Remind me why Nintendo get away with this?
Want to get into Fire Emblem
Congratulations, you're retarded.
Because it's Nintendo. They know how to manipulate the markets and price-gouge. That's why 3DS CFW was invented.
Also this . You're an idiot.
Because people will still buy it at the prices they set for it. Also:
What are you doing user
Please tell me this was a low effort troll thread, OP. Nobody can be this stupid.
Why were you willing to give Nintendo any amount of money whatsoever? You want them to stop, stop giving them money. There's no other way; it's that simple.
found your problem
Maybe you should try the not shit Fire Emblems
Karen a shit who deserves sandnigger rape. That is all.
there are none
u better watch it m8
Freeshop niggeroni
Anyone who bumped this thread is officially retarded.
They only get away from idiots who think it is "moral" to pay or don't know of a better option, pirating. Just go to the 3ds thread and you suddenly only have to worry about sd cards and how type of emulators.
Just hack it lol
Fire Emblem is my designated shitting series.
I have 7 and 8 on my PSP and play them every time i take a shit.
In fact, i just finished taking a shit while playing it right now.
I play X amount of turns, then suspend, and come back to it the next "session".
This time i dropped a fat log while one of my archers murdered the fuck outta some idiot trough a wall tile.
As the arrow struck him, the log of shit left my anus.
It felt pretty great.
I don't know why anyone would want to play this shit series unless they're literally taking a shit, tho, it's pretty terrible and boring.
Including the avatarfag, moeshit watching newfags