop playing recent Blizzard games.
Stop playing Valve games.

And then try to come back.

you brought this upon yourself with your shit taste faggot

Don't remind me. I used to make maps for Starcraft and WC3. It still hurts.

tfw havent logged onto smite in a couple weeks
tfw still like a few characters in it
the unfunness of smite mainly comes from soloqueue and some really, really shitty cc chains
i wanna try the new clash map but i just dont feel like it, theres not really anything enticing me to turn the game back on right now, the morrigan quest thing was garbage

You can still, there's still a big community for WC3 maps. Although it's a bit reddit-tier or underage or deviantart so I tend to keep away from it. Maps and mods of WC3 are still a good thing.

I know that feel, I quit about a year and a half ago because the team was driving it into the ground with shitty skins, microtransactions and fucking up the meta/balance.

I never played/heard of what they did to Tribes, so I didn't mind it at first. Now I realize what they do. Fuck Hi-Rez.

also thats not even the newest meme skin
this is
in a 55 item, 400 gem roll chest if i believe correctly, so thats $6 per roll

Now hi-rez can focus at Paladins, the cycle continuous

the hirez business plan

Just fucking kill me already.

Good. It was garbage from the get-go. Anyone who didn't learn their lesson after
deserves to be ripped off by a pump-and-dump company like Hi-Rez. You only brought this shit on yourself for supporting this, OP.

You support garbage, you get garbage.


Smite has been in the same spot its been in for mutiple years now.

As long as you don't take it seriously and avoid ranked like the plague its fine. Its for getting the pvp fix and nothing else.

Double reply aside, how in the fuck can anyone take you seriously when you clearly have shit tastes?

It's a shame because that whole third person assfaggot idea could have been good but Smite has taken it in the laziest direction possible, as in literally having League/Dota with a different camera instead of taking advantage of terrain, having a faster or higher skill floor and ceiling, and taking advantage of three dimensional aim.
I'd love to give Paragon a shot but between having a decade old rig, Epic Games and the fact that it's cross play with PS4 I'm just not willing to waste my time on something I'll more likely that not like.

It goes double for idiots who actually pay for these games, when you're showered with daily premium currency and events that make it not worth buying anything unless you're impatient and you REALLY want that terrible looking T5 skin that will be eclipsed by a better skin a month or two from now.


I'd rather play smite over those games any day of the week though, its much more laid back and the power creep isn't nearly as noticeable. Other then Susano release the game has been fairly balanced in the sense that anything can work. Where if you play non-draft league your game has pretty much the exact same picks every single game. Although I'm a huge fan of the setting and kind of biased. I've played both games since their betas and Smite is the superior game in terms of enjoyment. It helps the majority of the playerbase doesn't give a shit about esports/conquest where on league its the only thing that matters. Something something projecting. I've enjoyed more patches then I've hated with the game, at this point I only play a handful of games on patch weeks and thats it though.

Although I don't get how you can shit on its economics model when it has one of the best in the f2p market. Flat fee for all important content, only extra shit is cosmetics. In comparison to dota its shit but everything else it dominates. Paladins has the same shit too, although the game is shit its still the most entertaining shooter since pre-sandman TF2.

As awful as the shit that happened to Tribes (at least they have all the good games for free to download and play on their website) they probably offer the best f2p games outside Dota 2, if you're into that

I feel like I should be paid, or at leave given more wine.

why did hi-rez have to get the tribes ip

A shit game is dying?


quite the unfound sentiment


Kill yourself. Mobas were never good. Eat a bag of dicks.
U deserve it.

Nice webm, reddit.

You deserve it.

LOL, stopped reading right there.